blob: b214b218995b3e81331f2d756412eed790484cf2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package expect
import (
const (
commentStart = "@"
// Identifier is the type for an identifier in an Note argument list.
type Identifier string
// Parse collects all the notes present in a file.
// If content is nil, the filename specified is read and parsed, otherwise the
// content is used and the filename is used for positions and error messages.
// Each comment whose text starts with @ is parsed as a comma-separated
// sequence of notes.
// See the package documentation for details about the syntax of those
// notes.
func Parse(fset *token.FileSet, filename string, content []byte) ([]*Note, error) {
var src interface{}
if content != nil {
src = content
// TODO: We should write this in terms of the scanner.
// there are ways you can break the parser such that it will not add all the
// comments to the ast, which may result in files where the tests are silently
// not run.
file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, src, parser.ParseComments)
if file == nil {
return nil, err
return Extract(fset, file)
// Extract collects all the notes present in an AST.
// Each comment whose text starts with @ is parsed as a comma-separated
// sequence of notes.
// See the package documentation for details about the syntax of those
// notes.
func Extract(fset *token.FileSet, file *ast.File) ([]*Note, error) {
var notes []*Note
for _, g := range file.Comments {
for _, c := range g.List {
text := c.Text
if strings.HasPrefix(text, "/*") {
text = strings.TrimSuffix(text, "*/")
text = text[2:] // remove "//" or "/*" prefix
if !strings.HasPrefix(text, commentStart) {
text = text[len(commentStart):]
parsed, err := parse(fset, c.Pos()+4, text)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
notes = append(notes, parsed...)
return notes, nil
func parse(fset *token.FileSet, base token.Pos, text string) ([]*Note, error) {
var scanErr error
s := new(scanner.Scanner).Init(strings.NewReader(text))
s.Mode = scanner.GoTokens
s.Error = func(s *scanner.Scanner, msg string) {
scanErr = fmt.Errorf("%v:%s", fset.Position(base+token.Pos(s.Position.Offset)), msg)
notes, err := parseComment(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v:%s", fset.Position(base+token.Pos(s.Position.Offset)), err)
if scanErr != nil {
return nil, scanErr
for _, n := range notes {
n.Pos += base
return notes, nil
func parseComment(s *scanner.Scanner) ([]*Note, error) {
var notes []*Note
for {
n, err := parseNote(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
notes = append(notes, n)
tok := s.Scan()
switch tok {
case ',':
// continue
case scanner.EOF:
return notes, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected %s parsing comment", scanner.TokenString(tok))
func parseNote(s *scanner.Scanner) (*Note, error) {
if tok := s.Scan(); tok != scanner.Ident {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected identifier, got %s", scanner.TokenString(tok))
n := &Note{
Pos: token.Pos(s.Position.Offset),
Name: s.TokenText(),
switch s.Peek() {
case ',', scanner.EOF:
// no argument list present
return n, nil
case '(':
// parse the argument list
if tok := s.Scan(); tok != '(' {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected ( got %s", scanner.TokenString(tok))
// special case the empty argument list
if s.Peek() == ')' {
if tok := s.Scan(); tok != ')' {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected ) got %s", scanner.TokenString(tok))
n.Args = []interface{}{} // @name() is represented by a non-nil empty slice.
return n, nil
// handle a normal argument list
for {
arg, err := parseArgument(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
n.Args = append(n.Args, arg)
switch s.Peek() {
case ')':
if tok := s.Scan(); tok != ')' {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected ) got %s", scanner.TokenString(tok))
return n, nil
case ',':
if tok := s.Scan(); tok != ',' {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected , got %s", scanner.TokenString(tok))
// continue
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected %s parsing argument list", scanner.TokenString(s.Scan()))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected %s parsing note", scanner.TokenString(s.Scan()))
func parseArgument(s *scanner.Scanner) (interface{}, error) {
tok := s.Scan()
switch tok {
case scanner.Ident:
v := s.TokenText()
switch v {
case "true":
return true, nil
case "false":
return false, nil
case "nil":
return nil, nil
case "re":
tok := s.Scan()
switch tok {
case scanner.String, scanner.RawString:
pattern, _ := strconv.Unquote(s.TokenText()) // can't fail
re, err := regexp.Compile(pattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid regular expression %s: %v", pattern, err)
return re, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("re must be followed by string, got %s", scanner.TokenString(tok))
return Identifier(v), nil
case scanner.String, scanner.RawString:
v, _ := strconv.Unquote(s.TokenText()) // can't fail
return v, nil
case scanner.Int:
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(s.TokenText(), 0, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to int: %v", s.TokenText(), err)
return v, nil
case scanner.Float:
v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s.TokenText(), 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %v to float: %v", s.TokenText(), err)
return v, nil
case scanner.Char:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected char literal %s", s.TokenText())
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected %s parsing argument", scanner.TokenString(tok))