blob: 52cf468bfb0abf341c8fd7a094f6dc6390043932 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains tests for the atomic checker.
package a
import (
type Subtractable interface {
func Sub[T Subtractable](addr *T, delta T) T {
// the followings result in type errors, but doesn't stop this vet check
*addr = atomic.AddInt64(addr, -delta) // want "direct assignment to atomic value"
*addr = atomic.AddUintptr(addr, delta) // want "direct assignment to atomic value"
atomic.AddInt64() // vet ignores it
return *addr
type _S[T Subtractable] struct {
x *T
func (v _S) AddInt64(_ *int64, delta int64) int64 {
*v.x = atomic.AddInt64(v.x, delta) // want "direct assignment to atomic value"
return *v.x
func NonAtomicInt64() {
var atomic _S[int64]
*atomic.x = atomic.AddInt64(atomic.x, 123) // ok; AddInt64 is not sync/atomic.AddInt64.