blob: c7754ac51f26ff11476498ace394fa3ceb394be0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package completion
import (
// searchItem represents a candidate in deep completion search queue.
type searchItem struct {
cand candidate
// searchPath holds the path from search root (excluding the item itself) for
// a searchItem.
type searchPath struct {
path []types.Object
names []string
// MaxDeepCompletions limits deep completion results because in most cases
// there are too many to be useful.
const MaxDeepCompletions = 3
// deepCompletionState stores our state as we search for deep completions.
// "deep completion" refers to searching into objects' fields and methods to
// find more completion candidates.
type deepCompletionState struct {
// enabled indicates wether deep completion is permitted. It should be
// reset to original value if manually disabled for an individual case.
enabled bool
// queueClosed is used to disable adding new items to search queue once
// we're running out of our time budget.
queueClosed bool
// searchQueue holds the current breadth first search queue.
searchQueue []searchItem
// curPath tracks the current deep completion search path.
curPath *searchPath
// highScores tracks the highest deep candidate scores we have found
// so far. This is used to avoid work for low scoring deep candidates.
highScores [MaxDeepCompletions]float64
// candidateCount is the count of unique deep candidates encountered
// so far.
candidateCount int
// enqueue adds candidates to the search queue.
func (s *deepCompletionState) enqueue(path *searchPath, candidates ...candidate) {
for _, cand := range candidates {
s.searchQueue = append(s.searchQueue, searchItem{path, cand})
// dequeue removes and returns the leftmost element from the search queue.
func (s *deepCompletionState) dequeue() *searchItem {
var item *searchItem
item, s.searchQueue = &s.searchQueue[0], s.searchQueue[1:]
return item
// scorePenalty computes a deep candidate score penalty. A candidate is
// penalized based on depth to favor shallower candidates. We also give a
// slight bonus to unexported objects and a slight additional penalty to
// function objects.
func (s *deepCompletionState) scorePenalty() float64 {
var deepPenalty float64
for _, dc := range s.curPath.path {
if !dc.Exported() {
deepPenalty -= 0.1
if _, isSig := dc.Type().Underlying().(*types.Signature); isSig {
deepPenalty += 0.1
// Normalize penalty to a max depth of 10.
return deepPenalty / 10
// isHighScore returns whether score is among the top MaxDeepCompletions deep
// candidate scores encountered so far. If so, it adds score to highScores,
// possibly displacing an existing high score.
func (s *deepCompletionState) isHighScore(score float64) bool {
// Invariant: s.highScores is sorted with highest score first. Unclaimed
// positions are trailing zeros.
// If we beat an existing score then take its spot.
for i, deepScore := range s.highScores {
if score <= deepScore {
if deepScore != 0 && i != len(s.highScores)-1 {
// If this wasn't an empty slot then we need to scooch everyone
// down one spot.
copy(s.highScores[i+1:], s.highScores[i:])
s.highScores[i] = score
return true
return false
// inDeepCompletion returns if we're currently searching an object's members.
func (s *deepCompletionState) inDeepCompletion() bool {
return len(s.curPath.path) > 0
// reset resets deepCompletionState since found might be called multiple times.
// We don't reset high scores since multiple calls to found still respect the
// same MaxDeepCompletions count.
func (s *deepCompletionState) reset() {
s.searchQueue = nil
s.curPath = &searchPath{}
// appendToSearchPath appends an object to a given searchPath.
func appendToSearchPath(oldPath searchPath, obj types.Object, invoke bool) *searchPath {
name := obj.Name()
if invoke {
name += "()"
// copy the slice since we don't want to overwrite the original slice.
path := append([]types.Object{}, oldPath.path...)
names := append([]string{}, oldPath.names...)
return &searchPath{
path: append(path, obj),
names: append(names, name),
// found adds a candidate to completion items if it's a valid suggestion and
// searches the candidate's subordinate objects for more completion items if
// deep completion is enabled.
func (c *completer) found(ctx context.Context, cand candidate) {
// reset state at the end so current state doesn't affect completions done
// outside c.found.
defer c.deepState.reset()
// At the top level, dedupe by object.
if c.seen[cand.obj] {
c.seen[cand.obj] = true
c.deepState.enqueue(&searchPath{}, cand)
for len(c.deepState.searchQueue) > 0 {
item := c.deepState.dequeue()
curCand := item.cand
obj := curCand.obj
// If obj is not accessible because it lives in another package and is
// not exported, don't treat it as a completion candidate.
if obj.Pkg() != nil && obj.Pkg() != c.pkg.GetTypes() && !obj.Exported() {
// If we want a type name, don't offer non-type name candidates.
// However, do offer package names since they can contain type names,
// and do offer any candidate without a type since we aren't sure if it
// is a type name or not (i.e. unimported candidate).
if c.wantTypeName() && obj.Type() != nil && !isTypeName(obj) && !isPkgName(obj) {
// When searching deep, make sure we don't have a cycle in our chain.
// We don't dedupe by object because we want to allow both "foo.Baz"
// and "bar.Baz" even though "Baz" is represented the same types.Object
// in both.
for _, seenObj := range item.path {
if seenObj == obj {
continue outer
// update tracked current path since other functions might check it.
c.deepState.curPath = item.searchPath
c.addCandidate(ctx, curCand)
if c.opts.budget > 0 && c.deepState.candidateCount%100 == 0 {
spent := float64(time.Since(c.startTime)) / float64(c.opts.budget)
if spent > 1.0 {
// If we are almost out of budgeted time, no further elements
// should be added to the queue. This ensures remaining time is
// used for processing current queue.
if !c.deepState.queueClosed && spent >= 0.85 {
c.deepState.queueClosed = true
// if deep search is disabled, don't add any more candidates.
if !c.deepState.enabled || c.deepState.queueClosed {
// Searching members for a type name doesn't make sense.
if isTypeName(obj) {
if obj.Type() == nil {
// Don't search embedded fields because they were already included in their
// parent's fields.
if v, ok := obj.(*types.Var); ok && v.Embedded() {
if sig, ok := obj.Type().Underlying().(*types.Signature); ok {
// If obj is a function that takes no arguments and returns one
// value, keep searching across the function call.
if sig.Params().Len() == 0 && sig.Results().Len() == 1 {
newSearchPath := appendToSearchPath(*item.searchPath, obj, true)
// The result of a function call is not addressable.
candidates := c.methodsAndFields(ctx, sig.Results().At(0).Type(), false, curCand.imp)
c.deepState.enqueue(newSearchPath, candidates...)
newSearchPath := appendToSearchPath(*item.searchPath, obj, false)
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.PkgName:
candidates := c.packageMembers(ctx, obj.Imported(), stdScore, curCand.imp)
c.deepState.enqueue(newSearchPath, candidates...)
candidates := c.methodsAndFields(ctx, obj.Type(), curCand.addressable, curCand.imp)
c.deepState.enqueue(newSearchPath, candidates...)
// addCandidate adds a completion candidate to suggestions, without searching
// its members for more candidates.
func (c *completer) addCandidate(ctx context.Context, cand candidate) {
obj := cand.obj
if c.matchingCandidate(&cand) {
cand.score *= highScore
if p := c.penalty(&cand); p > 0 {
cand.score *= (1 - p)
} else if isTypeName(obj) {
// If obj is a *types.TypeName that didn't otherwise match, check
// if a literal object of this type makes a good candidate.
// We only care about named types (i.e. don't want builtin types).
if _, isNamed := obj.Type().(*types.Named); isNamed {
c.literal(ctx, obj.Type(), cand.imp)
// Lower score of method calls so we prefer fields and vars over calls.
if cand.expandFuncCall {
if sig, ok := obj.Type().Underlying().(*types.Signature); ok && sig.Recv() != nil {
cand.score *= 0.9
// Prefer private objects over public ones.
if !obj.Exported() && obj.Parent() != types.Universe {
cand.score *= 1.1
// Favor shallow matches by lowering score according to depth.
cand.score -= cand.score * c.deepState.scorePenalty()
if cand.score < 0 {
cand.score = 0
} = strings.Join(append(c.deepState.curPath.names, cand.obj.Name()), ".")
matchScore := c.matcher.Score(
if matchScore > 0 {
cand.score *= float64(matchScore)
// Avoid calling c.item() for deep candidates that wouldn't be in the top
// MaxDeepCompletions anyway.
if !c.deepState.inDeepCompletion() || c.deepState.isHighScore(cand.score) {
if item, err := c.item(ctx, cand); err == nil {
c.items = append(c.items, item)
// penalty reports a score penalty for cand in the range (0, 1).
// For example, a candidate is penalized if it has already been used
// in another switch case statement.
func (c *completer) penalty(cand *candidate) float64 {
for _, p := range c.inference.penalized {
if c.objChainMatches(cand.obj, p.objChain) {
return p.penalty
return 0
// objChainMatches reports whether cand combined with the surrounding
// object prefix matches chain.
func (c *completer) objChainMatches(cand types.Object, chain []types.Object) bool {
// For example, when completing:
// If we are considering the deep candidate "bar.baz", cand is baz,
// objChain is [foo] and deepChain is [bar]. We would match the
// chain [foo, bar, baz].
if len(chain) != len(c.inference.objChain)+len(c.deepState.curPath.path)+1 {
return false
if chain[len(chain)-1] != cand {
return false
for i, o := range c.inference.objChain {
if chain[i] != o {
return false
for i, o := range c.deepState.curPath.path {
if chain[i+len(c.inference.objChain)] != o {
return false
return true