blob: fa7bf3be8044efe6f40efda5ad8ccd949f40fe82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
func TestParseErrorMessage(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
in string
expectedFileName string
expectedLine int
expectedColumn int
name: "from go list output",
in: "\nattributes.go:13:1: expected 'package', found 'type'",
expectedFileName: "attributes.go",
expectedLine: 13,
expectedColumn: 1,
name: "windows driver letter",
in: "C:\\foo\\bar.go:13: message",
expectedFileName: "bar.go",
expectedLine: 13,
expectedColumn: 0,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
fn, line, col8 := parseGoListError(packages.Error{Msg:}, ".")
if !strings.HasSuffix(fn, tt.expectedFileName) {
t.Errorf("expected filename with suffix %v but got %v", tt.expectedFileName, fn)
if line != tt.expectedLine {
t.Errorf("expected line %v but got %v", tt.expectedLine, line)
if col8 != tt.expectedColumn {
t.Errorf("expected col %v but got %v", tt.expectedLine, col8)
func TestDiagnosticEncoding(t *testing.T) {
diags := []*source.Diagnostic{
{}, // empty
URI: "file///foo",
Range: protocol.Range{
Start: protocol.Position{Line: 4, Character: 2},
End: protocol.Position{Line: 6, Character: 7},
Severity: protocol.SeverityWarning,
Code: "red",
CodeHref: "",
Source: "test",
Message: "something bad happened",
Tags: []protocol.DiagnosticTag{81},
Related: []protocol.DiagnosticRelatedInformation{
Location: protocol.Location{
URI: "file:///other",
Range: protocol.Range{
Start: protocol.Position{Line: 3, Character: 6},
End: protocol.Position{Line: 4, Character: 9},
Message: "psst, over here",
// Fields below are used internally to generate quick fixes. They aren't
// part of the LSP spec and don't leave the server.
SuggestedFixes: []source.SuggestedFix{
Title: "fix it!",
Edits: map[protocol.DocumentURI][]protocol.TextEdit{
"file:///foo": {{
Range: protocol.Range{
Start: protocol.Position{Line: 4, Character: 2},
End: protocol.Position{Line: 6, Character: 7},
NewText: "abc",
"file:///other": {{
Range: protocol.Range{
Start: protocol.Position{Line: 4, Character: 2},
End: protocol.Position{Line: 6, Character: 7},
NewText: "!@#!",
Command: &protocol.Command{
Title: "run a command",
Command: "gopls.fix",
Arguments: []json.RawMessage{json.RawMessage(`{"a":1}`)},
ActionKind: protocol.QuickFix,
URI: "file//bar",
// other fields tested above
data := encodeDiagnostics(diags)
diags2 := decodeDiagnostics(data)
if diff := cmp.Diff(diags, diags2); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("decoded diagnostics do not match (-original +decoded):\n%s", diff)