blob: 829dd13068d7aab037418c8e63ee0bc1dff77b94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.18
// +build go1.18
package objectpath_test
import (
func TestGenericPaths(t *testing.T) {
pkgs := map[string]map[string]string{
"b": {"b.go": `
package b
const C int = 1
type T[TP0 any, TP1 interface{ M0(); M1() }] struct{}
func (T[RP0, RP1]) M() {}
type N int
func (N) M0()
func (N) M1()
type A = T[int, N]
func F[FP0, FP1 any](FP0, FP1) {}
paths := []pathTest{
// TODO: uncomment tests once type parameter strings have been adjusted.
// Good paths
// {"b", "T", "type b.T[b.TP0 interface{}, b.TP1 interface{M0(); M1()}] struct{}", ""},
// {"b", "T.O", "type b.T[b.TP0 interface{}, b.TP1 interface{M0(); M1()}] struct{}", ""},
// {"b", "T.M0", "func (b.T[b.RP0, b.RP1]).M()", ""},
// {"b", "T.T0O", "type TP0 b.TP0", ""},
// {"b", "T.T1O", "type TP1 b.TP1", ""},
{"b", "T.T1CM0", "func (interface).M0()", ""},
// Obj of an instance is the generic declaration.
// {"b", "A.O", "type b.T[b.TP0 interface{}, b.TP1 interface{M0(); M1()}] struct{}", ""},
{"b", "A.M0", "func (b.T[int, b.N]).M()", ""},
// Bad paths
{"b", "N.C", "", "invalid path: ends with 'C', want [AFMO]"},
{"b", "N.CO", "", "cannot apply 'C' to b.N (got *types.Named, want type parameter)"},
{"b", "N.T", "", `invalid path: bad numeric operand "" for code 'T'`},
{"b", "N.T0", "", "tuple index 0 out of range [0-0)"},
{"b", "T.T2O", "", "tuple index 2 out of range [0-2)"},
// {"b", "T.T1M0", "", "cannot apply 'M' to b.TP1 (got *types.TypeParam, want interface or named)"},
{"b", "C.T0", "", "cannot apply 'T' to int (got *types.Basic, want named or signature)"},
conf := loader.Config{Build: buildutil.FakeContext(pkgs)}
prog, err := conf.Load()
if err != nil {
for _, test := range paths {
if err := testPath(prog, test); err != nil {
// bad objects
for _, test := range []struct {
obj types.Object
wantErr string
{types.Universe.Lookup("any"), "predeclared type any = interface{} has no path"},
{types.Universe.Lookup("comparable"), "predeclared type comparable interface{} has no path"},
} {
path, err := objectpath.For(test.obj)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Object(%s) = %q, want error", test.obj, path)
if err.Error() != test.wantErr {
t.Errorf("Object(%s) error was %q, want %q", test.obj, err, test.wantErr)