blob: 0400e70b0bd525d04e12032e5c7309fd04d311d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package bench
import (
. ""
// TODO(rfindley): update these completion tests to run on multiple repos.
type completionBenchOptions struct {
file, locationRegexp string
// Hooks to run edits before initial completion
setup func(*Env) // run before the benchmark starts
beforeCompletion func(*Env) // run before each completion
func benchmarkCompletion(options completionBenchOptions, b *testing.B) {
repo := getRepo(b, "tools")
_ = repo.sharedEnv(b) // ensure cache is warm
env := repo.newEnv(b, fake.EditorConfig{}, "completion", false)
defer env.Close()
// Run edits required for this completion.
if options.setup != nil {
// Run a completion to make sure the system is warm.
loc := env.RegexpSearch(options.file, options.locationRegexp)
completions := env.Completion(loc)
if testing.Verbose() {
for i := 0; i < len(completions.Items); i++ {
fmt.Printf("\t%d. %v\n", i, completions.Items[i])
b.Run("tools", func(b *testing.B) {
if stopAndRecord := startProfileIfSupported(b, env, qualifiedName("tools", "completion")); stopAndRecord != nil {
defer stopAndRecord()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if options.beforeCompletion != nil {
// endRangeInBuffer returns the position for last character in the buffer for
// the given file.
func endRangeInBuffer(env *Env, name string) protocol.Range {
buffer := env.BufferText(name)
m := protocol.NewMapper("", []byte(buffer))
rng, err := m.OffsetRange(len(buffer), len(buffer))
if err != nil {
return rng
// Benchmark struct completion in tools codebase.
func BenchmarkStructCompletion(b *testing.B) {
file := "internal/lsp/cache/session.go"
setup := func(env *Env) {
env.EditBuffer(file, protocol.TextEdit{
Range: endRangeInBuffer(env, file),
NewText: "\nvar testVariable map[string]bool = Session{}.\n",
file: file,
locationRegexp: `var testVariable map\[string\]bool = Session{}(\.)`,
setup: setup,
}, b)
// Benchmark import completion in tools codebase.
func BenchmarkImportCompletion(b *testing.B) {
const file = "internal/lsp/source/completion/completion.go"
file: file,
locationRegexp: `go\/()`,
setup: func(env *Env) { env.OpenFile(file) },
}, b)
// Benchmark slice completion in tools codebase.
func BenchmarkSliceCompletion(b *testing.B) {
file := "internal/lsp/cache/session.go"
setup := func(env *Env) {
env.EditBuffer(file, protocol.TextEdit{
Range: endRangeInBuffer(env, file),
NewText: "\nvar testVariable []byte = \n",
file: file,
locationRegexp: `var testVariable \[\]byte (=)`,
setup: setup,
}, b)
// Benchmark deep completion in function call in tools codebase.
func BenchmarkFuncDeepCompletion(b *testing.B) {
file := "internal/lsp/source/completion/completion.go"
fileContent := `
func (c *completer) _() {
setup := func(env *Env) {
originalBuffer := env.BufferText(file)
env.EditBuffer(file, protocol.TextEdit{
Range: endRangeInBuffer(env, file),
// TODO(rfindley): this is a bug: it should just be fileContent.
NewText: originalBuffer + fileContent,
file: file,
locationRegexp: `func \(c \*completer\) _\(\) {\n\tc\.inference\.kindMatches\((c)`,
setup: setup,
}, b)
// Benchmark completion following an arbitrary edit.
// Edits force type-checked packages to be invalidated, so we want to measure
// how long it takes before completion results are available.
func BenchmarkCompletionFollowingEdit(b *testing.B) {
tests := []struct {
repo string
file string // repo-relative file to create
content string // file content
locationRegexp string // regexp for completion
package completion
func (c *completer) _() {
`func \(c \*completer\) _\(\) {\n\tc\.inference\.kindMatches\((c)`,
package kubelet
func (kl *Kubelet) _() {
package dataintegration
func (p *Pivot) _() {
for _, test := range tests {
b.Run(test.repo, func(b *testing.B) {
repo := getRepo(b, test.repo)
sharedEnv := repo.sharedEnv(b) // ensure cache is warm
env := repo.newEnv(b, fake.EditorConfig{
Env: map[string]string{
"GOPATH": sharedEnv.Sandbox.GOPATH(), // use the warm cache
Settings: map[string]interface{}{
"completeUnimported": false,
}, "completionFollowingEdit", false)
defer env.Close()
env.CreateBuffer(test.file, "// __REGTEST_PLACEHOLDER_0__\n"+test.content)
editPlaceholder := func() {
edits := atomic.AddInt64(&editID, 1)
env.EditBuffer(test.file, protocol.TextEdit{
Range: protocol.Range{
Start: protocol.Position{Line: 0, Character: 0},
End: protocol.Position{Line: 1, Character: 0},
// Increment the placeholder text, to ensure cache misses.
NewText: fmt.Sprintf("// __REGTEST_PLACEHOLDER_%d__\n", edits),
// Run a completion to make sure the system is warm.
loc := env.RegexpSearch(test.file, test.locationRegexp)
completions := env.Completion(loc)
if testing.Verbose() {
for i := 0; i < len(completions.Items); i++ {
fmt.Printf("\t%d. %v\n", i, completions.Items[i])
if stopAndRecord := startProfileIfSupported(b, env, qualifiedName(test.repo, "completionFollowingEdit")); stopAndRecord != nil {
defer stopAndRecord()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
loc := env.RegexpSearch(test.file, test.locationRegexp)