blob: ac253b27310731961ef791ddae5291bcc91a6ff5 [file] [log] [blame]
This test executes definition requests over doc links.
-- go.mod --
go 1.19
-- a.go --
package p
import "strconv" //@loc(strconv, `"strconv"`)
const NumberBase = 10 //@loc(NumberBase, "NumberBase")
// [Conv] converts s to an int. //@def("Conv", Conv)
func Conv(s string) int { //@loc(Conv, "Conv")
// [strconv.ParseInt] parses s and returns the integer corresponding to it. //@def("strconv", strconv)
// [NumberBase] is the base to use for number parsing. //@def("NumberBase", NumberBase)
i, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s, NumberBase, 64)
return int(i)