blob: 8885c32dbbc9ef7ff7c4b877c087f8941c8208ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package golang
import (
// TestFreeRefs is a unit test of the free-references algorithm.
func TestFreeRefs(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "js" || runtime.GOARCH == "wasm" {
t.Skip("some test imports are unsupported on js or wasm")
for i, test := range []struct {
src string
want []string // expected list of "scope kind dotted-path" triples
// basic example (has a "cannot infer" type error)
`package p; func f[T ~int](x any) { var y T; « f(x.(T) + y) » }`,
[]string{"pkg func f", "local var x", "local typename T", "local var y"},
// selection need not be tree-aligned
`package p; type T int; type U « T; func _(x U) »`,
[]string{"pkg typename T", "pkg typename U"},
// imported symbols
`package p; import "fmt"; func f() { « var x fmt.Stringer » }`,
[]string{"file pkgname fmt.Stringer"},
// unsafe and error, our old nemeses
`package p; import "unsafe"; var ( « _ unsafe.Pointer; _ = error(nil).Error »; )`,
[]string{"file pkgname unsafe.Pointer"},
// two attributes of a var, but not the var itself
`package p; import "bytes"; func _(buf bytes.Buffer) { « buf.WriteByte(0); buf.WriteString(""); » }`,
[]string{"local var buf.WriteByte", "local var buf.WriteString"},
// dot imports (an edge case)
`package p; import . "errors"; var _ = « New»`,
[]string{"file pkgname errors.New"},
// struct field (regression test for overzealous dot import logic)
`package p; import "net/url"; var _ = «url.URL{Host: ""}»`,
[]string{"file pkgname url.URL"},
// dot imports (another regression test of same)
`package p; import . "net/url"; var _ = «URL{Host: ""}»`,
[]string{"file pkgname url.URL"},
// dot import of unsafe (a corner case)
`package p; import . "unsafe"; var _ « Pointer»`,
[]string{"file pkgname unsafe.Pointer"},
// dotted path
`package p; import "go/build"; var _ = « build.Default.GOOS »`,
[]string{"file pkgname build.Default.GOOS"},
// type error
`package p; import "nope"; var _ = « nope.nope.nope »`,
[]string{"file pkgname nope"},
} {
name := fmt.Sprintf("file%d.go", i)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
fset := token.NewFileSet()
startOffset := strings.Index(test.src, "«")
endOffset := strings.Index(test.src, "»")
if startOffset < 0 || endOffset < startOffset {
t.Fatalf("invalid «...» selection (%d:%d)", startOffset, endOffset)
src := test.src[:startOffset] +
" " +
test.src[startOffset+len("«"):endOffset] +
" " +
f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, name, src, parser.SkipObjectResolution)
if err != nil {
conf := &types.Config{
Importer: importer.Default(),
Error: func(err error) { t.Log(err) }, // not fatal
info := &types.Info{
Uses: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
Scopes: make(map[ast.Node]*types.Scope),
Types: make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue),
pkg, _ := conf.Check(f.Name.Name, fset, []*ast.File{f}, info) // ignore errors
tf := fset.File(f.Package)
refs := freeRefs(pkg, info, f, tf.Pos(startOffset), tf.Pos(endOffset))
kind := func(obj types.Object) string { // e.g. "var", "const"
return strings.ToLower(reflect.TypeOf(obj).Elem().Name())
var got []string
for _, ref := range refs {
msg := ref.scope + " " + kind(ref.objects[0]) + " " + ref.dotted
got = append(got, msg)
if diff := cmp.Diff(test.want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("(-want +got)\n%s", diff)