blob: bed7f706a4c01e3378d922ef8e6a8908475e2511 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains tests for the slog checker.
//go:build go1.21
package a
import (
func F() {
var (
l *slog.Logger
r slog.Record
// Unrelated call.
// Valid calls.
slog.Info("msg", "a", 1)
l.Debug("msg", "a", 1)
l.With("a", 1)
slog.Warn("msg", slog.Int("a", 1), "k", 2)
l.WarnCtx(nil, "msg", "a", 1, slog.Int("b", 2), slog.Int("c", 3), "d", 4)
r.Add("a", 1, "b", 2)
// bad
slog.Info("msg", 1) // want `slog.Info arg "1" should be a string or a slog.Attr`
l.Info("msg", 2) // want `slog.Logger.Info arg "2" should be a string or a slog.Attr`
slog.Debug("msg", "a") // want `call to slog.Debug missing a final value`
slog.Warn("msg", slog.Int("a", 1), "k") // want `call to slog.Warn missing a final value`
slog.ErrorCtx(nil, "msg", "a", 1, "b") // want `call to slog.ErrorCtx missing a final value`
r.Add("K", "v", "k") // want `call to slog.Record.Add missing a final value`
l.With("a", "b", 2) // want `slog.Logger.With arg "2" should be a string or a slog.Attr`
slog.Log(nil, slog.LevelWarn, "msg", "a", "b", 2) // want `slog.Log arg "2" should be a string or a slog.Attr`
// Skip calls with spread args.
var args []any
slog.Info("msg", args...)
// The variadic part of all the calls below begins with an argument of
// static type any, followed by an integer.
// Even though the we don't know the dynamic type of the first arg, and thus
// whether it is a key, an Attr, or something else, the fact that the
// following integer arg cannot be a key allows us to assume that we should
// expect a key to follow.
var a any = "key"
// This is a valid call for which we correctly produce no diagnostic.
slog.Info("msg", a, 7, "key2", 5)
// This is an invalid call because the final value is missing, but we can't
// be sure that's the reason.
slog.Info("msg", a, 7, "key2") // want `call to slog.Info has a missing or misplaced value`
// Here our guess about the unknown arg (a) is wrong: we assume it's a string, but it's an Attr.
// Therefore the second argument should be a key, but it is a number.
// Ideally our diagnostic would pinpoint the problem, but we don't have enough information.
a = slog.Int("a", 1)
slog.Info("msg", a, 7, "key2") // want `call to slog.Info has a missing or misplaced value`
// This call is invalid for the same reason as the one above, but we can't
// detect that.
slog.Info("msg", a, 7, "key2", 5)
// Another invalid call we can't detect. Here the first argument is wrong.
a = 1
slog.Info("msg", a, 7, "b", 5)