blob: afa76d15ae549d8ad0176834e1466a5444f28eb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package template
import (
type datum struct {
buf string
cnt int
syms []string // the symbols in the parse of buf
var tmpl = []datum{{`
{{if (foo .X.Y)}}{{$A := "hi"}}{{.Z $A}}{{else}}
{{$A.X 12}}
{{foo (.X.Y) 23 ($A.Zü)}}
{{end}}`, 1, []string{"{7,3,foo,Function,false}", "{12,1,X,Method,false}",
"{14,1,Y,Method,false}", "{21,2,$A,Variable,true}", "{26,2,,String,false}",
"{35,1,Z,Method,false}", "{38,2,$A,Variable,false}",
"{53,2,$A,Variable,false}", "{56,1,X,Method,false}", "{57,2,,Number,false}",
"{64,3,foo,Function,false}", "{70,1,X,Method,false}",
"{72,1,Y,Method,false}", "{75,2,,Number,false}", "{80,2,$A,Variable,false}",
"{83,2,Zü,Method,false}", "{94,3,,Constant,false}"}},
{`{{define "zzz"}}{{.}}{{end}}
{{template "zzz"}}`, 2, []string{"{10,3,zzz,Namespace,true}", "{18,1,dot,Variable,false}",
{`{{block "aaa" foo}}b{{end}}`, 2, []string{"{9,3,aaa,Namespace,true}",
"{9,3,aaa,Package,false}", "{14,3,foo,Function,false}", "{19,1,,Constant,false}"}},
func TestSymbols(t *testing.T) {
for i, x := range tmpl {
got := parseBuffer([]byte(x.buf))
if got.ParseErr != nil {
t.Errorf("error:%v", got.ParseErr)
if len(got.named) != x.cnt {
t.Errorf("%d: got %d, expected %d", i, len(got.named), x.cnt)
for n, s := range got.symbols {
if s.String() != x.syms[n] {
t.Errorf("%d: got %s, expected %s", i, s.String(), x.syms[n])
func TestWordAt(t *testing.T) {
want := []string{"", "", "if", "if", "", "$A", "$A", "", "", "B", "", "", "end", "end", "end", "", ""}
p := parseBuffer([]byte("{{if $A}}B{{end}}"))
for i := 0; i < len(want); i++ {
got := findWordAt(p, i)
if got != want[i] {
t.Errorf("for %d, got %q, wanted %q", i, got, want[i])
func TestNLS(t *testing.T) {
buf := `{{if (foÜx .X.Y)}}{{$A := "hi"}}{{.Z $A}}{{else}}
{{$A.X 12}}
{{foo (.X.Y) 23 ($A.Z)}}
p := parseBuffer([]byte(buf))
if p.ParseErr != nil {
// line 0 doesn't have a \n in front of it
for i := 1; i < len(p.nls)-1; i++ {
if buf[p.nls[i]] != '\n' {
t.Errorf("line %d got %c", i, buf[p.nls[i]])
// fake line at end of file
if p.nls[len(p.nls)-1] != len(buf) {
t.Errorf("got %d expected %d", p.nls[len(p.nls)-1], len(buf))
func TestLineCol(t *testing.T) {
buf := `{{if (foÜx .X.Y)}}{{$A := "hi"}}{{.Z $A}}{{else}}
{{$A.X 12}}
{{foo (.X.Y) 23 ($A.Z)}}
if false {
for n, cx := range tmpl {
buf := cx.buf
p := parseBuffer([]byte(buf))
if p.ParseErr != nil {
type loc struct {
offset int
l, c uint32
saved := []loc{}
// forwards
var lastl, lastc uint32
for offset := range buf {
l, c := p.LineCol(offset)
saved = append(saved, loc{offset, l, c})
if l > lastl {
lastl = l
if c != 0 {
t.Errorf("line %d, got %d instead of 0", l, c)
if c > lastc {
lastc = c
lines := strings.Split(buf, "\n")
mxlen := -1
for _, l := range lines {
if len(l) > mxlen {
mxlen = len(l)
if int(lastl) != len(lines)-1 && int(lastc) != mxlen {
// lastl is 0 if there is only 1 line(?)
t.Errorf("expected %d, %d, got %d, %d for case %d", len(lines)-1, mxlen, lastl, lastc, n)
// backwards
for j := len(saved) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
s := saved[j]
xl, xc := p.LineCol(s.offset)
if xl != s.l || xc != s.c {
t.Errorf("at offset %d(%d), got (%d,%d), expected (%d,%d)", s.offset, j, xl, xc, s.l, s.c)
func TestPos(t *testing.T) {
buf := `
{{if (foÜx .X.Y)}}{{$A := "hi"}}{{.Z $A}}{{else}}
{{$A.X 12}}
{{foo (.X.Y) 23 ($A.Z)}}
p := parseBuffer([]byte(buf))
if p.ParseErr != nil {
for pos, r := range buf {
if r == '\n' {
x := p.Position(pos)
n := p.FromPosition(x)
if n != pos {
// once it's wrong, it will be wrong forever
t.Fatalf("at pos %d (rune %c) got %d {%#v]", pos, r, n, x)
func TestLen(t *testing.T) {
data := []struct {
cnt int
v string
}{{1, "a"}, {1, "膈"}, {4, "😆🥸"}, {7, "3😀4567"}}
p := &Parsed{nonASCII: true}
for _, d := range data {
got := p.utf16len([]byte(d.v))
if got != d.cnt {
t.Errorf("%v, got %d wanted %d", d, got, d.cnt)
func TestUtf16(t *testing.T) {
buf := `
{{if (foÜx .X.Y)}}😀{{$A := "hi"}}{{.Z $A}}{{else}}
{{$A.X 12}}
{{foo (.X.Y) 23 ($A.Z)}}
p := parseBuffer([]byte(buf))
if p.nonASCII == false {
t.Error("expected nonASCII to be true")
type ttest struct {
tmpl string
tokCnt int
func TestQuotes(t *testing.T) {
tsts := []ttest{
{"{{- /*comment*/ -}}", 1},
{"{{/*`\ncomment\n`*/}}", 1},
//{"{{foo\nbar}}\n", 1}, // this action spanning lines parses in 1.16
{"{{\"{{foo}}{{\"}}", 1},
{"{{\n{{- when}}", 1}, // corrected
{"{{{{if .}}xx{{end}}", 2}, // corrected
for _, s := range tsts {
p := parseBuffer([]byte(s.tmpl))
if len(p.tokens) != s.tokCnt {
t.Errorf("%q: got %d tokens, expected %d", s, len(p.tokens), s.tokCnt)
if p.ParseErr != nil {
t.Errorf("%q: %v", string(p.buf), p.ParseErr)