blob: 8d6e561fa608bebb74d8182e6cee60e83d58405c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package a
import (
type A struct {
b int
func singleAssignment() {
if 1 == 1 {
panic("I should survive")
func noOtherStmtsInBlock() {
func partOfMultiAssignment() {
_, err := os.Open("file") // want `f declared but not used`
func sideEffects(cBool chan bool, cInt chan int) {
<-c // want `b declared but not used`
fmt.Sprint("") // want `s declared but not used`
A{ // want `a declared but not used`
b: func() int {
return 1
A{<-cInt} // want `c declared but not used`
fInt() + <-cInt // want `d declared but not used`
fBool() && <-cBool // want `e declared but not used`
map[int]int{ // want `f declared but not used`
fInt(): <-cInt,
[]int{<-cInt} // want `g declared but not used`
func(s string) {}() // want `i declared but not used`
func commentAbove() {
// v is a variable
func fBool() bool {
return true
func fInt() int {
return 1