blob: 436bbbac31630605656e0d657c96f435b49e708c [file] [log] [blame]
Test of imported completions respecting the effective Go version of the file.
(See "un-" prefixed file for same test of unimported completions.)
These symbols below were introduced in go1.20:
The underlying logic depends on versions.FileVersion, which only
behaves correctly in go1.22. (When go1.22 is assured, we can remove
the min_go flag but leave the test inputs unchanged.)
-- flags --
-ignore_extra_diags -min_go=go1.22
-- go.mod --
go 1.19
-- a/a.go --
package a
import "go/ast"
import "go/token"
import "go/types"
// package-level func
var _ = types.Imple //@rankl("Imple", "Implements")
var _ = types.Satis //@rankl("Satis", "!Satisfies")
// (Apparently we don't even offer completions of methods
// of types from unimported packages, so the fact that
// we don't implement std version filtering isn't evident.)
// field
var _ = new(ast.File).Packa //@rankl("Packa", "Package")
var _ = new(ast.File).FileS //@rankl("FileS", "!FileStart")
// method
var _ = new(token.FileSet).Add //@rankl("Add", "AddFile")
var _ = new(token.FileSet).Remove //@rankl("Remove", "!RemoveFile")
-- b/b.go --
//go:build go1.20
package a
import "go/ast"
import "go/token"
import "go/types"
// package-level func
var _ = types.Imple //@rankl("Imple", "Implements")
var _ = types.Satis //@rankl("Satis", "Satisfies")
// field
var _ = new(ast.File).Packa //@rankl("Packa", "Package")
var _ = new(ast.File).FileS //@rankl("FileS", "FileStart")
// method
var _ = new(token.FileSet).Add //@rankl("Add", "AddFile")
var _ = new(token.FileSet).Remove //@rankl("Remove", "RemoveFile")