blob: 11a7138821e08a0b2d4dede82b0c076dbfc52f07 [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build ignore
// +build ignore
package main
var a, b, c int
var unknown bool // defeat dead-code elimination
func func1() {
var h int // @line f1h
f := func(x *int) *int {
if unknown {
return &b
return x
// FV(g) = {f, h}
g := func(x *int) *int {
if unknown {
return &h
return f(x)
print(g(&a)) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a | command-line-arguments.b | h@f1h:6
print(f(&a)) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a | command-line-arguments.b
print(&a) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a
// @calls command-line-arguments.func1 -> command-line-arguments.func1$2
// @calls command-line-arguments.func1 -> command-line-arguments.func1$1
// @calls command-line-arguments.func1$2 -> command-line-arguments.func1$1
func func2() {
var x, y *int
defer func() {
x = &a
go func() {
y = &b
print(x) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a
print(y) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.b
func func3() {
x, y := func() (x, y *int) {
x = &a
y = &b
if unknown {
return nil, &c
print(x) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a
print(y) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.b | command-line-arguments.c
func swap(x, y *int) (*int, *int) { // @line swap
print(&x) // @pointsto x@swap:11
print(x) // @pointsto makeslice[*]@func4make:11
print(&y) // @pointsto y@swap:14
print(y) // @pointsto j@f4j:5
return y, x
func func4() {
a := make([]int, 10) // @line func4make
i, j := 123, 456 // @line f4j
_ = i
p, q := swap(&a[3], &j)
print(p) // @pointsto j@f4j:5
print(q) // @pointsto makeslice[*]@func4make:11
f := &b
print(f) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.b
type T int
func (t *T) f(x *int) *int {
print(t) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a
print(x) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.c
return &b
func (t *T) g(x *int) *int {
print(t) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a
print(x) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.b
return &c
func (t *T) h(x *int) *int {
print(t) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a
print(x) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.b
return &c
var h func(*T, *int) *int
func func5() {
// Static call of method.
t := (*T)(&a)
print(t.f(&c)) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.b
// Static call of method as function
print((*T).g(t, &b)) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.c
// Dynamic call (not invoke) of method.
h = (*T).h
print(h(t, &b)) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.c
// @calls command-line-arguments.func5 -> (*command-line-arguments.T).f
// @calls command-line-arguments.func5 -> (*command-line-arguments.T).g$thunk
// @calls command-line-arguments.func5 -> (*command-line-arguments.T).h$thunk
func func6() {
A := &a
f := func() *int {
return A // (free variable)
print(f()) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a
// @calls command-line-arguments.func6 -> command-line-arguments.func6$1
type I interface {
type D struct{}
func (D) f() {}
func func7() {
var i I = D{}
imethodClosure := i.f
// @calls command-line-arguments.func7 -> (command-line-arguments.I).f$bound
// @calls (command-line-arguments.I).f$bound -> (command-line-arguments.D).f
var d D
cmethodClosure := d.f
// @calls command-line-arguments.func7 -> (command-line-arguments.D).f$bound
// @calls (command-line-arguments.D).f$bound ->(command-line-arguments.D).f
methodExpr := D.f
// @calls command-line-arguments.func7 -> (command-line-arguments.D).f$thunk
func func8(x {
print(&x[0]) // @pointsto varargs[*]@varargs:15
type E struct {
x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 *int
func (e E) f() {}
func func9() {
// Regression test for bug reported by Jon Valdes on golang-dev, Jun 19 2014.
// The receiver of a bound method closure may be of a multi-node type, E.
// valueNode was reserving only a single node for it, so the
// nodes used by the immediately following constraints
// (e.g. param 'i') would get clobbered.
var e E
e.x1 = &a
e.x2 = &a
e.x3 = &a
e.x4 = &a
e.x5 = &a
_ = e.f // form a closure---must reserve sizeof(E) nodes
func(i I) {
i.f() // must not crash the solver
print(e.x1) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a
print(e.x2) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a
print(e.x3) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a
print(e.x4) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a
print(e.x5) // @pointsto command-line-arguments.a
func main() {
func8(1, 2, 3) // @line varargs
// @calls <root> -> command-line-arguments.main
// @calls <root> -> command-line-arguments.init