blob: 7d17ab1ebabb6a9d7830ae5c1d9a13c0e99c5754 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package template
import (
func init() {
type tparse struct {
marked string // ^ shows where to ask for completions. (The user just typed the following character.)
wanted []string // expected completions
// Test completions in templates that parse enough (if completion needs symbols)
func TestParsed(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []tparse{
{"{{^if}}", []string{"index", "if"}},
{"{{if .}}{{^e {{end}}", []string{"eq", "end}}", "else", "end"}},
{"{{foo}}{{^f", []string{"foo"}},
{"{{^$}}", []string{"$"}},
{"{{$x:=4}}{{^$", []string{"$x"}},
{"{{$x:=4}}{{$^ ", []string{}},
{"{{len .Modified}}{{^.Mo", []string{"Modified"}},
{"{{len .Modified}}{{.m^f", []string{"Modified"}},
{"{{^$ }}", []string{"$"}},
{"{{$a =3}}{{^$", []string{"$a"}},
// .two is not good here: fix someday
{`{{.Modified}}{{^.{{if $.one.two}}xxx{{end}}`, []string{"Modified", "one", "two"}},
{`{{.Modified}}{{.^o{{if $.one.two}}xxx{{end}}`, []string{"one"}},
{"{{.Modiifed}}{{.one.^t{{if $.one.two}}xxx{{end}}", []string{"two"}},
{`{{block "foo" .}}{{^i`, []string{"index", "if"}},
{"{{i^n{{Internal}}", []string{"index", "Internal", "if"}},
// simple number has no completions
{"{{4^e", []string{}},
// simple string has no completions
{"{{`^e", []string{}},
{"{{`No ^i", []string{}}, // example of why go/scanner is used
{"{{xavier}}{{12. ^x", []string{"xavier"}},
for _, tx := range tests {
c := testCompleter(t, tx)
ans, err := c.complete()
if err != nil {
var v []string
for _, a := range ans.Items {
v = append(v, a.Label)
if len(v) != len(tx.wanted) {
t.Errorf("%q: got %v, wanted %v", tx.marked, v, tx.wanted)
for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ {
if tx.wanted[i] != v[i] {
t.Errorf("%q at %d: got %v, wanted %v", tx.marked, i, v, tx.wanted)
func testCompleter(t *testing.T, tx tparse) *completer {
col := strings.Index(tx.marked, "^") + 1
offset := strings.LastIndex(tx.marked[:col], string(Left))
if offset < 0 {
t.Fatalf("no {{ before ^: %q", tx.marked)
buf := strings.Replace(tx.marked, "^", "", 1)
p := parseBuffer([]byte(buf))
if p.ParseErr != nil {
log.Printf("%q: %v", tx.marked, p.ParseErr)
syms := make(map[string]symbol)
filterSyms(syms, p.symbols)
c := &completer{
p: p,
pos: protocol.Position{Line: 0, Character: uint32(col)},
offset: offset + len(Left),
ctx: protocol.CompletionContext{TriggerKind: protocol.Invoked},
syms: syms,
return c