blob: b7e959114cb0b48927b5cae2382f8db9e73bcf42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.23
package inspector
import (
// PreorderSeq returns an iterator that visits all the
// nodes of the files supplied to New in depth-first order.
// It visits each node n before n's children.
// The complete traversal sequence is determined by ast.Inspect.
// The types argument, if non-empty, enables type-based
// filtering of events: only nodes whose type matches an
// element of the types slice are included in the sequence.
func (in *Inspector) PreorderSeq(types ...ast.Node) iter.Seq[ast.Node] {
// This implementation is identical to Preorder,
// except that it supports breaking out of the loop.
return func(yield func(ast.Node) bool) {
mask := maskOf(types)
for i := 0; i < len(; {
ev :=[i]
if ev.index > i {
// push
if ev.typ&mask != 0 {
if !yield(ev.node) {
pop := ev.index
if[pop].typ&mask == 0 {
// Subtrees do not contain types: skip them and pop.
i = pop + 1
// All[N] returns an iterator over all the nodes of type N.
// N must be a pointer-to-struct type that implements ast.Node.
// Example:
// for call := range All[*ast.CallExpr](in) { ... }
func All[N interface {
}, S any](in *Inspector) iter.Seq[N] {
// To avoid additional dynamic call overheads,
// we duplicate rather than call the logic of PreorderSeq.
mask := typeOf((N)(nil))
return func(yield func(N) bool) {
for i := 0; i < len(; {
ev :=[i]
if ev.index > i {
// push
if ev.typ&mask != 0 {
if !yield(ev.node.(N)) {
pop := ev.index
if[pop].typ&mask == 0 {
// Subtrees do not contain types: skip them and pop.
i = pop + 1