blob: 9a72f123e6285bcf25c774e40e9f5361e7a01b32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package lsp
import (
func (r *runner) Completion(t *testing.T, src span.Span, test tests.Completion, items tests.CompletionItems) {
got := r.callCompletion(t, src, func(opts *source.Options) {
opts.DeepCompletion = false
opts.Matcher = source.CaseInsensitive
opts.CompleteUnimported = false
opts.InsertTextFormat = protocol.SnippetTextFormat
opts.LiteralCompletions = strings.Contains(string(src.URI()), "literal")
opts.ExperimentalPostfixCompletions = strings.Contains(string(src.URI()), "postfix")
got = tests.FilterBuiltins(src, got)
want := expected(t, test, items)
if diff := tests.DiffCompletionItems(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatching completion items (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
func (r *runner) CompletionSnippet(t *testing.T, src span.Span, expected tests.CompletionSnippet, placeholders bool, items tests.CompletionItems) {
list := r.callCompletion(t, src, func(opts *source.Options) {
opts.UsePlaceholders = placeholders
opts.DeepCompletion = true
opts.Matcher = source.Fuzzy
opts.CompleteUnimported = false
got := tests.FindItem(list, *items[expected.CompletionItem])
want := expected.PlainSnippet
if placeholders {
want = expected.PlaceholderSnippet
if diff := tests.DiffSnippets(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s", diff)
func (r *runner) UnimportedCompletion(t *testing.T, src span.Span, test tests.Completion, items tests.CompletionItems) {
got := r.callCompletion(t, src, func(opts *source.Options) {})
got = tests.FilterBuiltins(src, got)
want := expected(t, test, items)
if diff := tests.CheckCompletionOrder(want, got, false); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s", diff)
func (r *runner) DeepCompletion(t *testing.T, src span.Span, test tests.Completion, items tests.CompletionItems) {
got := r.callCompletion(t, src, func(opts *source.Options) {
opts.DeepCompletion = true
opts.Matcher = source.CaseInsensitive
opts.CompleteUnimported = false
got = tests.FilterBuiltins(src, got)
want := expected(t, test, items)
if diff := tests.DiffCompletionItems(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatching completion items (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
func (r *runner) FuzzyCompletion(t *testing.T, src span.Span, test tests.Completion, items tests.CompletionItems) {
got := r.callCompletion(t, src, func(opts *source.Options) {
opts.DeepCompletion = true
opts.Matcher = source.Fuzzy
opts.CompleteUnimported = false
got = tests.FilterBuiltins(src, got)
want := expected(t, test, items)
if diff := tests.DiffCompletionItems(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatching completion items (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
func (r *runner) CaseSensitiveCompletion(t *testing.T, src span.Span, test tests.Completion, items tests.CompletionItems) {
got := r.callCompletion(t, src, func(opts *source.Options) {
opts.Matcher = source.CaseSensitive
opts.CompleteUnimported = false
got = tests.FilterBuiltins(src, got)
want := expected(t, test, items)
if diff := tests.DiffCompletionItems(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatching completion items (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
func (r *runner) RankCompletion(t *testing.T, src span.Span, test tests.Completion, items tests.CompletionItems) {
got := r.callCompletion(t, src, func(opts *source.Options) {
opts.DeepCompletion = true
opts.Matcher = source.Fuzzy
opts.CompleteUnimported = false
opts.LiteralCompletions = true
opts.ExperimentalPostfixCompletions = true
want := expected(t, test, items)
if msg := tests.CheckCompletionOrder(want, got, true); msg != "" {
t.Errorf("%s", msg)
func expected(t *testing.T, test tests.Completion, items tests.CompletionItems) []protocol.CompletionItem {
toProtocolCompletionItem := func(item *completion.CompletionItem) protocol.CompletionItem {
pItem := protocol.CompletionItem{
Label: item.Label,
Kind: item.Kind,
Detail: item.Detail,
Documentation: item.Documentation,
InsertText: item.InsertText,
TextEdit: &protocol.TextEdit{
NewText: item.Snippet(),
// Negate score so best score has lowest sort text like real API.
SortText: fmt.Sprint(-item.Score),
if pItem.InsertText == "" {
pItem.InsertText = pItem.Label
return pItem
var want []protocol.CompletionItem
for _, pos := range test.CompletionItems {
want = append(want, toProtocolCompletionItem(items[pos]))
return want
func (r *runner) callCompletion(t *testing.T, src span.Span, options func(*source.Options)) []protocol.CompletionItem {
view, err := r.server.session.ViewOf(src.URI())
if err != nil {
original := view.Options()
modified := view.Options().Clone()
view, err = r.server.session.SetViewOptions(r.ctx, view, modified)
if err != nil {
return nil
defer r.server.session.SetViewOptions(r.ctx, view, original)
list, err := r.server.Completion(r.ctx, &protocol.CompletionParams{
TextDocumentPositionParams: protocol.TextDocumentPositionParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(src.URI()),
Position: protocol.Position{
Line: uint32(src.Start().Line() - 1),
Character: uint32(src.Start().Column() - 1),
if err != nil {
return list.Items