blob: 6d84e0342bfa4b7cb103aa5c9c703464a3d4cefe [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build ignore
// +build ignore
package main
// Test of runtime types (types for which descriptors are needed).
func use(interface{})
type A byte // neither A nor byte are runtime types
type B struct{ x uint } // B and uint are runtime types, but not the struct
func main() {
var x int // not a runtime type
var y string // runtime type due to interface conversion
use(struct{ uint64 }{}) // struct is a runtime type
use(new(B)) // *B is a runtime type
// WANT:
// reachable main
// reachable use
// !rtype A
// !rtype struct{uint}
// rtype *B
// rtype B
// rtype string
// rtype struct{uint64}
// rtype uint
// rtype uint64
// !rtype int