blob: ed7ead7a747978cdf363236c5e7088472bd96216 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package methodsets defines an incremental, serializable index of
// method-set information that allows efficient 'implements' queries
// across packages of the workspace without using the type checker.
// This package provides only the "global" (all workspace) search; the
// "local" search within a given package uses a different
// implementation based on type-checker data structures for a single
// package plus variants; see ../implementation.go.
// The local algorithm is more precise as it tests function-local types too.
// A global index of function-local types is challenging since they
// may reference other local types, for which we would need to invent
// stable names, an unsolved problem described in passing in Go issue
// 57497. The global algorithm also does not index anonymous interface
// types, even outside function bodies.
// Consequently, global results are not symmetric: applying the
// operation twice may not get you back where you started.
package methodsets
// See for a minimal exposition of the algorithm.
// For each method, we compute a fingerprint: a string representing
// the method name and type such that equal fingerprint strings mean
// identical method types.
// For efficiency, the fingerprint is reduced to a single bit
// of a uint64, so that the method set can be represented as
// the union of those method bits (a uint64 bitmask).
// Assignability thus reduces to a subset check on bitmasks
// followed by equality checks on fingerprints.
// In earlier experiments, using 128-bit masks instead of 64 reduced
// the number of candidates by about 2x. Using (like a Bloom filter) a
// different hash function to compute a second 64-bit mask and
// performing a second mask test reduced it by about 4x.
// Neither had much effect on the running time, presumably because a
// single 64-bit mask is quite effective. See CL 452060 for details.
import (
// An Index records the non-empty method sets of all package-level
// types in a package in a form that permits assignability queries
// without the type checker.
type Index struct {
pkg gobPackage
// Decode decodes the given gob-encoded data as an Index.
func Decode(data []byte) *Index {
var pkg gobPackage
packageCodec.Decode(data, &pkg)
return &Index{pkg}
// Encode encodes the receiver as gob-encoded data.
func (index *Index) Encode() []byte {
return packageCodec.Encode(index.pkg)
// NewIndex returns a new index of method-set information for all
// package-level types in the specified package.
func NewIndex(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *types.Package) *Index {
return new(indexBuilder).build(fset, pkg)
// A Location records the extent of an identifier in byte-offset form.
// Conversion to protocol (UTF-16) form is done by the caller after a
// search, not during index construction.
type Location struct {
Filename string
Start, End int // byte offsets
// A Key represents the method set of a given type in a form suitable
// to pass to the (*Index).Search method of many different Indexes.
type Key struct {
mset gobMethodSet // note: lacks position information
// KeyOf returns the search key for the method sets of a given type.
// It returns false if the type has no methods.
func KeyOf(t types.Type) (Key, bool) {
mset := methodSetInfo(t, nil)
if mset.Mask == 0 {
return Key{}, false // no methods
return Key{mset}, true
// A Result reports a matching type or method in a method-set search.
type Result struct {
Location Location // location of the type or method
// methods only:
PkgPath string // path of declaring package (may differ due to embedding)
ObjectPath objectpath.Path // path of method within declaring package
// Search reports each type that implements (or is implemented by) the
// type that produced the search key. If methodID is nonempty, only
// that method of each type is reported.
// The result does not include the error.Error method.
// TODO(adonovan): give this special case a more systematic treatment.
func (index *Index) Search(key Key, methodID string) []Result {
var results []Result
for _, candidate := range index.pkg.MethodSets {
// Traditionally this feature doesn't report
// interface/interface elements of the relation.
// I think that's a mistake.
// TODO(adonovan): UX: change it, here and in the local implementation.
if candidate.IsInterface && key.mset.IsInterface {
if !satisfies(candidate, key.mset) && !satisfies(key.mset, candidate) {
if candidate.Tricky {
// If any interface method is tricky then extra
// checking may be needed to eliminate a false positive.
// TODO(adonovan): implement it.
if methodID == "" {
results = append(results, Result{Location: index.location(candidate.Posn)})
} else {
for _, m := range candidate.Methods {
// Here we exploit knowledge of the shape of the fingerprint string.
if strings.HasPrefix(m.Fingerprint, methodID) &&
m.Fingerprint[len(methodID)] == '(' {
// Don't report error.Error among the results:
// it has no true source location, no package,
// and is excluded from the xrefs index.
if m.PkgPath == 0 || m.ObjectPath == 0 {
if methodID != "Error" {
panic("missing info for" + methodID)
results = append(results, Result{
Location: index.location(m.Posn),
PkgPath: index.pkg.Strings[m.PkgPath],
ObjectPath: objectpath.Path(index.pkg.Strings[m.ObjectPath]),
return results
// satisfies does a fast check for whether x satisfies y.
func satisfies(x, y gobMethodSet) bool {
return y.IsInterface && x.Mask&y.Mask == y.Mask && subset(y, x)
// subset reports whether method set x is a subset of y.
func subset(x, y gobMethodSet) bool {
for _, mx := range x.Methods {
for _, my := range y.Methods {
if mx.Sum == my.Sum && mx.Fingerprint == my.Fingerprint {
continue outer // found; try next x method
return false // method of x not found in y
return true // all methods of x found in y
func (index *Index) location(posn gobPosition) Location {
return Location{
Filename: index.pkg.Strings[posn.File],
Start: posn.Offset,
End: posn.Offset + posn.Len,
// An indexBuilder builds an index for a single package.
type indexBuilder struct {
stringIndex map[string]int
// build adds to the index all package-level named types of the specified package.
func (b *indexBuilder) build(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *types.Package) *Index {
_ = b.string("") // 0 => ""
objectPos := func(obj types.Object) gobPosition {
posn := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, obj.Pos())
return gobPosition{b.string(posn.Filename), posn.Offset, len(obj.Name())}
objectpathFor := new(objectpath.Encoder).For
// setindexInfo sets the (Posn, PkgPath, ObjectPath) fields for each method declaration.
setIndexInfo := func(m *gobMethod, method *types.Func) {
// error.Error has empty Position, PkgPath, and ObjectPath.
if method.Pkg() == nil {
m.Posn = objectPos(method)
m.PkgPath = b.string(method.Pkg().Path())
// Instantiations of generic methods don't have an
// object path, so we use the generic.
if p, err := objectpathFor(method.Origin()); err != nil {
panic(err) // can't happen for a method of a package-level type
} else {
m.ObjectPath = b.string(string(p))
// We ignore aliases, though in principle they could define a
// struct{...} or interface{...} type, or an instantiation of
// a generic, that has a novel method set.
scope := pkg.Scope()
for _, name := range scope.Names() {
if tname, ok := scope.Lookup(name).(*types.TypeName); ok && !tname.IsAlias() {
if mset := methodSetInfo(tname.Type(), setIndexInfo); mset.Mask != 0 {
mset.Posn = objectPos(tname)
// Only record types with non-trivial method sets.
b.MethodSets = append(b.MethodSets, mset)
return &Index{pkg: b.gobPackage}
// string returns a small integer that encodes the string.
func (b *indexBuilder) string(s string) int {
i, ok := b.stringIndex[s]
if !ok {
i = len(b.Strings)
if b.stringIndex == nil {
b.stringIndex = make(map[string]int)
b.stringIndex[s] = i
b.Strings = append(b.Strings, s)
return i
// methodSetInfo returns the method-set fingerprint of a type.
// It calls the optional setIndexInfo function for each gobMethod.
// This is used during index construction, but not search (KeyOf),
// to store extra information.
func methodSetInfo(t types.Type, setIndexInfo func(*gobMethod, *types.Func)) gobMethodSet {
// For non-interface types, use *T
// (if T is not already a pointer)
// since it may have more methods.
mset := types.NewMethodSet(EnsurePointer(t))
// Convert the method set into a compact summary.
var mask uint64
tricky := false
methods := make([]gobMethod, mset.Len())
for i := 0; i < mset.Len(); i++ {
m := mset.At(i).Obj().(*types.Func)
fp, isTricky := fingerprint(m)
if isTricky {
tricky = true
sum := crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(fp))
methods[i] = gobMethod{Fingerprint: fp, Sum: sum}
if setIndexInfo != nil {
setIndexInfo(&methods[i], m) // set Position, PkgPath, ObjectPath
mask |= 1 << uint64(((sum>>24)^(sum>>16)^(sum>>8)^sum)&0x3f)
return gobMethodSet{
IsInterface: types.IsInterface(t),
Tricky: tricky,
Mask: mask,
Methods: methods,
// EnsurePointer wraps T in a types.Pointer if T is a named, non-interface type.
// This is useful to make sure you consider a named type's full method set.
func EnsurePointer(T types.Type) types.Type {
if _, ok := aliases.Unalias(T).(*types.Named); ok && !types.IsInterface(T) {
return types.NewPointer(T)
return T
// fingerprint returns an encoding of a method signature such that two
// methods with equal encodings have identical types, except for a few
// tricky types whose encodings may spuriously match and whose exact
// identity computation requires the type checker to eliminate false
// positives (which are rare). The boolean result indicates whether
// the result was one of these tricky types.
// In the standard library, 99.8% of package-level types have a
// non-tricky method-set. The most common exceptions are due to type
// parameters.
// The fingerprint string starts with method.Id() + "(".
func fingerprint(method *types.Func) (string, bool) {
var buf strings.Builder
tricky := false
var fprint func(t types.Type)
fprint = func(t types.Type) {
switch t := t.(type) {
case *aliases.Alias:
case *types.Named:
tname := t.Obj()
if tname.Pkg() != nil {
} else if tname.Name() != "error" && tname.Name() != "comparable" {
panic(tname) // error and comparable the only named types with no package
case *types.Array:
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "[%d]", t.Len())
case *types.Slice:
case *types.Pointer:
case *types.Map:
case *types.Chan:
switch t.Dir() {
case types.SendRecv:
buf.WriteString("chan ")
case types.SendOnly:
buf.WriteString("<-chan ")
case types.RecvOnly:
buf.WriteString("chan<- ")
case *types.Tuple:
for i := 0; i < t.Len(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
case *types.Basic:
// Use canonical names for uint8 and int32 aliases.
switch t.Kind() {
case types.Byte:
case types.Rune:
case *types.Signature:
if t.Variadic() {
buf.WriteString("...") // not quite Go syntax
case *types.Struct:
// Non-empty unnamed struct types in method
// signatures are vanishingly rare.
for i := 0; i < t.NumFields(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
f := t.Field(i)
// This isn't quite right for embedded type aliases.
// (See types.TypeString(StructType) and #44410 for context.)
// But this is vanishingly rare.
if !f.Embedded() {
buf.WriteByte(' ')
if tag := t.Tag(i); tag != "" {
buf.WriteByte(' ')
case *types.Interface:
if t.NumMethods() == 0 {
buf.WriteString("any") // common case
} else {
// Interface assignability is particularly
// tricky due to the possibility of recursion.
tricky = true
// We could still give more disambiguating precision
// than "..." if we wanted to.
case *types.TypeParam:
tricky = true
// TODO(adonovan): refine this by adding a numeric suffix
// indicating the index among the receiver type's parameters.
default: // incl. *types.Union
buf.WriteString(method.Id()) // e.g. "pkg.Type"
sig := method.Type().(*types.Signature)
return buf.String(), tricky
// -- serial format of index --
// (The name says gob but in fact we use frob.)
var packageCodec = frob.CodecFor[gobPackage]()
// A gobPackage records the method set of each package-level type for a single package.
type gobPackage struct {
Strings []string // index of strings used by gobPosition.File, gobMethod.{Pkg,Object}Path
MethodSets []gobMethodSet
// A gobMethodSet records the method set of a single type.
type gobMethodSet struct {
Posn gobPosition
IsInterface bool
Tricky bool // at least one method is tricky; assignability requires go/types
Mask uint64 // mask with 1 bit from each of methods[*].sum
Methods []gobMethod
// A gobMethod records the name, type, and position of a single method.
type gobMethod struct {
Fingerprint string // string of form "methodID(params...)(results)"
Sum uint32 // checksum of fingerprint
// index records only (zero in KeyOf; also for index of error.Error).
Posn gobPosition // location of method declaration
PkgPath int // path of package containing method declaration
ObjectPath int // object path of method relative to PkgPath
// A gobPosition records the file, offset, and length of an identifier.
type gobPosition struct {
File int // index into gobPackage.Strings
Offset, Len int // in bytes