blob: 94af77b5b16adff1302cfe321379838e90eb243c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.19
// +build go1.19
package main
import (
var (
// git clone
repodir = flag.String("d", "", "directory of vscode-languageserver-node")
outputdir = flag.String("o", "gen", "output directory")
// PJW: not for real code
cmpdir = flag.String("c", "", "directory of earlier code")
doboth = flag.String("b", "", "generate and compare")
func main() {
log.SetFlags(log.Lshortfile) // log file name and line number, not time
func processinline() {
if *repodir == "" {
*repodir = filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), "vscode-languageserver-node")
model := parse(filepath.Join(*repodir, "protocol/metaModel.json"))
fileHdr = fileHeader(model)
// write the files
// common file header for output files
var fileHdr string
func writeclient() {
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprintln(out, fileHdr)
`import (
out.WriteString("type Client interface {\n")
for _, k := range cdecls.keys() {
out.WriteString("func clientDispatch(ctx context.Context, client Client, reply jsonrpc2.Replier, r jsonrpc2.Request) (bool, error) {\n")
out.WriteString("\tswitch r.Method() {\n")
for _, k := range ccases.keys() {
out.WriteString(("\tdefault:\n\t\treturn false, nil\n\t}\n}\n\n"))
for _, k := range cfuncs.keys() {
x, err := format.Source(out.Bytes())
if err != nil {
os.WriteFile("/tmp/a.go", out.Bytes(), 0644)
log.Fatalf("tsclient.go: %v", err)
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(*outputdir, "tsclient.go"), x, 0644); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%v writing tsclient.go", err)
func writeserver() {
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprintln(out, fileHdr)
`import (
out.WriteString("type Server interface {\n")
for _, k := range sdecls.keys() {
out.WriteString(` NonstandardRequest(ctx context.Context, method string, params interface{}) (interface{}, error)
func serverDispatch(ctx context.Context, server Server, reply jsonrpc2.Replier, r jsonrpc2.Request) (bool, error) {
switch r.Method() {
for _, k := range scases.keys() {
out.WriteString(("\tdefault:\n\t\treturn false, nil\n\t}\n}\n\n"))
for _, k := range sfuncs.keys() {
out.WriteString(`func (s *serverDispatcher) NonstandardRequest(ctx context.Context, method string, params interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
var result interface{}
if err := s.sender.Call(ctx, method, params, &result); err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
x, err := format.Source(out.Bytes())
if err != nil {
os.WriteFile("/tmp/a.go", out.Bytes(), 0644)
log.Fatalf("tsserver.go: %v", err)
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(*outputdir, "tsserver.go"), x, 0644); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%v writing tsserver.go", err)
func writeprotocol() {
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprintln(out, fileHdr)
out.WriteString("import \"encoding/json\"\n\n")
// The followiing are unneeded, but make the new code a superset of the old
hack := func(newer, existing string) {
if _, ok := types[existing]; !ok {
log.Fatalf("types[%q] not found", existing)
types[newer] = strings.Replace(types[existing], existing, newer, 1)
hack("ConfigurationParams", "ParamConfiguration")
hack("InitializeParams", "ParamInitialize")
hack("PreviousResultId", "PreviousResultID")
hack("WorkspaceFoldersServerCapabilities", "WorkspaceFolders5Gn")
hack("_InitializeParams", "XInitializeParams")
// and some aliases to make the new code contain the old
types["PrepareRename2Gn"] = "type PrepareRename2Gn = Msg_PrepareRename2Gn // (alias) line 13927\n"
types["PrepareRenameResult"] = "type PrepareRenameResult = Msg_PrepareRename2Gn // (alias) line 13927\n"
for _, k := range types.keys() {
if k == "WatchKind" {
types[k] = "type WatchKind = uint32 // line 13505" // strict gopls compatibility neads the '='
out.WriteString("\nconst (\n")
for _, k := range consts.keys() {
x, err := format.Source(out.Bytes())
if err != nil {
os.WriteFile("/tmp/a.go", out.Bytes(), 0644)
log.Fatalf("tsprotocol.go: %v", err)
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(*outputdir, "tsprotocol.go"), x, 0644); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%v writing tsprotocol.go", err)
func writejsons() {
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprintln(out, fileHdr)
out.WriteString("import \"encoding/json\"\n\n")
out.WriteString("import \"errors\"\n")
out.WriteString("import \"fmt\"\n")
for _, k := range jsons.keys() {
x, err := format.Source(out.Bytes())
if err != nil {
os.WriteFile("/tmp/a.go", out.Bytes(), 0644)
log.Fatalf("tsjson.go: %v", err)
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(*outputdir, "tsjson.go"), x, 0644); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%v writing tsjson.go", err)
// create the common file header for the output files
func fileHeader(model Model) string {
fname := filepath.Join(*repodir, ".git", "HEAD")
buf, err := os.ReadFile(fname)
if err != nil {
buf = bytes.TrimSpace(buf)
var githash string
if len(buf) == 40 {
githash = string(buf[:40])
} else if bytes.HasPrefix(buf, []byte("ref: ")) {
fname = filepath.Join(*repodir, ".git", string(buf[5:]))
buf, err = os.ReadFile(fname)
if err != nil {
githash = string(buf[:40])
} else {
log.Fatalf("githash cannot be recovered from %s", fname)
format := `// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Code generated for LSP. DO NOT EDIT.
package protocol
// Code generated from version %s of protocol/metaModel.json.
// git hash %s (as of %s)
now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
return fmt.Sprintf(format, model.Version.Version, githash, now)
func parse(fname string) Model {
buf, err := os.ReadFile(fname)
if err != nil {
buf = addLineNumbers(buf)
var model Model
if err := json.Unmarshal(buf, &model); err != nil {
return model
// Type.Value has to be treated specially for literals and maps
func (t *Type) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
// First unmarshal only the unambiguous fields.
var x struct {
Kind string `json:"kind"`
Items []*Type `json:"items"`
Element *Type `json:"element"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Key *Type `json:"key"`
Value any `json:"value"`
Line int `json:"line"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &x); err != nil {
return err
*t = Type{
Kind: x.Kind,
Items: x.Items,
Element: x.Element,
Name: x.Name,
Value: x.Value,
Line: x.Line,
// Then unmarshal the 'value' field based on the kind.
// This depends on Unmarshal ignoring fields it doesn't know about.
switch x.Kind {
case "map":
var x struct {
Key *Type `json:"key"`
Value *Type `json:"value"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &x); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Type.kind=map: %v", err)
t.Key = x.Key
t.Value = x.Value
case "literal":
var z struct {
Value ParseLiteral `json:"value"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &z); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Type.kind=literal: %v", err)
t.Value = z.Value
case "base", "reference", "array", "and", "or", "tuple",
// no-op. never seen integerLiteral or booleanLiteral.
return fmt.Errorf("cannot decode Type.kind %q: %s", x.Kind, data)
return nil
// which table entries were not used
func checkTables() {
for k := range disambiguate {
if !usedDisambiguate[k] {
log.Printf("disambiguate[%v] unused", k)
for k := range renameProp {
if !usedRenameProp[k] {
log.Printf("renameProp {%q, %q} unused", k[0], k[1])
for k := range goplsStar {
if !usedGoplsStar[k] {
log.Printf("goplsStar {%q, %q} unused", k[0], k[1])
for k := range goplsType {
if !usedGoplsType[k] {
log.Printf("unused goplsType[%q]->%s", k, goplsType[k])