blob: d0942b51bfe2a19673e73ce8cb42049761490695 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
var loadID uint64 // atomic identifier for loads
// load calls packages.Load for the given scopes, updating package metadata,
// import graph, and mapped files with the result.
// The resulting error may wrap the moduleErrorMap error type, representing
// errors associated with specific modules.
func (s *snapshot) load(ctx context.Context, allowNetwork bool, scopes ...interface{}) (err error) {
id := atomic.AddUint64(&loadID, 1)
eventName := fmt.Sprintf("go/packages.Load #%d", id) // unique name for logging
var query []string
var containsDir bool // for logging
// Unless the context was canceled, set "shouldLoad" to false for all
// of the metadata we attempted to load.
defer func() {
if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
// TODO(rfindley): merge these metadata updates with the updates below, to
// avoid updating the graph twice.
// Keep track of module query -> module path so that we can later correlate query
// errors with errors.
moduleQueries := make(map[string]string)
for _, scope := range scopes {
if !s.shouldLoad(scope) {
switch scope := scope.(type) {
case PackagePath:
if source.IsCommandLineArguments(string(scope)) {
panic("attempted to load command-line-arguments")
// The only time we pass package paths is when we're doing a
// partial workspace load. In those cases, the paths came back from
// go list and should already be GOPATH-vendorized when appropriate.
query = append(query, string(scope))
case fileURI:
uri := span.URI(scope)
// Don't try to load a file that doesn't exist.
fh := s.FindFile(uri)
if fh == nil || s.View().FileKind(fh) != source.Go {
query = append(query, fmt.Sprintf("file=%s", uri.Filename()))
case moduleLoadScope:
switch scope {
case "std", "cmd":
query = append(query, string(scope))
modQuery := fmt.Sprintf("%s/...", scope)
query = append(query, modQuery)
moduleQueries[modQuery] = string(scope)
case viewLoadScope:
// If we are outside of GOPATH, a module, or some other known
// build system, don't load subdirectories.
if !s.ValidBuildConfiguration() {
query = append(query, "./")
} else {
query = append(query, "./...")
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown scope type %T", scope))
switch scope.(type) {
case viewLoadScope, moduleLoadScope:
containsDir = true
if len(query) == 0 {
return nil
sort.Strings(query) // for determinism
if s.view.Options().VerboseWorkDoneProgress {
work := s.view.session.progress.Start(ctx, "Load", fmt.Sprintf("Loading query=%s", query), nil, nil)
defer func() {
work.End(ctx, "Done.")
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "cache.view.load", tag.Query.Of(query))
defer done()
flags := source.LoadWorkspace
if allowNetwork {
flags |= source.AllowNetwork
_, inv, cleanup, err := s.goCommandInvocation(ctx, flags, &gocommand.Invocation{
WorkingDir: s.view.rootURI.Filename(),
if err != nil {
return err
// Set a last resort deadline on packages.Load since it calls the go
// command, which may hang indefinitely if it has a bug. golang/go#42132
// and golang/go#42255 have more context.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Minute)
defer cancel()
cfg := s.config(ctx, inv)
pkgs, err := packages.Load(cfg, query...)
// If the context was canceled, return early. Otherwise, we might be
// type-checking an incomplete result. Check the context directly,
// because go/packages adds extra information to the error.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, eventName, err, tag.Snapshot.Of(s.ID()), tag.Directory.Of(cfg.Dir), tag.Query.Of(query), tag.PackageCount.Of(len(pkgs)))
} else {
event.Log(ctx, eventName, tag.Snapshot.Of(s.ID()), tag.Directory.Of(cfg.Dir), tag.Query.Of(query), tag.PackageCount.Of(len(pkgs)))
if len(pkgs) == 0 {
if err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("no packages returned")
return fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", err, source.PackagesLoadError)
moduleErrs := make(map[string][]packages.Error) // module path -> errors
filterer := buildFilterer(s.view.rootURI.Filename(), s.view.gomodcache, s.view.options)
newMetadata := make(map[PackageID]*KnownMetadata)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
// The Go command returns synthetic list results for module queries that
// encountered module errors.
// For example, given a module path a.mod, we'll query for "a.mod/..." and
// the go command will return a package named "a.mod/..." holding this
// error. Save it for later interpretation.
// See golang/go#50862 for more details.
if mod := moduleQueries[pkg.PkgPath]; mod != "" { // a synthetic result for the unloadable module
if len(pkg.Errors) > 0 {
moduleErrs[mod] = pkg.Errors
if !containsDir || s.view.Options().VerboseOutput {
event.Log(ctx, eventName,
// Ignore packages with no sources, since we will never be able to
// correctly invalidate that metadata.
if len(pkg.GoFiles) == 0 && len(pkg.CompiledGoFiles) == 0 {
// Special case for the builtin package, as it has no dependencies.
if pkg.PkgPath == "builtin" {
if len(pkg.GoFiles) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("only expected 1 file for builtin, got %v", len(pkg.GoFiles))
// Skip test main packages.
if isTestMain(pkg, s.view.gocache) {
// Skip filtered packages. They may be added anyway if they're
// dependencies of non-filtered packages.
// TODO(rfindley): why exclude metadata arbitrarily here? It should be safe
// to capture all metadata.
if s.view.allFilesExcluded(pkg, filterer) {
if err := buildMetadata(ctx, PackagePath(pkg.PkgPath), pkg, cfg, query, newMetadata, nil); err != nil {
return err
// Only update metadata where we don't already have valid metadata.
// We want to preserve an invariant that s.packages.Get(id).m.Metadata
// matches s.meta.metadata[id].Metadata. By avoiding overwriting valid
// metadata, we minimize the amount of invalidation required to preserve this
// invariant.
// TODO(rfindley): perform a sanity check that metadata matches here. If not,
// we have an invalidation bug elsewhere.
updates := make(map[PackageID]*KnownMetadata)
var updatedIDs []PackageID
for _, m := range newMetadata {
if existing := s.meta.metadata[m.ID]; existing == nil || !existing.Valid {
updates[m.ID] = m
updatedIDs = append(updatedIDs, m.ID)
event.Log(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s: updating metadata for %d packages", eventName, len(updates)))
// Invalidate the reverse transitive closure of packages that have changed.
// Note that the original metadata is being invalidated here, so we use the
// original metadata graph to compute the reverse closure.
invalidatedPackages := s.meta.reverseTransitiveClosure(true, updatedIDs...)
s.meta = s.meta.Clone(updates)
// Invalidate any packages we may have associated with this metadata.
// TODO(rfindley): this should not be necessary, as we should have already
// invalidated in snapshot.clone.
for id := range invalidatedPackages {
for _, mode := range source.AllParseModes {
key := packageKey{mode, id}
s.workspacePackages = computeWorkspacePackagesLocked(s, s.meta)
// Rebuild the workspace package handle for any packages we invalidated.
// TODO(rfindley): what's the point of returning an error here? Probably we
// can simply remove this step: The package handle will be rebuilt as needed.
for _, m := range updates {
if _, err := s.buildPackageHandle(ctx, m.ID, s.workspaceParseMode(m.ID)); err != nil {
return err
if len(moduleErrs) > 0 {
return &moduleErrorMap{moduleErrs}
return nil
type moduleErrorMap struct {
errs map[string][]packages.Error // module path -> errors
func (m *moduleErrorMap) Error() string {
var paths []string // sort for stability
for path, errs := range m.errs {
if len(errs) > 0 { // should always be true, but be cautious
paths = append(paths, path)
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d modules have errors:\n", len(paths))
for _, path := range paths {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%s:%s\n", path, m.errs[path][0].Msg)
return buf.String()
// workspaceLayoutErrors returns a diagnostic for every open file, as well as
// an error message if there are no open files.
func (s *snapshot) workspaceLayoutError(ctx context.Context) *source.CriticalError {
if len(s.workspace.getKnownModFiles()) == 0 {
return nil
if s.view.userGo111Module == off {
return nil
if s.workspace.moduleSource != legacyWorkspace {
return nil
// If the user has one module per view, there is nothing to warn about.
if s.ValidBuildConfiguration() && len(s.workspace.getKnownModFiles()) == 1 {
return nil
// Apply diagnostics about the workspace configuration to relevant open
// files.
openFiles := s.openFiles()
// If the snapshot does not have a valid build configuration, it may be
// that the user has opened a directory that contains multiple modules.
// Check for that an warn about it.
if !s.ValidBuildConfiguration() {
msg := `gopls requires a module at the root of your workspace.
You can work with multiple modules by opening each one as a workspace folder.
Improvements to this workflow will be coming soon, and you can learn more here:`
return &source.CriticalError{
MainError: fmt.Errorf(msg),
DiagList: s.applyCriticalErrorToFiles(ctx, msg, openFiles),
// If the user has one active go.mod file, they may still be editing files
// in nested modules. Check the module of each open file and add warnings
// that the nested module must be opened as a workspace folder.
if len(s.workspace.getActiveModFiles()) == 1 {
// Get the active root go.mod file to compare against.
var rootModURI span.URI
for uri := range s.workspace.getActiveModFiles() {
rootModURI = uri
nestedModules := map[string][]source.VersionedFileHandle{}
for _, fh := range openFiles {
modURI := moduleForURI(s.workspace.knownModFiles, fh.URI())
if modURI != rootModURI {
modDir := filepath.Dir(modURI.Filename())
nestedModules[modDir] = append(nestedModules[modDir], fh)
// Add a diagnostic to each file in a nested module to mark it as
// "orphaned". Don't show a general diagnostic in the progress bar,
// because the user may still want to edit a file in a nested module.
var srcDiags []*source.Diagnostic
for modDir, uris := range nestedModules {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(`This file is in %s, which is a nested module in the %s module.
gopls currently requires one module per workspace folder.
Please open %s as a separate workspace folder.
You can learn more here:
`, modDir, filepath.Dir(rootModURI.Filename()), modDir)
srcDiags = append(srcDiags, s.applyCriticalErrorToFiles(ctx, msg, uris)...)
if len(srcDiags) != 0 {
return &source.CriticalError{
MainError: fmt.Errorf(`You are working in a nested module.
Please open it as a separate workspace folder. Learn more:`),
DiagList: srcDiags,
return nil
func (s *snapshot) applyCriticalErrorToFiles(ctx context.Context, msg string, files []source.VersionedFileHandle) []*source.Diagnostic {
var srcDiags []*source.Diagnostic
for _, fh := range files {
// Place the diagnostics on the package or module declarations.
var rng protocol.Range
switch s.view.FileKind(fh) {
case source.Go:
if pgf, err := s.ParseGo(ctx, fh, source.ParseHeader); err == nil {
pkgDecl := span.NewRange(pgf.Tok, pgf.File.Package, pgf.File.Name.End())
if spn, err := pkgDecl.Span(); err == nil {
rng, _ = pgf.Mapper.Range(spn)
case source.Mod:
if pmf, err := s.ParseMod(ctx, fh); err == nil {
if pmf.File.Module != nil && pmf.File.Module.Syntax != nil {
rng, _ = rangeFromPositions(pmf.Mapper, pmf.File.Module.Syntax.Start, pmf.File.Module.Syntax.End)
srcDiags = append(srcDiags, &source.Diagnostic{
URI: fh.URI(),
Range: rng,
Severity: protocol.SeverityError,
Source: source.ListError,
Message: msg,
return srcDiags
// getWorkspaceDir returns the URI for the workspace directory
// associated with this snapshot. The workspace directory is a
// temporary directory containing the go.mod file computed from all
// active modules.
func (s *snapshot) getWorkspaceDir(ctx context.Context) (span.URI, error) {
dir, err := s.workspaceDir, s.workspaceDirErr
if dir == "" && err == nil { // cache miss
dir, err = makeWorkspaceDir(ctx, s.workspace, s)
s.workspaceDir, s.workspaceDirErr = dir, err
return span.URIFromPath(dir), err
// makeWorkspaceDir creates a temporary directory containing a go.mod
// and go.sum file for each module in the workspace.
// Note: snapshot's mutex must be unlocked for it to satisfy FileSource.
func makeWorkspaceDir(ctx context.Context, workspace *workspace, fs source.FileSource) (string, error) {
file, err := workspace.modFile(ctx, fs)
if err != nil {
return "", err
modContent, err := file.Format()
if err != nil {
return "", err
sumContent, err := workspace.sumFile(ctx, fs)
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmpdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "gopls-workspace-mod")
if err != nil {
return "", err
for name, content := range map[string][]byte{
"go.mod": modContent,
"go.sum": sumContent,
} {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tmpdir, name), content, 0644); err != nil {
os.RemoveAll(tmpdir) // ignore error
return "", err
return tmpdir, nil
// buildMetadata populates the updates map with metadata updates to
// apply, based on the given pkg. It recurs through pkg.Imports to ensure that
// metadata exists for all dependencies.
func buildMetadata(ctx context.Context, pkgPath PackagePath, pkg *packages.Package, cfg *packages.Config, query []string, updates map[PackageID]*KnownMetadata, path []PackageID) error {
id := PackageID(pkg.ID)
if source.IsCommandLineArguments(pkg.ID) {
suffix := ":" + strings.Join(query, ",")
id = PackageID(string(id) + suffix)
pkgPath = PackagePath(string(pkgPath) + suffix)
if _, ok := updates[id]; ok {
// If we've already seen this dependency, there may be an import cycle, or
// we may have reached the same package transitively via distinct paths.
// Check the path to confirm.
// TODO(rfindley): this doesn't look sufficient. Any single piece of new
// metadata could theoretically introduce import cycles in the metadata
// graph. What's the point of this limited check here (and is it even
// possible to get an import cycle in data from go/packages)? Consider
// simply returning, so that this function need not return an error.
// We should consider doing a more complete guard against import cycles
// elsewhere.
for _, prev := range path {
if prev == id {
return fmt.Errorf("import cycle detected: %q", id)
return nil
// Recreate the metadata rather than reusing it to avoid locking.
m := &KnownMetadata{
Metadata: &Metadata{
ID: id,
PkgPath: pkgPath,
Name: PackageName(pkg.Name),
ForTest: PackagePath(packagesinternal.GetForTest(pkg)),
TypesSizes: pkg.TypesSizes,
Config: cfg,
Module: pkg.Module,
depsErrors: packagesinternal.GetDepsErrors(pkg),
Valid: true,
updates[id] = m
// Identify intermediate test variants for later filtering. See the
// documentation of IsIntermediateTestVariant for more information.
if m.ForTest != "" && m.ForTest != m.PkgPath && m.ForTest+"_test" != m.PkgPath {
m.IsIntermediateTestVariant = true
for _, err := range pkg.Errors {
// Filter out parse errors from go list. We'll get them when we
// actually parse, and buggy overlay support may generate spurious
// errors. (See TestNewModule_Issue38207.)
if strings.Contains(err.Msg, "expected '") {
m.Errors = append(m.Errors, err)
for _, filename := range pkg.CompiledGoFiles {
uri := span.URIFromPath(filename)
m.CompiledGoFiles = append(m.CompiledGoFiles, uri)
for _, filename := range pkg.GoFiles {
uri := span.URIFromPath(filename)
m.GoFiles = append(m.GoFiles, uri)
for importPath, importPkg := range pkg.Imports {
// TODO(rfindley): in rare cases it is possible that the import package
// path is not the same as the package path of the import. That is to say
// (quoting adonovan):
// "The importPath string is the path by which one package is imported from
// another, but that needn't be the same as its internal name (sometimes
// called the "package path") used to prefix its linker symbols"
// We should not set this package path on the metadata of the dep.
importPkgPath := PackagePath(importPath)
importID := PackageID(importPkg.ID)
m.Deps = append(m.Deps, importID)
// Don't remember any imports with significant errors.
if importPkgPath != "unsafe" && len(importPkg.CompiledGoFiles) == 0 {
if m.MissingDeps == nil {
m.MissingDeps = make(map[PackagePath]struct{})
m.MissingDeps[importPkgPath] = struct{}{}
if err := buildMetadata(ctx, importPkgPath, importPkg, cfg, query, updates, append(path, id)); err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "error in dependency", err)
sort.Slice(m.Deps, func(i, j int) bool { return m.Deps[i] < m.Deps[j] }) // for determinism
return nil
// containsPackageLocked reports whether p is a workspace package for the
// snapshot s.
// must be held while calling this function.
func containsPackageLocked(s *snapshot, m *Metadata) bool {
// In legacy workspace mode, or if a package does not have an associated
// module, a package is considered inside the workspace if any of its files
// are under the workspace root (and not excluded).
// Otherwise if the package has a module it must be an active module (as
// defined by the module root or file) and at least one file must not
// be filtered out by directoryFilters.
if m.Module != nil && s.workspace.moduleSource != legacyWorkspace {
modURI := span.URIFromPath(m.Module.GoMod)
_, ok := s.workspace.activeModFiles[modURI]
if !ok {
return false
uris := map[span.URI]struct{}{}
for _, uri := range m.CompiledGoFiles {
uris[uri] = struct{}{}
for _, uri := range m.GoFiles {
uris[uri] = struct{}{}
filterFunc := s.view.filterFunc()
for uri := range uris {
// Don't use view.contains here. files may include modules
// outside of the workspace folder.
if !strings.Contains(string(uri), "/vendor/") && !filterFunc(uri) {
return true
return false
return containsFileInWorkspaceLocked(s, m)
// containsOpenFileLocked reports whether any file referenced by m is open in
// the snapshot s.
// must be held while calling this function.
func containsOpenFileLocked(s *snapshot, m *KnownMetadata) bool {
uris := map[span.URI]struct{}{}
for _, uri := range m.CompiledGoFiles {
uris[uri] = struct{}{}
for _, uri := range m.GoFiles {
uris[uri] = struct{}{}
for uri := range uris {
if s.isOpenLocked(uri) {
return true
return false
// containsFileInWorkspace reports whether m contains any file inside the
// workspace of the snapshot s.
// must be held while calling this function.
func containsFileInWorkspaceLocked(s *snapshot, m *Metadata) bool {
uris := map[span.URI]struct{}{}
for _, uri := range m.CompiledGoFiles {
uris[uri] = struct{}{}
for _, uri := range m.GoFiles {
uris[uri] = struct{}{}
for uri := range uris {
// In order for a package to be considered for the workspace, at least one
// file must be contained in the workspace and not vendored.
// The package's files are in this view. It may be a workspace package.
// Vendored packages are not likely to be interesting to the user.
if !strings.Contains(string(uri), "/vendor/") && s.view.contains(uri) {
return true
return false
// computeWorkspacePackagesLocked computes workspace packages in the snapshot s
// for the given metadata graph.
// must be held while calling this function.
func computeWorkspacePackagesLocked(s *snapshot, meta *metadataGraph) map[PackageID]PackagePath {
workspacePackages := make(map[PackageID]PackagePath)
for _, m := range meta.metadata {
if !containsPackageLocked(s, m.Metadata) {
if m.PkgFilesChanged {
// If a package name has changed, it's possible that the package no
// longer exists. Leaving it as a workspace package can result in
// persistent stale diagnostics.
// If there are still valid files in the package, it will be reloaded.
// There may be more precise heuristics.
if source.IsCommandLineArguments(string(m.ID)) {
// If all the files contained in m have a real package, we don't need to
// keep m as a workspace package.
if allFilesHaveRealPackages(meta, m) {
// We only care about command-line-arguments packages if they are still
// open.
if !containsOpenFileLocked(s, m) {
switch {
case m.ForTest == "":
// A normal package.
workspacePackages[m.ID] = m.PkgPath
case m.ForTest == m.PkgPath, m.ForTest+"_test" == m.PkgPath:
// The test variant of some workspace package or its x_test.
// To load it, we need to load the non-test variant with -test.
workspacePackages[m.ID] = m.ForTest
return workspacePackages
// allFilesHaveRealPackages reports whether all files referenced by m are
// contained in a "real" package (not command-line-arguments).
// If m is valid but all "real" packages containing any file are invalid, this
// function returns false.
// If m is not a command-line-arguments package, this is trivially true.
func allFilesHaveRealPackages(g *metadataGraph, m *KnownMetadata) bool {
n := len(m.CompiledGoFiles)
for _, uri := range append(m.CompiledGoFiles[0:n:n], m.GoFiles...) {
for _, id := range g.ids[uri] {
if !source.IsCommandLineArguments(string(id)) && (g.metadata[id].Valid || !m.Valid) {
continue checkURIs
return false
return true
func isTestMain(pkg *packages.Package, gocache string) bool {
// Test mains must have an import path that ends with ".test".
if !strings.HasSuffix(pkg.PkgPath, ".test") {
return false
// Test main packages are always named "main".
if pkg.Name != "main" {
return false
// Test mains always have exactly one GoFile that is in the build cache.
if len(pkg.GoFiles) > 1 {
return false
if !source.InDir(gocache, pkg.GoFiles[0]) {
return false
return true