blob: 64084049a89125c34e70afca672ca6a182bee032 [file] [log] [blame]
package definition
// Tests of 'definition' query, -json output.
// See for explanation.
// See main.golden for expected query results.
// TODO(adonovan): test: selection of member of same package defined in another file.
import (
lib2 "lib"
func main() {
var _ int // @definition builtin "int"
var _ undef // @definition lexical-undef "undef"
var x lib.T // @definition lexical-pkgname "lib"
f() // @definition lexical-func "f"
print(x) // @definition lexical-var "x"
if x := ""; x == "" { // @definition lexical-shadowing "x"
var _ lib.Type // @definition qualified-type "Type"
var _ lib.Func // @definition qualified-func "Func"
var _ lib.Var // @definition qualified-var "Var"
var _ lib.Const // @definition qualified-const "Const"
var _ lib2.Type // @definition qualified-type-renaming "Type"
var _ lib.Nonesuch // @definition qualified-nomember "Nonesuch"
var u U
print(u.field) // @definition select-field "field"
u.method() // @definition select-method "method"
func f()
type T struct{ field int }
func (T) method()
type U struct{ T }
type V1 struct {
W // @definition embedded-other-file "W"
type V2 struct {
*W // @definition embedded-other-file-pointer "W"
type V3 struct {
int // @definition embedded-basic "int"
type V4 struct {
*int // @definition embedded-basic-pointer "int"
type V5 struct {
lib.Type // @definition embedded-other-pkg "Type"
type V6 struct {
T // @definition embedded-same-file "T"