blob: a59559b3427abaf4557dcdf293b51fcecfc4862b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package tag adds support for telemetry tags.
package tag
import "context"
type Map interface{}
type Key interface {
Name() string
type Mutator interface {
Mutate(Map) (Map, error)
type nullMutator struct{}
func (nullMutator) Mutate(Map) (Map, error) { return nil, nil }
var (
New = func(ctx context.Context, mutator ...Mutator) (context.Context, error) { return ctx, nil }
NewContext = func(ctx context.Context, m Map) context.Context { return ctx }
FromContext = func(ctx context.Context) Map { return nil }
Delete = func(k Key) Mutator { return nullMutator{} }
Insert = func(k Key, v string) Mutator { return nullMutator{} }
Update = func(k Key, v string) Mutator { return nullMutator{} }
Upsert = func(k Key, v string) Mutator { return nullMutator{} }