blob: c9a510224e31e040a3c508393733d657abc39d61 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package source
import (
// IsGenerated gets and reads the file denoted by uri and reports
// whether it contains a "go:generated" directive as described at
// TODO(adonovan): opt: this function does too much.
// Move snapshot.GetFile into the caller (most of which have already done it).
func IsGenerated(ctx context.Context, snapshot Snapshot, uri span.URI) bool {
fh, err := snapshot.GetFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return false
pgf, err := snapshot.ParseGo(ctx, fh, ParseHeader)
if err != nil {
return false
for _, commentGroup := range pgf.File.Comments {
for _, comment := range commentGroup.List {
if matched := generatedRx.MatchString(comment.Text); matched {
// Check if comment is at the beginning of the line in source.
if safetoken.Position(pgf.Tok, comment.Slash).Column == 1 {
return true
return false
// adjustedObjEnd returns the end position of obj, possibly modified for
// package names.
// TODO(rfindley): eliminate this function, by inlining it at callsites where
// it makes sense.
func adjustedObjEnd(obj types.Object) token.Pos {
nameLen := len(obj.Name())
if pkgName, ok := obj.(*types.PkgName); ok {
// An imported Go package has a package-local, unqualified name.
// When the name matches the imported package name, there is no
// identifier in the import spec with the local package name.
// For example:
// import "go/ast" // name "ast" matches package name
// import a "go/ast" // name "a" does not match package name
// When the identifier does not appear in the source, have the range
// of the object be the import path, including quotes.
if pkgName.Imported().Name() == pkgName.Name() {
nameLen = len(pkgName.Imported().Path()) + len(`""`)
return obj.Pos() + token.Pos(nameLen)
// posToMappedRange returns the MappedRange for the given [start, end) span,
// which must be among the transitive dependencies of pkg.
// TODO(adonovan): many of the callers need only the ParsedGoFile so
// that they can call pgf.PosRange(pos, end) to get a Range; they
// don't actually need a MappedRange.
func posToMappedRange(ctx context.Context, snapshot Snapshot, pkg Package, pos, end token.Pos) (protocol.MappedRange, error) {
if !pos.IsValid() {
return protocol.MappedRange{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid start position")
if !end.IsValid() {
return protocol.MappedRange{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid end position")
logicalFilename := pkg.FileSet().File(pos).Name() // ignore line directives
pgf, _, err := findFileInDeps(ctx, snapshot, pkg, span.URIFromPath(logicalFilename))
if err != nil {
return protocol.MappedRange{}, err
return pgf.PosMappedRange(pos, end)
// FindPackageFromPos returns the Package for the given position, which must be
// among the transitive dependencies of pkg.
// TODO(rfindley): is this the best factoring of this API? This function is
// really a trivial wrapper around findFileInDeps, which may be a more useful
// function to expose.
func FindPackageFromPos(ctx context.Context, snapshot Snapshot, pkg Package, pos token.Pos) (Package, error) {
if !pos.IsValid() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid position")
fileName := pkg.FileSet().File(pos).Name()
uri := span.URIFromPath(fileName)
_, pkg, err := findFileInDeps(ctx, snapshot, pkg, uri)
return pkg, err
// Matches cgo generated comment as well as the proposed standard:
var generatedRx = regexp.MustCompile(`// .*DO NOT EDIT\.?`)
// FileKindForLang returns the file kind associated with the given language ID,
// or UnknownKind if the language ID is not recognized.
func FileKindForLang(langID string) FileKind {
switch langID {
case "go":
return Go
case "go.mod":
return Mod
case "go.sum":
return Sum
case "tmpl", "gotmpl":
return Tmpl
case "":
return Work
return UnknownKind
// nodeAtPos returns the index and the node whose position is contained inside
// the node list.
func nodeAtPos(nodes []ast.Node, pos token.Pos) (ast.Node, int) {
if nodes == nil {
return nil, -1
for i, node := range nodes {
if node.Pos() <= pos && pos <= node.End() {
return node, i
return nil, -1
// FormatNode returns the "pretty-print" output for an ast node.
func FormatNode(fset *token.FileSet, n ast.Node) string {
var buf strings.Builder
if err := printer.Fprint(&buf, fset, n); err != nil {
return ""
return buf.String()
// Deref returns a pointer's element type, traversing as many levels as needed.
// Otherwise it returns typ.
// It can return a pointer type for cyclic types (see golang/go#45510).
func Deref(typ types.Type) types.Type {
var seen map[types.Type]struct{}
for {
p, ok := typ.Underlying().(*types.Pointer)
if !ok {
return typ
if _, ok := seen[p.Elem()]; ok {
return typ
typ = p.Elem()
if seen == nil {
seen = make(map[types.Type]struct{})
seen[typ] = struct{}{}
func SortDiagnostics(d []*Diagnostic) {
sort.Slice(d, func(i int, j int) bool {
return CompareDiagnostic(d[i], d[j]) < 0
func CompareDiagnostic(a, b *Diagnostic) int {
if r := protocol.CompareRange(a.Range, b.Range); r != 0 {
return r
if a.Source < b.Source {
return -1
if a.Source > b.Source {
return +1
if a.Message < b.Message {
return -1
if a.Message > b.Message {
return +1
return 0
// findFileInDeps finds uri in pkg or its dependencies.
// TODO(rfindley): eliminate this function.
func findFileInDeps(ctx context.Context, snapshot Snapshot, pkg Package, uri span.URI) (*ParsedGoFile, Package, error) {
pkgs := []Package{pkg}
deps := recursiveDeps(snapshot, pkg.Metadata())[1:]
// Ignore the error from type checking, but check if the context was
// canceled (which would have caused TypeCheck to exit early).
depPkgs, _ := snapshot.TypeCheck(ctx, TypecheckWorkspace, deps...)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, nil, ctx.Err()
for _, dep := range depPkgs {
// Since we ignored the error from type checking, pkg may be nil.
if dep != nil {
pkgs = append(pkgs, dep)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
if pgf, err := pkg.File(uri); err == nil {
return pgf, pkg, nil
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no file for %s in deps of package %s", uri, pkg.Metadata().ID)
// recursiveDeps finds unique transitive dependencies of m, including m itself.
// Invariant: for the resulting slice res, res[0] == m.ID.
// TODO(rfindley): consider replacing this with a snapshot.ForwardDependencies
// method, or exposing the metadata graph itself.
func recursiveDeps(s interface{ Metadata(PackageID) *Metadata }, m *Metadata) []PackageID {
seen := make(map[PackageID]bool)
var ids []PackageID
var add func(*Metadata)
add = func(m *Metadata) {
if seen[m.ID] {
seen[m.ID] = true
ids = append(ids, m.ID)
for _, dep := range m.DepsByPkgPath {
m := s.Metadata(dep)
return ids
// UnquoteImportPath returns the unquoted import path of s,
// or "" if the path is not properly quoted.
func UnquoteImportPath(s *ast.ImportSpec) ImportPath {
path, err := strconv.Unquote(s.Path.Value)
if err != nil {
return ""
return ImportPath(path)
// NodeContains returns true if a node encloses a given position pos.
func NodeContains(n ast.Node, pos token.Pos) bool {
return n != nil && n.Pos() <= pos && pos <= n.End()
// CollectScopes returns all scopes in an ast path, ordered as innermost scope
// first.
func CollectScopes(info *types.Info, path []ast.Node, pos token.Pos) []*types.Scope {
// scopes[i], where i<len(path), is the possibly nil Scope of path[i].
var scopes []*types.Scope
for _, n := range path {
// Include *FuncType scope if pos is inside the function body.
switch node := n.(type) {
case *ast.FuncDecl:
if node.Body != nil && NodeContains(node.Body, pos) {
n = node.Type
case *ast.FuncLit:
if node.Body != nil && NodeContains(node.Body, pos) {
n = node.Type
scopes = append(scopes, info.Scopes[n])
return scopes
// Qualifier returns a function that appropriately formats a types.PkgName
// appearing in a *ast.File.
func Qualifier(f *ast.File, pkg *types.Package, info *types.Info) types.Qualifier {
// Construct mapping of import paths to their defined or implicit names.
imports := make(map[*types.Package]string)
for _, imp := range f.Imports {
var obj types.Object
if imp.Name != nil {
obj = info.Defs[imp.Name]
} else {
obj = info.Implicits[imp]
if pkgname, ok := obj.(*types.PkgName); ok {
imports[pkgname.Imported()] = pkgname.Name()
// Define qualifier to replace full package paths with names of the imports.
return func(p *types.Package) string {
if p == pkg {
return ""
if name, ok := imports[p]; ok {
if name == "." {
return ""
return name
return p.Name()
// isDirective reports whether c is a comment directive.
// Copied and adapted from go/src/go/ast/ast.go.
func isDirective(c string) bool {
if len(c) < 3 {
return false
if c[1] != '/' {
return false
//-style comment (no newline at the end)
c = c[2:]
if len(c) == 0 {
// empty line
return false
// "//line " is a line directive.
// (The // has been removed.)
if strings.HasPrefix(c, "line ") {
return true
// "//[a-z0-9]+:[a-z0-9]"
// (The // has been removed.)
colon := strings.Index(c, ":")
if colon <= 0 || colon+1 >= len(c) {
return false
for i := 0; i <= colon+1; i++ {
if i == colon {
b := c[i]
if !('a' <= b && b <= 'z' || '0' <= b && b <= '9') {
return false
return true
// InDir checks whether path is in the file tree rooted at dir.
// It checks only the lexical form of the file names.
// It does not consider symbolic links.
// Copied from go/src/cmd/go/internal/search/search.go.
func InDir(dir, path string) bool {
pv := strings.ToUpper(filepath.VolumeName(path))
dv := strings.ToUpper(filepath.VolumeName(dir))
path = path[len(pv):]
dir = dir[len(dv):]
switch {
return false
case pv != dv:
return false
case len(path) == len(dir):
if path == dir {
return true
return false
case dir == "":
return path != ""
case len(path) > len(dir):
if dir[len(dir)-1] == filepath.Separator {
if path[:len(dir)] == dir {
return path[len(dir):] != ""
return false
if path[len(dir)] == filepath.Separator && path[:len(dir)] == dir {
if len(path) == len(dir)+1 {
return true
return path[len(dir)+1:] != ""
return false
// IsValidImport returns whether importPkgPath is importable
// by pkgPath
func IsValidImport(pkgPath, importPkgPath PackagePath) bool {
i := strings.LastIndex(string(importPkgPath), "/internal/")
if i == -1 {
return true
// TODO(rfindley): this looks wrong: IsCommandLineArguments is meant to
// operate on package IDs, not package paths.
if IsCommandLineArguments(PackageID(pkgPath)) {
return true
// TODO(rfindley): this is wrong. mod.testx/p should not be able to
// import mod.test/internal:
return strings.HasPrefix(string(pkgPath), string(importPkgPath[:i]))
// IsCommandLineArguments reports whether a given value denotes
// "command-line-arguments" package, which is a package with an unknown ID
// created by the go command. It can have a test variant, which is why callers
// should not check that a value equals "command-line-arguments" directly.
func IsCommandLineArguments(id PackageID) bool {
return strings.Contains(string(id), "command-line-arguments")
// RecvIdent returns the type identifier of a method receiver.
// e.g. A for all of A, *A, A[T], *A[T], etc.
func RecvIdent(recv *ast.FieldList) *ast.Ident {
if recv == nil || len(recv.List) == 0 {
return nil
x := recv.List[0].Type
if star, ok := x.(*ast.StarExpr); ok {
x = star.X
switch ix := x.(type) { // check for instantiated receivers
case *ast.IndexExpr:
x = ix.X
case *typeparams.IndexListExpr:
x = ix.X
if ident, ok := x.(*ast.Ident); ok {
return ident
return nil
// embeddedIdent returns the type name identifier for an embedding x, if x in a
// valid embedding. Otherwise, it returns nil.
// Spec: An embedded field must be specified as a type name T or as a pointer
// to a non-interface type name *T
func embeddedIdent(x ast.Expr) *ast.Ident {
if star, ok := x.(*ast.StarExpr); ok {
x = star.X
switch ix := x.(type) { // check for instantiated receivers
case *ast.IndexExpr:
x = ix.X
case *typeparams.IndexListExpr:
x = ix.X
switch x := x.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
return x
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
if _, ok := x.X.(*ast.Ident); ok {
return x.Sel
return nil