internal/typeparams: remove examples in favor of x/exp/typeparams

The internal/typeparams directory contains an initial draft of the
documentation later published under the
module. Remove this draft to avoid confusion.

Change-Id: I1f40468f99c0d2885e8fc380c75669f654ba971e
Reviewed-by: Alan Donovan <>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Run-TryBot: Robert Findley <>
gopls-CI: kokoro <>
diff --git a/internal/typeparams/common.go b/internal/typeparams/common.go
index f7678d3..25a1426 100644
--- a/internal/typeparams/common.go
+++ b/internal/typeparams/common.go
@@ -16,11 +16,10 @@
 // Additionally, this package contains common utilities for working with the
 // new generic constructs, to supplement the standard library APIs. Notably,
 // the StructuralTerms API computes a minimal representation of the structural
-// restrictions on a type parameter. In the future, this API may be available
-// from go/types.
+// restrictions on a type parameter.
-// See the example/ for a more detailed guide on how to update tools
-// to support generics.
+// An external version of these APIs is available in the
+// module.
 package typeparams
 import (
diff --git a/internal/typeparams/example/ b/internal/typeparams/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9877735..0000000
--- a/internal/typeparams/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Autogenerated by weave; DO NOT EDIT -->
-<!-- To regenerate the readme, run: -->
-<!-- go run -->
-# Updating tools to support type parameters.
-This guide is maintained by Rob Findley (``).
-**status**: this document is currently a work-in-progress. See
-[golang/go#50447]( for more details.
-1. [Introduction](#introduction)
-1. [Summary of new language features and their APIs](#summary-of-new-language-features-and-their-apis)
-1. [Examples](#examples)
-	1. [Generic types](#generic-types)
-	1. [Constraint Interfaces](#constraint-interfaces)
-	1. [Instantiation](#instantiation)
-1. [Updating tools while building at older Go versions](#updating-tools-while-building-at-older-go-versions)
-1. [Further help](#further-help)
-# Introduction
-With Go 1.18, Go now supports generic programming via type parameters. This
-document is intended to serve as a guide for tool authors that want to update
-their tools to support the new language constructs introduced for generic Go.
-This guide assumes some knowledge of the language changes to support generics.
-See the following references for more information:
-- The [original proposal]( for type parameters.
-- The [addendum for type sets](
-- The [latest language specfication]( (still in-progress as of 2021-01-11).
-- The proposals for new APIs in
-  [go/token and go/ast](, and in
-  [go/types](
-It also assumes existing knowledge of `go/ast` and `go/types`. If you're just
-getting started,
-[x/example/gotypes]( is
-a great introduction (and was the inspiration for this guide).
-# Summary of new language features and their APIs
-While generic Go programming is a large change to the language, at a high level
-it introduces only a few new concepts. Specifically, we can break down our
-discussion into the following three broad categories. In each category, the
-relevant new APIs are listed (some constructors and getters/setters may be
-elided where they are trivial).
-**Generic types**. Types and functions may be _generic_, meaning their
-declaration has a non-empty _type parameter list_: as in `type  List[T any]
-...` or `func f[T1, T2 any]() { ... }`. Type parameter lists define placeholder
-types (_type parameters_), scoped to the declaration, which may be substituted
-by any type satisfying their corresponding _constraint interface_ to
-_instantiate_ a new type or function.
-Generic types may have methods, which declare `receiver type parameters` via
-their receiver type expression: `func (r T[P1, ..., PN]) method(...) (...)
-_New APIs_:
- - The field `ast.TypeSpec.TypeParams` holds the type parameter list syntax for
-   type declarations.
- - The field `ast.FuncType.TypeParams` holds the type parameter list syntax for
-   function declarations.
- - The type `types.TypeParam` is a `types.Type` representing a type parameter.
-   On this type, the `Constraint` and `SetConstraint` methods allow
-   getting/setting the constraint, the `Index` method returns the index of the
-   type parameter in the type parameter list that declares it, and the `Obj`
-   method returns the object declared in the declaration scope for the type
-   parameter (a `types.TypeName`).
- - The type `types.TypeParamList` holds a list of type parameters.
- - The method `types.Named.TypeParams` returns the type parameters for a type
-   declaration.
- - The method `types.Named.SetTypeParams` sets type parameters on a defined
-   type.
- - The function `types.NewSignatureType` creates a new (possibly generic)
-   signature type.
- - The method `types.Signature.RecvTypeParams` returns the receiver type
-   parameters for a method.
- - The method `types.Signature.TypeParams` returns the type parameters for
-   a function.
-**Constraint Interfaces**: type parameter constraints are interfaces, expressed
-via an interface type expression. Interfaces that are only used in constraint
-position are permitted new embedded elements composed of tilde expressions
-(`~T`) and unions (`A | B | ~C`). The new builtin interface type `comparable`
-is implemented by types for which `==` and `!=` are valid. As a special case,
-the `interface` keyword may be omitted from constraint expressions if it may be
-implied (in which case we say the interface is _implicit_).
-_New APIs_:
- - The constant `token.TILDE` is used to represent tilde expressions as an
-   `ast.UnaryExpr`.
- - Union expressions are represented as an `ast.BinaryExpr` using `|`. This
-   means that `ast.BinaryExpr` may now be both a type and value expression.
- - The method `types.Interface.IsImplicit` reports whether the `interface`
-   keyword was elided from this interface.
- - The method `types.Interface.MarkImplicit` marks an interface as being
-   implicit.
- - The method `types.Interface.IsComparable` reports whether every type in an
-   interface's type set is comparable.
- - The method `types.Interface.IsMethodSet` reports whether an interface is
-   defined entirely by its methods (has no _specific types_).
- - The type `types.Union` is a type that represents an embedded union
-   expression in an interface. May only appear as an embedded element in
-   interfaces.
- - The type `types.Term` represents a (possibly tilde) term of a union.
-**Instantiation**: generic types and functions may be _instantiated_ to create
-non-generic types and functions by providing _type arguments_ (`var x T[int]`).
-Function type arguments may be _inferred_ via function arguments, or via
-type parameter constraints.
-_New APIs_:
- - The type `ast.IndexListExpr` holds index expressions with multiple indices,
-   as occurs in instantiation expressions with multiple type arguments, or in
-   receivers with multiple type parameters.
- - The function `types.Instantiate` instantiates a generic type with type arguments.
- - The type `types.Context` is an opaque instantiation context that may be
-   shared to reduce duplicate instances.
- - The field `types.Config.Context` holds a shared `Context` to use for
-   instantiation while type-checking.
- - The type `types.TypeList` holds a list of types.
- - The type `types.ArgumentError` holds an error associated with a specific
-   argument index. Used to represent instantiation errors.
- - The field `types.Info.Instances` maps instantiated identifiers to information
-   about the resulting type instance.
- - The type `types.Instance` holds information about a type or function
-   instance.
- - The method `types.Named.TypeArgs` reports the type arguments used to
-   instantiate a named type.
-# Examples
-The following examples demonstrate the new APIs above, and discuss their
-properties. All examples are runnable, contained in subdirectories of the
-directory holding this README.
-## Generic types
-### Type parameter lists
-Suppose we want to understand the generic library below, which defines a generic
-`Pair`, a constraint interface `Constraint`, and a generic function `MakePair`.
-package main
-type Constraint interface {
-	Value() interface{}
-type Pair[L, R any] struct {
-	left  L
-	right R
-func MakePair[L, R Constraint](l L, r R) Pair[L, R] {
-	return Pair[L, R]{l, r}
-We can use the new `TypeParams` fields in `ast.TypeSpec` and `ast.FuncType` to
-access the syntax of the type parameter list. From there, we can access type
-parameter types in at least three ways:
- - by looking up type parameter definitions in `types.Info`
- - by calling `TypeParams()` on `types.Named` or `types.Signature`
- - by looking up type parameter objects in the declaration scope. Note that
-   there now may be a scope associated with an `ast.TypeSpec` node.
-func PrintTypeParams(fset *token.FileSet, file *ast.File) error {
-	conf := types.Config{Importer: importer.Default()}
-	info := &types.Info{
-		Scopes: make(map[ast.Node]*types.Scope),
-		Defs:   make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
-	}
-	_, err := conf.Check("hello", fset, []*ast.File{file}, info)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// For convenience, we can use ast.Inspect to find the nodes we want to
-	// investigate.
-	ast.Inspect(file, func(n ast.Node) bool {
-		var name *ast.Ident                  // the name of the generic object, or nil
-		var tparamSyntax *ast.FieldList      // the list of type parameter fields
-		var tparamTypes *types.TypeParamList // the list of type parameter types
-		var scopeNode ast.Node               // the node associated with the declaration scope
-		switch n := n.(type) {
-		case *ast.TypeSpec:
-			name = n.Name
-			tparamSyntax = n.TypeParams
-			tparamTypes = info.Defs[name].Type().(*types.Named).TypeParams()
-			name = n.Name
-			scopeNode = n
-		case *ast.FuncDecl:
-			name = n.Name
-			tparamSyntax = n.Type.TypeParams
-			tparamTypes = info.Defs[name].Type().(*types.Signature).TypeParams()
-			scopeNode = n.Type
-		}
-		if name == nil {
-			return true // not a generic object
-		}
-		// Option 1: find type parameters by looking at their declaring field list.
-		if tparamSyntax != nil {
-			fmt.Printf("%s has a type parameter field list with %d fields\n", name.Name, tparamSyntax.NumFields())
-			for _, field := range tparamSyntax.List {
-				for _, name := range field.Names {
-					tparam := info.Defs[name]
-					fmt.Printf("  field %s defines an object %q\n", name.Name, tparam)
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			fmt.Printf("%s does not have a type parameter list\n", name.Name)
-		}
-		// Option 2: find type parameters via the TypeParams() method on the
-		// generic type.
-		fmt.Printf("%s has %d type parameters:\n", name.Name, tparamTypes.Len())
-		for i := 0; i < tparamTypes.Len(); i++ {
-			tparam := tparamTypes.At(i)
-			fmt.Printf("  %s has constraint %s\n", tparam, tparam.Constraint())
-		}
-		// Option 3: find type parameters by looking in the declaration scope.
-		scope, ok := info.Scopes[scopeNode]
-		if ok {
-			fmt.Printf("%s has a scope with %d objects:\n", name.Name, scope.Len())
-			for _, name := range scope.Names() {
-				fmt.Printf("  %s is a %T\n", name, scope.Lookup(name))
-			}
-		} else {
-			fmt.Printf("%s does not have a scope\n", name.Name)
-		}
-		return true
-	})
-	return nil
-This program produces the following output. Note that not every type spec has
-a scope.
-> go run
-Constraint does not have a type parameter list
-Constraint has 0 type parameters:
-Constraint does not have a scope
-Pair has a type parameter field list with 2 fields
-  field L defines an object "type parameter L any"
-  field R defines an object "type parameter R any"
-Pair has 2 type parameters:
-  L has constraint any
-  R has constraint any
-Pair has a scope with 2 objects:
-  L is a *types.TypeName
-  R is a *types.TypeName
-MakePair has a type parameter field list with 2 fields
-  field L defines an object "type parameter L hello.Constraint"
-  field R defines an object "type parameter R hello.Constraint"
-MakePair has 2 type parameters:
-  L has constraint hello.Constraint
-  R has constraint hello.Constraint
-MakePair has a scope with 4 objects:
-  L is a *types.TypeName
-  R is a *types.TypeName
-  l is a *types.Var
-  r is a *types.Var
-### Methods on generic types
-## Constraint Interfaces
-### New interface elements
-### Implicit interfaces
-### Type sets
-## Instantiation
-### Finding instantiated types
-### Creating new instantiated types
-### Using a shared context
-# Updating tools while building at older Go versions
-In the examples above, we can see how a lot of the new APIs integrate with
-existing usage of `go/ast` or `go/types`. However, most tools still need to
-build at older Go versions, and handling the new language constructs in-line
-will break builds at older Go versions.
-For this purpose, the `x/exp/typeparams` package provides functions and types
-that proxy the new APIs (with stub implementations at older Go versions).
-**NOTE**: does not yet exist -- see
-[golang/go#50447]( for more information.
-# Further help
-If you're working on updating a tool to support generics, and need help, please
-feel free to reach out for help in any of the following ways:
- - Via the [golang-tools]( mailing list.
- - Directly to me via email (``).
- - For bugs, you can [file an issue](
diff --git a/internal/typeparams/example/findtypeparams/main.go b/internal/typeparams/example/findtypeparams/main.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b3f10c0..0000000
--- a/internal/typeparams/example/findtypeparams/main.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-//go:build go1.18
-// +build go1.18
-package main
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"go/ast"
-	"go/importer"
-	"go/parser"
-	"go/token"
-	"go/types"
-	"log"
-const hello = `
-package main
-type Constraint interface {
-	Value() interface{}
-type Pair[L, R any] struct {
-	left  L
-	right R
-func MakePair[L, R Constraint](l L, r R) Pair[L, R] {
-	return Pair[L, R]{l, r}
-// !+print
-func PrintTypeParams(fset *token.FileSet, file *ast.File) error {
-	conf := types.Config{Importer: importer.Default()}
-	info := &types.Info{
-		Scopes: make(map[ast.Node]*types.Scope),
-		Defs:   make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
-	}
-	_, err := conf.Check("hello", fset, []*ast.File{file}, info)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// For convenience, we can use ast.Inspect to find the nodes we want to
-	// investigate.
-	ast.Inspect(file, func(n ast.Node) bool {
-		var name *ast.Ident                  // the name of the generic object, or nil
-		var tparamSyntax *ast.FieldList      // the list of type parameter fields
-		var tparamTypes *types.TypeParamList // the list of type parameter types
-		var scopeNode ast.Node               // the node associated with the declaration scope
-		switch n := n.(type) {
-		case *ast.TypeSpec:
-			name = n.Name
-			tparamSyntax = n.TypeParams
-			tparamTypes = info.Defs[name].Type().(*types.Named).TypeParams()
-			name = n.Name
-			scopeNode = n
-		case *ast.FuncDecl:
-			name = n.Name
-			tparamSyntax = n.Type.TypeParams
-			tparamTypes = info.Defs[name].Type().(*types.Signature).TypeParams()
-			scopeNode = n.Type
-		}
-		if name == nil {
-			return true // not a generic object
-		}
-		// Option 1: find type parameters by looking at their declaring field list.
-		if tparamSyntax != nil {
-			fmt.Printf("%s has a type parameter field list with %d fields\n", name.Name, tparamSyntax.NumFields())
-			for _, field := range tparamSyntax.List {
-				for _, name := range field.Names {
-					tparam := info.Defs[name]
-					fmt.Printf("  field %s defines an object %q\n", name.Name, tparam)
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			fmt.Printf("%s does not have a type parameter list\n", name.Name)
-		}
-		// Option 2: find type parameters via the TypeParams() method on the
-		// generic type.
-		fmt.Printf("%s has %d type parameters:\n", name.Name, tparamTypes.Len())
-		for i := 0; i < tparamTypes.Len(); i++ {
-			tparam := tparamTypes.At(i)
-			fmt.Printf("  %s has constraint %s\n", tparam, tparam.Constraint())
-		}
-		// Option 3: find type parameters by looking in the declaration scope.
-		scope, ok := info.Scopes[scopeNode]
-		if ok {
-			fmt.Printf("%s has a scope with %d objects:\n", name.Name, scope.Len())
-			for _, name := range scope.Names() {
-				fmt.Printf("  %s is a %T\n", name, scope.Lookup(name))
-			}
-		} else {
-			fmt.Printf("%s does not have a scope\n", name.Name)
-		}
-		return true
-	})
-	return nil
-> go run
-Constraint does not have a type parameter list
-Constraint has 0 type parameters:
-Constraint does not have a scope
-Pair has a type parameter field list with 2 fields
-  field L defines an object "type parameter L any"
-  field R defines an object "type parameter R any"
-Pair has 2 type parameters:
-  L has constraint any
-  R has constraint any
-Pair has a scope with 2 objects:
-  L is a *types.TypeName
-  R is a *types.TypeName
-MakePair has a type parameter field list with 2 fields
-  field L defines an object "type parameter L hello.Constraint"
-  field R defines an object "type parameter R hello.Constraint"
-MakePair has 2 type parameters:
-  L has constraint hello.Constraint
-  R has constraint hello.Constraint
-MakePair has a scope with 4 objects:
-  L is a *types.TypeName
-  R is a *types.TypeName
-  l is a *types.Var
-  r is a *types.Var
-func main() {
-	// Parse one file.
-	fset := token.NewFileSet()
-	f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "hello.go", hello, 0)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err) // parse error
-	}
-	if err := PrintTypeParams(fset, f); err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err) // type error
-	}
diff --git a/internal/typeparams/example/ b/internal/typeparams/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d2f6ff..0000000
--- a/internal/typeparams/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-<!-- To regenerate the readme, run: -->
-<!-- go run -->
-# Updating tools to support type parameters.
-This guide is maintained by Rob Findley (``).
-**status**: this document is currently a work-in-progress. See
-[golang/go#50447]( for more details.
-# Introduction
-With Go 1.18, Go now supports generic programming via type parameters. This
-document is intended to serve as a guide for tool authors that want to update
-their tools to support the new language constructs introduced for generic Go.
-This guide assumes some knowledge of the language changes to support generics.
-See the following references for more information:
-- The [original proposal]( for type parameters.
-- The [addendum for type sets](
-- The [latest language specfication]( (still in-progress as of 2021-01-11).
-- The proposals for new APIs in
-  [go/token and go/ast](, and in
-  [go/types](
-It also assumes existing knowledge of `go/ast` and `go/types`. If you're just
-getting started,
-[x/example/gotypes]( is
-a great introduction (and was the inspiration for this guide).
-# Summary of new language features and their APIs
-While generic Go programming is a large change to the language, at a high level
-it introduces only a few new concepts. Specifically, we can break down our
-discussion into the following three broad categories. In each category, the
-relevant new APIs are listed (some constructors and getters/setters may be
-elided where they are trivial).
-**Generic types**. Types and functions may be _generic_, meaning their
-declaration has a non-empty _type parameter list_: as in `type  List[T any]
-...` or `func f[T1, T2 any]() { ... }`. Type parameter lists define placeholder
-types (_type parameters_), scoped to the declaration, which may be substituted
-by any type satisfying their corresponding _constraint interface_ to
-_instantiate_ a new type or function.
-Generic types may have methods, which declare `receiver type parameters` via
-their receiver type expression: `func (r T[P1, ..., PN]) method(...) (...)
-_New APIs_:
- - The field `ast.TypeSpec.TypeParams` holds the type parameter list syntax for
-   type declarations.
- - The field `ast.FuncType.TypeParams` holds the type parameter list syntax for
-   function declarations.
- - The type `types.TypeParam` is a `types.Type` representing a type parameter.
-   On this type, the `Constraint` and `SetConstraint` methods allow
-   getting/setting the constraint, the `Index` method returns the index of the
-   type parameter in the type parameter list that declares it, and the `Obj`
-   method returns the object declared in the declaration scope for the type
-   parameter (a `types.TypeName`).
- - The type `types.TypeParamList` holds a list of type parameters.
- - The method `types.Named.TypeParams` returns the type parameters for a type
-   declaration.
- - The method `types.Named.SetTypeParams` sets type parameters on a defined
-   type.
- - The function `types.NewSignatureType` creates a new (possibly generic)
-   signature type.
- - The method `types.Signature.RecvTypeParams` returns the receiver type
-   parameters for a method.
- - The method `types.Signature.TypeParams` returns the type parameters for
-   a function.
-**Constraint Interfaces**: type parameter constraints are interfaces, expressed
-via an interface type expression. Interfaces that are only used in constraint
-position are permitted new embedded elements composed of tilde expressions
-(`~T`) and unions (`A | B | ~C`). The new builtin interface type `comparable`
-is implemented by types for which `==` and `!=` are valid. As a special case,
-the `interface` keyword may be omitted from constraint expressions if it may be
-implied (in which case we say the interface is _implicit_).
-_New APIs_:
- - The constant `token.TILDE` is used to represent tilde expressions as an
-   `ast.UnaryExpr`.
- - Union expressions are represented as an `ast.BinaryExpr` using `|`. This
-   means that `ast.BinaryExpr` may now be both a type and value expression.
- - The method `types.Interface.IsImplicit` reports whether the `interface`
-   keyword was elided from this interface.
- - The method `types.Interface.MarkImplicit` marks an interface as being
-   implicit.
- - The method `types.Interface.IsComparable` reports whether every type in an
-   interface's type set is comparable.
- - The method `types.Interface.IsMethodSet` reports whether an interface is
-   defined entirely by its methods (has no _specific types_).
- - The type `types.Union` is a type that represents an embedded union
-   expression in an interface. May only appear as an embedded element in
-   interfaces.
- - The type `types.Term` represents a (possibly tilde) term of a union.
-**Instantiation**: generic types and functions may be _instantiated_ to create
-non-generic types and functions by providing _type arguments_ (`var x T[int]`).
-Function type arguments may be _inferred_ via function arguments, or via
-type parameter constraints.
-_New APIs_:
- - The type `ast.IndexListExpr` holds index expressions with multiple indices,
-   as occurs in instantiation expressions with multiple type arguments, or in
-   receivers with multiple type parameters.
- - The function `types.Instantiate` instantiates a generic type with type arguments.
- - The type `types.Context` is an opaque instantiation context that may be
-   shared to reduce duplicate instances.
- - The field `types.Config.Context` holds a shared `Context` to use for
-   instantiation while type-checking.
- - The type `types.TypeList` holds a list of types.
- - The type `types.ArgumentError` holds an error associated with a specific
-   argument index. Used to represent instantiation errors.
- - The field `types.Info.Instances` maps instantiated identifiers to information
-   about the resulting type instance.
- - The type `types.Instance` holds information about a type or function
-   instance.
- - The method `types.Named.TypeArgs` reports the type arguments used to
-   instantiate a named type.
-# Examples
-The following examples demonstrate the new APIs above, and discuss their
-properties. All examples are runnable, contained in subdirectories of the
-directory holding this README.
-## Generic types
-### Type parameter lists
-Suppose we want to understand the generic library below, which defines a generic
-`Pair`, a constraint interface `Constraint`, and a generic function `MakePair`.
-%include findtypeparams/main.go input -
-We can use the new `TypeParams` fields in `ast.TypeSpec` and `ast.FuncType` to
-access the syntax of the type parameter list. From there, we can access type
-parameter types in at least three ways:
- - by looking up type parameter definitions in `types.Info`
- - by calling `TypeParams()` on `types.Named` or `types.Signature`
- - by looking up type parameter objects in the declaration scope. Note that
-   there now may be a scope associated with an `ast.TypeSpec` node.
-%include findtypeparams/main.go print -
-This program produces the following output. Note that not every type spec has
-a scope.
-%include findtypeparams/main.go output -
-### Methods on generic types
-## Constraint Interfaces
-### New interface elements
-### Implicit interfaces
-### Type sets
-## Instantiation
-### Finding instantiated types
-### Creating new instantiated types
-### Using a shared context
-# Updating tools while building at older Go versions
-In the examples above, we can see how a lot of the new APIs integrate with
-existing usage of `go/ast` or `go/types`. However, most tools still need to
-build at older Go versions, and handling the new language constructs in-line
-will break builds at older Go versions.
-For this purpose, the `x/exp/typeparams` package provides functions and types
-that proxy the new APIs (with stub implementations at older Go versions).
-**NOTE**: does not yet exist -- see
-[golang/go#50447]( for more information.
-# Further help
-If you're working on updating a tool to support generics, and need help, please
-feel free to reach out for help in any of the following ways:
- - Via the [golang-tools]( mailing list.
- - Directly to me via email (``).
- - For bugs, you can [file an issue](