blob: 2374a528757ece300841f7fb18ecd46b4562a76a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
type Session struct {
cache *Cache
id string
optionsMu sync.Mutex
options *source.Options
viewMu sync.RWMutex
views []*View
viewMap map[span.URI]*View // map of URI->best view
overlayMu sync.Mutex
overlays map[span.URI]*overlay
// gocmdRunner guards go command calls from concurrency errors.
gocmdRunner *gocommand.Runner
progress *progress.Tracker
type overlay struct {
session *Session
uri span.URI
text []byte
hash source.Hash
version int32
kind source.FileKind
// saved is true if a file matches the state on disk,
// and therefore does not need to be part of the overlay sent to go/packages.
saved bool
func (o *overlay) Read() ([]byte, error) {
return o.text, nil
func (o *overlay) FileIdentity() source.FileIdentity {
return source.FileIdentity{
URI: o.uri,
Hash: o.hash,
func (o *overlay) VersionedFileIdentity() source.VersionedFileIdentity {
return source.VersionedFileIdentity{
URI: o.uri,
Version: o.version,
func (o *overlay) Kind() source.FileKind {
return o.kind
func (o *overlay) URI() span.URI {
return o.uri
func (o *overlay) Version() int32 {
return o.version
func (o *overlay) Session() string {
func (o *overlay) Saved() bool {
return o.saved
// closedFile implements LSPFile for a file that the editor hasn't told us about.
type closedFile struct {
func (c *closedFile) VersionedFileIdentity() source.VersionedFileIdentity {
return source.VersionedFileIdentity{
URI: c.FileHandle.URI(),
SessionID: "",
Version: 0,
func (c *closedFile) Saved() bool {
return true
func (c *closedFile) Session() string {
return ""
func (c *closedFile) Version() int32 {
return 0
func (s *Session) ID() string { return }
func (s *Session) String() string { return }
func (s *Session) Options() *source.Options {
defer s.optionsMu.Unlock()
return s.options
func (s *Session) SetOptions(options *source.Options) {
defer s.optionsMu.Unlock()
s.options = options
func (s *Session) SetProgressTracker(tracker *progress.Tracker) {
// The progress tracker should be set before any view is initialized.
s.progress = tracker
func (s *Session) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) {
var views []*View
views = append(views, s.views...)
s.views = nil
s.viewMap = nil
for _, view := range views {
event.Log(ctx, "Shutdown session", KeyShutdownSession.Of(s))
func (s *Session) Cache() interface{} {
return s.cache
func (s *Session) NewView(ctx context.Context, name string, folder span.URI, options *source.Options) (source.View, source.Snapshot, func(), error) {
defer s.viewMu.Unlock()
for _, view := range s.views {
if span.CompareURI(view.folder, folder) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil, source.ErrViewExists
view, snapshot, release, err := s.createView(ctx, name, folder, options, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
s.views = append(s.views, view)
// we always need to drop the view map
s.viewMap = make(map[span.URI]*View)
return view, snapshot, release, nil
func (s *Session) createView(ctx context.Context, name string, folder span.URI, options *source.Options, snapshotID uint64) (*View, *snapshot, func(), error) {
index := atomic.AddInt64(&viewIndex, 1)
if s.cache.options != nil {
// Set the module-specific information.
ws, err := s.getWorkspaceInformation(ctx, folder, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, func() {}, err
root := folder
if options.ExpandWorkspaceToModule {
root, err = findWorkspaceRoot(ctx, root, s, pathExcludedByFilterFunc(root.Filename(), ws.gomodcache, options), options.ExperimentalWorkspaceModule)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, func() {}, err
// Build the gopls workspace, collecting active modules in the view.
workspace, err := newWorkspace(ctx, root, s, pathExcludedByFilterFunc(root.Filename(), ws.gomodcache, options), ws.userGo111Module == off, options.ExperimentalWorkspaceModule)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, func() {}, err
// We want a true background context and not a detached context here
// the spans need to be unrelated and no tag values should pollute it.
baseCtx := event.Detach(xcontext.Detach(ctx))
backgroundCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(baseCtx)
v := &View{
session: s,
initialWorkspaceLoad: make(chan struct{}),
initializationSema: make(chan struct{}, 1),
id: strconv.FormatInt(index, 10),
options: options,
baseCtx: baseCtx,
name: name,
folder: folder,
moduleUpgrades: map[string]string{},
filesByURI: map[span.URI]*fileBase{},
filesByBase: map[string][]*fileBase{},
rootURI: root,
workspaceInformation: *ws,
v.importsState = &importsState{
ctx: backgroundCtx,
processEnv: &imports.ProcessEnv{
GocmdRunner: s.gocmdRunner,
v.snapshot = &snapshot{
id: snapshotID,
view: v,
backgroundCtx: backgroundCtx,
cancel: cancel,
initializeOnce: &sync.Once{},
store: &,
packages: persistent.NewMap(packageKeyLessInterface),
meta: &metadataGraph{},
files: newFilesMap(),
isActivePackageCache: newIsActivePackageCacheMap(),
parsedGoFiles: persistent.NewMap(parseKeyLessInterface),
parseKeysByURI: newParseKeysByURIMap(),
symbolizeHandles: persistent.NewMap(uriLessInterface),
actions: persistent.NewMap(actionKeyLessInterface),
workspacePackages: make(map[PackageID]PackagePath),
unloadableFiles: make(map[span.URI]struct{}),
parseModHandles: persistent.NewMap(uriLessInterface),
parseWorkHandles: persistent.NewMap(uriLessInterface),
modTidyHandles: persistent.NewMap(uriLessInterface),
modWhyHandles: persistent.NewMap(uriLessInterface),
knownSubdirs: newKnownDirsSet(),
workspace: workspace,
// Save one reference in the view.
v.releaseSnapshot = v.snapshot.Acquire()
// Initialize the view without blocking.
initCtx, initCancel := context.WithCancel(xcontext.Detach(ctx))
v.initCancelFirstAttempt = initCancel
snapshot := v.snapshot
// Pass a second reference to the background goroutine.
bgRelease := snapshot.Acquire()
go func() {
defer bgRelease()
snapshot.initialize(initCtx, true)
// Return a third reference to the caller.
return v, snapshot, snapshot.Acquire(), nil
// View returns the view by name.
func (s *Session) View(name string) source.View {
defer s.viewMu.RUnlock()
for _, view := range s.views {
if view.Name() == name {
return view
return nil
// ViewOf returns a view corresponding to the given URI.
// If the file is not already associated with a view, pick one using some heuristics.
func (s *Session) ViewOf(uri span.URI) (source.View, error) {
return s.viewOf(uri)
func (s *Session) viewOf(uri span.URI) (*View, error) {
defer s.viewMu.RUnlock()
// Check if we already know this file.
if v, found := s.viewMap[uri]; found {
return v, nil
// Pick the best view for this file and memoize the result.
if len(s.views) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no views in session")
s.viewMap[uri] = bestViewForURI(uri, s.views)
return s.viewMap[uri], nil
func (s *Session) Views() []source.View {
defer s.viewMu.RUnlock()
result := make([]source.View, len(s.views))
for i, v := range s.views {
result[i] = v
return result
// bestViewForURI returns the most closely matching view for the given URI
// out of the given set of views.
func bestViewForURI(uri span.URI, views []*View) *View {
// we need to find the best view for this file
var longest *View
for _, view := range views {
if longest != nil && len(longest.Folder()) > len(view.Folder()) {
// TODO(rfindley): this should consider the workspace layout (i.e.
if view.contains(uri) {
longest = view
if longest != nil {
return longest
// Try our best to return a view that knows the file.
for _, view := range views {
if view.knownFile(uri) {
return view
// TODO: are there any more heuristics we can use?
return views[0]
func (s *Session) removeView(ctx context.Context, view *View) error {
defer s.viewMu.Unlock()
i, err := s.dropView(ctx, view)
if err != nil {
return err
// delete this view... we don't care about order but we do want to make
// sure we can garbage collect the view
s.views[i] = s.views[len(s.views)-1]
s.views[len(s.views)-1] = nil
s.views = s.views[:len(s.views)-1]
return nil
func (s *Session) updateView(ctx context.Context, view *View, options *source.Options) (*View, error) {
defer s.viewMu.Unlock()
// Preserve the snapshot ID if we are recreating the view.
if view.snapshot == nil {
panic("updateView called after View was already shut down")
snapshotID :=
i, err := s.dropView(ctx, view)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v, _, release, err := s.createView(ctx,, view.folder, options, snapshotID)
if err != nil {
// we have dropped the old view, but could not create the new one
// this should not happen and is very bad, but we still need to clean
// up the view array if it happens
s.views[i] = s.views[len(s.views)-1]
s.views[len(s.views)-1] = nil
s.views = s.views[:len(s.views)-1]
return nil, err
// substitute the new view into the array where the old view was
s.views[i] = v
return v, nil
func (s *Session) dropView(ctx context.Context, v *View) (int, error) {
// we always need to drop the view map
s.viewMap = make(map[span.URI]*View)
for i := range s.views {
if v == s.views[i] {
// we found the view, drop it and return the index it was found at
s.views[i] = nil
return i, nil
return -1, fmt.Errorf("view %s for %v not found", v.Name(), v.Folder())
func (s *Session) ModifyFiles(ctx context.Context, changes []source.FileModification) error {
_, release, err := s.DidModifyFiles(ctx, changes)
return err
type fileChange struct {
content []byte
exists bool
fileHandle source.VersionedFileHandle
// isUnchanged indicates whether the file action is one that does not
// change the actual contents of the file. Opens and closes should not
// be treated like other changes, since the file content doesn't change.
isUnchanged bool
func (s *Session) DidModifyFiles(ctx context.Context, changes []source.FileModification) (map[source.Snapshot][]span.URI, func(), error) {
defer s.viewMu.RUnlock()
views := make(map[*View]map[span.URI]*fileChange)
affectedViews := map[span.URI][]*View{}
overlays, err := s.updateOverlays(ctx, changes)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var forceReloadMetadata bool
for _, c := range changes {
if c.Action == source.InvalidateMetadata {
forceReloadMetadata = true
// Build the list of affected views.
var changedViews []*View
for _, view := range s.views {
// Don't propagate changes that are outside of the view's scope
// or knowledge.
if !view.relevantChange(c) {
changedViews = append(changedViews, view)
// If the change is not relevant to any view, but the change is
// happening in the editor, assign it the most closely matching view.
if len(changedViews) == 0 {
if c.OnDisk {
bestView, err := s.viewOf(c.URI)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
changedViews = append(changedViews, bestView)
affectedViews[c.URI] = changedViews
isUnchanged := c.Action == source.Open || c.Action == source.Close
// Apply the changes to all affected views.
for _, view := range changedViews {
// Make sure that the file is added to the view.
_ = view.getFile(c.URI)
if _, ok := views[view]; !ok {
views[view] = make(map[span.URI]*fileChange)
if fh, ok := overlays[c.URI]; ok {
views[view][c.URI] = &fileChange{
content: fh.text,
exists: true,
fileHandle: fh,
isUnchanged: isUnchanged,
} else {
fsFile, err := s.cache.getFile(ctx, c.URI)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
content, err := fsFile.Read()
fh := &closedFile{fsFile}
views[view][c.URI] = &fileChange{
content: content,
exists: err == nil,
fileHandle: fh,
isUnchanged: isUnchanged,
var releases []func()
viewToSnapshot := map[*View]*snapshot{}
for view, changed := range views {
snapshot, release := view.invalidateContent(ctx, changed, forceReloadMetadata)
releases = append(releases, release)
viewToSnapshot[view] = snapshot
// The release function is called when the
// returned URIs no longer need to be valid.
release := func() {
for _, release := range releases {
// We only want to diagnose each changed file once, in the view to which
// it "most" belongs. We do this by picking the best view for each URI,
// and then aggregating the set of snapshots and their URIs (to avoid
// diagnosing the same snapshot multiple times).
snapshotURIs := map[source.Snapshot][]span.URI{}
for _, mod := range changes {
viewSlice, ok := affectedViews[mod.URI]
if !ok || len(viewSlice) == 0 {
view := bestViewForURI(mod.URI, viewSlice)
snapshot, ok := viewToSnapshot[view]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("no snapshot for view %s", view.Folder()))
snapshotURIs[snapshot] = append(snapshotURIs[snapshot], mod.URI)
return snapshotURIs, release, nil
func (s *Session) ExpandModificationsToDirectories(ctx context.Context, changes []source.FileModification) []source.FileModification {
defer s.viewMu.RUnlock()
var snapshots []*snapshot
for _, v := range s.views {
snapshot, release := v.getSnapshot()
defer release()
snapshots = append(snapshots, snapshot)
// TODO(adonovan): opt: release lock here.
knownDirs := knownDirectories(ctx, snapshots)
defer knownDirs.Destroy()
var result []source.FileModification
for _, c := range changes {
if !knownDirs.Contains(c.URI) {
result = append(result, c)
affectedFiles := knownFilesInDir(ctx, snapshots, c.URI)
var fileChanges []source.FileModification
for uri := range affectedFiles {
fileChanges = append(fileChanges, source.FileModification{
URI: uri,
Action: c.Action,
LanguageID: "",
OnDisk: c.OnDisk,
// changes to directories cannot include text or versions
result = append(result, fileChanges...)
return result
// knownDirectories returns all of the directories known to the given
// snapshots, including workspace directories and their subdirectories.
// It is responsibility of the caller to destroy the returned set.
func knownDirectories(ctx context.Context, snapshots []*snapshot) knownDirsSet {
result := newKnownDirsSet()
for _, snapshot := range snapshots {
dirs := snapshot.workspace.dirs(ctx, snapshot)
for _, dir := range dirs {
knownSubdirs := snapshot.getKnownSubdirs(dirs)
return result
// knownFilesInDir returns the files known to the snapshots in the session.
// It does not respect symlinks.
func knownFilesInDir(ctx context.Context, snapshots []*snapshot, dir span.URI) map[span.URI]struct{} {
files := map[span.URI]struct{}{}
for _, snapshot := range snapshots {
for _, uri := range snapshot.knownFilesInDir(ctx, dir) {
files[uri] = struct{}{}
return files
func (s *Session) updateOverlays(ctx context.Context, changes []source.FileModification) (map[span.URI]*overlay, error) {
defer s.overlayMu.Unlock()
for _, c := range changes {
// Don't update overlays for metadata invalidations.
if c.Action == source.InvalidateMetadata {
o, ok := s.overlays[c.URI]
// If the file is not opened in an overlay and the change is on disk,
// there's no need to update an overlay. If there is an overlay, we
// may need to update the overlay's saved value.
if !ok && c.OnDisk {
// Determine the file kind on open, otherwise, assume it has been cached.
var kind source.FileKind
switch c.Action {
case source.Open:
kind = source.FileKindForLang(c.LanguageID)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("updateOverlays: modifying unopened overlay %v", c.URI)
kind = o.kind
// Closing a file just deletes its overlay.
if c.Action == source.Close {
delete(s.overlays, c.URI)
// If the file is on disk, check if its content is the same as in the
// overlay. Saves and on-disk file changes don't come with the file's
// content.
text := c.Text
if text == nil && (c.Action == source.Save || c.OnDisk) {
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no known content for overlay for %s", c.Action)
text = o.text
// On-disk changes don't come with versions.
version := c.Version
if c.OnDisk || c.Action == source.Save {
version = o.version
hash := source.HashOf(text)
var sameContentOnDisk bool
switch c.Action {
case source.Delete:
// Do nothing. sameContentOnDisk should be false.
case source.Save:
// Make sure the version and content (if present) is the same.
if false && o.version != version { // Client no longer sends the version
return nil, fmt.Errorf("updateOverlays: saving %s at version %v, currently at %v", c.URI, c.Version, o.version)
if c.Text != nil && o.hash != hash {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("updateOverlays: overlay %s changed on save", c.URI)
sameContentOnDisk = true
fh, err := s.cache.getFile(ctx, c.URI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, readErr := fh.Read()
sameContentOnDisk = (readErr == nil && fh.FileIdentity().Hash == hash)
o = &overlay{
session: s,
uri: c.URI,
version: version,
text: text,
kind: kind,
hash: hash,
saved: sameContentOnDisk,
// When opening files, ensure that we actually have a well-defined view and file kind.
if c.Action == source.Open {
view, err := s.ViewOf(o.uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("updateOverlays: finding view for %s: %v", o.uri, err)
if kind := view.FileKind(o); kind == source.UnknownKind {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("updateOverlays: unknown file kind for %s", o.uri)
s.overlays[c.URI] = o
// Get the overlays for each change while the session's overlay map is
// locked.
overlays := make(map[span.URI]*overlay)
for _, c := range changes {
if o, ok := s.overlays[c.URI]; ok {
overlays[c.URI] = o
return overlays, nil
func (s *Session) GetFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) (source.FileHandle, error) {
if overlay := s.readOverlay(uri); overlay != nil {
return overlay, nil
// Fall back to the cache-level file system.
return s.cache.getFile(ctx, uri)
func (s *Session) readOverlay(uri span.URI) *overlay {
defer s.overlayMu.Unlock()
if overlay, ok := s.overlays[uri]; ok {
return overlay
return nil
func (s *Session) Overlays() []source.Overlay {
defer s.overlayMu.Unlock()
overlays := make([]source.Overlay, 0, len(s.overlays))
for _, overlay := range s.overlays {
overlays = append(overlays, overlay)
return overlays
func (s *Session) FileWatchingGlobPatterns(ctx context.Context) map[string]struct{} {
defer s.viewMu.RUnlock()
patterns := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, view := range s.views {
snapshot, release := view.getSnapshot()
for k, v := range snapshot.fileWatchingGlobPatterns(ctx) {
patterns[k] = v
return patterns