blob: 92993cfc7d76133fa5d9d2b0d10f1fce555fbf71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Replay logs. See
package main
import (
p ""
var (
ctx = context.Background()
command = flag.String("cmd", "", "location of server to send to, looks for gopls")
logf = flag.String("log", "", "log file to replay")
cmp = flag.Bool("cmp", false, "only compare log and /tmp/seen")
logrdr *bufio.Scanner
msgs []*parse.Logmsg
// requests and responses/errors, by id
clreq = make(map[string]*logmsg)
clresp = make(map[string]*logmsg)
svreq = make(map[string]*logmsg)
svresp = make(map[string]*logmsg)
func main() {
if *logf == "" {
log.Fatal("need -log")
orig, err := parse.ToRlog(*logf)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("logfile %q %v", *logf, err)
msgs = orig.Logs
log.Printf("old %d, hist:%s", len(msgs), orig.Histogram)
if !*cmp {
log.Print("calling mimic")
seen, err := parse.ToRlog("/tmp/seen")
if err != nil {
vvv := seen.Logs
log.Printf("new %d, hist:%s", len(vvv), seen.Histogram)
ok := make(map[string]int)
f := func(x []*parse.Logmsg, label string, diags map[string][]p.Diagnostic) {
cnts := make(map[parse.Direction]int)
for _, l := range x {
if l.Method == "window/logMessage" {
// don't care
if l.Method == "textDocument/publishDiagnostics" {
v, ok := l.Body.(*p.PublishDiagnosticsParams)
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("got %T expected PublishDiagnosticsParams", l.Body)
diags[v.URI] = v.Diagnostics
// notifications only
if l.Dir != parse.Toserver && l.Dir != parse.Toclient {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", strings.Replace(l.Hdr, "\r", "", -1), label, l.Dir)
if i := strings.Index(s, "notification"); i != -1 {
s = s[i+12:]
if len(s) > 120 {
s = s[:120]
msg := ""
for i := parse.Clrequest; i <= parse.Reporterr; i++ {
msg += fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d ", i, cnts[i])
log.Printf("%s: %s", label, msg)
mdiags := make(map[string][]p.Diagnostic)
f(msgs, "old", mdiags)
vdiags := make(map[string][]p.Diagnostic)
f(vvv, "new", vdiags)
buf := []string{}
for k := range ok {
buf = append(buf, fmt.Sprintf("%s %d", k, ok[k]))
if len(buf) > 0 {
log.Printf("counts of notifications")
for _, k := range buf {
buf = buf[0:0]
for k, v := range mdiags {
va := vdiags[k]
if len(v) != len(va) {
buf = append(buf, fmt.Sprintf("new has %d, old has %d for %s",
len(va), len(v), k))
for ka := range vdiags {
if _, ok := mdiags[ka]; !ok {
buf = append(buf, fmt.Sprintf("new diagnostics, but no old ones, for %s",
if len(buf) > 0 {
log.Print("diagnostics differ:")
for _, s := range buf {
type direction int // what sort of message it is
const (
// rpc from client to server have method and id
clrequest direction = iota
// rpc from server have method and id
// notifications have method, but no id
reporterr // errors have method and id
// clrequest has method and id. toserver has method but no id, and svresponse has result (and id)
type logmsg struct {
dir direction
method string
id string // for requests/responses. Client and server request ids overlap
elapsed string // for responses
hdr string // do we need to keep all these strings?
rest string // the unparsed result, with newlines or not
body interface{} // the parsed(?) result
// combined has all the fields of both Request and Response.
// Unmarshal this and then work out which it is.
type combined struct {
VersionTag jsonrpc2.VersionTag `json:"jsonrpc"`
ID *jsonrpc2.ID `json:"id,omitempty"`
// RPC name
Method string `json:"method"`
Params *json.RawMessage `json:"params,omitempty"`
Result *json.RawMessage `json:"result,omitempty"`
Error *jsonrpc2.Error `json:"error,omitempty"`
func (c *combined) dir() direction {
// Method, Params, ID => request
// Method, Params, no-ID => notification
// Error => error response
// Result, ID => response
if c.Error != nil {
return reporterr
if c.Params != nil && c.ID != nil {
// $/cancel could be either, cope someday
if parse.FromServer(c.Method) {
return svrequest
return clrequest
if c.Params != nil {
// we're receiving it, so it must be toclient
return toclient
if c.Result == nil {
if c.ID != nil {
return clresponse
log.Printf("%+v", *c)
panic("couldn't determine direction")
// we've received it, so it must be clresponse
return clresponse
func send(l *parse.Logmsg, stream jsonrpc2.Stream, id *jsonrpc2.ID) {
x, err := json.Marshal(l.Body)
if err != nil {
y := json.RawMessage(x)
if id == nil {
// need to use the number version of ID
n, err := strconv.Atoi(l.ID)
if err != nil {
n = 0
id = &jsonrpc2.ID{Number: int64(n)}
var r interface{}
switch l.Dir {
case parse.Clrequest:
r = jsonrpc2.WireRequest{
ID: id,
Method: l.Method,
Params: &y,
case parse.Svresponse:
r = jsonrpc2.WireResponse{
ID: id,
Result: &y,
case parse.Toserver:
r = jsonrpc2.WireRequest{
Method: l.Method,
Params: &y,
log.Fatalf("sending %s", l.Dir)
data, err := json.Marshal(r)
if err != nil {
stream.Write(ctx, data)
func strID(x *jsonrpc2.ID) string {
if x.Name != "" {
log.Printf("strID returns %s", x.Name)
return x.Name
return strconv.Itoa(int(x.Number))
func respond(c *combined, stream jsonrpc2.Stream) {
// c is a server request
// pick out the id, and look for the response in msgs
id := strID(c.ID)
for _, l := range msgs {
if l.ID == id && l.Dir == parse.Svresponse {
// check that the methods match?
// need to send back the same ID we got.
send(l, stream, c.ID)
log.Fatalf("no response found %q %+v %+v", c.Method, c.ID, c)
func findgopls() string {
totry := [][]string{{"GOBIN", "/gopls"}, {"GOPATH", "/bin/gopls"}, {"HOME", "/go/bin/gopls"}}
// looks in the places go install would install:
// GOBIN, else GOPATH/bin, else HOME/go/bin
ok := func(s string) bool {
fd, err := os.Open(s)
if err != nil {
return false
fi, err := fd.Stat()
if err != nil {
return false
return fi.Mode()&0111 != 0
for _, t := range totry {
g := os.Getenv(t[0])
if g != "" && ok(g+t[1]) {
return g + t[1]
log.Fatal("could not find gopls")
return ""
func mimic() {
log.Printf("mimic %d", len(msgs))
if *command == "" {
*command = findgopls()
cmd := exec.Command(*command, "-logfile", "/tmp/seen", "-rpc.trace")
toServer, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
fromServer, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
err = cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
stream := jsonrpc2.NewHeaderStream(fromServer, toServer)
rchan := make(chan *combined, 10) // do we need buffering?
rdr := func() {
for {
buf, _, err := stream.Read(ctx)
if err != nil {
rchan <- nil // close it instead?
msg := &combined{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(buf, msg); err != nil {
rchan <- msg
go rdr()
// send as many as possible: all clrequests and toservers up to a clresponse
// and loop
seenids := make(map[string]bool) // id's that have been responded toig:
for _, l := range msgs {
switch l.Dir {
case parse.Toserver: // just send these as we get to them
send(l, stream, nil)
case parse.Clrequest:
send(l, stream, nil) // for now, wait for a response, to make sure code is ok
case parse.Clresponse, parse.Reporterr: // don't go past these until they're received
if seenids[l.ID] {
break // onward, as it has been received already
for {
x := <-rchan
if x == nil {
break big
// if it's svrequest, do something
// if it's clresponse or reporterr, add to seenids, and if it
// is, break out of the loop, and continue the outer loop
switch x.dir() {
case svrequest:
respond(x, stream)
continue done // still waiting
case clresponse, reporterr:
id := strID(x.ID)
seenids[id] = true
if id == l.ID {
break done
case toclient:
log.Fatalf("%s", x.dir())
case parse.Svrequest: // not ours to send
case parse.Svresponse: // sent by us, if the request arrives
case parse.Toclient: // we don't send these
func readLogs(fname string) []*logmsg {
byid := make(map[string]int)
msgs := []*logmsg{}
fd, err := os.Open(fname)
if err != nil {
logrdr = bufio.NewScanner(fd)
logrdr.Buffer(nil, 1<<25) // a large buffer, for safety
for i := 0; logrdr.Scan(); i++ {
flds := strings.SplitN(logrdr.Text(), "\n", 2)
if len(flds) == 1 {
flds = append(flds, "") // for Errors
msg := parselog(flds[0], flds[1])
if msg == nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to parse %q", logrdr.Text())
switch msg.dir {
case clrequest, svrequest:
v, err := msg.unmarshal(parse.Requests(msg.method))
if err != nil {
msg.body = v
case clresponse, svresponse:
v, err := msg.doresponse()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%v %s", err, msg.method)
msg.body = v
case toserver, toclient:
v, err := msg.unmarshal(parse.Notifs(msg.method))
if err != nil {
msg.body = v
case reporterr:
msg.body = // cause?
msgs = append(msgs, msg)
if err = logrdr.Err(); err != nil {
return msgs
// there's 2 uses of id 1, and notifications have no id
for k, v := range byid {
if false && v != 2 {
log.Printf("ids %s:%d", k, v)
if false {
var m runtime.MemStats
log.Printf("%d msgs, alloc=%d HeapAlloc=%d", len(msgs), m.Alloc, m.HeapAlloc)
return msgs
func (d direction) String() string {
switch d {
case clrequest:
return "clrequest"
case clresponse:
return "clresponse"
case svrequest:
return "svrequest"
case svresponse:
return "svresponse"
case toserver:
return "toserver"
case toclient:
return "toclient"
case reporterr:
return "reporterr"
return fmt.Sprintf("dirname: %d unknown", d)
func (l *logmsg) Short() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s %s", l.dir, l.method,, l.elapsed)
func (l *logmsg) unmarshal(p interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
r := []byte(
if err := json.Unmarshal(r, p); err != nil {
// need general alternatives, but for now
// if p is *[]foo and rest is {}, return an empty p (or *p?)
// or, cheat:
if == "{}" {
return nil, nil
//log.Fatalf("%s/%s %T %q %v", l.method,, p,, err)
return nil, err
return p, nil
func (l *logmsg) doresponse() (interface{}, error) {
for _, x := range parse.Responses(l.method) {
v, err := l.unmarshal(x)
if err == nil {
return v, nil
if x == nil {
return new(interface{}), nil
log.Fatalf("doresponse failed for %s", l.method)
return nil, nil
// parse a single log message, given first line, and the rest
func parselog(first, rest string) *logmsg {
if strings.HasPrefix(rest, "Params: ") {
rest = rest[8:]
} else if strings.HasPrefix(rest, "Result: ") {
rest = rest[8:]
ans := &logmsg{hdr: first, rest: rest}
fixid := func(s string) string {
if s != "" && s[0] == '(' {
s = s[1 : len(s)-1]
return s
flds := strings.Fields(first)
chk := func(s string, n int) bool { return strings.Contains(first, s) && len(flds) == n }
// gopls and emacs differ in how they report elapsed time
switch {
case chk("Sending request", 9):
ans.dir = clrequest
ans.method = flds[6][1:] = fixid(flds[8][:len(flds[8])-2])
clreq[] = ans
case chk("Received response", 11):
ans.dir = clresponse
ans.method = flds[6][1:] = fixid(flds[8][:len(flds[8])-1])
ans.elapsed = flds[10]
clresp[] = ans
case chk("Received request", 9):
ans.dir = svrequest
ans.method = flds[6][1:] = fixid(flds[8][:len(flds[8])-2])
svreq[] = ans
case chk("Sending response", 11), // gopls
chk("Sending response", 13): // emacs
ans.dir = svresponse
ans.method = flds[6][1:] = fixid(flds[8][:len(flds[8])-1])
ans.elapsed = flds[10]
svresp[] = ans
case chk("Sending notification", 7):
ans.dir = toserver
ans.method = strings.Trim(flds[6], ".'")
if len(flds) == 9 {
log.Printf("len=%d method=%s %q", len(flds), ans.method, first)
case chk("Received notification", 7):
ans.dir = toclient
ans.method = flds[6][1 : len(flds[6])-2]
case strings.HasPrefix(first, "[Error - "):
ans.dir = reporterr
both := flds[5]
idx := strings.Index(both, "#") // relies on ID.Number
ans.method = both[:idx] = fixid(both[idx+1:]) = strings.Join(flds[6:], " ")
clreq[] = ans
log.Fatalf("surprise, first=%q with %d flds", first, len(flds))
return nil
return ans
var recSep = regexp.MustCompile("\n\n\n|\r\n\r\n\r\n")
// return start of next record, contents of record, error
func logRec(b []byte, atEOF bool) (int, []byte, error) { //bufio.SplitFunc
got := recSep.FindIndex(b)
if got == nil {
if !atEOF {
return 0, nil, nil // need more
return 0, nil, io.EOF
return got[1], b[:got[0]], nil