blob: f28030431a12b7e76c636f72d7ba0bd093b43574 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
type snapshot struct {
id uint64
view *View
cancel func()
backgroundCtx context.Context
store *memoize.Store // cache of handles shared by all snapshots
refcount sync.WaitGroup // number of references
destroyedBy *string // atomically set to non-nil in Destroy once refcount = 0
// initialized reports whether the snapshot has been initialized. Concurrent
// initialization is guarded by the view.initializationSema. Each snapshot is
// initialized at most once: concurrent initialization is guarded by
// view.initializationSema.
initialized bool
// initializedErr holds the last error resulting from initialization. If
// initialization fails, we only retry when the the workspace modules change,
// to avoid too many go/packages calls.
initializedErr *source.CriticalError
// mu guards all of the maps in the snapshot, as well as the builtin URI.
mu sync.Mutex
// builtin pins the AST and package for builtin.go in memory.
builtin span.URI
// meta holds loaded metadata.
// meta is guarded by mu, but the metadataGraph itself is immutable.
// TODO(rfindley): in many places we hold mu while operating on meta, even
// though we only need to hold mu while reading the pointer.
meta *metadataGraph
// files maps file URIs to their corresponding FileHandles.
// It may invalidated when a file's content changes.
files filesMap
// parsedGoFiles maps a parseKey to the handle of the future result of parsing it.
parsedGoFiles *persistent.Map // from parseKey to *memoize.Promise[parseGoResult]
// parseKeysByURI records the set of keys of parsedGoFiles that
// need to be invalidated for each URI.
// TODO(adonovan): opt: parseKey = ParseMode + URI, so this could
// be just a set of ParseModes, or we could loop over AllParseModes.
parseKeysByURI parseKeysByURIMap
// symbolizeHandles maps each file URI to a handle for the future
// result of computing the symbols declared in that file.
symbolizeHandles *persistent.Map // from span.URI to *memoize.Promise[symbolizeResult]
// packages maps a packageKey to a *packageHandle.
// It may be invalidated when a file's content changes.
// Invariants to preserve:
// - packages.Get(id).m.Metadata == meta.metadata[id].Metadata for all ids
// - if a package is in packages, then all of its dependencies should also
// be in packages, unless there is a missing import
packages *persistent.Map // from packageKey to *memoize.Promise[*packageHandle]
// isActivePackageCache maps package ID to the cached value if it is active or not.
// It may be invalidated when metadata changes or a new file is opened or closed.
isActivePackageCache isActivePackageCacheMap
// actions maps an actionKey to the handle for the future
// result of execution an analysis pass on a package.
actions *persistent.Map // from actionKey to *actionHandle
// workspacePackages contains the workspace's packages, which are loaded
// when the view is created.
workspacePackages map[PackageID]PackagePath
// shouldLoad tracks packages that need to be reloaded, mapping a PackageID
// to the package paths that should be used to reload it
// When we try to load a package, we clear it from the shouldLoad map
// regardless of whether the load succeeded, to prevent endless loads.
shouldLoad map[PackageID][]PackagePath
// unloadableFiles keeps track of files that we've failed to load.
unloadableFiles map[span.URI]struct{}
// parseModHandles keeps track of any parseModHandles for the snapshot.
// The handles need not refer to only the view's go.mod file.
parseModHandles *persistent.Map // from span.URI to *memoize.Promise[parseModResult]
// parseWorkHandles keeps track of any parseWorkHandles for the snapshot.
// The handles need not refer to only the view's file.
parseWorkHandles *persistent.Map // from span.URI to *memoize.Promise[parseWorkResult]
// Preserve go.mod-related handles to avoid garbage-collecting the results
// of various calls to the go command. The handles need not refer to only
// the view's go.mod file.
modTidyHandles *persistent.Map // from span.URI to *memoize.Promise[modTidyResult]
modWhyHandles *persistent.Map // from span.URI to *memoize.Promise[modWhyResult]
workspace *workspace // (not guarded by mu)
// The cached result of makeWorkspaceDir, created on demand and deleted by Snapshot.Destroy.
workspaceDir string
workspaceDirErr error
// knownSubdirs is the set of subdirectories in the workspace, used to
// create glob patterns for file watching.
knownSubdirs knownDirsSet
knownSubdirsPatternCache string
// unprocessedSubdirChanges are any changes that might affect the set of
// subdirectories in the workspace. They are not reflected to knownSubdirs
// during the snapshot cloning step as it can slow down cloning.
unprocessedSubdirChanges []*fileChange
var _ memoize.RefCounted = (*snapshot)(nil) // snapshots are reference-counted
// Acquire prevents the snapshot from being destroyed until the returned function is called.
// (s.Acquire().release() could instead be expressed as a pair of
// method calls s.IncRef(); s.DecRef(). The latter has the advantage
// that the DecRefs are fungible and don't require holding anything in
// addition to the refcounted object s, but paradoxically that is also
// an advantage of the current approach, which forces the caller to
// consider the release function at every stage, making a reference
// leak more obvious.)
func (s *snapshot) Acquire() func() {
type uP = unsafe.Pointer
if destroyedBy := atomic.LoadPointer((*uP)(uP(&s.destroyedBy))); destroyedBy != nil {
log.Panicf("%d: acquire() after Destroy(%q)",, *(*string)(destroyedBy))
return s.refcount.Done
func (s *snapshot) awaitPromise(ctx context.Context, p *memoize.Promise) (interface{}, error) {
return p.Get(ctx, s)
// destroy waits for all leases on the snapshot to expire then releases
// any resources (reference counts and files) associated with it.
// Snapshots being destroyed can be awaited using v.destroyWG.
// TODO(adonovan): move this logic into the release function returned
// by Acquire when the reference count becomes zero. (This would cost
// us the destroyedBy debug info, unless we add it to the signature of
// memoize.RefCounted.Acquire.)
// The destroyedBy argument is used for debugging.
// v.snapshotMu must be held while calling this function, in order to preserve
// the invariants described by the the docstring for v.snapshot.
func (v *View) destroy(s *snapshot, destroyedBy string) {
go func() {
defer v.snapshotWG.Done()
func (s *snapshot) destroy(destroyedBy string) {
// Wait for all leases to end before commencing destruction.
// Report bad state as a debugging aid.
// Not foolproof: another thread could acquire() at this moment.
type uP = unsafe.Pointer // looking forward to generics...
if old := atomic.SwapPointer((*uP)(uP(&s.destroyedBy)), uP(&destroyedBy)); old != nil {
log.Panicf("%d: Destroy(%q) after Destroy(%q)",, destroyedBy, *(*string)(old))
if s.workspaceDir != "" {
if err := os.RemoveAll(s.workspaceDir); err != nil {
event.Error(context.Background(), "cleaning workspace dir", err)
func (s *snapshot) ID() uint64 {
func (s *snapshot) View() source.View {
return s.view
func (s *snapshot) BackgroundContext() context.Context {
return s.backgroundCtx
func (s *snapshot) FileSet() *token.FileSet {
return s.view.session.cache.fset
func (s *snapshot) ModFiles() []span.URI {
var uris []span.URI
for modURI := range s.workspace.ActiveModFiles() {
uris = append(uris, modURI)
return uris
func (s *snapshot) WorkFile() span.URI {
return s.workspace.workFile
func (s *snapshot) Templates() map[span.URI]source.VersionedFileHandle {
tmpls := map[span.URI]source.VersionedFileHandle{}
s.files.Range(func(k span.URI, fh source.VersionedFileHandle) {
if s.view.FileKind(fh) == source.Tmpl {
tmpls[k] = fh
return tmpls
func (s *snapshot) ValidBuildConfiguration() bool {
// Since we only really understand the `go` command, if the user has a
// different GOPACKAGESDRIVER, assume that their configuration is valid.
if s.view.hasGopackagesDriver {
return true
// Check if the user is working within a module or if we have found
// multiple modules in the workspace.
if len(s.workspace.ActiveModFiles()) > 0 {
return true
// The user may have a multiple directories in their GOPATH.
// Check if the workspace is within any of them.
for _, gp := range filepath.SplitList(s.view.gopath) {
if source.InDir(filepath.Join(gp, "src"), s.view.rootURI.Filename()) {
return true
return false
// workspaceMode describes the way in which the snapshot's workspace should
// be loaded.
func (s *snapshot) workspaceMode() workspaceMode {
var mode workspaceMode
// If the view has an invalid configuration, don't build the workspace
// module.
validBuildConfiguration := s.ValidBuildConfiguration()
if !validBuildConfiguration {
return mode
// If the view is not in a module and contains no modules, but still has a
// valid workspace configuration, do not create the workspace module.
// It could be using GOPATH or a different build system entirely.
if len(s.workspace.ActiveModFiles()) == 0 && validBuildConfiguration {
return mode
mode |= moduleMode
options := s.view.Options()
// The -modfile flag is available for Go versions >= 1.14.
if options.TempModfile && s.view.workspaceInformation.goversion >= 14 {
mode |= tempModfile
return mode
// config returns the configuration used for the snapshot's interaction with
// the go/packages API. It uses the given working directory.
// TODO(rstambler): go/packages requires that we do not provide overlays for
// multiple modules in on config, so buildOverlay needs to filter overlays by
// module.
func (s *snapshot) config(ctx context.Context, inv *gocommand.Invocation) *packages.Config {
verboseOutput := s.view.options.VerboseOutput
cfg := &packages.Config{
Context: ctx,
Dir: inv.WorkingDir,
Env: inv.Env,
BuildFlags: inv.BuildFlags,
Mode: packages.NeedName |
packages.NeedFiles |
packages.NeedCompiledGoFiles |
packages.NeedImports |
packages.NeedDeps |
packages.NeedTypesSizes |
packages.NeedModule |
packages.LoadMode(packagesinternal.DepsErrors) |
Fset: nil, // we do our own parsing
Overlay: s.buildOverlay(),
ParseFile: func(*token.FileSet, string, []byte) (*ast.File, error) {
panic("go/packages must not be used to parse files")
Logf: func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if verboseOutput {
event.Log(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
Tests: true,
packagesinternal.SetModFile(cfg, inv.ModFile)
packagesinternal.SetModFlag(cfg, inv.ModFlag)
// We want to type check cgo code if go/types supports it.
if typesinternal.SetUsesCgo(&types.Config{}) {
cfg.Mode |= packages.LoadMode(packagesinternal.TypecheckCgo)
packagesinternal.SetGoCmdRunner(cfg, s.view.session.gocmdRunner)
return cfg
func (s *snapshot) RunGoCommandDirect(ctx context.Context, mode source.InvocationFlags, inv *gocommand.Invocation) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
_, inv, cleanup, err := s.goCommandInvocation(ctx, mode, inv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer cleanup()
return s.view.session.gocmdRunner.Run(ctx, *inv)
func (s *snapshot) RunGoCommandPiped(ctx context.Context, mode source.InvocationFlags, inv *gocommand.Invocation, stdout, stderr io.Writer) error {
_, inv, cleanup, err := s.goCommandInvocation(ctx, mode, inv)
if err != nil {
return err
defer cleanup()
return s.view.session.gocmdRunner.RunPiped(ctx, *inv, stdout, stderr)
func (s *snapshot) RunGoCommands(ctx context.Context, allowNetwork bool, wd string, run func(invoke func(...string) (*bytes.Buffer, error)) error) (bool, []byte, []byte, error) {
var flags source.InvocationFlags
if s.workspaceMode()&tempModfile != 0 {
flags = source.WriteTemporaryModFile
} else {
flags = source.Normal
if allowNetwork {
flags |= source.AllowNetwork
tmpURI, inv, cleanup, err := s.goCommandInvocation(ctx, flags, &gocommand.Invocation{WorkingDir: wd})
if err != nil {
return false, nil, nil, err
defer cleanup()
invoke := func(args ...string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
inv.Verb = args[0]
inv.Args = args[1:]
return s.view.session.gocmdRunner.Run(ctx, *inv)
if err := run(invoke); err != nil {
return false, nil, nil, err
if flags.Mode() != source.WriteTemporaryModFile {
return false, nil, nil, nil
var modBytes, sumBytes []byte
modBytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile(tmpURI.Filename())
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil, nil, err
sumBytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile(strings.TrimSuffix(tmpURI.Filename(), ".mod") + ".sum")
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil, nil, err
return true, modBytes, sumBytes, nil
// goCommandInvocation populates inv with configuration for running go commands on the snapshot.
// TODO(rfindley): refactor this function to compose the required configuration
// explicitly, rather than implicitly deriving it from flags and inv.
// TODO(adonovan): simplify cleanup mechanism. It's hard to see, but
// it used only after call to tempModFile. Clarify that it is only
// non-nil on success.
func (s *snapshot) goCommandInvocation(ctx context.Context, flags source.InvocationFlags, inv *gocommand.Invocation) (tmpURI span.URI, updatedInv *gocommand.Invocation, cleanup func(), err error) {
allowModfileModificationOption := s.view.options.AllowModfileModifications
allowNetworkOption := s.view.options.AllowImplicitNetworkAccess
// TODO(rfindley): this is very hard to follow, and may not even be doing the
// right thing: should inv.Env really trample view.options? Do we ever invoke
// this with a non-empty inv.Env?
// We should refactor to make it clearer that the correct env is being used.
inv.Env = append(append(append(os.Environ(), s.view.options.EnvSlice()...), inv.Env...), "GO111MODULE="+s.view.effectiveGo111Module)
inv.BuildFlags = append([]string{}, s.view.options.BuildFlags...)
cleanup = func() {} // fallback
// All logic below is for module mode.
if s.workspaceMode()&moduleMode == 0 {
return "", inv, cleanup, nil
mode, allowNetwork := flags.Mode(), flags.AllowNetwork()
if !allowNetwork && !allowNetworkOption {
inv.Env = append(inv.Env, "GOPROXY=off")
// What follows is rather complicated logic for how to actually run the go
// command. A word of warning: this is the result of various incremental
// features added to gopls, and varying behavior of the Go command across Go
// versions. It can surely be cleaned up significantly, but tread carefully.
// Roughly speaking we need to resolve four things:
// - the working directory.
// - the -mod flag
// - the -modfile flag
// These are dependent on a number of factors: whether we need to run in a
// synthetic workspace, whether flags are supported at the current go
// version, and what we're actually trying to achieve (the
// source.InvocationFlags).
var modURI span.URI
// Select the module context to use.
// If we're type checking, we need to use the workspace context, meaning
// the main (workspace) module. Otherwise, we should use the module for
// the passed-in working dir.
if mode == source.LoadWorkspace {
switch s.workspace.moduleSource {
case legacyWorkspace:
for m := range s.workspace.ActiveModFiles() { // range to access the only element
modURI = m
case goWorkWorkspace:
if s.view.goversion >= 18 {
// Before go 1.18, the Go command did not natively support files,
// so we 'fake' them with a workspace module.
case fileSystemWorkspace, goplsModWorkspace:
var tmpDir span.URI
var err error
tmpDir, err = s.getWorkspaceDir(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, cleanup, err
inv.WorkingDir = tmpDir.Filename()
modURI = span.URIFromPath(filepath.Join(tmpDir.Filename(), "go.mod"))
} else {
modURI = s.GoModForFile(span.URIFromPath(inv.WorkingDir))
var modContent []byte
if modURI != "" {
modFH, err := s.GetFile(ctx, modURI)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, cleanup, err
modContent, err = modFH.Read()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, cleanup, err
// TODO(rfindley): in the case of mode, modURI is empty and we fall
// back on the default behavior of vendorEnabled with an empty modURI. Figure
// out what is correct here and implement it explicitly.
vendorEnabled, err := s.vendorEnabled(ctx, modURI, modContent)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, cleanup, err
mutableModFlag := ""
// If the mod flag isn't set, populate it based on the mode and workspace.
if inv.ModFlag == "" {
if s.view.goversion >= 16 {
mutableModFlag = "mod"
switch mode {
case source.LoadWorkspace, source.Normal:
if vendorEnabled {
inv.ModFlag = "vendor"
} else if !allowModfileModificationOption {
inv.ModFlag = "readonly"
} else {
inv.ModFlag = mutableModFlag
case source.WriteTemporaryModFile:
inv.ModFlag = mutableModFlag
// -mod must be readonly when using files - see issue #48941
inv.Env = append(inv.Env, "GOWORK=off")
// Only use a temp mod file if the modfile can actually be mutated.
needTempMod := inv.ModFlag == mutableModFlag
useTempMod := s.workspaceMode()&tempModfile != 0
if needTempMod && !useTempMod {
return "", nil, cleanup, source.ErrTmpModfileUnsupported
// We should use -modfile if:
// - the workspace mode supports it
// - we're using a file on go1.18+, or we need a temp mod file (for
// example, if running go mod tidy in a workspace)
// TODO(rfindley): this is very hard to follow. Refactor.
useWorkFile := !needTempMod && s.workspace.moduleSource == goWorkWorkspace && s.view.goversion >= 18
if useWorkFile {
// Since we're running in the workspace root, the go command will resolve GOWORK automatically.
} else if useTempMod {
if modURI == "" {
return "", nil, cleanup, fmt.Errorf("no go.mod file found in %s", inv.WorkingDir)
modFH, err := s.GetFile(ctx, modURI)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, cleanup, err
// Use the go.sum if it happens to be available.
gosum := s.goSum(ctx, modURI)
tmpURI, cleanup, err = tempModFile(modFH, gosum)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, cleanup, err
inv.ModFile = tmpURI.Filename()
return tmpURI, inv, cleanup, nil
// usesWorkspaceDir reports whether the snapshot should use a synthetic
// workspace directory for running workspace go commands such as go list.
// TODO(rfindley): this logic is duplicated with goCommandInvocation. Clean up
// the latter, and deduplicate.
func (s *snapshot) usesWorkspaceDir() bool {
switch s.workspace.moduleSource {
case legacyWorkspace:
return false
case goWorkWorkspace:
if s.view.goversion >= 18 {
return false
// Before go 1.18, the Go command did not natively support files,
// so we 'fake' them with a workspace module.
return true
func (s *snapshot) buildOverlay() map[string][]byte {
overlays := make(map[string][]byte)
s.files.Range(func(uri span.URI, fh source.VersionedFileHandle) {
overlay, ok := fh.(*overlay)
if !ok {
if overlay.saved {
// TODO(rstambler): Make sure not to send overlays outside of the current view.
overlays[uri.Filename()] = overlay.text
return overlays
func (s *snapshot) PackagesForFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI, mode source.TypecheckMode, includeTestVariants bool) ([]source.Package, error) {
ctx = event.Label(ctx, tag.URI.Of(uri))
phs, err := s.packageHandlesForFile(ctx, uri, mode, includeTestVariants)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var pkgs []source.Package
for _, ph := range phs {
pkg, err := ph.await(ctx, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
return pkgs, nil
func (s *snapshot) PackageForFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI, mode source.TypecheckMode, pkgPolicy source.PackageFilter) (source.Package, error) {
ctx = event.Label(ctx, tag.URI.Of(uri))
phs, err := s.packageHandlesForFile(ctx, uri, mode, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(phs) < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no packages")
ph := phs[0]
for _, handle := range phs[1:] {
switch pkgPolicy {
case source.WidestPackage:
if ph == nil || len(handle.CompiledGoFiles()) > len(ph.CompiledGoFiles()) {
ph = handle
case source.NarrowestPackage:
if ph == nil || len(handle.CompiledGoFiles()) < len(ph.CompiledGoFiles()) {
ph = handle
if ph == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no packages in input")
return ph.await(ctx, s)
func (s *snapshot) packageHandlesForFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI, mode source.TypecheckMode, withIntermediateTestVariants bool) ([]*packageHandle, error) {
// TODO(rfindley): why can't/shouldn't we awaitLoaded here? It seems that if
// we ask for package handles for a file, we should wait for pending loads.
// Else we will reload orphaned files before the initial load completes.
// Check if we should reload metadata for the file. We don't invalidate IDs
// (though we should), so the IDs will be a better source of truth than the
// metadata. If there are no IDs for the file, then we should also reload.
fh, err := s.GetFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if kind := s.view.FileKind(fh); kind != source.Go {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no packages for non-Go file %s (%v)", uri, kind)
knownIDs, err := s.getOrLoadIDsForURI(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var phs []*packageHandle
for _, id := range knownIDs {
// Filter out any intermediate test variants. We typically aren't
// interested in these packages for file= style queries.
if m := s.getMetadata(id); m != nil && m.IsIntermediateTestVariant() && !withIntermediateTestVariants {
parseMode := source.ParseFull
if mode == source.TypecheckWorkspace {
parseMode = s.workspaceParseMode(id)
ph, err := s.buildPackageHandle(ctx, id, parseMode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
phs = append(phs, ph)
return phs, nil
// getOrLoadIDsForURI returns package IDs associated with the file uri. If no
// such packages exist or if they are known to be stale, it reloads the file.
// If experimentalUseInvalidMetadata is set, this function may return package
// IDs with invalid metadata.
func (s *snapshot) getOrLoadIDsForURI(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) ([]PackageID, error) {
useInvalidMetadata := s.useInvalidMetadata()
// Start with the set of package associations derived from the last load.
ids := s.meta.ids[uri]
hasValidID := false // whether we have any valid package metadata containing uri
shouldLoad := false // whether any packages containing uri are marked 'shouldLoad'
for _, id := range ids {
// TODO(rfindley): remove the defensiveness here. s.meta.metadata[id] must
// exist.
if m, ok := s.meta.metadata[id]; ok && m.Valid {
hasValidID = true
if len(s.shouldLoad[id]) > 0 {
shouldLoad = true
// Check if uri is known to be unloadable.
// TODO(rfindley): shouldn't we also mark uri as unloadable if the load below
// fails? Otherwise we endlessly load files with no packages.
_, unloadable := s.unloadableFiles[uri]
// Special case: if experimentalUseInvalidMetadata is set and we have any
// ids, just return them.
// This is arguably wrong: if the metadata is invalid we should try reloading
// it. However, this was the pre-existing behavior, and
// experimentalUseInvalidMetadata will be removed in a future release.
if !shouldLoad && useInvalidMetadata && len(ids) > 0 {
return ids, nil
// Reload if loading is likely to improve the package associations for uri:
// - uri is not contained in any valid packages
// - ...or one of the packages containing uri is marked 'shouldLoad'
// - ...but uri is not unloadable
if (shouldLoad || !hasValidID) && !unloadable {
scope := fileLoadScope(uri)
err := s.load(ctx, false, scope)
// Guard against failed loads due to context cancellation.
// Return the context error here as the current operation is no longer
// valid.
if ctxErr := ctx.Err(); ctxErr != nil {
return nil, ctxErr
// We must clear scopes after loading.
// TODO(rfindley): unlike reloadWorkspace, this is simply marking loaded
// packages as loaded. We could do this from snapshot.load and avoid
// raciness.
// Don't return an error here, as we may still return stale IDs.
// Furthermore, the result of getOrLoadIDsForURI should be consistent upon
// subsequent calls, even if the file is marked as unloadable.
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, errNoPackages) {
event.Error(ctx, "getOrLoadIDsForURI", err)
ids = s.meta.ids[uri]
if !useInvalidMetadata {
var validIDs []PackageID
for _, id := range ids {
// TODO(rfindley): remove the defensiveness here as well.
if m, ok := s.meta.metadata[id]; ok && m.Valid {
validIDs = append(validIDs, id)
ids = validIDs
return ids, nil
// Only use invalid metadata for Go versions >= 1.13. Go 1.12 and below has
// issues with overlays that will cause confusing error messages if we reuse
// old metadata.
func (s *snapshot) useInvalidMetadata() bool {
return s.view.goversion >= 13 && s.view.Options().ExperimentalUseInvalidMetadata
func (s *snapshot) GetReverseDependencies(ctx context.Context, id PackageID) ([]source.Package, error) {
if err := s.awaitLoaded(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
meta := s.meta
ids := meta.reverseTransitiveClosure(s.useInvalidMetadata(), id)
// Make sure to delete the original package ID from the map.
delete(ids, id)
var pkgs []source.Package
for id := range ids {
pkg, err := s.checkedPackage(ctx, id, s.workspaceParseMode(id))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
return pkgs, nil
func (s *snapshot) checkedPackage(ctx context.Context, id PackageID, mode source.ParseMode) (*pkg, error) {
ph, err := s.buildPackageHandle(ctx, id, mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ph.await(ctx, s)
func (s *snapshot) getImportedBy(id PackageID) []PackageID {
return s.meta.importedBy[id]
func (s *snapshot) workspacePackageIDs() (ids []PackageID) {
for id := range s.workspacePackages {
ids = append(ids, id)
return ids
func (s *snapshot) activePackageIDs() (ids []PackageID) {
if s.view.Options().MemoryMode == source.ModeNormal {
return s.workspacePackageIDs()
for id := range s.workspacePackages {
if s.isActiveLocked(id) {
ids = append(ids, id)
return ids
func (s *snapshot) isActiveLocked(id PackageID) (active bool) {
if seen, ok := s.isActivePackageCache.Get(id); ok {
return seen
defer func() {
s.isActivePackageCache.Set(id, active)
m, ok := s.meta.metadata[id]
if !ok {
return false
for _, cgf := range m.CompiledGoFiles {
if s.isOpenLocked(cgf) {
return true
// TODO(rfindley): it looks incorrect that we don't also check GoFiles here.
// If a CGo file is open, we want to consider the package active.
for _, dep := range m.DepsByPkgPath {
if s.isActiveLocked(dep) {
return true
return false
func (s *snapshot) resetIsActivePackageLocked() {
s.isActivePackageCache = newIsActivePackageCacheMap()
const fileExtensions = "go,mod,sum,work"
func (s *snapshot) fileWatchingGlobPatterns(ctx context.Context) map[string]struct{} {
extensions := fileExtensions
for _, ext := range s.View().Options().TemplateExtensions {
extensions += "," + ext
// Work-around microsoft/vscode#100870 by making sure that we are,
// at least, watching the user's entire workspace. This will still be
// applied to every folder in the workspace.
patterns := map[string]struct{}{
fmt.Sprintf("**/*.{%s}", extensions): {},
if s.view.explicitGowork != "" {
patterns[s.view.explicitGowork.Filename()] = struct{}{}
// Add a pattern for each Go module in the workspace that is not within the view.
dirs := s.workspace.dirs(ctx, s)
for _, dir := range dirs {
dirName := dir.Filename()
// If the directory is within the view's folder, we're already watching
// it with the pattern above.
if source.InDir(s.view.folder.Filename(), dirName) {
// TODO(rstambler): If microsoft/vscode#3025 is resolved before
// microsoft/vscode#101042, we will need a work-around for Windows
// drive letter casing.
patterns[fmt.Sprintf("%s/**/*.{%s}", dirName, extensions)] = struct{}{}
// Some clients do not send notifications for changes to directories that
// contain Go code (golang/go#42348). To handle this, explicitly watch all
// of the directories in the workspace. We find them by adding the
// directories of every file in the snapshot's workspace directories.
// There may be thousands.
if pattern := s.getKnownSubdirsPattern(dirs); pattern != "" {
patterns[pattern] = struct{}{}
return patterns
func (s *snapshot) getKnownSubdirsPattern(wsDirs []span.URI) string {
// First, process any pending changes and update the set of known
// subdirectories.
// It may change list of known subdirs and therefore invalidate the cache.
if s.knownSubdirsPatternCache == "" {
var builder strings.Builder
s.knownSubdirs.Range(func(uri span.URI) {
if builder.Len() == 0 {
} else {
if builder.Len() > 0 {
s.knownSubdirsPatternCache = builder.String()
return s.knownSubdirsPatternCache
// collectAllKnownSubdirs collects all of the subdirectories within the
// snapshot's workspace directories. None of the workspace directories are
// included.
func (s *snapshot) collectAllKnownSubdirs(ctx context.Context) {
dirs := s.workspace.dirs(ctx, s)
s.knownSubdirs = newKnownDirsSet()
s.knownSubdirsPatternCache = ""
s.files.Range(func(uri span.URI, fh source.VersionedFileHandle) {
s.addKnownSubdirLocked(uri, dirs)
func (s *snapshot) getKnownSubdirs(wsDirs []span.URI) knownDirsSet {
// First, process any pending changes and update the set of known
// subdirectories.
return s.knownSubdirs.Clone()
func (s *snapshot) applyKnownSubdirsChangesLocked(wsDirs []span.URI) {
for _, c := range s.unprocessedSubdirChanges {
if c.isUnchanged {
if !c.exists {
} else {
s.addKnownSubdirLocked(c.fileHandle.URI(), wsDirs)
s.unprocessedSubdirChanges = nil
func (s *snapshot) addKnownSubdirLocked(uri span.URI, dirs []span.URI) {
dir := filepath.Dir(uri.Filename())
// First check if the directory is already known, because then we can
// return early.
if s.knownSubdirs.Contains(span.URIFromPath(dir)) {
var matched span.URI
for _, wsDir := range dirs {
if source.InDir(wsDir.Filename(), dir) {
matched = wsDir
// Don't watch any directory outside of the workspace directories.
if matched == "" {
for {
if dir == "" || dir == matched.Filename() {
uri := span.URIFromPath(dir)
if s.knownSubdirs.Contains(uri) {
dir = filepath.Dir(dir)
s.knownSubdirsPatternCache = ""
func (s *snapshot) removeKnownSubdirLocked(uri span.URI) {
dir := filepath.Dir(uri.Filename())
for dir != "" {
uri := span.URIFromPath(dir)
if !s.knownSubdirs.Contains(uri) {
if info, _ := os.Stat(dir); info == nil {
s.knownSubdirsPatternCache = ""
dir = filepath.Dir(dir)
// knownFilesInDir returns the files known to the given snapshot that are in
// the given directory. It does not respect symlinks.
func (s *snapshot) knownFilesInDir(ctx context.Context, dir span.URI) []span.URI {
var files []span.URI
s.files.Range(func(uri span.URI, fh source.VersionedFileHandle) {
if source.InDir(dir.Filename(), uri.Filename()) {
files = append(files, uri)
return files
func (s *snapshot) ActivePackages(ctx context.Context) ([]source.Package, error) {
phs, err := s.activePackageHandles(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var pkgs []source.Package
for _, ph := range phs {
pkg, err := ph.await(ctx, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
return pkgs, nil
func (s *snapshot) activePackageHandles(ctx context.Context) ([]*packageHandle, error) {
if err := s.awaitLoaded(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
var phs []*packageHandle
for _, pkgID := range s.activePackageIDs() {
ph, err := s.buildPackageHandle(ctx, pkgID, s.workspaceParseMode(pkgID))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
phs = append(phs, ph)
return phs, nil
// Symbols extracts and returns the symbols for each file in all the snapshot's views.
func (s *snapshot) Symbols(ctx context.Context) map[span.URI][]source.Symbol {
var (
group errgroup.Group
nprocs = 2 * runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1) // symbolize is a mix of I/O and CPU
iolimit = make(chan struct{}, nprocs) // I/O limiting counting semaphore
resultMu sync.Mutex
result = make(map[span.URI][]source.Symbol)
s.files.Range(func(uri span.URI, f source.VersionedFileHandle) {
if s.View().FileKind(f) != source.Go {
return // workspace symbols currently supports only Go files.
// TODO(adonovan): upgrade errgroup and use group.SetLimit(nprocs).
iolimit <- struct{}{} // acquire token
group.Go(func() error {
defer func() { <-iolimit }() // release token
symbols, err := s.symbolize(ctx, f)
if err != nil {
return err
result[uri] = symbols
return nil
// Keep going on errors, but log the first failure.
// Partial results are better than no symbol results.
if err := group.Wait(); err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "getting snapshot symbols", err)
return result
func (s *snapshot) MetadataForFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) ([]source.Metadata, error) {
knownIDs, err := s.getOrLoadIDsForURI(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var mds []source.Metadata
for _, id := range knownIDs {
md := s.getMetadata(id)
// TODO(rfindley): knownIDs and metadata should be in sync, but existing
// code is defensive of nil metadata.
if md != nil {
mds = append(mds, md)
return mds, nil
func (s *snapshot) KnownPackages(ctx context.Context) ([]source.Package, error) {
if err := s.awaitLoaded(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
// The WorkspaceSymbols implementation relies on this function returning
// workspace packages first.
ids := s.workspacePackageIDs()
for id := range s.meta.metadata {
if _, ok := s.workspacePackages[id]; ok {
ids = append(ids, id)
var pkgs []source.Package
for _, id := range ids {
pkg, err := s.checkedPackage(ctx, id, s.workspaceParseMode(id))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
return pkgs, nil
func (s *snapshot) AllValidMetadata(ctx context.Context) ([]source.Metadata, error) {
if err := s.awaitLoaded(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
var meta []source.Metadata
for _, m := range s.meta.metadata {
if m.Valid {
meta = append(meta, m)
return meta, nil
func (s *snapshot) WorkspacePackageByID(ctx context.Context, id PackageID) (source.Package, error) {
return s.checkedPackage(ctx, id, s.workspaceParseMode(id))
func (s *snapshot) CachedImportPaths(ctx context.Context) (map[PackagePath]source.Package, error) {
// Don't reload workspace package metadata.
// This function is meant to only return currently cached information.
results := map[PackagePath]source.Package{}
s.packages.Range(func(_, v interface{}) {
cachedPkg, err := v.(*packageHandle).cached()
if err != nil {
for _, newPkg := range cachedPkg.deps {
pkgPath := newPkg.PkgPath()
if oldPkg, ok := results[pkgPath]; ok {
// Using the same trick as NarrowestPackage, prefer non-variants.
if len(newPkg.compiledGoFiles) < len(oldPkg.(*pkg).compiledGoFiles) {
results[pkgPath] = newPkg
} else {
results[pkgPath] = newPkg
return results, nil
func (s *snapshot) GoModForFile(uri span.URI) span.URI {
return moduleForURI(s.workspace.activeModFiles, uri)
func moduleForURI(modFiles map[span.URI]struct{}, uri span.URI) span.URI {
var match span.URI
for modURI := range modFiles {
if !source.InDir(dirURI(modURI).Filename(), uri.Filename()) {
if len(modURI) > len(match) {
match = modURI
return match
func (s *snapshot) getMetadata(id PackageID) *KnownMetadata {
return s.meta.metadata[id]
// clearShouldLoad clears package IDs that no longer need to be reloaded after
// scopes has been loaded.
func (s *snapshot) clearShouldLoad(scopes ...loadScope) {
for _, scope := range scopes {
switch scope := scope.(type) {
case packageLoadScope:
scopePath := PackagePath(scope)
var toDelete []PackageID
for id, pkgPaths := range s.shouldLoad {
for _, pkgPath := range pkgPaths {
if pkgPath == scopePath {
toDelete = append(toDelete, id)
for _, id := range toDelete {
delete(s.shouldLoad, id)
case fileLoadScope:
uri := span.URI(scope)
ids := s.meta.ids[uri]
for _, id := range ids {
delete(s.shouldLoad, id)
// noValidMetadataForURILocked reports whether there is any valid metadata for
// the given URI.
func (s *snapshot) noValidMetadataForURILocked(uri span.URI) bool {
ids, ok := s.meta.ids[uri]
if !ok {
return true
for _, id := range ids {
if m, ok := s.meta.metadata[id]; ok && m.Valid {
return false
return true
func (s *snapshot) isWorkspacePackage(id PackageID) bool {
_, ok := s.workspacePackages[id]
return ok
func (s *snapshot) FindFile(uri span.URI) source.VersionedFileHandle {
f := s.view.getFile(uri)
result, _ := s.files.Get(f.URI())
return result
// GetVersionedFile returns a File for the given URI. If the file is unknown it
// is added to the managed set.
// GetVersionedFile succeeds even if the file does not exist. A non-nil error return
// indicates some type of internal error, for example if ctx is cancelled.
func (s *snapshot) GetVersionedFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) (source.VersionedFileHandle, error) {
f := s.view.getFile(uri)
return s.getFileLocked(ctx, f)
// GetFile implements the fileSource interface by wrapping GetVersionedFile.
func (s *snapshot) GetFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) (source.FileHandle, error) {
return s.GetVersionedFile(ctx, uri)
func (s *snapshot) getFileLocked(ctx context.Context, f *fileBase) (source.VersionedFileHandle, error) {
if fh, ok := s.files.Get(f.URI()); ok {
return fh, nil
fh, err := s.view.session.cache.getFile(ctx, f.URI()) // read the file
if err != nil {
return nil, err
closed := &closedFile{fh}
s.files.Set(f.URI(), closed)
return closed, nil
func (s *snapshot) IsOpen(uri span.URI) bool {
return s.isOpenLocked(uri)
func (s *snapshot) openFiles() []source.VersionedFileHandle {
var open []source.VersionedFileHandle
s.files.Range(func(uri span.URI, fh source.VersionedFileHandle) {
if isFileOpen(fh) {
open = append(open, fh)
return open
func (s *snapshot) isOpenLocked(uri span.URI) bool {
fh, _ := s.files.Get(uri)
return isFileOpen(fh)
func isFileOpen(fh source.VersionedFileHandle) bool {
_, open := fh.(*overlay)
return open
func (s *snapshot) awaitLoaded(ctx context.Context) error {
loadErr := s.awaitLoadedAllErrors(ctx)
// If we still have absolutely no metadata, check if the view failed to
// initialize and return any errors.
if s.useInvalidMetadata() && len(s.meta.metadata) > 0 {
return nil
for _, m := range s.meta.metadata {
if m.Valid {
return nil
if loadErr != nil {
return loadErr.MainError
return nil
func (s *snapshot) GetCriticalError(ctx context.Context) *source.CriticalError {
if wsErr := s.workspace.criticalError(ctx, s); wsErr != nil {
return wsErr
loadErr := s.awaitLoadedAllErrors(ctx)
if loadErr != nil && errors.Is(loadErr.MainError, context.Canceled) {
return nil
// Even if packages didn't fail to load, we still may want to show
// additional warnings.
if loadErr == nil {
wsPkgs, _ := s.ActivePackages(ctx)
if msg := shouldShowAdHocPackagesWarning(s, wsPkgs); msg != "" {
return &source.CriticalError{
MainError: errors.New(msg),
// Even if workspace packages were returned, there still may be an error
// with the user's workspace layout. Workspace packages that only have the
// ID "command-line-arguments" are usually a symptom of a bad workspace
// configuration.
// TODO(rfindley): re-evaluate this heuristic.
if containsCommandLineArguments(wsPkgs) {
return s.workspaceLayoutError(ctx)
return nil
if errMsg := loadErr.MainError.Error(); strings.Contains(errMsg, "cannot find main module") || strings.Contains(errMsg, "go.mod file not found") {
return s.workspaceLayoutError(ctx)
return loadErr
const adHocPackagesWarning = `You are outside of a module and outside of $GOPATH/src.
If you are using modules, please open your editor to a directory in your module.
If you believe this warning is incorrect, please file an issue:`
func shouldShowAdHocPackagesWarning(snapshot source.Snapshot, pkgs []source.Package) string {
if snapshot.ValidBuildConfiguration() {
return ""
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
if len(pkg.MissingDependencies()) > 0 {
return adHocPackagesWarning
return ""
func containsCommandLineArguments(pkgs []source.Package) bool {
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
if source.IsCommandLineArguments(pkg.ID()) {
return true
return false
func (s *snapshot) awaitLoadedAllErrors(ctx context.Context) *source.CriticalError {
// Do not return results until the snapshot's view has been initialized.
// TODO(rfindley): Should we be more careful about returning the
// initialization error? Is it possible for the initialization error to be
// corrected without a successful reinitialization?
initializedErr := s.initializedErr
if initializedErr != nil {
return initializedErr
// TODO(rfindley): revisit this handling. Calling reloadWorkspace with a
// cancelled context should have the same effect, so this preemptive handling
// should not be necessary.
// Also: GetCriticalError ignores context cancellation errors. Should we be
// returning nil here?
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return &source.CriticalError{MainError: ctx.Err()}
// TODO(rfindley): reloading is not idempotent: if we try to reload or load
// orphaned files below and fail, we won't try again. For that reason, we
// could get different results from subsequent calls to this function, which
// may cause critical errors to be suppressed.
if err := s.reloadWorkspace(ctx); err != nil {
diags := s.extractGoCommandErrors(ctx, err)
return &source.CriticalError{
MainError: err,
Diagnostics: diags,
if err := s.reloadOrphanedFiles(ctx); err != nil {
diags := s.extractGoCommandErrors(ctx, err)
return &source.CriticalError{
MainError: err,
Diagnostics: diags,
return nil
func (s *snapshot) getInitializationError() *source.CriticalError {
return s.initializedErr
func (s *snapshot) AwaitInitialized(ctx context.Context) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-s.view.initialWorkspaceLoad:
// We typically prefer to run something as intensive as the IWL without
// blocking. I'm not sure if there is a way to do that here.
s.initialize(ctx, false)
// reloadWorkspace reloads the metadata for all invalidated workspace packages.
func (s *snapshot) reloadWorkspace(ctx context.Context) error {
var scopes []loadScope
var seen map[PackagePath]bool
for _, pkgPaths := range s.shouldLoad {
for _, pkgPath := range pkgPaths {
if seen == nil {
seen = make(map[PackagePath]bool)
if seen[pkgPath] {
seen[pkgPath] = true
scopes = append(scopes, packageLoadScope(pkgPath))
if len(scopes) == 0 {
return nil
// If the view's build configuration is invalid, we cannot reload by
// package path. Just reload the directory instead.
if !s.ValidBuildConfiguration() {
scopes = []loadScope{viewLoadScope("LOAD_INVALID_VIEW")}
err := s.load(ctx, false, scopes...)
// Unless the context was canceled, set "shouldLoad" to false for all
// of the metadata we attempted to load.
if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
return err
func (s *snapshot) reloadOrphanedFiles(ctx context.Context) error {
// When we load ./... or a package path directly, we may not get packages
// that exist only in overlays. As a workaround, we search all of the files
// available in the snapshot and reload their metadata individually using a
// file= query if the metadata is unavailable.
files := s.orphanedFiles()
// Files without a valid package declaration can't be loaded. Don't try.
var scopes []loadScope
for _, file := range files {
pgf, err := s.ParseGo(ctx, file, source.ParseHeader)
if err != nil {
if !pgf.File.Package.IsValid() {
scopes = append(scopes, fileLoadScope(file.URI()))
if len(scopes) == 0 {
return nil
// The regtests match this exact log message, keep them in sync.
event.Log(ctx, "reloadOrphanedFiles reloading", tag.Query.Of(scopes))
err := s.load(ctx, false, scopes...)
// If we failed to load some files, i.e. they have no metadata,
// mark the failures so we don't bother retrying until the file's
// content changes.
// TODO(rstambler): This may be an overestimate if the load stopped
// early for an unrelated errors. Add a fallback?
// Check for context cancellation so that we don't incorrectly mark files
// as unloadable, but don't return before setting all workspace packages.
if ctx.Err() == nil && err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "reloadOrphanedFiles: failed to load", err, tag.Query.Of(scopes))
for _, scope := range scopes {
uri := span.URI(scope.(fileLoadScope))
if s.noValidMetadataForURILocked(uri) {
s.unloadableFiles[uri] = struct{}{}
return nil
func (s *snapshot) orphanedFiles() []source.VersionedFileHandle {
var files []source.VersionedFileHandle
s.files.Range(func(uri span.URI, fh source.VersionedFileHandle) {
// Don't try to reload metadata for go.mod files.
if s.view.FileKind(fh) != source.Go {
// If the URI doesn't belong to this view, then it's not in a workspace
// package and should not be reloaded directly.
if !source.InDir(s.view.folder.Filename(), uri.Filename()) {
// If the file is not open and is in a vendor directory, don't treat it
// like a workspace package.
if _, ok := fh.(*overlay); !ok && inVendor(uri) {
// Don't reload metadata for files we've already deemed unloadable.
if _, ok := s.unloadableFiles[uri]; ok {
if s.noValidMetadataForURILocked(uri) {
files = append(files, fh)
return files
// TODO(golang/go#53756): this function needs to consider more than just the
// absolute URI, for example:
// - the position of /vendor/ with respect to the relevant module root
// - whether or not is in use (as vendoring isn't supported in workspace mode)
// Most likely, each call site of inVendor needs to be reconsidered to
// understand and correctly implement the desired behavior.
func inVendor(uri span.URI) bool {
if !strings.Contains(string(uri), "/vendor/") {
return false
// Only packages in _subdirectories_ of /vendor/ are considered vendored
// (/vendor/a/foo.go is vendored, /vendor/foo.go is not).
split := strings.Split(string(uri), "/vendor/")
if len(split) < 2 {
return false
return strings.Contains(split[1], "/")
// unappliedChanges is a file source that handles an uncloned snapshot.
type unappliedChanges struct {
originalSnapshot *snapshot
changes map[span.URI]*fileChange
func (ac *unappliedChanges) GetFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) (source.FileHandle, error) {
if c, ok := ac.changes[uri]; ok {
return c.fileHandle, nil
return ac.originalSnapshot.GetFile(ctx, uri)
func (s *snapshot) clone(ctx, bgCtx context.Context, changes map[span.URI]*fileChange, forceReloadMetadata bool) (*snapshot, func()) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "snapshot.clone")
defer done()
newWorkspace, reinit := s.workspace.Clone(ctx, changes, &unappliedChanges{
originalSnapshot: s,
changes: changes,
// If there is an initialization error and a vendor directory changed, try to
// reinit.
if s.initializedErr != nil {
for uri := range changes {
if inVendor(uri) {
reinit = true
bgCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(bgCtx)
result := &snapshot{
id: + 1,
view: s.view,
backgroundCtx: bgCtx,
cancel: cancel,
builtin: s.builtin,
initialized: s.initialized,
initializedErr: s.initializedErr,
packages: s.packages.Clone(),
isActivePackageCache: s.isActivePackageCache.Clone(),
actions: s.actions.Clone(),
files: s.files.Clone(),
parsedGoFiles: s.parsedGoFiles.Clone(),
parseKeysByURI: s.parseKeysByURI.Clone(),
symbolizeHandles: s.symbolizeHandles.Clone(),
workspacePackages: make(map[PackageID]PackagePath, len(s.workspacePackages)),
unloadableFiles: make(map[span.URI]struct{}, len(s.unloadableFiles)),
parseModHandles: s.parseModHandles.Clone(),
parseWorkHandles: s.parseWorkHandles.Clone(),
modTidyHandles: s.modTidyHandles.Clone(),
modWhyHandles: s.modWhyHandles.Clone(),
knownSubdirs: s.knownSubdirs.Clone(),
workspace: newWorkspace,
// The snapshot should be initialized if either s was uninitialized, or we've
// detected a change that triggers reinitialization.
if reinit {
result.initialized = false
// Create a lease on the new snapshot.
// (Best to do this early in case the code below hides an
// incref/decref operation that might destroy it prematurely.)
release := result.Acquire()
// Copy the set of unloadable files.
// TODO(rfindley): this looks wrong. Shouldn't we clear unloadableFiles on
// changes to environment or workspace layout, or more generally on any
// metadata change?
for k, v := range s.unloadableFiles {
result.unloadableFiles[k] = v
// TODO(adonovan): merge loops over "changes".
for uri := range changes {
keys, ok := result.parseKeysByURI.Get(uri)
if ok {
for _, key := range keys {
// Invalidate go.mod-related handles.
// Invalidate handles for cached symbols.
// Add all of the known subdirectories, but don't update them for the
// changed files. We need to rebuild the workspace module to know the
// true set of known subdirectories, but we don't want to do that in clone.
result.knownSubdirs = s.knownSubdirs.Clone()
result.knownSubdirsPatternCache = s.knownSubdirsPatternCache
for _, c := range changes {
result.unprocessedSubdirChanges = append(result.unprocessedSubdirChanges, c)
// directIDs keeps track of package IDs that have directly changed.
// It maps id->invalidateMetadata.
directIDs := map[PackageID]bool{}
// Invalidate all package metadata if the workspace module has changed.
if reinit {
for k := range s.meta.metadata {
directIDs[k] = true
// Compute invalidations based on file changes.
anyImportDeleted := false // import deletions can resolve cycles
anyFileOpenedOrClosed := false // opened files affect workspace packages
anyFileAdded := false // adding a file can resolve missing dependencies
for uri, change := range changes {
// The original FileHandle for this URI is cached on the snapshot.
originalFH, _ := s.files.Get(uri)
var originalOpen, newOpen bool
_, originalOpen = originalFH.(*overlay)
_, newOpen = change.fileHandle.(*overlay)
anyFileOpenedOrClosed = anyFileOpenedOrClosed || (originalOpen != newOpen)
anyFileAdded = anyFileAdded || (originalFH == nil && change.fileHandle != nil)
// If uri is a Go file, check if it has changed in a way that would
// invalidate metadata. Note that we can't use s.view.FileKind here,
// because the file type that matters is not what the *client* tells us,
// but what the Go command sees.
var invalidateMetadata, pkgFileChanged, importDeleted bool
if strings.HasSuffix(uri.Filename(), ".go") {
invalidateMetadata, pkgFileChanged, importDeleted = metadataChanges(ctx, s, originalFH, change.fileHandle)
invalidateMetadata = invalidateMetadata || forceReloadMetadata || reinit
anyImportDeleted = anyImportDeleted || importDeleted
// Mark all of the package IDs containing the given file.
filePackageIDs := invalidatedPackageIDs(uri, s.meta.ids, pkgFileChanged)
for id := range filePackageIDs {
directIDs[id] = directIDs[id] || invalidateMetadata
// Invalidate the previous modTidyHandle if any of the files have been
// saved or if any of the metadata has been invalidated.
if invalidateMetadata || fileWasSaved(originalFH, change.fileHandle) {
// TODO(maybe): Only delete mod handles for
// which the withoutURI is relevant.
// Requires reverse-engineering the go command. (!)
// Handle the invalidated file; it may have new contents or not exist.
if !change.exists {
} else {
result.files.Set(uri, change.fileHandle)
// Make sure to remove the changed file from the unloadable set.
delete(result.unloadableFiles, uri)
// Deleting an import can cause list errors due to import cycles to be
// resolved. The best we can do without parsing the list error message is to
// hope that list errors may have been resolved by a deleted import.
// We could do better by parsing the list error message. We already do this
// to assign a better range to the list error, but for such critical
// functionality as metadata, it's better to be conservative until it proves
// impractical.
// We could also do better by looking at which imports were deleted and
// trying to find cycles they are involved in. This fails when the file goes
// from an unparseable state to a parseable state, as we don't have a
// starting point to compare with.
if anyImportDeleted {
for id, metadata := range s.meta.metadata {
if len(metadata.Errors) > 0 {
directIDs[id] = true
// Adding a file can resolve missing dependencies from existing packages.
// We could be smart here and try to guess which packages may have been
// fixed, but until that proves necessary, just invalidate metadata for any
// package with missing dependencies.
if anyFileAdded {
for id, metadata := range s.meta.metadata {
for _, impID := range metadata.DepsByImpPath {
if impID == "" { // missing import
directIDs[id] = true
// Invalidate reverse dependencies too.
// idsToInvalidate keeps track of transitive reverse dependencies.
// If an ID is present in the map, invalidate its types.
// If an ID's value is true, invalidate its metadata too.
idsToInvalidate := map[PackageID]bool{}
var addRevDeps func(PackageID, bool)
addRevDeps = func(id PackageID, invalidateMetadata bool) {
current, seen := idsToInvalidate[id]
newInvalidateMetadata := current || invalidateMetadata
// If we've already seen this ID, and the value of invalidate
// metadata has not changed, we can return early.
if seen && current == newInvalidateMetadata {
idsToInvalidate[id] = newInvalidateMetadata
for _, rid := range s.meta.importedBy[id] {
addRevDeps(rid, invalidateMetadata)
for id, invalidateMetadata := range directIDs {
addRevDeps(id, invalidateMetadata)
// If a file has been deleted, we must delete metadata for all packages
// containing that file.
// TODO(rfindley): why not keep invalid metadata in this case? If we
// otherwise allow operate on invalid metadata, why not continue to do so,
// skipping the missing file?
skipID := map[PackageID]bool{}
for _, c := range changes {
if c.exists {
// The file has been deleted.
if ids, ok := s.meta.ids[c.fileHandle.URI()]; ok {
for _, id := range ids {
skipID[id] = true
// Any packages that need loading in s still need loading in the new
// snapshot.
for k, v := range s.shouldLoad {
if result.shouldLoad == nil {
result.shouldLoad = make(map[PackageID][]PackagePath)
result.shouldLoad[k] = v
// TODO(rfindley): consolidate the this workspace mode detection with
// workspace invalidation.
workspaceModeChanged := s.workspaceMode() != result.workspaceMode()
// We delete invalid metadata in the following cases:
// - If we are forcing a reload of metadata.
// - If the workspace mode has changed, as stale metadata may produce
// confusing or incorrect diagnostics.
// TODO(rfindley): we should probably also clear metadata if we are
// reinitializing the workspace, as otherwise we could leave around a bunch
// of irrelevant and duplicate metadata (for example, if the module path
// changed). However, this breaks the "experimentalUseInvalidMetadata"
// feature, which relies on stale metadata when, for example, a go.mod file
// is broken via invalid syntax.
deleteInvalidMetadata := forceReloadMetadata || workspaceModeChanged
// Compute which metadata updates are required. We only need to invalidate
// packages directly containing the affected file, and only if it changed in
// a relevant way.
metadataUpdates := make(map[PackageID]*KnownMetadata)
for k, v := range s.meta.metadata {
invalidateMetadata := idsToInvalidate[k]
// For metadata that has been newly invalidated, capture package paths
// requiring reloading in the shouldLoad map.
if invalidateMetadata && !source.IsCommandLineArguments(v.ID) {
if result.shouldLoad == nil {
result.shouldLoad = make(map[PackageID][]PackagePath)
needsReload := []PackagePath{v.PkgPath}
if v.ForTest != "" && v.ForTest != v.PkgPath {
// When reloading test variants, always reload their ForTest package as
// well. Otherwise, we may miss test variants in the resulting load.
// TODO(rfindley): is this actually sufficient? Is it possible that
// other test variants may be invalidated? Either way, we should
// determine exactly what needs to be reloaded here.
needsReload = append(needsReload, v.ForTest)
result.shouldLoad[k] = needsReload
// Check whether the metadata should be deleted.
if skipID[k] || (invalidateMetadata && deleteInvalidMetadata) {
metadataUpdates[k] = nil
// Check if the metadata has changed.
valid := v.Valid && !invalidateMetadata
if valid != v.Valid {
// Mark invalidated metadata rather than deleting it outright.
metadataUpdates[k] = &KnownMetadata{
Metadata: v.Metadata,
Valid: valid,
// Update metadata, if necessary.
result.meta = s.meta.Clone(metadataUpdates)
// Update workspace and active packages, if necessary.
if result.meta != s.meta || anyFileOpenedOrClosed {
result.workspacePackages = computeWorkspacePackagesLocked(result, result.meta)
} else {
result.workspacePackages = s.workspacePackages
// Don't bother copying the importedBy graph,
// as it changes each time we update metadata.
// If the snapshot's workspace mode has changed, the packages loaded using
// the previous mode are no longer relevant, so clear them out.
if workspaceModeChanged {
result.workspacePackages = map[PackageID]PackagePath{}
return result, release
// invalidatedPackageIDs returns all packages invalidated by a change to uri.
// If we haven't seen this URI before, we guess based on files in the same
// directory. This is of course incorrect in build systems where packages are
// not organized by directory.
// If packageFileChanged is set, the file is either a new file, or has a new
// package name. In this case, all known packages in the directory will be
// invalidated.
func invalidatedPackageIDs(uri span.URI, known map[span.URI][]PackageID, packageFileChanged bool) map[PackageID]struct{} {
invalidated := make(map[PackageID]struct{})
// At a minimum, we invalidate packages known to contain uri.
for _, id := range known[uri] {
invalidated[id] = struct{}{}
// If the file didn't move to a new package, we should only invalidate the
// packages it is currently contained inside.
if !packageFileChanged && len(invalidated) > 0 {
return invalidated
// This is a file we don't yet know about, or which has moved packages. Guess
// relevant packages by considering files in the same directory.
// Cache of FileInfo to avoid unnecessary stats for multiple files in the
// same directory.
stats := make(map[string]struct {
getInfo := func(dir string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
if res, ok := stats[dir]; ok {
return res.FileInfo, res.error
fi, err := os.Stat(dir)
stats[dir] = struct {
}{fi, err}
return fi, err
dir := filepath.Dir(uri.Filename())
fi, err := getInfo(dir)
if err == nil {
// Aggregate all possibly relevant package IDs.
for knownURI, ids := range known {
knownDir := filepath.Dir(knownURI.Filename())
knownFI, err := getInfo(knownDir)
if err != nil {
if os.SameFile(fi, knownFI) {
for _, id := range ids {
invalidated[id] = struct{}{}
return invalidated
// invalidatePackagesLocked deletes data associated with the given package IDs.
// Note: all keys in the ids map are invalidated, regardless of the
// corresponding value.
// must be held while calling this function.
func (s *snapshot) invalidatePackagesLocked(ids map[PackageID]bool) {
// Delete invalidated package type information.
for id := range ids {
for _, mode := range source.AllParseModes {
key := packageKey{mode, id}
// Copy actions.
// TODO(adonovan): opt: avoid iteration over s.actions.
var actionsToDelete []actionKey
s.actions.Range(func(k, _ interface{}) {
key := k.(actionKey)
if _, ok := ids[key.pkgid]; ok {
actionsToDelete = append(actionsToDelete, key)
for _, key := range actionsToDelete {
// fileWasSaved reports whether the FileHandle passed in has been saved. It
// accomplishes this by checking to see if the original and current FileHandles
// are both overlays, and if the current FileHandle is saved while the original
// FileHandle was not saved.
func fileWasSaved(originalFH, currentFH source.FileHandle) bool {
c, ok := currentFH.(*overlay)
if !ok || c == nil {
return true
o, ok := originalFH.(*overlay)
if !ok || o == nil {
return c.saved
return !o.saved && c.saved
// metadataChanges detects features of the change from oldFH->newFH that may
// affect package metadata.
// It uses lockedSnapshot to access cached parse information. lockedSnapshot
// must be locked.
// The result parameters have the following meaning:
// - invalidate means that package metadata for packages containing the file
// should be invalidated.
// - pkgFileChanged means that the file->package associates for the file have
// changed (possibly because the file is new, or because its package name has
// changed).
// - importDeleted means that an import has been deleted, or we can't
// determine if an import was deleted due to errors.
func metadataChanges(ctx context.Context, lockedSnapshot *snapshot, oldFH, newFH source.FileHandle) (invalidate, pkgFileChanged, importDeleted bool) {
if oldFH == nil || newFH == nil { // existential changes
changed := (oldFH == nil) != (newFH == nil)
return changed, changed, (newFH == nil) // we don't know if an import was deleted
// If the file hasn't changed, there's no need to reload.
if oldFH.FileIdentity() == newFH.FileIdentity() {
return false, false, false
// Parse headers to compare package names and imports.
oldHead, oldErr := peekOrParse(ctx, lockedSnapshot, oldFH, source.ParseHeader)
newHead, newErr := peekOrParse(ctx, lockedSnapshot, newFH, source.ParseHeader)
if oldErr != nil || newErr != nil {
// TODO(rfindley): we can get here if newFH does not exists. There is
// asymmetry here, in that newFH may be non-nil even if the underlying file
// does not exist.
// We should not produce a non-nil filehandle for a file that does not exist.
errChanged := (oldErr == nil) != (newErr == nil)
return errChanged, errChanged, (newErr != nil) // we don't know if an import was deleted
// `go list` fails completely if the file header cannot be parsed. If we go
// from a non-parsing state to a parsing state, we should reload.
if oldHead.ParseErr != nil && newHead.ParseErr == nil {
return true, true, true // We don't know what changed, so fall back on full invalidation.
// If a package name has changed, the set of package imports may have changed
// in ways we can't detect here. Assume an import has been deleted.
if oldHead.File.Name.Name != newHead.File.Name.Name {
return true, true, true
// Check whether package imports have changed. Only consider potentially
// valid imports paths.
oldImports := validImports(oldHead.File.Imports)
newImports := validImports(newHead.File.Imports)
for path := range newImports {
if _, ok := oldImports[path]; ok {
delete(oldImports, path)
} else {
invalidate = true // a new, potentially valid import was added
if len(oldImports) > 0 {
invalidate = true
importDeleted = true
// If the change does not otherwise invalidate metadata, get the full ASTs in
// order to check magic comments.
// Note: if this affects performance we can probably avoid parsing in the
// common case by first scanning the source for potential comments.
if !invalidate {
origFull, oldErr := peekOrParse(ctx, lockedSnapshot, oldFH, source.ParseFull)
currFull, newErr := peekOrParse(ctx, lockedSnapshot, newFH, source.ParseFull)
if oldErr == nil && newErr == nil {
invalidate = magicCommentsChanged(origFull.File, currFull.File)
} else {
// At this point, we shouldn't ever fail to produce a ParsedGoFile, as
// we're already past header parsing.
bug.Reportf("metadataChanges: unparseable file %v (old error: %v, new error: %v)", oldFH.URI(), oldErr, newErr)
return invalidate, pkgFileChanged, importDeleted
// peekOrParse returns the cached ParsedGoFile if it exists,
// otherwise parses without populating the cache.
// It returns an error if the file could not be read (note that parsing errors
// are stored in ParsedGoFile.ParseErr).
// lockedSnapshot must be locked.
func peekOrParse(ctx context.Context, lockedSnapshot *snapshot, fh source.FileHandle, mode source.ParseMode) (*source.ParsedGoFile, error) {
// Peek in the cache without populating it.
// We do this to reduce retained heap, not work.
if parsed, _ := lockedSnapshot.peekParseGoLocked(fh, mode); parsed != nil {
return parsed, nil // cache hit
return parseGoImpl(ctx, token.NewFileSet(), fh, mode)
func magicCommentsChanged(original *ast.File, current *ast.File) bool {
oldComments := extractMagicComments(original)
newComments := extractMagicComments(current)
if len(oldComments) != len(newComments) {
return true
for i := range oldComments {
if oldComments[i] != newComments[i] {
return true
return false
// validImports extracts the set of valid import paths from imports.
func validImports(imports []*ast.ImportSpec) map[string]struct{} {
m := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, spec := range imports {
if path := spec.Path.Value; validImportPath(path) {
m[path] = struct{}{}
return m
func validImportPath(path string) bool {
path, err := strconv.Unquote(path)
if err != nil {
return false
if path == "" {
return false
if path[len(path)-1] == '/' {
return false
return true
var buildConstraintOrEmbedRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^//(go:embed|go:build|\s*\+build).*`)
// extractMagicComments finds magic comments that affect metadata in f.
func extractMagicComments(f *ast.File) []string {
var results []string
for _, cg := range f.Comments {
for _, c := range cg.List {
if buildConstraintOrEmbedRe.MatchString(c.Text) {
results = append(results, c.Text)
return results
func (s *snapshot) BuiltinFile(ctx context.Context) (*source.ParsedGoFile, error) {
builtin := s.builtin
if builtin == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no builtin package for view %s",
fh, err := s.GetFile(ctx, builtin)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return s.ParseGo(ctx, fh, source.ParseFull)
func (s *snapshot) IsBuiltin(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) bool {
// We should always get the builtin URI in a canonical form, so use simple
// string comparison here. span.CompareURI is too expensive.
return uri == s.builtin
func (s *snapshot) setBuiltin(path string) {
s.builtin = span.URIFromPath(path)
// BuildGoplsMod generates a go.mod file for all modules in the workspace. It
// bypasses any existing gopls.mod.
func (s *snapshot) BuildGoplsMod(ctx context.Context) (*modfile.File, error) {
allModules, err := findModules(s.view.folder, pathExcludedByFilterFunc(s.view.rootURI.Filename(), s.view.gomodcache, s.View().Options()), 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return buildWorkspaceModFile(ctx, allModules, s)
// TODO(rfindley): move this to workspace.go
func buildWorkspaceModFile(ctx context.Context, modFiles map[span.URI]struct{}, fs source.FileSource) (*modfile.File, error) {
file := &modfile.File{}
// Track the highest Go version, to be set on the workspace module.
// Fall back to 1.12 -- old versions insist on having some version.
goVersion := "1.12"
paths := map[string]span.URI{}
excludes := map[string][]string{}
var sortedModURIs []span.URI
for uri := range modFiles {
sortedModURIs = append(sortedModURIs, uri)
sort.Slice(sortedModURIs, func(i, j int) bool {
return sortedModURIs[i] < sortedModURIs[j]
for _, modURI := range sortedModURIs {
fh, err := fs.GetFile(ctx, modURI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
content, err := fh.Read()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
parsed, err := modfile.Parse(fh.URI().Filename(), content, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if file == nil || parsed.Module == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no module declaration for %s", modURI)
// Prepend "v" to go versions to make them valid semver.
if parsed.Go != nil && semver.Compare("v"+goVersion, "v"+parsed.Go.Version) < 0 {
goVersion = parsed.Go.Version
path := parsed.Module.Mod.Path
if seen, ok := paths[path]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("found module %q multiple times in the workspace, at:\n\t%q\n\t%q", path, seen, modURI)
paths[path] = modURI
// If the module's path includes a major version, we expect it to have
// a matching major version.
_, majorVersion, _ := module.SplitPathVersion(path)
if majorVersion == "" {
majorVersion = "/v0"
majorVersion = strings.TrimLeft(majorVersion, "/.") // handle versions
file.AddNewRequire(path, source.WorkspaceModuleVersion(majorVersion), false)
if err := file.AddReplace(path, "", dirURI(modURI).Filename(), ""); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, exclude := range parsed.Exclude {
excludes[exclude.Mod.Path] = append(excludes[exclude.Mod.Path], exclude.Mod.Version)
if goVersion != "" {
// Go back through all of the modules to handle any of their replace
// statements.
for _, modURI := range sortedModURIs {
fh, err := fs.GetFile(ctx, modURI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
content, err := fh.Read()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
parsed, err := modfile.Parse(fh.URI().Filename(), content, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If any of the workspace modules have replace directives, they need
// to be reflected in the workspace module.
for _, rep := range parsed.Replace {
// Don't replace any modules that are in our workspace--we should
// always use the version in the workspace.
if _, ok := paths[rep.Old.Path]; ok {
newPath := rep.New.Path
newVersion := rep.New.Version
// If a replace points to a module in the workspace, make sure we
// direct it to version of the module in the workspace.
if m, ok := paths[rep.New.Path]; ok {
newPath = dirURI(m).Filename()
newVersion = ""
} else if rep.New.Version == "" && !filepath.IsAbs(rep.New.Path) {
// Make any relative paths absolute.
newPath = filepath.Join(dirURI(modURI).Filename(), rep.New.Path)
if err := file.AddReplace(rep.Old.Path, rep.Old.Version, newPath, newVersion); err != nil {
return nil, err
for path, versions := range excludes {
for _, version := range versions {
file.AddExclude(path, version)
return file, nil
func buildWorkspaceSumFile(ctx context.Context, modFiles map[span.URI]struct{}, fs source.FileSource) ([]byte, error) {
allSums := map[module.Version][]string{}
for modURI := range modFiles {
// TODO(rfindley): factor out this pattern into a uripath package.
sumURI := span.URIFromPath(filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(modURI.Filename()), "go.sum"))
fh, err := fs.GetFile(ctx, sumURI)
if err != nil {
data, err := fh.Read()
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading go sum: %w", err)
if err := readGoSum(allSums, sumURI.Filename(), data); err != nil {
return nil, err
// This logic to write go.sum is copied (with minor modifications) from
var mods []module.Version
for m := range allSums {
mods = append(mods, m)
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, m := range mods {
list := allSums[m]
// Note (rfindley): here we add all sum lines without verification, because
// the assumption is that if they come from a go.sum file, they are
// trusted.
for _, h := range list {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s %s %s\n", m.Path, m.Version, h)
return buf.Bytes(), nil
// readGoSum is copied (with minor modifications) from
func readGoSum(dst map[module.Version][]string, file string, data []byte) error {
lineno := 0
for len(data) > 0 {
var line []byte
i := bytes.IndexByte(data, '\n')
if i < 0 {
line, data = data, nil
} else {
line, data = data[:i], data[i+1:]
f := strings.Fields(string(line))
if len(f) == 0 {
// blank line; skip it
if len(f) != 3 {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed go.sum:\n%s:%d: wrong number of fields %v", file, lineno, len(f))
mod := module.Version{Path: f[0], Version: f[1]}
dst[mod] = append(dst[mod], f[2])
return nil