blob: ae353940b0013596b9e20b33412c7abb2f466db6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package server
import (
// ModificationSource identifies the origin of a change.
type ModificationSource int
const (
// FromDidOpen is from a didOpen notification.
FromDidOpen = ModificationSource(iota)
// FromDidChange is from a didChange notification.
// FromDidChangeWatchedFiles is from didChangeWatchedFiles notification.
// FromDidSave is from a didSave notification.
// FromDidClose is from a didClose notification.
// FromDidChangeConfiguration is from a didChangeConfiguration notification.
// FromRegenerateCgo refers to file modifications caused by regenerating
// the cgo sources for the workspace.
// FromInitialWorkspaceLoad refers to the loading of all packages in the
// workspace when the view is first created.
// FromCheckUpgrades refers to state changes resulting from the CheckUpgrades
// command, which queries module upgrades.
// FromResetGoModDiagnostics refers to state changes resulting from the
// ResetGoModDiagnostics command.
// FromToggleGCDetails refers to state changes resulting from toggling
// gc_details on or off for a package.
func (m ModificationSource) String() string {
switch m {
case FromDidOpen:
return "opened files"
case FromDidChange:
return "changed files"
case FromDidChangeWatchedFiles:
return "files changed on disk"
case FromDidSave:
return "saved files"
case FromDidClose:
return "close files"
case FromRegenerateCgo:
return "regenerate cgo"
case FromInitialWorkspaceLoad:
return "initial workspace load"
case FromCheckUpgrades:
return "from check upgrades"
case FromResetGoModDiagnostics:
return "from resetting go.mod diagnostics"
return "unknown file modification"
func (s *server) DidOpen(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.DidOpenTextDocumentParams) error {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "lsp.Server.didOpen", tag.URI.Of(params.TextDocument.URI))
defer done()
uri := params.TextDocument.URI
// There may not be any matching view in the current session. If that's
// the case, try creating a new view based on the opened file path.
// TODO(golang/go#57979): revisit creating a folder here. We should separate
// the logic for managing folders from the logic for managing views. But it
// does make sense to ensure at least one workspace folder the first time a
// file is opened, and we can't do that inside didModifyFiles because we
// don't want to request configuration while holding a lock.
if len(s.session.Views()) == 0 {
dir := filepath.Dir(uri.Path())
s.addFolders(ctx, []protocol.WorkspaceFolder{{
URI: string(protocol.URIFromPath(dir)),
Name: filepath.Base(dir),
return s.didModifyFiles(ctx, []file.Modification{{
URI: uri,
Action: file.Open,
Version: params.TextDocument.Version,
Text: []byte(params.TextDocument.Text),
LanguageID: params.TextDocument.LanguageID,
}}, FromDidOpen)
func (s *server) DidChange(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.DidChangeTextDocumentParams) error {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "lsp.Server.didChange", tag.URI.Of(params.TextDocument.URI))
defer done()
uri := params.TextDocument.URI
text, err := s.changedText(ctx, uri, params.ContentChanges)
if err != nil {
return err
c := file.Modification{
URI: uri,
Action: file.Change,
Version: params.TextDocument.Version,
Text: text,
if err := s.didModifyFiles(ctx, []file.Modification{c}, FromDidChange); err != nil {
return err
return s.warnAboutModifyingGeneratedFiles(ctx, uri)
// warnAboutModifyingGeneratedFiles shows a warning if a user tries to edit a
// generated file for the first time.
func (s *server) warnAboutModifyingGeneratedFiles(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI) error {
_, ok := s.changedFiles[uri]
if !ok {
s.changedFiles[uri] = struct{}{}
// This file has already been edited before.
if ok {
return nil
// Ideally, we should be able to specify that a generated file should
// be opened as read-only. Tell the user that they should not be
// editing a generated file.
snapshot, release, err := s.session.SnapshotOf(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return err
isGenerated := golang.IsGenerated(ctx, snapshot, uri)
if isGenerated {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Do not edit this file! %s is a generated file.", uri.Path())
showMessage(ctx, s.client, protocol.Warning, msg)
return nil
func (s *server) DidChangeWatchedFiles(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.DidChangeWatchedFilesParams) error {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "lsp.Server.didChangeWatchedFiles")
defer done()
var modifications []file.Modification
for _, change := range params.Changes {
action := changeTypeToFileAction(change.Type)
modifications = append(modifications, file.Modification{
URI: change.URI,
Action: action,
OnDisk: true,
return s.didModifyFiles(ctx, modifications, FromDidChangeWatchedFiles)
func (s *server) DidSave(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.DidSaveTextDocumentParams) error {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "lsp.Server.didSave", tag.URI.Of(params.TextDocument.URI))
defer done()
c := file.Modification{
URI: params.TextDocument.URI,
Action: file.Save,
if params.Text != nil {
c.Text = []byte(*params.Text)
return s.didModifyFiles(ctx, []file.Modification{c}, FromDidSave)
func (s *server) DidClose(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.DidCloseTextDocumentParams) error {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "lsp.Server.didClose", tag.URI.Of(params.TextDocument.URI))
defer done()
return s.didModifyFiles(ctx, []file.Modification{
URI: params.TextDocument.URI,
Action: file.Close,
Version: -1,
Text: nil,
}, FromDidClose)
func (s *server) didModifyFiles(ctx context.Context, modifications []file.Modification, cause ModificationSource) error {
// wg guards two conditions:
// 1. didModifyFiles is complete
// 2. the goroutine diagnosing changes on behalf of didModifyFiles is
// complete, if it was started
// Both conditions must be satisfied for the purpose of testing: we don't
// want to observe the completion of change processing until we have received
// all diagnostics as well as all server->client notifications done on behalf
// of this function.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Done()
if s.Options().VerboseWorkDoneProgress {
work := s.progress.Start(ctx, DiagnosticWorkTitle(cause), "Calculating file diagnostics...", nil, nil)
go func() {
work.End(ctx, "Done.")
if s.state >= serverShutDown {
// This state check does not prevent races below, and exists only to
// produce a better error message. The actual race to the cache should be
// guarded by Session.viewMu.
return errors.New("server is shut down")
// If the set of changes included directories, expand those directories
// to their files.
modifications = s.session.ExpandModificationsToDirectories(ctx, modifications)
viewsToDiagnose, err := s.session.DidModifyFiles(ctx, modifications)
if err != nil {
return err
// golang/go#50267: diagnostics should be re-sent after each change.
for _, mod := range modifications {
modCtx, modID := s.needsDiagnosis(ctx, viewsToDiagnose)
go func() {
s.diagnoseChangedViews(modCtx, modID, viewsToDiagnose, cause)
// After any file modifications, we need to update our watched files,
// in case something changed. Compute the new set of directories to watch,
// and if it differs from the current set, send updated registrations.
return s.updateWatchedDirectories(ctx)
// needsDiagnosis records the given views as needing diagnosis, returning the
// context and modification id to use for said diagnosis.
// Only the keys of viewsToDiagnose are used; the changed files are irrelevant.
func (s *server) needsDiagnosis(ctx context.Context, viewsToDiagnose map[*cache.View][]protocol.DocumentURI) (context.Context, uint64) {
defer s.modificationMu.Unlock()
if s.cancelPrevDiagnostics != nil {
modCtx := xcontext.Detach(ctx)
modCtx, s.cancelPrevDiagnostics = context.WithCancel(modCtx)
modID := s.lastModificationID
for v := range viewsToDiagnose {
if needs, ok := s.viewsToDiagnose[v]; !ok || needs < modID {
s.viewsToDiagnose[v] = modID
return modCtx, modID
// DiagnosticWorkTitle returns the title of the diagnostic work resulting from a
// file change originating from the given cause.
func DiagnosticWorkTitle(cause ModificationSource) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("diagnosing %v", cause)
func (s *server) changedText(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI, changes []protocol.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent) ([]byte, error) {
if len(changes) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: no content changes provided", jsonrpc2.ErrInternal)
// Check if the client sent the full content of the file.
// We accept a full content change even if the server expected incremental changes.
if len(changes) == 1 && changes[0].Range == nil && changes[0].RangeLength == 0 {
return []byte(changes[0].Text), nil
return s.applyIncrementalChanges(ctx, uri, changes)
func (s *server) applyIncrementalChanges(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI, changes []protocol.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent) ([]byte, error) {
fh, err := s.session.ReadFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
content, err := fh.Content()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: file not found (%v)", jsonrpc2.ErrInternal, err)
for _, change := range changes {
// TODO(adonovan): refactor to use diff.Apply, which is robust w.r.t.
// out-of-order or overlapping changes---and much more efficient.
// Make sure to update mapper along with the content.
m := protocol.NewMapper(uri, content)
if change.Range == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: unexpected nil range for change", jsonrpc2.ErrInternal)
start, end, err := m.RangeOffsets(*change.Range)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if end < start {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: invalid range for content change", jsonrpc2.ErrInternal)
var buf bytes.Buffer
content = buf.Bytes()
return content, nil
func changeTypeToFileAction(ct protocol.FileChangeType) file.Action {
switch ct {
case protocol.Changed:
return file.Change
case protocol.Created:
return file.Create
case protocol.Deleted:
return file.Delete
return file.UnknownAction