blob: f73a6ea19876864950fd58079a11c9fca6e473a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// +build ignore
package main
// Test of maps.
var a, b, c int
func maps1() {
m1 := map[*int]*int{&a: &b} // @line m1m1
m2 := make(map[*int]*int) // @line m1m2
m2[&b] = &a
print(m1[nil]) // @pointsto main.b | main.c
print(m2[nil]) // @pointsto main.a
print(m1) // @pointsto makemap@m1m1:21
print(m2) // @pointsto makemap@m1m2:12
m1[&b] = &c
for k, v := range m1 {
print(k) // @pointsto main.a | main.b
print(v) // @pointsto main.b | main.c
for k, v := range m2 {
print(k) // @pointsto main.b
print(v) // @pointsto main.a
// Lookup doesn't create any aliases.
print(m2[&c]) // @pointsto main.a
if _, ok := m2[&a]; ok {
print(m2[&c]) // @pointsto main.a
func maps2() {
m1 := map[*int]*int{&a: &b}
m2 := map[*int]*int{&b: &c}
_ = []map[*int]*int{m1, m2} // (no spurious merging of m1, m2)
print(m1[nil]) // @pointsto main.b
print(m2[nil]) // @pointsto main.c
var g int
func maps3() {
// Regression test for a constraint generation bug for map range
// loops in which the key is unused: the (ok, k, v) tuple
// returned by ssa.Next may have type 'invalid' for the k and/or
// v components, so copying the map key or value may cause
// miswiring if the key has >1 components. In the worst case,
// this causes a crash. The test below used to report that
// pts(v) includes not just main.g but new(float64) too, which
// is ill-typed.
// sizeof(K) > 1, abstractly
type K struct{ a, b, c, d *float64 }
k := K{new(float64), nil, nil, nil}
m := map[K]*int{k: &g}
for _, v := range m {
print(v) // @pointsto main.g
var v float64
func maps4() {
// Regression test for generating constraints for cases of key and values
// being blank identifiers or different types assignable from the
// corresponding map types in a range stmt.
type K struct{ a *float64 }
k := K{&v}
m := map[K]*int{k: &g}
for x, y := range m {
print(x.a) // @pointsto main.v
print(y) // @pointsto main.g
var i struct{ a *float64 }
for i, _ = range m {
print(i.a) // @pointsto main.v
var j interface{}
for _, j = range m {
// TODO support the statement `print(j.(*int))`
print(j) // @pointsto main.g
for _, _ = range m {
// do something after 'for _, _ =' to exercise the
// effects of indexing
for _, j = range m {
// TODO support the statement `print(j.(*int))`
print(j) // @pointsto main.g
func main() {