blob: b6bfec43f9808dad09f86c1366c642eee15764b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package modindex contains code for building and searching an index to
// the Go module cache. The directory containing the index, returned by
// IndexDir(), contains a file index-name-<ver> that contains the name
// of the current index. We believe writing that short file is atomic.
// ReadIndex reads that file to get the file name of the index.
// WriteIndex writes an index with a unique name and then
// writes that name into a new version of index-name-<ver>.
// (<ver> stands for the CurrentVersion of the index format.)
package modindex
import (
// Modindex writes an index current as of when it is called.
// If clear is true the index is constructed from all of GOMODCACHE
// otherwise the index is constructed from the last previous index
// and the updates to the cache.
func IndexModCache(cachedir string, clear bool) error {
cachedir, err := filepath.Abs(cachedir)
if err != nil {
return err
cd := Abspath(cachedir)
future := time.Now().Add(24 * time.Hour) // safely in the future
err = modindexTimed(future, cd, clear)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// modindexTimed writes an index current as of onlyBefore.
// If clear is true the index is constructed from all of GOMODCACHE
// otherwise the index is constructed from the last previous index
// and all the updates to the cache before onlyBefore.
// (this is useful for testing; perhaps it should not be exported)
func modindexTimed(onlyBefore time.Time, cachedir Abspath, clear bool) error {
var curIndex *Index
if !clear {
var err error
curIndex, err = ReadIndex(string(cachedir))
if clear && err != nil {
return err
// TODO(pjw): check that most of those directorie still exist
cfg := &work{
onlyBefore: onlyBefore,
oldIndex: curIndex,
cacheDir: cachedir,
if curIndex != nil {
cfg.onlyAfter = curIndex.Changed
if err := cfg.buildIndex(); err != nil {
return err
if err := cfg.writeIndex(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type work struct {
onlyBefore time.Time // do not use directories later than this
onlyAfter time.Time // only interested in directories after this
// directories from before onlyAfter come from oldIndex
oldIndex *Index
newIndex *Index
cacheDir Abspath
func (w *work) buildIndex() error {
// The effective date of the new index should be at least
// slightly earlier than when the directories are scanned
// so set it now.
w.newIndex = &Index{Changed: time.Now(), Cachedir: w.cacheDir}
dirs := findDirs(string(w.cacheDir), w.onlyAfter, w.onlyBefore)
newdirs, err := byImportPath(dirs)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("%d dirs, %d ips", len(dirs), len(newdirs))
// for each import path it might occur only in newdirs,
// only in w.oldIndex, or in both.
// If it occurs in both, use the semantically later one
if w.oldIndex != nil {
killed := 0
for _, e := range w.oldIndex.Entries {
found, ok := newdirs[e.ImportPath]
if !ok {
if semver.Compare(found[0].version, e.Version) > 0 {
// the new one is better, disable the old one
e.ImportPath = ""
} else {
// use the old one, forget the new one
delete(newdirs, e.ImportPath)
log.Printf("%d killed, %d ips", killed, len(newdirs))
// Build the skeleton of the new index using newdirs,
// and include the surviving parts of the old index
if w.oldIndex != nil {
for _, e := range w.oldIndex.Entries {
if e.ImportPath != "" {
w.newIndex.Entries = append(w.newIndex.Entries, e)
for k, v := range newdirs {
d := v[0]
entry := Entry{
Dir: d.path,
ImportPath: k,
Version: d.version,
w.newIndex.Entries = append(w.newIndex.Entries, entry)
// find symbols for the incomplete entries
log.Print("not finding any symbols yet")
// sort the entries in the new index
slices.SortFunc(w.newIndex.Entries, func(l, r Entry) int {
if n := strings.Compare(l.PkgName, r.PkgName); n != 0 {
return n
return strings.Compare(l.ImportPath, r.ImportPath)
return nil
func (w *work) writeIndex() error {
return writeIndex(w.cacheDir, w.newIndex)