blob: 780616850a8825e71cc0f5e15c207d391faa5be6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package source
import (
// addStatementCandidates adds full statement completion candidates
// appropriate for the current context.
func (c *completer) addStatementCandidates() {
// addErrCheckAndReturn offers a completion candidate of the form:
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// The position must be in a function that returns an error, and the
// statement preceding the position must be an assignment where the
// final LHS object is an error. addErrCheckAndReturn will synthesize
// zero values as necessary to make the return statement valid.
func (c *completer) addErrCheckAndReturn() {
if len(c.path) < 2 || c.enclosingFunc == nil || !c.opts.placeholders {
var (
errorType = types.Universe.Lookup("error").Type()
result = c.enclosingFunc.sig.Results()
// Make sure our enclosing function returns an error.
if result.Len() == 0 || !types.Identical(result.At(result.Len()-1).Type(), errorType) {
prevLine := prevStmt(c.pos, c.path)
if prevLine == nil {
// Make sure our preceding statement was as assignment.
assign, _ := prevLine.(*ast.AssignStmt)
if assign == nil || len(assign.Lhs) == 0 {
lastAssignee := assign.Lhs[len(assign.Lhs)-1]
// Make sure the final assignee is an error.
if !types.Identical(c.pkg.GetTypesInfo().TypeOf(lastAssignee), errorType) {
var (
// errText is e.g. "err" in "foo, err := bar()".
errText = formatNode(c.snapshot.View().Session().Cache().FileSet(), lastAssignee)
// Whether we need to include the "if" keyword in our candidate.
needsIf = true
// "_" isn't a real object.
if errText == "_" {
// Below we try to detect if the user has already started typing "if
// err" so we can replace what they've typed with our complete
// statement.
switch n := c.path[0].(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
switch c.path[1].(type) {
case *ast.ExprStmt:
// This handles:
// f, err := os.Open("foo")
// i<>
// Make sure they are typing "if".
if c.matcher.Score("if") <= 0 {
case *ast.IfStmt:
// This handles:
// f, err := os.Open("foo")
// if er<>
// Make sure they are typing the error's name.
if c.matcher.Score(errText) <= 0 {
needsIf = false
case *ast.IfStmt:
// This handles:
// f, err := os.Open("foo")
// if <>
// Avoid false positives by ensuring the if's cond is a bad
// expression. For example, don't offer the completion in cases
// like "if <> somethingElse".
if _, bad := n.Cond.(*ast.BadExpr); !bad {
// If "if" is our direct prefix, we need to include it in our
// candidate since the existing "if" will be overwritten.
needsIf = c.pos == n.Pos()+token.Pos(len("if"))
// Build up a snippet that looks like:
// if err != nil {
// return <zero value>, ..., ${1:err}
// }
// We make the error a placeholder so it is easy to alter the error.
var snip snippet.Builder
if needsIf {
snip.WriteText("if ")
snip.WriteText(fmt.Sprintf("%s != nil {\n\treturn ", errText))
for i := 0; i < result.Len()-1; i++ {
snip.WriteText(formatZeroValue(result.At(i).Type(), c.qf))
snip.WriteText(", ")
snip.WritePlaceholder(func(b *snippet.Builder) {
label := fmt.Sprintf("%[1]s != nil { return %[1]s }", errText)
if needsIf {
label = "if " + label
c.items = append(c.items, CompletionItem{
Label: label,
// There doesn't seem to be a more appropriate kind.
Kind: protocol.KeywordCompletion,
Score: highScore,
snippet: &snip,