blob: ba0d5be71a93d8c7175c89d0189c9a8d4a824017 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package trie_test
import (
// This file tests trie.Map by cross checking operations on a collection of
// trie.Map's against a collection of map[uint64]interface{}. This includes
// both limited fuzz testing for correctness and benchmarking.
// mapCollection is effectively a []map[uint64]interface{}.
// These support operations being applied to the i'th maps.
type mapCollection interface {
Elements() []map[uint64]interface{}
DeepEqual(l, r int) bool
Lookup(id int, k uint64) (interface{}, bool)
Insert(id int, k uint64, v interface{})
Update(id int, k uint64, v interface{})
Remove(id int, k uint64)
Intersect(l int, r int)
Merge(l int, r int)
Clear(id int)
Average(l int, r int)
Assign(l int, r int)
// opCode of an operation.
type opCode int
const (
deepEqualsOp opCode = iota
func (op opCode) String() string {
switch op {
case deepEqualsOp:
return "DE"
case lookupOp:
return "LO"
case insert:
return "IN"
case update:
return "UP"
case remove:
return "RE"
case merge:
return "ME"
case intersect:
return "IT"
case clear:
return "CL"
case takeAverage:
return "AV"
case assign:
return "AS"
return "??"
// A mapCollection backed by MutMaps.
type trieCollection struct {
b *trie.Builder
tries []trie.MutMap
func (c *trieCollection) Elements() []map[uint64]interface{} {
var maps []map[uint64]interface{}
for _, m := range c.tries {
maps = append(maps, trie.Elems(m.M))
return maps
func (c *trieCollection) Eq(id int, m map[uint64]interface{}) bool {
elems := trie.Elems(c.tries[id].M)
return !reflect.DeepEqual(elems, m)
func (c *trieCollection) Lookup(id int, k uint64) (interface{}, bool) {
return c.tries[id].M.Lookup(k)
func (c *trieCollection) DeepEqual(l, r int) bool {
return c.tries[l].M.DeepEqual(c.tries[r].M)
func (c *trieCollection) Add() {
c.tries = append(c.tries, c.b.MutEmpty())
func (c *trieCollection) Insert(id int, k uint64, v interface{}) {
c.tries[id].Insert(k, v)
func (c *trieCollection) Update(id int, k uint64, v interface{}) {
c.tries[id].Update(k, v)
func (c *trieCollection) Remove(id int, k uint64) {
func (c *trieCollection) Intersect(l int, r int) {
func (c *trieCollection) Merge(l int, r int) {
func (c *trieCollection) Average(l int, r int) {
c.tries[l].MergeWith(average, c.tries[r].M)
func (c *trieCollection) Clear(id int) {
c.tries[id] = c.b.MutEmpty()
func (c *trieCollection) Assign(l, r int) {
c.tries[l] = c.tries[r]
func average(x interface{}, y interface{}) interface{} {
if x, ok := x.(float32); ok {
if y, ok := y.(float32); ok {
return (x + y) / 2.0
return x
type builtinCollection []map[uint64]interface{}
func (c builtinCollection) Elements() []map[uint64]interface{} {
return c
func (c builtinCollection) Lookup(id int, k uint64) (interface{}, bool) {
v, ok := c[id][k]
return v, ok
func (c builtinCollection) DeepEqual(l, r int) bool {
return reflect.DeepEqual(c[l], c[r])
func (c builtinCollection) Insert(id int, k uint64, v interface{}) {
if _, ok := c[id][k]; !ok {
c[id][k] = v
func (c builtinCollection) Update(id int, k uint64, v interface{}) {
c[id][k] = v
func (c builtinCollection) Remove(id int, k uint64) {
delete(c[id], k)
func (c builtinCollection) Intersect(l int, r int) {
result := map[uint64]interface{}{}
for k, v := range c[l] {
if _, ok := c[r][k]; ok {
result[k] = v
c[l] = result
func (c builtinCollection) Merge(l int, r int) {
result := map[uint64]interface{}{}
for k, v := range c[r] {
result[k] = v
for k, v := range c[l] {
result[k] = v
c[l] = result
func (c builtinCollection) Average(l int, r int) {
avg := map[uint64]interface{}{}
for k, lv := range c[l] {
if rv, ok := c[r][k]; ok {
avg[k] = average(lv, rv)
} else {
avg[k] = lv // add elements just in l
for k, rv := range c[r] {
if _, ok := c[l][k]; !ok {
avg[k] = rv // add elements just in r
c[l] = avg
func (c builtinCollection) Assign(l, r int) {
m := map[uint64]interface{}{}
for k, v := range c[r] {
m[k] = v
c[l] = m
func (c builtinCollection) Clear(id int) {
c[id] = map[uint64]interface{}{}
func newTriesCollection(size int) *trieCollection {
tc := &trieCollection{
b: trie.NewBuilder(),
tries: make([]trie.MutMap, size),
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
tc.tries[i] = tc.b.MutEmpty()
return tc
func newMapsCollection(size int) *builtinCollection {
maps := make(builtinCollection, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
maps[i] = map[uint64]interface{}{}
return &maps
// operation on a map collection.
type operation struct {
code opCode
l, r int
k uint64
v float32
// Apply the operation to maps.
func (op operation) Apply(maps mapCollection) interface{} {
type lookupresult struct {
v interface{}
ok bool
switch op.code {
case deepEqualsOp:
return maps.DeepEqual(op.l, op.r)
case lookupOp:
v, ok := maps.Lookup(op.l, op.k)
return lookupresult{v, ok}
case insert:
maps.Insert(op.l, op.k, op.v)
case update:
maps.Update(op.l, op.k, op.v)
case remove:
maps.Remove(op.l, op.k)
case merge:
maps.Merge(op.l, op.r)
case intersect:
maps.Intersect(op.l, op.r)
case clear:
case takeAverage:
maps.Average(op.l, op.r)
case assign:
maps.Assign(op.l, op.r)
return nil
// Returns a collection of op codes with dist[op] copies of op.
func distribution(dist map[opCode]int) []opCode {
var codes []opCode
for op, n := range dist {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
codes = append(codes, op)
return codes
// options for generating a random operation.
type options struct {
maps int
maxKey uint64
maxVal int
codes []opCode
// returns a random operation using r as a source of randomness.
func randOperator(r *rand.Rand, opts options) operation {
id := func() int { return r.Intn(opts.maps) }
key := func() uint64 { return r.Uint64() % opts.maxKey }
val := func() float32 { return float32(r.Intn(opts.maxVal)) }
switch code :=[r.Intn(len(]; code {
case lookupOp, remove:
return operation{code: code, l: id(), k: key()}
case insert, update:
return operation{code: code, l: id(), k: key(), v: val()}
case deepEqualsOp, merge, intersect, takeAverage, assign:
return operation{code: code, l: id(), r: id()}
case clear:
return operation{code: code, l: id()}
panic("Invalid op code")
func randOperators(r *rand.Rand, numops int, opts options) []operation {
ops := make([]operation, numops)
for i := 0; i < numops; i++ {
ops[i] = randOperator(r, opts)
return ops
// TestOperations applies a series of random operations to collection of
// trie.MutMaps and map[uint64]interface{}. It tests for the maps being equal.
func TestOperations(t *testing.T) {
seed := time.Now().UnixNano()
s := rand.NewSource(seed)
r := rand.New(s)
t.Log("seed: ", seed)
size := 10
N := 100000
ops := randOperators(r, N, options{
maps: size,
maxKey: 128,
maxVal: 100,
codes: distribution(map[opCode]int{
deepEqualsOp: 1,
lookupOp: 10,
insert: 10,
update: 10,
remove: 10,
merge: 10,
intersect: 10,
clear: 2,
takeAverage: 5,
assign: 5,
var tries mapCollection = newTriesCollection(size)
var maps mapCollection = newMapsCollection(size)
check := func() error {
if got, want := tries.Elements(), maps.Elements(); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
return fmt.Errorf("elements of tries and maps and tries differed. got %v want %v", got, want)
return nil
for i, op := range ops {
got, want := op.Apply(tries), op.Apply(maps)
if got != want {
t.Errorf("op[%d]: (%v).Apply(%v) != (%v).Apply(%v). got %v want %v",
i, op, tries, op, maps, got, want)
if err := check(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%d operators failed with %s", size, err)
t.Log("Rerunning with more checking")
tries, maps = newTriesCollection(size), newMapsCollection(size)
for i, op := range ops {
if err := check(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed first on op[%d]=%v: %v", i, op, err)
func run(b *testing.B, opts options, seed int64, mk func(int) mapCollection) {
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
ops := randOperators(r, b.N, opts)
maps := mk(opts.maps)
for _, op := range ops {
var standard options = options{
maps: 10,
maxKey: 128,
maxVal: 100,
codes: distribution(map[opCode]int{
deepEqualsOp: 1,
lookupOp: 20,
insert: 20,
update: 20,
remove: 20,
merge: 10,
intersect: 10,
clear: 1,
takeAverage: 5,
assign: 20,
func BenchmarkTrieStandard(b *testing.B) {
run(b, standard, 123, func(size int) mapCollection {
return newTriesCollection(size)
func BenchmarkMapsStandard(b *testing.B) {
run(b, standard, 123, func(size int) mapCollection {
return newMapsCollection(size)
var smallWide options = options{
maps: 100,
maxKey: 100,
maxVal: 8,
codes: distribution(map[opCode]int{
deepEqualsOp: 0,
lookupOp: 0,
insert: 30,
update: 20,
remove: 0,
merge: 10,
intersect: 0,
clear: 1,
takeAverage: 0,
assign: 30,
func BenchmarkTrieSmallWide(b *testing.B) {
run(b, smallWide, 456, func(size int) mapCollection {
return newTriesCollection(size)
func BenchmarkMapsSmallWide(b *testing.B) {
run(b, smallWide, 456, func(size int) mapCollection {
return newMapsCollection(size)