blob: b2515c950ba206724d15456e6ffa53a7d151e7b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains tests for the httpresponse checker.
package typeparams
import (
func badHTTPGet[T any](url string) {
res, err := http.Get(url)
defer res.Body.Close() // want "using res before checking for errors"
if err != nil {
func mkClient[T any]() *T {
return nil
func badClientHTTPGet() {
client := mkClient[http.Client]()
res, _ := client.Get("")
defer res.Body.Close() // want "using res before checking for errors"
// User-defined type embedded "http.Client"
type S[P any] struct {
func unmatchedClientTypeName(client S[string]) {
res, _ := client.Get("")
defer res.Body.Close() // the name of client's type doesn't match "*http.Client"
// User-defined Client type
type C[P any] interface {
Get(url string) (resp *P, err error)
func userDefinedClientType(client C[http.Response]) {
resp, _ := client.Get("")
defer resp.Body.Close() // "client" is not of type "*http.Client"