blob: 9e990dc3f423d192b9d1ea8d3e485985cb645e63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package source
import (
// literal generates composite literal and make() completion items.
func (c *completer) literal(literalType types.Type) {
if c.expectedType.objType == nil {
// Don't provide literal candidates for variadic function arguments.
// For example, don't provide "[]interface{}{}" in "fmt.Print(<>)".
if c.expectedType.variadic {
// Avoid literal candidates if the expected type is an empty
// interface. It isn't very useful to suggest a literal candidate of
// every possible type.
if isEmptyInterface(c.expectedType.objType) {
// We handle unnamed literal completions explicitly before searching
// for candidates. Avoid named-type literal completions for
// unnamed-type expected type since that results in duplicate
// candidates. For example, in
// type mySlice []int
// var []int = <>
// don't offer "mySlice{}" since we have already added a candidate
// of "[]int{}".
if _, named := literalType.(*types.Named); named {
if _, named := deref(c.expectedType.objType).(*types.Named); !named {
// Check if an object of type literalType or *literalType would
// match our expected type.
if !c.matchingType(literalType) {
literalType = types.NewPointer(literalType)
if !c.matchingType(literalType) {
ptr, isPointer := literalType.(*types.Pointer)
if isPointer {
literalType = ptr.Elem()
typeName := types.TypeString(literalType, c.qf)
// A type name of "[]int" doesn't work very will with the matcher
// since "[" isn't a valid identifier prefix. Here we strip off the
// slice (and array) prefix yielding just "int".
matchName := typeName
switch t := literalType.(type) {
case *types.Slice:
matchName = types.TypeString(t.Elem(), c.qf)
case *types.Array:
matchName = types.TypeString(t.Elem(), c.qf)
// If prefix matches the type name, client may want a composite literal.
if score := c.matcher.Score(matchName); score >= 0 {
if isPointer {
typeName = "&" + typeName
switch t := literalType.Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Struct, *types.Array, *types.Slice, *types.Map:
c.compositeLiteral(t, typeName, float64(score))
// If prefix matches "make", client may want a "make()"
// invocation. We also include the type name to allow for more
// flexible fuzzy matching.
if score := c.matcher.Score("make." + matchName); !isPointer && score >= 0 {
switch literalType.Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Slice:
// The second argument to "make()" for slices is required, so default to "0".
c.makeCall(typeName, "0", float64(score))
case *types.Map, *types.Chan:
// Maps and channels don't require the second argument, so omit
// to keep things simple for now.
c.makeCall(typeName, "", float64(score))
// literalCandidateScore is the base score for literal candidates.
// Literal candidates match the expected type so they should be high
// scoring, but we want them ranked below lexical objects of the
// correct type, so scale down highScore.
const literalCandidateScore = highScore / 2
// compositeLiteral adds a composite literal completion item for the given typeName.
func (c *completer) compositeLiteral(T types.Type, typeName string, matchScore float64) {
snip := &snippet.Builder{}
snip.WriteText(typeName + "{")
// Don't put the tab stop inside the composite literal curlies "{}"
// for structs that have no fields.
if strct, ok := T.(*types.Struct); !ok || strct.NumFields() > 0 {
nonSnippet := typeName + "{}"
c.items = append(c.items, CompletionItem{
Label: nonSnippet,
InsertText: nonSnippet,
Score: matchScore * literalCandidateScore,
Kind: VariableCompletionItem,
snippet: snip,
// makeCall adds a completion item for a "make()" call given a specific type.
func (c *completer) makeCall(typeName string, secondArg string, matchScore float64) {
// Keep it simple and don't add any placeholders for optional "make()" arguments.
snip := &snippet.Builder{}
snip.WriteText("make(" + typeName)
if secondArg != "" {
snip.WriteText(", ")
snip.WritePlaceholder(func(b *snippet.Builder) {
if c.opts.Placeholders {
var nonSnippet strings.Builder
nonSnippet.WriteString("make(" + typeName)
if secondArg != "" {
nonSnippet.WriteString(", ")
c.items = append(c.items, CompletionItem{
Label: nonSnippet.String(),
InsertText: nonSnippet.String(),
Score: matchScore * literalCandidateScore,
Kind: FunctionCompletionItem,
snippet: snip,