blob: addfe2bc25022c48d07692f7cf0e20120a6a3eef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package golang
import (
// inlineAllCalls inlines all calls to the original function declaration
// described by callee, returning the resulting modified file content.
// inlining everything is currently an expensive operation: it involves re-type
// checking every package that contains a potential call, as reported by
// References. In cases where there are multiple calls per file, inlineAllCalls
// must type check repeatedly for each additional call.
// The provided post processing function is applied to the resulting source
// after each transformation. This is necessary because we are using this
// function to inline synthetic wrappers for the purpose of signature
// rewriting. The delegated function has a fake name that doesn't exist in the
// snapshot, and so we can't re-type check until we replace this fake name.
// TODO(rfindley): this only works because removing a parameter is a very
// narrow operation. A better solution would be to allow for ad-hoc snapshots
// that expose the full machinery of real snapshots: minimal invalidation,
// batched type checking, etc. Then we could actually rewrite the declaring
// package in this snapshot (and so 'post' would not be necessary), and could
// robustly re-type check for the purpose of iterative inlining, even if the
// inlined code pulls in new imports that weren't present in export data.
// The code below notes where are assumptions are made that only hold true in
// the case of parameter removal (annotated with 'Assumption:')
func inlineAllCalls(ctx context.Context, logf func(string, ...any), snapshot *cache.Snapshot, pkg *cache.Package, pgf *parsego.File, origDecl *ast.FuncDecl, callee *inline.Callee, post func([]byte) []byte) (map[protocol.DocumentURI][]byte, error) {
// Collect references.
var refs []protocol.Location
funcPos, err := pgf.Mapper.PosPosition(pgf.Tok, origDecl.Name.NamePos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fh, err := snapshot.ReadFile(ctx, pgf.URI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
refs, err = References(ctx, snapshot, fh, funcPos, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("finding references to rewrite: %v", err)
// Type-check the narrowest package containing each reference.
// TODO(rfindley): we should expose forEachPackage in order to operate in
// parallel and to reduce peak memory for this operation.
var (
pkgForRef = make(map[protocol.Location]PackageID)
pkgs = make(map[PackageID]*cache.Package)
needPkgs := make(map[PackageID]struct{})
for _, ref := range refs {
md, err := NarrowestMetadataForFile(ctx, snapshot, ref.URI)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("finding ref metadata: %v", err)
pkgForRef[ref] = md.ID
needPkgs[md.ID] = struct{}{}
var pkgIDs []PackageID
for id := range needPkgs { // TODO: use maps.Keys once it is available to us
pkgIDs = append(pkgIDs, id)
refPkgs, err := snapshot.TypeCheck(ctx, pkgIDs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("type checking reference packages: %v", err)
for _, p := range refPkgs {
pkgs[p.Metadata().ID] = p
// Organize calls by top file declaration. Calls within a single file may
// affect each other, as the inlining edit may affect the surrounding scope
// or imports Therefore, when inlining subsequent calls in the same
// declaration, we must re-type check.
type fileCalls struct {
pkg *cache.Package
pgf *parsego.File
calls []*ast.CallExpr
refsByFile := make(map[protocol.DocumentURI]*fileCalls)
for _, ref := range refs {
refpkg := pkgs[pkgForRef[ref]]
pgf, err := refpkg.File(ref.URI)
if err != nil {
return nil, bug.Errorf("finding %s in %s: %v", ref.URI, refpkg.Metadata().ID, err)
start, end, err := pgf.RangePos(ref.Range)
if err != nil {
return nil, err // e.g. invalid range
// Look for the surrounding call expression.
var (
name *ast.Ident
call *ast.CallExpr
path, _ := astutil.PathEnclosingInterval(pgf.File, start, end)
name, _ = path[0].(*ast.Ident)
if _, ok := path[1].(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
call, _ = path[2].(*ast.CallExpr)
} else {
call, _ = path[1].(*ast.CallExpr)
if name == nil || call == nil {
// TODO(rfindley): handle this case with eta-abstraction:
// a reference to the target function f in a non-call position
// use(f)
// is replaced by
// use(func(...) { f(...) })
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot inline: found non-call function reference %v", ref)
// Sanity check.
if obj := refpkg.TypesInfo().ObjectOf(name); obj == nil ||
obj.Name() != origDecl.Name.Name ||
obj.Pkg() == nil ||
obj.Pkg().Path() != string(pkg.Metadata().PkgPath) {
return nil, bug.Errorf("cannot inline: corrupted reference %v", ref)
callInfo, ok := refsByFile[ref.URI]
if !ok {
callInfo = &fileCalls{
pkg: refpkg,
pgf: pgf,
refsByFile[ref.URI] = callInfo
callInfo.calls = append(callInfo.calls, call)
// Inline each call within the same decl in sequence, re-typechecking after
// each one. If there is only a single call within the decl, we can avoid
// additional type checking.
// Assumption: inlining does not affect the package scope, so we can operate
// on separate files independently.
result := make(map[protocol.DocumentURI][]byte)
for uri, callInfo := range refsByFile {
var (
calls = callInfo.calls
fset = callInfo.pkg.FileSet()
tpkg = callInfo.pkg.Types()
tinfo = callInfo.pkg.TypesInfo()
file = callInfo.pgf.File
content = callInfo.pgf.Src
// Check for overlapping calls (such as Foo(Foo())). We can't handle these
// because inlining may change the source order of the inner call with
// respect to the inlined outer call, and so the heuristic we use to find
// the next call (counting from top-to-bottom) does not work.
for i := range calls {
if i > 0 && calls[i-1].End() > calls[i].Pos() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: can't inline overlapping call %s", uri, types.ExprString(calls[i-1]))
currentCall := 0
for currentCall < len(calls) {
caller := &inline.Caller{
Fset: fset,
Types: tpkg,
Info: tinfo,
File: file,
Call: calls[currentCall],
Content: content,
res, err := inline.Inline(caller, callee, &inline.Options{Logf: logf})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("inlining failed: %v", err)
content = res.Content
if post != nil {
content = post(content)
if len(calls) <= 1 {
// No need to re-type check, as we've inlined all calls.
// TODO(rfindley): develop a theory of "trivial" inlining, which are
// inlinings that don't require re-type checking.
// In principle, if the inlining only involves replacing one call with
// another, the scope of the caller is unchanged and there is no need to
// type check again before inlining subsequent calls (edits should not
// overlap, and should not affect each other semantically). However, it
// feels sufficiently complicated that, to be safe, this optimization is
// deferred until later.
file, err = parser.ParseFile(fset, uri.Path(), content, parser.ParseComments|parser.SkipObjectResolution)
if err != nil {
return nil, bug.Errorf("inlined file failed to parse: %v", err)
// After inlining one call with a removed parameter, the package will
// fail to type check due to "not enough arguments". Therefore, we must
// allow type errors here.
// Assumption: the resulting type errors do not affect the correctness of
// subsequent inlining, because invalid arguments to a call do not affect
// anything in the surrounding scope.
// TODO(rfindley): improve this.
tpkg, tinfo, err = reTypeCheck(logf, callInfo.pkg, map[protocol.DocumentURI]*ast.File{uri: file}, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, bug.Errorf("type checking after inlining failed: %v", err)
// Collect calls to the target function in the modified declaration.
var calls2 []*ast.CallExpr
ast.Inspect(file, func(n ast.Node) bool {
if call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr); ok {
fn := typeutil.StaticCallee(tinfo, call)
if fn != nil && fn.Pkg().Path() == string(pkg.Metadata().PkgPath) && fn.Name() == origDecl.Name.Name {
calls2 = append(calls2, call)
return true
// If the number of calls has increased, this process will never cease.
// If the number of calls has decreased, assume that inlining removed a
// call.
// If the number of calls didn't change, assume that inlining replaced
// a call, and move on to the next.
// Assumption: we're inlining a call that has at most one recursive
// reference (which holds for signature rewrites).
// TODO(rfindley): this isn't good enough. We should be able to support
// inlining all existing calls even if they increase calls. How do we
// correlate the before and after syntax?
switch {
case len(calls2) > len(calls):
return nil, fmt.Errorf("inlining increased calls %d->%d, possible recursive call? content:\n%s", len(calls), len(calls2), content)
case len(calls2) < len(calls):
calls = calls2
case len(calls2) == len(calls):
calls = calls2
result[callInfo.pgf.URI] = content
return result, nil