blob: 5ba48e933fa5163567f68c4b19c1ffb9336bd23e [file] [log] [blame]
//+build ignore
package main
type I interface {
type J interface {
type C int // C and *C implement I; *C implements J
func (C) f()
func (*C) g()
type D int // *D implements I and J
func (*D) f()
func (*D) g()
func f(i I) {
i.f() // calls C, *C, *D
func g(j J) {
j.g() // calls *C, *D
// WANT:
// Dynamic calls
// f --> (*C).f
// f --> (*D).f
// f --> (C).f
// g --> (*C).g
// g --> (*D).g