blob: 6af1149184d68be59e0568477d49f4c31479ede5 [file] [log] [blame]
This test checks the behavior of standalone packages, in particular documenting
our failure to support test files as standalone packages (golang/go#64233).
-- go.mod --
go 1.20
-- a.go --
package a
func F() {} //@loc(F, "F")
-- standalone.go --
//go:build ignore
package main
import ""
func main() {
a.F() //@def("F", F)
-- standalone_test.go --
//go:build ignore
package main //@diag("main", re"No packages found")
import ""
func main() {
a.F() //@hovererr("F", "no package")
-- standalone_x_test.go --
//go:build ignore
package main_test //@diag("main", re"No packages found")
import ""
func main() {
a.F() //@hovererr("F", "no package")