blob: 51c4585df4f0510bfd337b02dac568ce8e7ec560 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package cache implements the caching layer for gopls.
package cache
import (
// A Folder represents an LSP workspace folder, together with its per-folder
// options.
// Folders (Name and Dir) are specified by the 'initialize' and subsequent
// 'didChangeWorkspaceFolders' requests; their options come from
// didChangeConfiguration.
// Folders must not be mutated, as they may be shared across multiple views.
type Folder struct {
Dir protocol.DocumentURI
Name string
Options *settings.Options
// View represents a single build context for a workspace.
// A unique build is determined by the workspace folder along with a Go
// environment (GOOS, GOARCH, GOWORK, etc).
// Additionally, the View holds a pointer to the current state of that build
// (the Snapshot).
// TODO(rfindley): move all other state such as module upgrades into the
// Snapshot.
type View struct {
id string
gocmdRunner *gocommand.Runner // limits go command concurrency
// baseCtx is the context handed to NewView. This is the parent of all
// background contexts created for this view.
baseCtx context.Context
folder *Folder
*viewDefinition // Go environment information defining the view
importsState *importsState
// parseCache holds an LRU cache of recently parsed files.
parseCache *parseCache
// fs is the file source used to populate this view.
fs *overlayFS
// knownFiles tracks files that the view has accessed.
// TODO(golang/go#57558): this notion is fundamentally problematic, and
// should be removed.
knownFilesMu sync.Mutex
knownFiles map[protocol.DocumentURI]bool
// initCancelFirstAttempt can be used to terminate the view's first
// attempt at initialization.
initCancelFirstAttempt context.CancelFunc
// Track the latest snapshot via the snapshot field, guarded by snapshotMu.
// Invariant: whenever the snapshot field is overwritten, destroy(snapshot)
// is called on the previous (overwritten) snapshot while snapshotMu is held,
// incrementing snapshotWG. During shutdown the final snapshot is
// overwritten with nil and destroyed, guaranteeing that all observed
// snapshots have been destroyed via the destroy method, and snapshotWG may
// be waited upon to let these destroy operations complete.
snapshotMu sync.Mutex
snapshot *Snapshot // latest snapshot; nil after shutdown has been called
releaseSnapshot func() // called when snapshot is no longer needed
snapshotWG sync.WaitGroup // refcount for pending destroy operations
// initialWorkspaceLoad is closed when the first workspace initialization has
// completed. If we failed to load, we only retry if the go.mod file changes,
// to avoid too many go/packages calls.
initialWorkspaceLoad chan struct{}
// initializationSema is used limit concurrent initialization of snapshots in
// the view. We use a channel instead of a mutex to avoid blocking when a
// context is canceled.
// This field (along with snapshot.initialized) guards against duplicate
// initialization of snapshots. Do not change it without adjusting snapshot
// accordingly.
initializationSema chan struct{}
// viewDefinition holds the defining features of the View workspace.
// This type is compared to see if the View needs to be reconstructed.
type viewDefinition struct {
// `go env` variables that need to be tracked by gopls.
// gomod holds the relevant go.mod file for this workspace.
gomod protocol.DocumentURI
// The Go version in use: X in Go 1.X.
goversion int
// The complete output of the go version command.
// (Call gocommand.ParseGoVersionOutput to extract a version
// substring such as go1.19.1 or go1.20-rc.1, go1.21-abcdef01.)
goversionOutput string
// hasGopackagesDriver is true if the user has a value set for the
// GOPACKAGESDRIVER environment variable or a gopackagesdriver binary on
// their machine.
hasGopackagesDriver bool
// inGOPATH reports whether the workspace directory is contained in a GOPATH
// directory.
inGOPATH bool
// goCommandDir is the dir to use for running go commands.
// The only case where this should matter is if we've narrowed the workspace to
// a single nested module. In that case, the go command won't be able to find
// the module unless we tell it the nested directory.
goCommandDir protocol.DocumentURI
// workspaceModFiles holds the set of mod files active in this snapshot.
// This is either empty, a single entry for the workspace go.mod file, or the
// set of mod files used by the workspace file.
// TODO(rfindley): should we just run `go list -m` to compute this set?
workspaceModFiles map[protocol.DocumentURI]struct{}
workspaceModFilesErr error // error encountered computing workspaceModFiles
// equal reports whether the receiver is equivalent to other.
// TODO(rfindley): simplify this by splitting off a comparable struct.
func viewDefinitionsEqual(x, y *viewDefinition) bool {
if (x.workspaceModFilesErr == nil) != (y.workspaceModFilesErr == nil) {
return false
if x.workspaceModFilesErr != nil {
if x.workspaceModFilesErr.Error() != y.workspaceModFilesErr.Error() {
return false
} else if !equalKeys(x.workspaceModFiles, y.workspaceModFiles) {
return false
return x.goEnv == y.goEnv &&
x.gomod == y.gomod &&
x.goversion == y.goversion &&
x.goversionOutput == y.goversionOutput &&
x.hasGopackagesDriver == y.hasGopackagesDriver &&
x.inGOPATH == y.inGOPATH &&
x.goCommandDir == y.goCommandDir
// equalKeys reports whether x and y have equal sets of keys.
func equalKeys[K comparable, V any](x, y map[K]V) bool {
if len(x) != len(y) {
return false
for k := range x {
if _, ok := y[k]; !ok {
return false
return true
// effectiveGO111MODULE reports the value of GO111MODULE effective in the go
// command at this go version, assuming at least Go 1.16.
func (w viewDefinition) effectiveGO111MODULE() go111module {
switch w.GO111MODULE() {
case "off":
return off
case "on", "":
return on
return auto
// A ViewType describes how we load package information for a view.
// This is used for constructing the go/packages.Load query, and for
// interpreting missing packages, imports, or errors.
// Each view has a ViewType which is derived from its immutable workspace
// information -- any environment change that would affect the view type
// results in a new view.
type ViewType int
const (
// GoPackagesDriverView is a view with a non-empty GOPACKAGESDRIVER
// environment variable.
GoPackagesDriverView ViewType = iota
// GOPATHView is a view in GOPATH mode.
// I.e. in GOPATH, with GO111MODULE=off, or GO111MODULE=auto with no
// go.mod file.
// GoModuleView is a view in module mode with a single Go module.
// GoWorkView is a view in module mode with a file.
// An AdHocView is a collection of files in a given directory, not in GOPATH
// or a module.
// ViewType derives the type of the view from its workspace information.
// TODO(rfindley): this logic is overlapping and slightly inconsistent with
// validBuildConfiguration. As part of zero-config-gopls (golang/go#57979), fix
// this inconsistency and consolidate on the ViewType abstraction.
func (w viewDefinition) ViewType() ViewType {
if w.hasGopackagesDriver {
return GoPackagesDriverView
go111module := w.effectiveGO111MODULE()
if w.gowork != "" && go111module != off {
return GoWorkView
if w.gomod != "" && go111module != off {
return GoModuleView
if w.inGOPATH && go111module != on {
return GOPATHView
return AdHocView
// moduleMode reports whether the current snapshot uses Go modules.
// From, module mode is active if either of the
// following hold:
// - GO111MODULE=on
// - GO111MODULE=auto and we are inside a module or have a GOWORK value.
// Additionally, this method returns false if GOPACKAGESDRIVER is set.
// TODO(rfindley): use this more widely.
func (w viewDefinition) moduleMode() bool {
switch w.ViewType() {
case GoModuleView, GoWorkView:
return true
return false
// GOWORK returns the effective GOWORK value for this workspace, if
// any, in URI form.
// The second result reports whether the effective GOWORK value is "" because
// GOWORK=off.
func (w viewDefinition) GOWORK() (protocol.DocumentURI, bool) {
if w.gowork == "off" || w.gowork == "" {
return "", w.gowork == "off"
return protocol.URIFromPath(w.gowork), false
// GO111MODULE returns the value of GO111MODULE to use for running the go
// command. It differs from the user's environment in order to allow for the
// more forgiving default value "auto" when using recent go versions.
// TODO(rfindley): it is probably not worthwhile diverging from the go command
// here. The extra forgiveness may be nice, but breaks the invariant that
// running the go command from the command line produces the same build list.
// Put differently: we shouldn't go out of our way to make GOPATH work, when
// the go command does not.
func (w viewDefinition) GO111MODULE() string {
if w.go111module == "" {
return "auto"
return w.go111module
type go111module int
const (
off = go111module(iota)
// goEnv holds important environment variables that gopls cares about.
type goEnv struct {
gocache, gopath, goroot, goprivate, gomodcache, gowork, goflags string
// go111module holds the value of GO111MODULE as reported by go env.
// Don't use this value directly, because we choose to use a different
// default (auto) on Go 1.16 and later, to avoid spurious errors. Use
// the effectiveGO111MODULE method instead.
go111module string
// loadGoEnv loads `go env` values into the receiver, using the provided user
// environment and go command runner.
func (env *goEnv) load(ctx context.Context, folder string, configEnv []string, runner *gocommand.Runner) error {
vars := env.vars()
// We can save ~200 ms by requesting only the variables we care about.
args := []string{"-json"}
for k := range vars {
args = append(args, k)
inv := gocommand.Invocation{
Verb: "env",
Args: args,
Env: configEnv,
WorkingDir: folder,
stdout, err := runner.Run(ctx, inv)
if err != nil {
return err
envMap := make(map[string]string)
if err := json.Unmarshal(stdout.Bytes(), &envMap); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("internal error unmarshaling JSON from 'go env': %w", err)
for key, ptr := range vars {
*ptr = envMap[key]
return nil
func (env goEnv) String() string {
var vars []string
for govar, ptr := range env.vars() {
vars = append(vars, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", govar, *ptr))
return "[" + strings.Join(vars, ", ") + "]"
// vars returns a map from Go environment variable to field value containing it.
func (env *goEnv) vars() map[string]*string {
return map[string]*string{
"GOCACHE": &env.gocache,
"GOPATH": &env.gopath,
"GOROOT": &env.goroot,
"GOPRIVATE": &env.goprivate,
"GOMODCACHE": &env.gomodcache,
"GO111MODULE": &env.go111module,
"GOWORK": &env.gowork,
"GOFLAGS": &env.goflags,
func (v *View) ID() string { return }
// tempModFile creates a temporary go.mod file based on the contents
// of the given go.mod file. On success, it is the caller's
// responsibility to call the cleanup function when the file is no
// longer needed.
func tempModFile(modURI protocol.DocumentURI, gomod, gosum []byte) (tmpURI protocol.DocumentURI, cleanup func(), err error) {
filenameHash := file.HashOf([]byte(modURI.Path()))
tmpMod, err := os.CreateTemp("", fmt.Sprintf("go.%s.*.mod", filenameHash))
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
defer tmpMod.Close()
tmpURI = protocol.URIFromPath(tmpMod.Name())
tmpSumName := sumFilename(tmpURI)
if _, err := tmpMod.Write(gomod); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
// We use a distinct name here to avoid subtlety around the fact
// that both 'return' and 'defer' update the "cleanup" variable.
doCleanup := func() {
_ = os.Remove(tmpSumName)
_ = os.Remove(tmpURI.Path())
// Be careful to clean up if we return an error from this function.
defer func() {
if err != nil {
cleanup = nil
// Create an analogous go.sum, if one exists.
if gosum != nil {
if err := os.WriteFile(tmpSumName, gosum, 0655); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return tmpURI, doCleanup, nil
// Name returns the user visible name of this view.
func (v *View) Name() string {
return v.folder.Name
// Folder returns the folder at the base of this view.
func (v *View) Folder() protocol.DocumentURI {
return v.folder.Dir
// SetFolderOptions updates the options of each View associated with the folder
// of the given URI.
// Calling this may cause each related view to be invalidated and a replacement
// view added to the session.
func (s *Session) SetFolderOptions(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI, options *settings.Options) error {
defer s.viewMu.Unlock()
for _, v := range s.views {
if v.folder.Dir == uri {
folder2 := *v.folder
folder2.Options = options
info, err := getViewDefinition(ctx, s.gocmdRunner, s, &folder2)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := s.updateViewLocked(ctx, v, info, &folder2); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// viewEnv returns a string describing the environment of a newly created view.
// It must not be called concurrently with any other view methods.
func viewEnv(v *View) string {
env := v.folder.Options.EnvSlice()
buildFlags := append([]string{}, v.folder.Options.BuildFlags...)
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, `go info for %v
(go dir %s)
(go version %s)
(valid build configuration = %v)
(build flags: %v)
(selected go env: %v)
strings.TrimRight(v.viewDefinition.goversionOutput, "\n"),
for _, v := range env {
s := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)
if len(s) != 2 {
return buf.String()
func (s *Snapshot) RunProcessEnvFunc(ctx context.Context, fn func(context.Context, *imports.Options) error) error {
return s.view.importsState.runProcessEnvFunc(ctx, s, fn)
// separated out from its sole use in locateTemplateFiles for testability
func fileHasExtension(path string, suffixes []string) bool {
ext := filepath.Ext(path)
if ext != "" && ext[0] == '.' {
ext = ext[1:]
for _, s := range suffixes {
if s != "" && ext == s {
return true
return false
// locateTemplateFiles ensures that the snapshot has mapped template files
// within the workspace folder.
func (s *Snapshot) locateTemplateFiles(ctx context.Context) {
suffixes := s.Options().TemplateExtensions
if len(suffixes) == 0 {
searched := 0
filterFunc := s.view.filterFunc()
err := filepath.WalkDir(s.view.folder.Dir.Path(), func(path string, entry os.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if entry.IsDir() {
return nil
if fileLimit > 0 && searched > fileLimit {
return errExhausted
if !fileHasExtension(path, suffixes) {
return nil
uri := protocol.URIFromPath(path)
if filterFunc(uri) {
return nil
// Get the file in order to include it in the snapshot.
// TODO(golang/go#57558): it is fundamentally broken to track files in this
// way; we may lose them if configuration or layout changes cause a view to
// be recreated.
// Furthermore, this operation must ignore errors, including context
// cancellation, or risk leaving the snapshot in an undefined state.
s.ReadFile(ctx, uri)
return nil
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "searching for template files failed", err)
func (v *View) contains(uri protocol.DocumentURI) bool {
// If we've expanded the go dir to a parent directory, consider if the
// expanded dir contains the uri.
// TODO(rfindley): should we ignore the root here? It is not provided by the
// user. It would be better to explicitly consider the set of active modules
// wherever relevant.
inGoDir := false
if pathutil.InDir(v.goCommandDir.Path(), v.folder.Dir.Path()) {
inGoDir = pathutil.InDir(v.goCommandDir.Path(), uri.Path())
inFolder := pathutil.InDir(v.folder.Dir.Path(), uri.Path())
if !inGoDir && !inFolder {
return false
return !v.filterFunc()(uri)
// filterFunc returns a func that reports whether uri is filtered by the currently configured
// directoryFilters.
func (v *View) filterFunc() func(protocol.DocumentURI) bool {
folderDir := v.folder.Dir.Path()
filterer := buildFilterer(folderDir, v.gomodcache, v.folder.Options.DirectoryFilters)
return func(uri protocol.DocumentURI) bool {
// Only filter relative to the configured root directory.
if pathutil.InDir(folderDir, uri.Path()) {
return relPathExcludedByFilter(strings.TrimPrefix(uri.Path(), folderDir), filterer)
return false
func (v *View) relevantChange(c file.Modification) bool {
// If the file is known to the view, the change is relevant.
if v.knownFile(c.URI) {
return true
// The file may not be "known" because we first access it through the
// session. As a result, treat changes to the view's file as always
// relevant, even if they are only on-disk changes.
// TODO(rfindley): Make sure the files are always known
// to the view.
if gowork, _ := v.GOWORK(); gowork == c.URI {
return true
// Note: CL 219202 filtered out on-disk changes here that were not known to
// the view, but this introduces a race when changes arrive before the view
// is initialized (and therefore, before it knows about files). Since that CL
// had neither test nor associated issue, and cited only emacs behavior, this
// logic was deleted.
return v.contains(c.URI)
func (v *View) markKnown(uri protocol.DocumentURI) {
defer v.knownFilesMu.Unlock()
if v.knownFiles == nil {
v.knownFiles = make(map[protocol.DocumentURI]bool)
v.knownFiles[uri] = true
// knownFile reports whether the specified valid URI (or an alias) is known to the view.
func (v *View) knownFile(uri protocol.DocumentURI) bool {
defer v.knownFilesMu.Unlock()
return v.knownFiles[uri]
// shutdown releases resources associated with the view, and waits for ongoing
// work to complete.
func (v *View) shutdown() {
// Cancel the initial workspace load if it is still running.
if v.snapshot != nil {
v.destroy(v.snapshot, "View.shutdown")
v.snapshot = nil
v.releaseSnapshot = nil
// IgnoredFile reports if a file would be ignored by a `go list` of the whole
// workspace.
// While go list ./... skips directories starting with '.', '_', or 'testdata',
// gopls may still load them via file queries. Explicitly filter them out.
func (s *Snapshot) IgnoredFile(uri protocol.DocumentURI) bool {
// Fast path: if uri doesn't contain '.', '_', or 'testdata', it is not
// possible that it is ignored.
uriStr := string(uri)
if !strings.Contains(uriStr, ".") && !strings.Contains(uriStr, "_") && !strings.Contains(uriStr, "testdata") {
return false
s.ignoreFilterOnce.Do(func() {
var dirs []string
if len(s.view.workspaceModFiles) == 0 {
for _, entry := range filepath.SplitList(s.view.gopath) {
dirs = append(dirs, filepath.Join(entry, "src"))
} else {
dirs = append(dirs, s.view.gomodcache)
for m := range s.view.workspaceModFiles {
dirs = append(dirs, filepath.Dir(m.Path()))
s.ignoreFilter = newIgnoreFilter(dirs)
return s.ignoreFilter.ignored(uri.Path())
// An ignoreFilter implements go list's exclusion rules via its 'ignored' method.
type ignoreFilter struct {
prefixes []string // root dirs, ending in filepath.Separator
// newIgnoreFilter returns a new ignoreFilter implementing exclusion rules
// relative to the provided directories.
func newIgnoreFilter(dirs []string) *ignoreFilter {
f := new(ignoreFilter)
for _, d := range dirs {
f.prefixes = append(f.prefixes, filepath.Clean(d)+string(filepath.Separator))
return f
func (f *ignoreFilter) ignored(filename string) bool {
for _, prefix := range f.prefixes {
if suffix := strings.TrimPrefix(filename, prefix); suffix != filename {
if checkIgnored(suffix) {
return true
return false
// checkIgnored implements go list's exclusion rules.
// Quoting “go help list”:
// Directory and file names that begin with "." or "_" are ignored
// by the go tool, as are directories named "testdata".
func checkIgnored(suffix string) bool {
// Note: this could be further optimized by writing a HasSegment helper, a
// segment-boundary respecting variant of strings.Contains.
for _, component := range strings.Split(suffix, string(filepath.Separator)) {
if len(component) == 0 {
if component[0] == '.' || component[0] == '_' || component == "testdata" {
return true
return false
// Snapshot returns the current snapshot for the view, and a
// release function that must be called when the Snapshot is
// no longer needed.
// The resulting error is non-nil if and only if the view is shut down, in
// which case the resulting release function will also be nil.
func (v *View) Snapshot() (*Snapshot, func(), error) {
defer v.snapshotMu.Unlock()
if v.snapshot == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("view is shutdown")
return v.snapshot, v.snapshot.Acquire(), nil
func (s *Snapshot) initialize(ctx context.Context, firstAttempt bool) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case s.view.initializationSema <- struct{}{}:
defer func() {
initialized := s.initialized
if initialized {
s.loadWorkspace(ctx, firstAttempt)
func (s *Snapshot) loadWorkspace(ctx context.Context, firstAttempt bool) (loadErr error) {
// A failure is retryable if it may have been due to context cancellation,
// and this is not the initial workspace load (firstAttempt==true).
// The IWL runs on a detached context with a long (~10m) timeout, so
// if the context was canceled we consider loading to have failed
// permanently.
retryableFailure := func() bool {
return loadErr != nil && ctx.Err() != nil && !firstAttempt
defer func() {
if !retryableFailure() {
s.initialized = true
if firstAttempt {
// TODO(rFindley): we should only locate template files on the first attempt,
// or guard it via a different mechanism.
// Collect module paths to load by parsing go.mod files. If a module fails to
// parse, capture the parsing failure as a critical diagnostic.
var scopes []loadScope // scopes to load
var modDiagnostics []*Diagnostic // diagnostics for broken go.mod files
addError := func(uri protocol.DocumentURI, err error) {
modDiagnostics = append(modDiagnostics, &Diagnostic{
URI: uri,
Severity: protocol.SeverityError,
Source: ListError,
Message: err.Error(),
// TODO(rfindley): this should be predicated on the s.view.moduleMode().
// There is no point loading ./... if we have an empty
if len(s.view.workspaceModFiles) > 0 {
for modURI := range s.view.workspaceModFiles {
// Verify that the modfile is valid before trying to load it.
// TODO(rfindley): now that we no longer need to parse the modfile in
// order to load scope, we could move these diagnostics to a more general
// location where we diagnose problems with modfiles or the workspace.
// Be careful not to add context cancellation errors as critical module
// errors.
fh, err := s.ReadFile(ctx, modURI)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
addError(modURI, err)
parsed, err := s.ParseMod(ctx, fh)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
addError(modURI, err)
if parsed.File == nil || parsed.File.Module == nil {
addError(modURI, fmt.Errorf("no module path for %s", modURI))
moduleDir := filepath.Dir(modURI.Path())
// Previously, we loaded <modulepath>/... for each module path, but that
// is actually incorrect when the pattern may match packages in more than
// one module. See golang/go#59458 for more details.
scopes = append(scopes, moduleLoadScope{dir: moduleDir, modulePath: parsed.File.Module.Mod.Path})
} else {
scopes = append(scopes, viewLoadScope("LOAD_VIEW"))
// If we're loading anything, ensure we also load builtin,
// since it provides fake definitions (and documentation)
// for types like int that are used everywhere.
if len(scopes) > 0 {
scopes = append(scopes, packageLoadScope("builtin"))
loadErr = s.load(ctx, true, scopes...)
if retryableFailure() {
return loadErr
var criticalErr *CriticalError
switch {
case loadErr != nil && ctx.Err() != nil:
event.Error(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("initial workspace load: %v", loadErr), loadErr)
criticalErr = &CriticalError{
MainError: loadErr,
case loadErr != nil:
event.Error(ctx, "initial workspace load failed", loadErr)
extractedDiags := s.extractGoCommandErrors(ctx, loadErr)
criticalErr = &CriticalError{
MainError: loadErr,
Diagnostics: append(modDiagnostics, extractedDiags...),
case len(modDiagnostics) == 1:
criticalErr = &CriticalError{
MainError: fmt.Errorf(modDiagnostics[0].Message),
Diagnostics: modDiagnostics,
case len(modDiagnostics) > 1:
criticalErr = &CriticalError{
MainError: fmt.Errorf("error loading module names"),
Diagnostics: modDiagnostics,
// Lock the snapshot when setting the initialized error.
s.initializedErr = criticalErr
return loadErr
// A StateChange describes external state changes that may affect a snapshot.
// By far the most common of these is a change to file state, but a query of
// module upgrade information or vulnerabilities also affects gopls' behavior.
type StateChange struct {
Files map[protocol.DocumentURI]file.Handle
ModuleUpgrades map[protocol.DocumentURI]map[string]string
Vulns map[protocol.DocumentURI]*vulncheck.Result
// Invalidate processes the provided state change, invalidating any derived
// results that depend on the changed state.
// The resulting snapshot is non-nil, representing the outcome of the state
// change. The second result is a function that must be called to release the
// snapshot when the snapshot is no longer needed.
func (v *View) Invalidate(ctx context.Context, changed StateChange) (*Snapshot, func()) {
// Detach the context so that content invalidation cannot be canceled.
ctx = xcontext.Detach(ctx)
// This should be the only time we hold the view's snapshot lock for any period of time.
defer v.snapshotMu.Unlock()
prevSnapshot, prevReleaseSnapshot := v.snapshot, v.releaseSnapshot
if prevSnapshot == nil {
panic("invalidateContent called after shutdown")
// Cancel all still-running previous requests, since they would be
// operating on stale data.
// Do not clone a snapshot until its view has finished initializing.
// Save one lease of the cloned snapshot in the view.
v.snapshot, v.releaseSnapshot = prevSnapshot.clone(ctx, v.baseCtx, changed)
v.destroy(prevSnapshot, "View.invalidateContent")
// Return a second lease to the caller.
return v.snapshot, v.snapshot.Acquire()
func getViewDefinition(ctx context.Context, runner *gocommand.Runner, fs file.Source, folder *Folder) (*viewDefinition, error) {
if err := checkPathCase(folder.Dir.Path()); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid workspace folder path: %w; check that the casing of the configured workspace folder path agrees with the casing reported by the operating system", err)
def := new(viewDefinition)
var err error
inv := gocommand.Invocation{
WorkingDir: folder.Dir.Path(),
Env: folder.Options.EnvSlice(),
def.goversion, err = gocommand.GoVersion(ctx, inv, runner)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
def.goversionOutput, err = gocommand.GoVersionOutput(ctx, inv, runner)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := def.load(ctx, folder.Dir.Path(), folder.Options.EnvSlice(), runner); err != nil {
return nil, err
// The value of GOPACKAGESDRIVER is not returned through the go command.
gopackagesdriver := os.Getenv("GOPACKAGESDRIVER")
// A user may also have a gopackagesdriver binary on their machine, which
// works the same way as setting GOPACKAGESDRIVER.
tool, _ := exec.LookPath("gopackagesdriver")
def.hasGopackagesDriver = gopackagesdriver != "off" && (gopackagesdriver != "" || tool != "")
// filterFunc is the path filter function for this workspace folder. Notably,
// it is relative to folder (which is specified by the user), not root.
filterFunc := relPathExcludedByFilterFunc(folder.Dir.Path(), def.gomodcache, folder.Options.DirectoryFilters)
def.gomod, err = findWorkspaceModFile(ctx, folder.Dir, fs, filterFunc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check if the workspace is within any GOPATH directory.
for _, gp := range filepath.SplitList(def.gopath) {
if pathutil.InDir(filepath.Join(gp, "src"), folder.Dir.Path()) {
def.inGOPATH = true
// Compute the "working directory", which is where we run go commands.
// Note: if gowork is in use, this will default to the workspace folder. In
// the past, we would instead use the folder containing This should
// not make a difference, and in fact may improve go list error messages.
// TODO(golang/go#57514): eliminate the expandWorkspaceToModule setting
// entirely.
if folder.Options.ExpandWorkspaceToModule && def.gomod != "" {
def.goCommandDir = protocol.URIFromPath(filepath.Dir(def.gomod.Path()))
} else {
def.goCommandDir = folder.Dir
gowork, _ := def.GOWORK()
def.workspaceModFiles, def.workspaceModFilesErr = computeWorkspaceModFiles(ctx, def.gomod, gowork, def.effectiveGO111MODULE(), fs)
return def, nil
// findWorkspaceModFile searches for a single go.mod file relative to the given
// folder URI, using the following algorithm:
// 1. if there is a go.mod file in a parent directory, return it
// 2. else, if there is exactly one nested module, return it
// 3. else, return ""
func findWorkspaceModFile(ctx context.Context, folderURI protocol.DocumentURI, fs file.Source, excludePath func(string) bool) (protocol.DocumentURI, error) {
folder := folderURI.Path()
match, err := findRootPattern(ctx, folder, "go.mod", fs)
if err != nil {
if ctxErr := ctx.Err(); ctxErr != nil {
return "", ctxErr
return "", err
if match != "" {
return protocol.URIFromPath(match), nil
// ...else we should check if there's exactly one nested module.
all, err := findModules(folderURI, excludePath, 2)
if err == errExhausted {
// Fall-back behavior: if we don't find any modules after searching 10000
// files, assume there are none.
event.Log(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("stopped searching for modules after %d files", fileLimit))
return "", nil
if err != nil {
return "", err
if len(all) == 1 {
// range to access first element.
for uri := range all {
return uri, nil
return "", nil
// findRootPattern looks for files with the given basename in dir or any parent
// directory of dir, using the provided FileSource. It returns the first match,
// starting from dir and search parents.
// The resulting string is either the file path of a matching file with the
// given basename, or "" if none was found.
func findRootPattern(ctx context.Context, dir, basename string, fs file.Source) (string, error) {
for dir != "" {
target := filepath.Join(dir, basename)
fh, err := fs.ReadFile(ctx, protocol.URIFromPath(target))
if err != nil {
return "", err // context cancelled
if fileExists(fh) {
return target, nil
// Trailing separators must be trimmed, otherwise filepath.Split is a noop.
next, _ := filepath.Split(strings.TrimRight(dir, string(filepath.Separator)))
if next == dir {
dir = next
return "", nil
// OS-specific path case check, for case-insensitive filesystems.
var checkPathCase = defaultCheckPathCase
func defaultCheckPathCase(path string) error {
return nil
// IsGoPrivatePath reports whether target is a private import path, as identified
// by the GOPRIVATE environment variable.
func (s *Snapshot) IsGoPrivatePath(target string) bool {
return globsMatchPath(s.view.goprivate, target)
// ModuleUpgrades returns known module upgrades for the dependencies of
// modfile.
func (s *Snapshot) ModuleUpgrades(modfile protocol.DocumentURI) map[string]string {
upgrades := map[string]string{}
orig, _ := s.moduleUpgrades.Get(modfile)
for mod, ver := range orig {
upgrades[mod] = ver
return upgrades
// MaxGovulncheckResultsAge defines the maximum vulnerability age considered
// valid by gopls.
// Mutable for testing.
var MaxGovulncheckResultAge = 1 * time.Hour
// Vulnerabilities returns known vulnerabilities for the given modfile.
// Results more than an hour old are excluded.
// TODO(suzmue): replace command.Vuln with a different type, maybe
// TODO(rfindley): move to snapshot.go
func (s *Snapshot) Vulnerabilities(modfiles ...protocol.DocumentURI) map[protocol.DocumentURI]*vulncheck.Result {
m := make(map[protocol.DocumentURI]*vulncheck.Result)
now := time.Now()
if len(modfiles) == 0 { // empty means all modfiles
modfiles = s.vulns.Keys()
for _, modfile := range modfiles {
vuln, _ := s.vulns.Get(modfile)
if vuln != nil && now.Sub(vuln.AsOf) > MaxGovulncheckResultAge {
vuln = nil
m[modfile] = vuln
return m
// GoVersion returns the effective release Go version (the X in go1.X) for this
// view.
func (v *View) GoVersion() int {
return v.viewDefinition.goversion
// GoVersionString returns the effective Go version string for this view.
// Unlike [GoVersion], this encodes the minor version and commit hash information.
func (v *View) GoVersionString() string {
return gocommand.ParseGoVersionOutput(v.goversionOutput)
// GoVersionString is temporarily available from the snapshot.
// TODO(rfindley): refactor so that this method is not necessary.
func (s *Snapshot) GoVersionString() string {
return s.view.GoVersionString()
// Copied from
func globsMatchPath(globs, target string) bool {
for globs != "" {
// Extract next non-empty glob in comma-separated list.
var glob string
if i := strings.Index(globs, ","); i >= 0 {
glob, globs = globs[:i], globs[i+1:]
} else {
glob, globs = globs, ""
if glob == "" {
// A glob with N+1 path elements (N slashes) needs to be matched
// against the first N+1 path elements of target,
// which end just before the N+1'th slash.
n := strings.Count(glob, "/")
prefix := target
// Walk target, counting slashes, truncating at the N+1'th slash.
for i := 0; i < len(target); i++ {
if target[i] == '/' {
if n == 0 {
prefix = target[:i]
if n > 0 {
// Not enough prefix elements.
matched, _ := path.Match(glob, prefix)
if matched {
return true
return false
var modFlagRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`-mod[ =](\w+)`)
// TODO(rstambler): Consolidate modURI and modContent back into a FileHandle
// after we have a version of the workspace go.mod file on disk. Getting a
// FileHandle from the cache for temporary files is problematic, since we
// cannot delete it.
// TODO(rfindley): move this to snapshot.go.
func (s *Snapshot) vendorEnabled(ctx context.Context, modURI protocol.DocumentURI, modContent []byte) (bool, error) {
// Legacy GOPATH workspace?
if len(s.view.workspaceModFiles) == 0 {
return false, nil
// Explicit -mod flag?
matches := modFlagRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(s.view.goflags)
if len(matches) != 0 {
modFlag := matches[1]
if modFlag != "" {
// Don't override an explicit '-mod=vendor' argument.
// We do want to override '-mod=readonly': it would break various module code lenses,
// and on 1.16 we know -modfile is available, so we won't mess with go.mod anyway.
return modFlag == "vendor", nil
modFile, err := modfile.Parse(modURI.Path(), modContent, nil)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// No vendor directory?
// TODO(golang/go#57514): this is wrong if the working dir is not the module
// root.
if fi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(s.view.goCommandDir.Path(), "vendor")); err != nil || !fi.IsDir() {
return false, nil
// Vendoring enabled by default by go declaration in go.mod?
vendorEnabled := modFile.Go != nil && modFile.Go.Version != "" && semver.Compare("v"+modFile.Go.Version, "v1.14") >= 0
return vendorEnabled, nil
// TODO(rfindley): clean up the redundancy of allFilesExcluded,
// pathExcludedByFilterFunc, pathExcludedByFilter, view.filterFunc...
func allFilesExcluded(files []string, filterFunc func(protocol.DocumentURI) bool) bool {
for _, f := range files {
uri := protocol.URIFromPath(f)
if !filterFunc(uri) {
return false
return true
// relPathExcludedByFilterFunc returns a func that filters paths relative to the
// given folder according the given GOMODCACHE value and directory filters (see
// settings.BuildOptions.DirectoryFilters).
// The resulting func returns true if the directory should be skipped.
func relPathExcludedByFilterFunc(folder, gomodcache string, directoryFilters []string) func(string) bool {
filterer := buildFilterer(folder, gomodcache, directoryFilters)
return func(path string) bool {
return relPathExcludedByFilter(path, filterer)
func relPathExcludedByFilter(path string, filterer *Filterer) bool {
path = strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.ToSlash(path), "/")
return filterer.Disallow(path)
func buildFilterer(folder, gomodcache string, directoryFilters []string) *Filterer {
var filters []string
filters = append(filters, directoryFilters...)
if pref := strings.TrimPrefix(gomodcache, folder); pref != gomodcache {
modcacheFilter := "-" + strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.ToSlash(pref), "/")
filters = append(filters, modcacheFilter)
return NewFilterer(filters)