blob: dcd11858c7bbe94cd5a732dde16939cdb75d3a69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package source
import (
internalastutil ""
// RemoveUnusedParameter computes a refactoring to remove the parameter
// indicated by the given range, which must be contained within an unused
// parameter name or field.
// This operation is a work in progress. Remaining TODO:
// - Handle function assignment correctly.
// - Improve the extra newlines in output.
// - Stream type checking via ForEachPackage.
// - Avoid unnecessary additional type checking.
func RemoveUnusedParameter(ctx context.Context, fh file.Handle, rng protocol.Range, snapshot Snapshot) ([]protocol.DocumentChanges, error) {
pkg, pgf, err := NarrowestPackageForFile(ctx, snapshot, fh.URI())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if perrors, terrors := pkg.GetParseErrors(), pkg.GetTypeErrors(); len(perrors) > 0 || len(terrors) > 0 {
var sample string
if len(perrors) > 0 {
sample = perrors[0].Error()
} else {
sample = terrors[0].Error()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't change signatures for packages with parse or type errors: (e.g. %s)", sample)
info := FindParam(pgf, rng)
if info.Decl == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find declaration")
if info.Decl.Recv != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't change signature of methods (yet)")
if info.Field == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find field")
// Create the new declaration, which is a copy of the original decl with the
// unnecessary parameter removed.
newDecl := internalastutil.CloneNode(info.Decl)
if info.Name != nil {
names := remove(newDecl.Type.Params.List[info.FieldIndex].Names, info.NameIndex)
newDecl.Type.Params.List[info.FieldIndex].Names = names
if len(newDecl.Type.Params.List[info.FieldIndex].Names) == 0 {
// Unnamed, or final name was removed: in either case, remove the field.
newDecl.Type.Params.List = remove(newDecl.Type.Params.List, info.FieldIndex)
// Compute inputs into building a wrapper function around the modified
// signature.
var (
params = internalastutil.CloneNode(info.Decl.Type.Params) // "_" names will be modified
args []ast.Expr // arguments to delegate
variadic = false // whether the signature is variadic
allNames := make(map[string]bool) // for renaming blanks
for _, fld := range params.List {
for _, n := range fld.Names {
if n.Name != "_" {
allNames[n.Name] = true
blanks := 0
for i, fld := range params.List {
for j, n := range fld.Names {
if i == info.FieldIndex && j == info.NameIndex {
if n.Name == "_" {
// Create names for blank (_) parameters so the delegating wrapper
// can refer to them.
for {
newName := fmt.Sprintf("blank%d", blanks)
if !allNames[newName] {
n.Name = newName
args = append(args, &ast.Ident{Name: n.Name})
if i == len(params.List)-1 {
_, variadic = fld.Type.(*ast.Ellipsis)
// Rewrite all referring calls.
newContent, err := rewriteCalls(ctx, signatureRewrite{
snapshot: snapshot,
pkg: pkg,
pgf: pgf,
origDecl: info.Decl,
newDecl: newDecl,
params: params,
callArgs: args,
variadic: variadic,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Finally, rewrite the original declaration. We do this after inlining all
// calls, as there may be calls in the same file as the declaration. But none
// of the inlining should have changed the location of the original
// declaration.
idx := findDecl(pgf.File, info.Decl)
if idx < 0 {
return nil, bug.Errorf("didn't find original decl")
src, ok := newContent[pgf.URI]
if !ok {
src = pgf.Src
fset := tokeninternal.FileSetFor(pgf.Tok)
src, err = rewriteSignature(fset, idx, src, newDecl)
newContent[pgf.URI] = src
// Translate the resulting state into document changes.
var changes []protocol.DocumentChanges
for uri, after := range newContent {
fh, err := snapshot.ReadFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
before, err := fh.Content()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
edits := diff.Bytes(before, after)
mapper := protocol.NewMapper(uri, before)
pedits, err := ToProtocolEdits(mapper, edits)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("computing edits for %s: %v", uri, err)
changes = append(changes, protocol.DocumentChanges{
TextDocumentEdit: &protocol.TextDocumentEdit{
TextDocument: protocol.OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier{
Version: fh.Version(),
TextDocumentIdentifier: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{URI: uri},
Edits: pedits,
return changes, nil
// rewriteSignature rewrites the signature of the declIdx'th declaration in src
// to use the signature of newDecl (described by fset).
// TODO(rfindley): I think this operation could be generalized, for example by
// using a concept of a 'nodepath' to correlate nodes between two related
// files.
// Note that with its current application, rewriteSignature is expected to
// succeed. Separate bug.Errorf calls are used below (rather than one call at
// the callsite) in order to have greater precision.
func rewriteSignature(fset *token.FileSet, declIdx int, src0 []byte, newDecl *ast.FuncDecl) ([]byte, error) {
// Parse the new file0 content, to locate the original params.
file0, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "", src0, parser.ParseComments|parser.SkipObjectResolution)
if err != nil {
return nil, bug.Errorf("re-parsing declaring file failed: %v", err)
decl0, _ := file0.Decls[declIdx].(*ast.FuncDecl)
// Inlining shouldn't have changed the location of any declarations, but do
// a sanity check.
if decl0 == nil || decl0.Name.Name != newDecl.Name.Name {
return nil, bug.Errorf("inlining affected declaration order: found %v, not func %s", decl0, newDecl.Name.Name)
opening0, closing0, err := safetoken.Offsets(fset.File(decl0.Pos()), decl0.Type.Params.Opening, decl0.Type.Params.Closing)
if err != nil {
return nil, bug.Errorf("can't find params: %v", err)
// Format the modified signature and apply a textual replacement. This
// minimizes comment disruption.
formattedType := FormatNode(fset, newDecl.Type)
expr, err := parser.ParseExprFrom(fset, "", []byte(formattedType), 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, bug.Errorf("parsing modified signature: %v", err)
newType := expr.(*ast.FuncType)
opening1, closing1, err := safetoken.Offsets(fset.File(newType.Pos()), newType.Params.Opening, newType.Params.Closing)
if err != nil {
return nil, bug.Errorf("param offsets: %v", err)
newParams := formattedType[opening1 : closing1+1]
// Splice.
var buf bytes.Buffer
newSrc := buf.Bytes()
if len(file0.Imports) > 0 {
formatted, err := imports.Process("output", newSrc, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, bug.Errorf("imports.Process failed: %v", err)
newSrc = formatted
return newSrc, nil
// ParamInfo records information about a param identified by a position.
type ParamInfo struct {
Decl *ast.FuncDecl // enclosing func decl, or nil
FieldIndex int // index of Field in Decl.Type.Params, or -1
Field *ast.Field // enclosing field of Decl, or nil
NameIndex int // index of Name in Field.Names, or nil
Name *ast.Ident // indicated name (either enclosing, or Field.Names[0] if len(Field.Names) == 1)
// FindParam finds the parameter information spanned by the given range.
func FindParam(pgf *ParsedGoFile, rng protocol.Range) ParamInfo {
info := ParamInfo{FieldIndex: -1, NameIndex: -1}
start, end, err := pgf.RangePos(rng)
if err != nil {
bug.Reportf("(file=%v).RangePos(%v) failed: %v", pgf.URI, rng, err)
return info
path, _ := astutil.PathEnclosingInterval(pgf.File, start, end)
var (
id *ast.Ident
field *ast.Field
decl *ast.FuncDecl
// Find the outermost enclosing node of each kind, whether or not they match
// the semantics described in the docstring.
for _, n := range path {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
id = n
case *ast.Field:
field = n
case *ast.FuncDecl:
decl = n
// Check the conditions described in the docstring.
if decl == nil {
return info
info.Decl = decl
for fi, f := range decl.Type.Params.List {
if f == field {
info.FieldIndex = fi
info.Field = f
for ni, n := range f.Names {
if n == id {
info.NameIndex = ni
info.Name = n
if info.Name == nil && len(info.Field.Names) == 1 {
info.NameIndex = 0
info.Name = info.Field.Names[0]
return info
// signatureRewrite defines a rewritten function signature.
// See rewriteCalls for more details.
type signatureRewrite struct {
snapshot Snapshot
pkg Package
pgf *ParsedGoFile
origDecl, newDecl *ast.FuncDecl
params *ast.FieldList
callArgs []ast.Expr
variadic bool
// rewriteCalls returns the document changes required to rewrite the
// signature of origDecl to that of newDecl.
// This is a rather complicated factoring of the rewrite operation, but is able
// to describe arbitrary rewrites. Specifically, rewriteCalls creates a
// synthetic copy of pkg, where the original function declaration is changed to
// be a trivial wrapper around the new declaration. params and callArgs are
// used to perform this delegation: params must have the same type as origDecl,
// but may have renamed parameters (such as is required for delegating blank
// parameters). callArgs are the arguments of the delegated call (i.e. using
// params).
// For example, consider removing the unused 'b' parameter below, rewriting
// func Foo(a, b, c, _ int) int {
// return a+c
// }
// To
// func Foo(a, c, _ int) int {
// return a+c
// }
// In this case, rewriteCalls is parameterized as follows:
// - origDecl is the original declaration
// - newDecl is the new declaration, which is a copy of origDecl less the 'b'
// parameter.
// - params is a new parameter list (a, b, c, blank0 int) to be used for the
// new wrapper.
// - callArgs is the argument list (a, c, blank0), to be used to call the new
// delegate.
// rewriting is expressed this way so that rewriteCalls can own the details
// of *how* this rewriting is performed. For example, as of writing it names
// the synthetic delegate G_o_p_l_s_foo, but the caller need not know this.
// By passing an entirely new declaration, rewriteCalls may be used for
// signature refactorings that may affect the function body, such as removing
// or adding return values.
func rewriteCalls(ctx context.Context, rw signatureRewrite) (map[protocol.DocumentURI][]byte, error) {
// tag is a unique prefix that is added to the delegated declaration.
// It must have a ~0% probability of causing collisions with existing names.
const tag = "G_o_p_l_s_"
var (
modifiedSrc []byte
modifiedFile *ast.File
modifiedDecl *ast.FuncDecl
delegate := internalastutil.CloneNode(rw.newDecl) // clone before modifying
delegate.Name.Name = tag + delegate.Name.Name
if obj := rw.pkg.GetTypes().Scope().Lookup(delegate.Name.Name); obj != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("synthetic name %q conflicts with an existing declaration", delegate.Name.Name)
wrapper := internalastutil.CloneNode(rw.origDecl)
wrapper.Type.Params = rw.params
call := &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: &ast.Ident{Name: delegate.Name.Name},
Args: rw.callArgs,
if rw.variadic {
call.Ellipsis = 1 // must not be token.NoPos
var stmt ast.Stmt
if delegate.Type.Results.NumFields() > 0 {
stmt = &ast.ReturnStmt{
Results: []ast.Expr{call},
} else {
stmt = &ast.ExprStmt{
X: call,
wrapper.Body = &ast.BlockStmt{
List: []ast.Stmt{stmt},
fset := tokeninternal.FileSetFor(rw.pgf.Tok)
var err error
modifiedSrc, err = replaceFileDecl(rw.pgf, rw.origDecl, delegate)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(rfindley): we can probably get away with one fewer parse operations
// by returning the modified AST from replaceDecl. Investigate if that is
// accurate.
modifiedSrc = append(modifiedSrc, []byte("\n\n"+FormatNode(fset, wrapper))...)
modifiedFile, err = parser.ParseFile(rw.pkg.FileSet(), rw.pgf.URI.Path(), modifiedSrc, parser.ParseComments|parser.SkipObjectResolution)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
modifiedDecl = modifiedFile.Decls[len(modifiedFile.Decls)-1].(*ast.FuncDecl)
// Type check pkg again with the modified file, to compute the synthetic
// callee.
logf := logger(ctx, "change signature", rw.snapshot.Options().VerboseOutput)
pkg2, info, err := reTypeCheck(logf, rw.pkg, map[protocol.DocumentURI]*ast.File{rw.pgf.URI: modifiedFile}, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
calleeInfo, err := inline.AnalyzeCallee(logf, rw.pkg.FileSet(), pkg2, info, modifiedDecl, modifiedSrc)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("analyzing callee: %v", err)
post := func(got []byte) []byte { return bytes.ReplaceAll(got, []byte(tag), nil) }
return inlineAllCalls(ctx, logf, rw.snapshot, rw.pkg, rw.pgf, rw.origDecl, calleeInfo, post)
// reTypeCheck re-type checks orig with new file contents defined by fileMask.
// It expects that any newly added imports are already present in the
// transitive imports of orig.
// If expectErrors is true, reTypeCheck allows errors in the new package.
// TODO(rfindley): perhaps this should be a filter to specify which errors are
// acceptable.
func reTypeCheck(logf func(string, ...any), orig Package, fileMask map[protocol.DocumentURI]*ast.File, expectErrors bool) (*types.Package, *types.Info, error) {
pkg := types.NewPackage(string(orig.Metadata().PkgPath), string(orig.Metadata().Name))
info := &types.Info{
Types: make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue),
Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
Uses: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
Implicits: make(map[ast.Node]types.Object),
Selections: make(map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*types.Selection),
Scopes: make(map[ast.Node]*types.Scope),
Instances: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Instance),
var files []*ast.File
for _, pgf := range orig.CompiledGoFiles() {
if mask, ok := fileMask[pgf.URI]; ok {
files = append(files, mask)
} else {
files = append(files, pgf.File)
// Implement a BFS for imports in the transitive package graph.
// Note that this only works if any newly added imports are expected to be
// present among transitive imports. In general we cannot assume this to
// be the case, but in the special case of removing a parameter it works
// because any parameter types must be present in export data.
var importer func(importPath string) (*types.Package, error)
var (
importsByPath = make(map[string]*types.Package) // cached imports
toSearch = []*types.Package{orig.GetTypes()} // packages to search
searched = make(map[string]bool) // path -> (false, if present in toSearch; true, if already searched)
importer = func(path string) (*types.Package, error) {
if p, ok := importsByPath[path]; ok {
return p, nil
for len(toSearch) > 0 {
pkg := toSearch[0]
toSearch = toSearch[1:]
searched[pkg.Path()] = true
for _, p := range pkg.Imports() {
// TODO(rfindley): this is incorrect: p.Path() is a package path,
// whereas path is an import path. We can fix this by reporting any
// newly added imports from inlining, or by using the ImporterFrom
// interface and package metadata.
// TODO(rfindley): can't the inliner also be wrong here? It's
// possible that an import path means different things depending on
// the location.
importsByPath[p.Path()] = p
if _, ok := searched[p.Path()]; !ok {
searched[p.Path()] = false
toSearch = append(toSearch, p)
if p, ok := importsByPath[path]; ok {
return p, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing import")
cfg := &types.Config{
Sizes: orig.Metadata().TypesSizes,
Importer: ImporterFunc(importer),
// Copied from cache/check.go.
// TODO(rfindley): factor this out and fix goVersionRx.
// Set Go dialect.
if module := orig.Metadata().Module; module != nil && module.GoVersion != "" {
goVersion := "go" + module.GoVersion
// types.NewChecker panics if GoVersion is invalid.
// An unparsable mod file should probably stop us
// before we get here, but double check just in case.
if goVersionRx.MatchString(goVersion) {
typesinternal.SetGoVersion(cfg, goVersion)
if expectErrors {
cfg.Error = func(err error) {
logf("re-type checking: expected error: %v", err)
checker := types.NewChecker(cfg, orig.FileSet(), pkg, info)
if err := checker.Files(files); err != nil && !expectErrors {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("type checking rewritten package: %v", err)
return pkg, info, nil
// TODO(golang/go#63472): this looks wrong with the new Go version syntax.
var goVersionRx = regexp.MustCompile(`^go([1-9][0-9]*)\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$`)
func remove[T any](s []T, i int) []T {
return append(s[:i], s[i+1:]...)
// replaceFileDecl replaces old with new in the file described by pgf.
// TODO(rfindley): generalize, and combine with rewriteSignature.
func replaceFileDecl(pgf *ParsedGoFile, old, new ast.Decl) ([]byte, error) {
i := findDecl(pgf.File, old)
if i == -1 {
return nil, bug.Errorf("didn't find old declaration")
start, end, err := safetoken.Offsets(pgf.Tok, old.Pos(), old.End())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var out bytes.Buffer
fset := tokeninternal.FileSetFor(pgf.Tok)
if err := format.Node(&out, fset, new); err != nil {
return nil, bug.Errorf("formatting new node: %v", err)
return out.Bytes(), nil
// findDecl finds the index of decl in file.Decls.
// TODO: use slices.Index when it is available.
func findDecl(file *ast.File, decl ast.Decl) int {
for i, d := range file.Decls {
if d == decl {
return i
return -1