blob: 676b9ad9b5536f204df94cc74d029a1aea9db950 [file] [log] [blame]
This test exercises the reference and dereference completion modifiers.
TODO: remove the need to set "literalCompletions" here, as this is one of the
few places this setting is needed.
-- flags --
-- go.mod --
go 1.18
-- address/address.go --
package address
func wantsPtr(*int) {}
func wantsVariadicPtr(...*int) {}
func wantsVariadic( {}
type foo struct{ c int } //@item(addrFieldC, "c", "int", "field")
func _() {
var (
a string //@item(addrA, "a", "string", "var")
b int //@item(addrB, "b", "int", "var")
wantsPtr() //@rank(")", addrB, addrA),snippet(")", addrB, "&b")
wantsPtr(&b) //@snippet(")", addrB, "b")
wantsVariadicPtr() //@rank(")", addrB, addrA),snippet(")", addrB, "&b")
var s foo
s.c //@item(addrDeepC, "s.c", "int", "field")
wantsPtr() //@snippet(")", addrDeepC, "&s.c")
wantsPtr(s) //@snippet(")", addrDeepC, "&s.c")
wantsPtr(&s) //@snippet(")", addrDeepC, "s.c")
// don't add "&" in item (it gets added as an additional edit)
wantsPtr(&s.c) //@snippet(")", addrFieldC, "c")
// check dereferencing as well
var c *int //@item(addrCPtr, "c", "*int", "var")
var _ int = _ //@rank("_ //", addrCPtr, addrA),snippet("_ //", addrCPtr, "*c")
wantsVariadic() //@rank(")", addrCPtr, addrA),snippet(")", addrCPtr, "*c")
var d **int //@item(addrDPtr, "d", "**int", "var")
var _ int = _ //@rank("_ //", addrDPtr, addrA),snippet("_ //", addrDPtr, "**d")
type namedPtr *int
var np namedPtr //@item(addrNamedPtr, "np", "namedPtr", "var")
var _ int = _ //@rank("_ //", addrNamedPtr, addrA)
// don't get tripped up by recursive pointer type
type dontMessUp *dontMessUp //@item(dontMessUp, "dontMessUp", "*dontMessUp", "type")
var dmu *dontMessUp //@item(addrDMU, "dmu", "*dontMessUp", "var")
var _ int = dmu //@complete(" //", addrDMU, dontMessUp)
func (f foo) ptr() *foo { return &f }
func _() {
getFoo := func() foo { return foo{} }
// not addressable
getFoo().c //@item(addrGetFooC, "getFoo().c", "int", "field")
// addressable
getFoo().ptr().c //@item(addrGetFooPtrC, "getFoo().ptr().c", "int", "field")
wantsPtr() //@snippet(")", addrGetFooPtrC, "&getFoo().ptr().c")
wantsPtr(&g) //@snippet(")", addrGetFooPtrC, "getFoo().ptr().c")
type nested struct {
f foo
func _() {
getNested := func() nested { return nested{} }
getNested().f.c //@item(addrNestedC, "getNested().f.c", "int", "field")
getNested().f.ptr().c //@item(addrNestedPtrC, "getNested().f.ptr().c", "int", "field")
// addrNestedC is not addressable, so rank lower
wantsPtr(getNestedfc) //@complete(")", addrNestedPtrC, addrNestedC)