blob: 6f865083a9d37d76f7390c87b8ef8cddc1425adb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package settings_test
import (
. ""
func TestDefaultsEquivalence(t *testing.T) {
opts1 := DefaultOptions()
opts2 := DefaultOptions()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(opts1, opts2) {
t.Fatal("default options are not equivalent using reflect.DeepEqual")
func TestOptions_Set(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
name string
value any
wantError bool
check func(Options) bool
tests := []testCase{
name: "symbolStyle",
value: "Dynamic",
check: func(o Options) bool { return o.SymbolStyle == DynamicSymbols },
name: "symbolStyle",
value: "",
wantError: true,
check: func(o Options) bool { return o.SymbolStyle == "" },
name: "symbolStyle",
value: false,
wantError: true,
check: func(o Options) bool { return o.SymbolStyle == "" },
name: "symbolMatcher",
value: "caseInsensitive",
check: func(o Options) bool { return o.SymbolMatcher == SymbolCaseInsensitive },
name: "completionBudget",
value: "2s",
check: func(o Options) bool { return o.CompletionBudget == 2*time.Second },
name: "codelenses",
value: map[string]any{"generate": true},
check: func(o Options) bool { return o.Codelenses["generate"] },
name: "allExperiments",
value: true,
check: func(o Options) bool {
return true // just confirm that we handle this setting
name: "hoverKind",
value: "FullDocumentation",
check: func(o Options) bool {
return o.HoverKind == FullDocumentation
name: "hoverKind",
value: "NoDocumentation",
check: func(o Options) bool {
return o.HoverKind == NoDocumentation
name: "hoverKind",
value: "SingleLine",
check: func(o Options) bool {
return o.HoverKind == SingleLine
name: "hoverKind",
value: "Structured",
check: func(o Options) bool {
return o.HoverKind == Structured
name: "ui.documentation.hoverKind",
value: "Structured",
check: func(o Options) bool {
return o.HoverKind == Structured
name: "matcher",
value: "Fuzzy",
check: func(o Options) bool {
return o.Matcher == Fuzzy
name: "matcher",
value: "CaseSensitive",
check: func(o Options) bool {
return o.Matcher == CaseSensitive
name: "matcher",
value: "CaseInsensitive",
check: func(o Options) bool {
return o.Matcher == CaseInsensitive
name: "env",
value: map[string]any{"testing": "true"},
check: func(o Options) bool {
v, found := o.Env["testing"]
return found && v == "true"
name: "env",
value: []string{"invalid", "input"},
wantError: true,
check: func(o Options) bool {
return o.Env == nil
name: "directoryFilters",
value: []any{"-node_modules", "+project_a"},
check: func(o Options) bool {
return len(o.DirectoryFilters) == 2
name: "directoryFilters",
value: []any{"invalid"},
wantError: true,
check: func(o Options) bool {
return len(o.DirectoryFilters) == 0
name: "directoryFilters",
value: []string{"-invalid", "+type"},
wantError: true,
check: func(o Options) bool {
return len(o.DirectoryFilters) == 0
name: "annotations",
value: map[string]any{
"Nil": false,
"noBounds": true,
wantError: true,
check: func(o Options) bool {
return !o.Annotations[Nil] && !o.Annotations[Bounds]
name: "vulncheck",
value: []any{"invalid"},
wantError: true,
check: func(o Options) bool {
return o.Vulncheck == "" // For invalid value, default to 'off'.
name: "vulncheck",
value: "Imports",
check: func(o Options) bool {
return o.Vulncheck == ModeVulncheckImports // For invalid value, default to 'off'.
name: "vulncheck",
value: "imports",
check: func(o Options) bool {
return o.Vulncheck == ModeVulncheckImports
for _, test := range tests {
var opts Options
err := opts.Set(map[string]any{ test.value})
if err != nil {
if !test.wantError {
t.Errorf("Options.set(%q, %v) failed: %v",, test.value, err)
} else if test.wantError {
t.Fatalf("Options.set(%q, %v) succeeded unexpectedly",, test.value)
// TODO: this could be made much better using cmp.Diff, if that becomes
// available in this module.
if !test.check(opts) {
t.Errorf("Options.set(%q, %v): unexpected result %+v",, test.value, opts)
func TestOptions_Clone(t *testing.T) {
// Test that the Options.Clone actually performs a deep clone of the Options
// struct.
golden := clonetest.NonZero[*Options]()
opts := clonetest.NonZero[*Options]()
opts2 := opts.Clone()
// The clone should be equivalent to the original.
if diff := cmp.Diff(golden, opts2); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Clone() does not match original (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
// Mutating the clone should not mutate the original.
if diff := cmp.Diff(golden, opts); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Mutating clone mutated the original (-want +got):\n%s", diff)