blob: ae89745012fda6113fe6956dbc460c4ad867222e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package misc
import (
. ""
// TestWebServer exercises the web server created on demand
// for code actions such as "View package documentation".
func TestWebServer(t *testing.T) {
const files = `
-- go.mod --
-- a/a.go --
package a
const A = 1
type G[T any] int
func (G[T]) F(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, {}
// EOF
Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) {
// Assert that the HTML page contains the expected const declaration.
// (We may need to make allowances for HTML markup.)
uri1 := viewPkgDoc(t, env, "a/a.go")
doc1 := get(t, uri1)
checkMatch(t, true, doc1, "const A =.*1")
// Regression test for signature truncation (#67287, #67294).
checkMatch(t, true, doc1, regexp.QuoteMeta("func (G[T]) F(int, int, int, ...)"))
// Check that edits to the buffer (even unsaved) are
// reflected in the HTML document.
env.RegexpReplace("a/a.go", "// EOF", "func NewFunc() {}")
doc2 := get(t, uri1)
checkMatch(t, true, doc2, "func NewFunc")
// TODO(adonovan): assert some basic properties of the
// HTML document using something like
// Grab the URL in the HTML source link for NewFunc.
// (We don't have a DOM or JS interpreter so we have
// to know something of the document internals here.)
rx := regexp.MustCompile(`<h3 id='NewFunc'.*httpGET\("(.*)"\)`)
openURL := html.UnescapeString(string(rx.FindSubmatch(doc2)[1]))
// Fetch the document. Its result isn't important,
// but it must have the side effect of another showDocument
// downcall, this time for a "file:" URL, causing the
// client editor to navigate to the source file.
t.Log("extracted /open URL", openURL)
get(t, openURL)
// Check that that shown location is that of NewFunc.
shownSource := shownDocument(t, env, "file:")
gotLoc := protocol.Location{
URI: protocol.DocumentURI(shownSource.URI), // fishy conversion
Range: *shownSource.Selection,
t.Log("showDocument(source file) URL:", gotLoc)
wantLoc := env.RegexpSearch("a/a.go", `func ()NewFunc`)
if gotLoc != wantLoc {
t.Errorf("got location %v, want %v", gotLoc, wantLoc)
func TestRenderNoPanic66449(t *testing.T) {
// This particular input triggered a latent bug in doc.New
// that would corrupt the AST while filtering out unexported
// symbols such as b, causing nodeHTML to panic.
// Now it doesn't crash.
// We also check cross-reference anchors for all symbols.
const files = `
-- go.mod --
-- a/a.go --
package a
// The 'π' suffix is to elimimate spurious matches with other HTML substrings,
// in particular the random base64 secret tokens that appear in gopls URLs.
var Vπ, vπ = 0, 0
const Cπ, cπ = 0, 0
func Fπ()
func fπ()
type Tπ int
type tπ int
func (Tπ) Mπ() {}
func (Tπ) mπ() {}
func (tπ) Mπ() {}
func (tπ) mπ() {}
Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) {
uri1 := viewPkgDoc(t, env, "a/a.go")
doc := get(t, uri1)
// (Ideally our code rendering would also
// eliminate unexported symbols...)
checkMatch(t, true, doc, "var Vπ, vπ = .*0.*0")
checkMatch(t, true, doc, "const Cπ, cπ = .*0.*0")
// Unexported funcs/types/... must still be discarded.
checkMatch(t, true, doc, "Fπ")
checkMatch(t, false, doc, "fπ")
checkMatch(t, true, doc, "Tπ")
checkMatch(t, false, doc, "tπ")
// Also, check that anchors exist (only) for exported symbols.
// exported:
checkMatch(t, true, doc, "<a id='Vπ'")
checkMatch(t, true, doc, "<a id='Cπ'")
checkMatch(t, true, doc, "<h3 id='Tπ'")
checkMatch(t, true, doc, "<h3 id='Fπ'")
checkMatch(t, true, doc, "<h4 id='Tπ.Mπ'")
// unexported:
checkMatch(t, false, doc, "<a id='vπ'")
checkMatch(t, false, doc, "<a id='cπ'")
checkMatch(t, false, doc, "<h3 id='tπ'")
checkMatch(t, false, doc, "<h3 id='fπ'")
checkMatch(t, false, doc, "<h4 id='Tπ.mπ'")
checkMatch(t, false, doc, "<h4 id='tπ.Mπ'")
checkMatch(t, false, doc, "<h4 id='tπ.mπ'")
// TestRenderNavigation tests that the symbol selector and index of
// symbols are well formed.
func TestRenderNavigation(t *testing.T) {
const files = `
-- go.mod --
-- a/a.go --
package a
func Func1(int, string, bool, []string) (int, error)
func Func2(x, y int, a, b string) (int, error)
type Type struct {}
func (t Type) Method() {}
func (p *Type) PtrMethod() {}
func Constructor() Type
Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) {
uri1 := viewPkgDoc(t, env, "a/a.go")
doc := get(t, uri1)
q := regexp.QuoteMeta
// selector
checkMatch(t, true, doc, q(`<option label='Func1(_, _, _, _)' value='#Func1'/>`))
checkMatch(t, true, doc, q(`<option label='Func2(x, y, a, b)' value='#Func2'/>`))
checkMatch(t, true, doc, q(`<option label='Type' value='#Type'/>`))
checkMatch(t, true, doc, q(`<option label='Constructor()' value='#Constructor'/>`))
checkMatch(t, true, doc, q(`<option label='(t) Method()' value='#Type.Method'/>`))
checkMatch(t, true, doc, q(`<option label='(p) PtrMethod()' value='#Type.PtrMethod'/>`))
// index
checkMatch(t, true, doc, q(`<li><a href='#Func1'>func Func1(int, string, bool, ...) (int, error)</a></li>`))
checkMatch(t, true, doc, q(`<li><a href='#Func2'>func Func2(x int, y int, a string, ...) (int, error)</a></li>`))
checkMatch(t, true, doc, q(`<li><a href='#Type'>type Type</a></li>`))
checkMatch(t, true, doc, q(`<li><a href='#Constructor'>func Constructor() Type</a></li>`))
checkMatch(t, true, doc, q(`<li><a href='#Type.Method'>func (t Type) Method()</a></li>`))
checkMatch(t, true, doc, q(`<li><a href='#Type.PtrMethod'>func (p *Type) PtrMethod()</a></li>`))
// viewPkgDoc invokes the "View package documentation" code action in
// the specified file. It returns the URI of the document, or fails
// the test.
func viewPkgDoc(t *testing.T, env *Env, filename string) protocol.URI {
// Invoke the "View package documentation" code
// action to start the server.
var docAction *protocol.CodeAction
actions := env.CodeActionForFile(filename, nil)
for _, act := range actions {
if act.Title == "View package documentation" {
docAction = &act
if docAction == nil {
t.Fatalf("can't find action with Title 'View package documentation', only %#v",
// Execute the command.
// Its side effect should be a single showDocument request.
params := &protocol.ExecuteCommandParams{
Command: docAction.Command.Command,
Arguments: docAction.Command.Arguments,
var result command.DebuggingResult
env.ExecuteCommand(params, &result)
doc := shownDocument(t, env, "http:")
if doc == nil {
t.Fatalf("no showDocument call had 'http:' prefix")
t.Log("showDocument(package doc) URL:", doc.URI)
return doc.URI
// TestFreeSymbols is a basic test of interaction with the "free symbols" web report.
func TestFreeSymbols(t *testing.T) {
const files = `
-- go.mod --
-- a/a.go --
package a
import "fmt"
import "bytes"
func f(buf bytes.Buffer, greeting string) {
/* « */
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s", greeting)
/* » */
Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) {
// Invoke the "Show free symbols" code
// action to start the server.
loc := env.RegexpSearch("a/a.go", "«((?:.|\n)*)»")
actions, err := env.Editor.CodeAction(env.Ctx, loc, nil, protocol.CodeActionUnknownTrigger)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("CodeAction: %v", err)
var action *protocol.CodeAction
for _, a := range actions {
if a.Title == "Show free symbols" {
action = &a
if action == nil {
t.Fatalf("can't find action with Title 'Show free symbols', only %#v",
// Execute the command.
// Its side effect should be a single showDocument request.
params := &protocol.ExecuteCommandParams{
Command: action.Command.Command,
Arguments: action.Command.Arguments,
var result command.DebuggingResult
env.ExecuteCommand(params, &result)
doc := shownDocument(t, env, "http:")
if doc == nil {
t.Fatalf("no showDocument call had 'file:' prefix")
t.Log("showDocument(package doc) URL:", doc.URI)
// Get the report and do some minimal checks for sensible results.
report := get(t, doc.URI)
checkMatch(t, true, report, `<li>import "<a .*'>fmt</a>" // for Fprintf, Sprint</li>`)
checkMatch(t, true, report, `<li>var <a .*>buf</a> bytes.Buffer</li>`)
checkMatch(t, true, report, `<li>func <a .*>WriteByte</a> func\(c byte\) error</li>`)
checkMatch(t, true, report, `<li>func <a .*>WriteString</a> func\(s string\) \(n int, err error\)</li>`)
checkMatch(t, false, report, `<li>func <a .*>Write</a>`) // not in selection
checkMatch(t, true, report, `<li>var <a .*>greeting</a> string</li>`)
// TestAssembly is a basic test of the web-based assembly listing.
func TestAssembly(t *testing.T) {
testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 22) // for up-to-date assembly listing
const files = `
-- go.mod --
-- a/a.go --
package a
func f() {
defer println("world")
func g() {
Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) {
// Invoke the "Show assembly" code action to start the server.
loc := env.RegexpSearch("a/a.go", "println")
actions, err := env.Editor.CodeAction(env.Ctx, loc, nil, protocol.CodeActionUnknownTrigger)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("CodeAction: %v", err)
const wantTitle = "Show " + runtime.GOARCH + " assembly for f"
var action *protocol.CodeAction
for _, a := range actions {
if a.Title == wantTitle {
action = &a
if action == nil {
t.Fatalf("can't find action with Title %s, only %#v",
wantTitle, actions)
// Execute the command.
// Its side effect should be a single showDocument request.
params := &protocol.ExecuteCommandParams{
Command: action.Command.Command,
Arguments: action.Command.Arguments,
var result command.DebuggingResult
env.ExecuteCommand(params, &result)
doc := shownDocument(t, env, "http:")
if doc == nil {
t.Fatalf("no showDocument call had 'file:' prefix")
t.Log("showDocument(package doc) URL:", doc.URI)
// Get the report and do some minimal checks for sensible results.
// Use only portable instructions below!
report := get(t, doc.URI)
checkMatch(t, true, report, `TEXT.*`)
checkMatch(t, true, report, `CALL runtime.printlock`)
checkMatch(t, true, report, `CALL runtime.printstring`)
checkMatch(t, true, report, `CALL runtime.printunlock`)
checkMatch(t, true, report, `CALL`)
checkMatch(t, true, report, `RET`)
checkMatch(t, true, report, `CALL runtime.morestack_noctxt`)
// Nested functions are also shown.
checkMatch(t, true, report, `TEXT.*`)
// But other functions are not.
checkMatch(t, false, report, `TEXT.*`)
// shownDocument returns the first shown document matching the URI prefix.
// It may be nil.
// TODO(adonovan): the integration test framework
// needs a way to reset ShownDocuments so they don't
// accumulate, necessitating the fragile prefix hack.
func shownDocument(t *testing.T, env *Env, prefix string) *protocol.ShowDocumentParams {
var shown []*protocol.ShowDocumentParams
var first *protocol.ShowDocumentParams
for _, sd := range shown {
if strings.HasPrefix(sd.URI, prefix) {
if first != nil {
t.Errorf("got multiple showDocument requests: %#v", shown)
first = sd
return first
// get fetches the content of a document over HTTP.
func get(t *testing.T, url string) []byte {
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
got, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return got
// checkMatch asserts that got matches (or doesn't match, if !want) the pattern.
func checkMatch(t *testing.T, want bool, got []byte, pattern string) {
if regexp.MustCompile(pattern).Match(got) != want {
if want {
t.Errorf("input did not match wanted pattern %q; got:\n%s", pattern, got)
} else {
t.Errorf("input matched unwanted pattern %q; got:\n%s", pattern, got)