blob: 00bba62997c3b29e8eb8d15f1425e37618a5ec87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package fake
import (
// Editor is a fake editor client. It keeps track of client state and can be
// used for writing LSP tests.
type Editor struct {
// Server, client, and sandbox are concurrency safe and written only
// at construction time, so do not require synchronization.
Server protocol.Server
cancelConn func()
serverConn jsonrpc2.Conn
client *Client
sandbox *Sandbox
defaultEnv map[string]string
mu sync.Mutex
config EditorConfig // editor configuration
buffers map[string]buffer // open buffers (relative path -> buffer content)
serverCapabilities protocol.ServerCapabilities // capabilities / options
watchPatterns []*glob.Glob // glob patterns to watch
// Call metrics for the purpose of expectations. This is done in an ad-hoc
// manner for now. Perhaps in the future we should do something more
// systematic. Guarded with a separate mutex as calls may need to be accessed
// asynchronously via callbacks into the Editor.
callsMu sync.Mutex
calls CallCounts
// CallCounts tracks the number of protocol notifications of different types.
type CallCounts struct {
DidOpen, DidChange, DidSave, DidChangeWatchedFiles, DidClose uint64
// buffer holds information about an open buffer in the editor.
type buffer struct {
version int // monotonic version; incremented on edits
path string // relative path in the workspace
mapper *protocol.Mapper // buffer content
dirty bool // if true, content is unsaved (TODO(rfindley): rename this field)
func (b buffer) text() string {
return string(b.mapper.Content)
// EditorConfig configures the editor's LSP session. This is similar to
// source.UserOptions, but we use a separate type here so that we expose only
// that configuration which we support.
// The zero value for EditorConfig should correspond to its defaults.
type EditorConfig struct {
// Env holds environment variables to apply on top of the default editor
// environment. When applying these variables, the special string
// $SANDBOX_WORKDIR is replaced by the absolute path to the sandbox working
// directory.
Env map[string]string
// WorkspaceFolders is the workspace folders to configure on the LSP server,
// relative to the sandbox workdir.
// As a special case, if WorkspaceFolders is nil the editor defaults to
// configuring a single workspace folder corresponding to the workdir root.
// To explicitly send no workspace folders, use an empty (non-nil) slice.
WorkspaceFolders []string
// Whether to edit files with windows line endings.
WindowsLineEndings bool
// Map of language ID -> regexp to match, used to set the file type of new
// buffers. Applied as an overlay on top of the following defaults:
// "go" -> ".*\.go"
// "go.mod" -> "go\.mod"
// "go.sum" -> "go\.sum"
// "gotmpl" -> ".*tmpl"
FileAssociations map[string]string
// Settings holds user-provided configuration for the LSP server.
Settings map[string]interface{}
// NewEditor Creates a new Editor.
func NewEditor(sandbox *Sandbox, config EditorConfig) *Editor {
return &Editor{
buffers: make(map[string]buffer),
sandbox: sandbox,
defaultEnv: sandbox.GoEnv(),
config: config,
// Connect configures the editor to communicate with an LSP server on conn. It
// is not concurrency safe, and should be called at most once, before using the
// editor.
// It returns the editor, so that it may be called as follows:
// editor, err := NewEditor(s).Connect(ctx, conn, hooks)
func (e *Editor) Connect(ctx context.Context, connector servertest.Connector, hooks ClientHooks) (*Editor, error) {
bgCtx, cancelConn := context.WithCancel(xcontext.Detach(ctx))
conn := connector.Connect(bgCtx)
e.cancelConn = cancelConn
e.serverConn = conn
e.Server = protocol.ServerDispatcher(conn)
e.client = &Client{editor: e, hooks: hooks}
if err := e.initialize(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return e, nil
func (e *Editor) Stats() CallCounts {
defer e.callsMu.Unlock()
return e.calls
// Shutdown issues the 'shutdown' LSP notification.
func (e *Editor) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
if e.Server != nil {
if err := e.Server.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Shutdown: %w", err)
return nil
// Exit issues the 'exit' LSP notification.
func (e *Editor) Exit(ctx context.Context) error {
if e.Server != nil {
// Not all LSP clients issue the exit RPC, but we do so here to ensure that
// we gracefully handle it on multi-session servers.
if err := e.Server.Exit(ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Exit: %w", err)
return nil
// Close issues the shutdown and exit sequence an editor should.
func (e *Editor) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := e.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := e.Exit(ctx); err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
// called close on the editor should result in the connection closing
select {
case <-e.serverConn.Done():
// connection closed itself
return nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("connection not closed: %w", ctx.Err())
// Client returns the LSP client for this editor.
func (e *Editor) Client() *Client {
return e.client
// settingsLocked builds the settings map for use in LSP settings RPCs.
// must be held while calling this function.
func (e *Editor) settingsLocked() map[string]interface{} {
env := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range e.defaultEnv {
env[k] = v
for k, v := range e.config.Env {
env[k] = v
for k, v := range env {
v = strings.ReplaceAll(v, "$SANDBOX_WORKDIR", e.sandbox.Workdir.RootURI().SpanURI().Filename())
env[k] = v
settings := map[string]interface{}{
"env": env,
// Use verbose progress reporting so that regtests can assert on
// asynchronous operations being completed (such as diagnosing a snapshot).
"verboseWorkDoneProgress": true,
// Set a generous completion budget, so that tests don't flake because
// completions are too slow.
"completionBudget": "10s",
// Shorten the diagnostic delay to speed up test execution (else we'd add
// the default delay to each assertion about diagnostics)
"diagnosticsDelay": "10ms",
for k, v := range e.config.Settings {
if k == "env" {
panic("must not provide env via the EditorConfig.Settings field: use the EditorConfig.Env field instead")
settings[k] = v
return settings
func (e *Editor) initialize(ctx context.Context) error {
params := &protocol.ParamInitialize{}
params.ClientInfo.Name = "fakeclient"
params.ClientInfo.Version = "v1.0.0"
params.WorkspaceFolders = e.makeWorkspaceFoldersLocked()
params.InitializationOptions = e.settingsLocked()
params.Capabilities.Workspace.Configuration = true
params.Capabilities.Window.WorkDoneProgress = true
// TODO: set client capabilities
params.Capabilities.TextDocument.Completion.CompletionItem.TagSupport.ValueSet = []protocol.CompletionItemTag{protocol.ComplDeprecated}
params.Capabilities.TextDocument.Completion.CompletionItem.SnippetSupport = true
params.Capabilities.TextDocument.SemanticTokens.Requests.Full = true
// copied from lsp/semantic.go to avoid import cycle in tests
params.Capabilities.TextDocument.SemanticTokens.TokenTypes = []string{
"namespace", "type", "class", "enum", "interface",
"struct", "typeParameter", "parameter", "variable", "property", "enumMember",
"event", "function", "method", "macro", "keyword", "modifier", "comment",
"string", "number", "regexp", "operator",
params.Capabilities.TextDocument.SemanticTokens.TokenModifiers = []string{
"declaration", "definition", "readonly", "static",
"deprecated", "abstract", "async", "modification", "documentation", "defaultLibrary",
// This is a bit of a hack, since the fake editor doesn't actually support
// watching changed files that match a specific glob pattern. However, the
// editor does send didChangeWatchedFiles notifications, so set this to
// true.
params.Capabilities.Workspace.DidChangeWatchedFiles.DynamicRegistration = true
params.Capabilities.Workspace.WorkspaceEdit = &protocol.WorkspaceEditClientCapabilities{
ResourceOperations: []protocol.ResourceOperationKind{
params.Trace = "messages"
// TODO: support workspace folders.
if e.Server != nil {
resp, err := e.Server.Initialize(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initialize: %w", err)
e.serverCapabilities = resp.Capabilities
if err := e.Server.Initialized(ctx, &protocol.InitializedParams{}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initialized: %w", err)
// TODO: await initial configuration here, or expect gopls to manage that?
return nil
// makeWorkspaceFoldersLocked creates a slice of workspace folders to use for
// this editing session, based on the editor configuration.
// must be held while calling this function.
func (e *Editor) makeWorkspaceFoldersLocked() (folders []protocol.WorkspaceFolder) {
paths := e.config.WorkspaceFolders
if len(paths) == 0 {
paths = append(paths, string(e.sandbox.Workdir.RelativeTo))
for _, path := range paths {
uri := string(e.sandbox.Workdir.URI(path))
folders = append(folders, protocol.WorkspaceFolder{
URI: uri,
Name: filepath.Base(uri),
return folders
// onFileChanges is registered to be called by the Workdir on any writes that
// go through the Workdir API. It is called synchronously by the Workdir.
func (e *Editor) onFileChanges(ctx context.Context, evts []protocol.FileEvent) {
if e.Server == nil {
// e may be locked when onFileChanges is called, but it is important that we
// synchronously increment this counter so that we can subsequently assert on
// the number of expected DidChangeWatchedFiles calls.
// Since e may be locked, we must run this mutation asynchronously.
go func() {
for _, evt := range evts {
// Always send an on-disk change, even for events that seem useless
// because they're shadowed by an open buffer.
path := e.sandbox.Workdir.URIToPath(evt.URI)
if buf, ok := e.buffers[path]; ok {
// Following VS Code, don't honor deletions or changes to dirty buffers.
if buf.dirty || evt.Type == protocol.Deleted {
content, err := e.sandbox.Workdir.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
continue // A race with some other operation.
// No need to update if the buffer content hasn't changed.
if string(content) == buf.text() {
// During shutdown, this call will fail. Ignore the error.
_ = e.setBufferContentLocked(ctx, path, false, content, nil)
var matchedEvts []protocol.FileEvent
for _, evt := range evts {
filename := filepath.ToSlash(evt.URI.SpanURI().Filename())
for _, g := range e.watchPatterns {
if g.Match(filename) {
matchedEvts = append(matchedEvts, evt)
// TODO(rfindley): don't send notifications while locked.
e.Server.DidChangeWatchedFiles(ctx, &protocol.DidChangeWatchedFilesParams{
Changes: matchedEvts,
// OpenFile creates a buffer for the given workdir-relative file.
// If the file is already open, it is a no-op.
func (e *Editor) OpenFile(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
if e.HasBuffer(path) {
return nil
content, err := e.sandbox.Workdir.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if e.Config().WindowsLineEndings {
content = toWindowsLineEndings(content)
return e.createBuffer(ctx, path, false, content)
// toWindowsLineEndings checks whether content has windows line endings.
// If so, it returns content unmodified. If not, it returns a new byte slice modified to use CRLF line endings.
func toWindowsLineEndings(content []byte) []byte {
abnormal := false
for i, b := range content {
if b == '\n' && (i == 0 || content[i-1] != '\r') {
abnormal = true
if !abnormal {
return content
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i, b := range content {
if b == '\n' && (i == 0 || content[i-1] != '\r') {
return buf.Bytes()
// CreateBuffer creates a new unsaved buffer corresponding to the workdir path,
// containing the given textual content.
func (e *Editor) CreateBuffer(ctx context.Context, path, content string) error {
return e.createBuffer(ctx, path, true, []byte(content))
func (e *Editor) createBuffer(ctx context.Context, path string, dirty bool, content []byte) error {
if _, ok := e.buffers[path]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("buffer %q already exists", path)
uri := e.sandbox.Workdir.URI(path).SpanURI()
buf := buffer{
version: 1,
path: path,
mapper: protocol.NewMapper(uri, content),
dirty: dirty,
e.buffers[path] = buf
item := e.textDocumentItem(buf)
return e.sendDidOpen(ctx, item)
// textDocumentItem builds a protocol.TextDocumentItem for the given buffer.
// Precondition: must be held.
func (e *Editor) textDocumentItem(buf buffer) protocol.TextDocumentItem {
return protocol.TextDocumentItem{
URI: e.sandbox.Workdir.URI(buf.path),
LanguageID: languageID(buf.path, e.config.FileAssociations),
Version: int32(buf.version),
Text: buf.text(),
func (e *Editor) sendDidOpen(ctx context.Context, item protocol.TextDocumentItem) error {
if e.Server != nil {
if err := e.Server.DidOpen(ctx, &protocol.DidOpenTextDocumentParams{
TextDocument: item,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("DidOpen: %w", err)
return nil
var defaultFileAssociations = map[string]*regexp.Regexp{
"go": regexp.MustCompile(`^.*\.go$`), // '$' is important: don't match .gotmpl!
"go.mod": regexp.MustCompile(`^go\.mod$`),
"go.sum": regexp.MustCompile(`^go(\.work)?\.sum$`),
"": regexp.MustCompile(`^go\.work$`),
"gotmpl": regexp.MustCompile(`^.*tmpl$`),
// languageID returns the language identifier for the path p given the user
// configured fileAssociations.
func languageID(p string, fileAssociations map[string]string) string {
base := path.Base(p)
for lang, re := range fileAssociations {
re := regexp.MustCompile(re)
if re.MatchString(base) {
return lang
for lang, re := range defaultFileAssociations {
if re.MatchString(base) {
return lang
return ""
// CloseBuffer removes the current buffer (regardless of whether it is saved).
func (e *Editor) CloseBuffer(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
_, ok := e.buffers[path]
if !ok {
return ErrUnknownBuffer
delete(e.buffers, path)
return e.sendDidClose(ctx, e.TextDocumentIdentifier(path))
func (e *Editor) sendDidClose(ctx context.Context, doc protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier) error {
if e.Server != nil {
if err := e.Server.DidClose(ctx, &protocol.DidCloseTextDocumentParams{
TextDocument: doc,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("DidClose: %w", err)
return nil
func (e *Editor) TextDocumentIdentifier(path string) protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier {
return protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: e.sandbox.Workdir.URI(path),
// SaveBuffer writes the content of the buffer specified by the given path to
// the filesystem.
func (e *Editor) SaveBuffer(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
if err := e.OrganizeImports(ctx, path); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("organizing imports before save: %w", err)
if err := e.FormatBuffer(ctx, path); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("formatting before save: %w", err)
return e.SaveBufferWithoutActions(ctx, path)
func (e *Editor) SaveBufferWithoutActions(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
buf, ok := e.buffers[path]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("unknown buffer: %q", path))
content := buf.text()
includeText := false
syncOptions, ok := e.serverCapabilities.TextDocumentSync.(protocol.TextDocumentSyncOptions)
if ok {
includeText = syncOptions.Save.IncludeText
docID := e.TextDocumentIdentifier(buf.path)
if e.Server != nil {
if err := e.Server.WillSave(ctx, &protocol.WillSaveTextDocumentParams{
TextDocument: docID,
Reason: protocol.Manual,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("WillSave: %w", err)
if err := e.sandbox.Workdir.WriteFile(ctx, path, content); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing %q: %w", path, err)
buf.dirty = false
e.buffers[path] = buf
if e.Server != nil {
params := &protocol.DidSaveTextDocumentParams{
TextDocument: docID,
if includeText {
params.Text = &content
if err := e.Server.DidSave(ctx, params); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("DidSave: %w", err)
return nil
// ErrNoMatch is returned if a regexp search fails.
var (
ErrNoMatch = errors.New("no match")
ErrUnknownBuffer = errors.New("unknown buffer")
// regexpRange returns the start and end of the first occurrence of either re
// or its singular subgroup. It returns ErrNoMatch if the regexp doesn't match.
func regexpRange(mapper *protocol.Mapper, re string) (protocol.Range, error) {
var start, end int
rec, err := regexp.Compile(re)
if err != nil {
return protocol.Range{}, err
indexes := rec.FindSubmatchIndex(mapper.Content)
if indexes == nil {
return protocol.Range{}, ErrNoMatch
switch len(indexes) {
case 2:
// no subgroups: return the range of the regexp expression
start, end = indexes[0], indexes[1]
case 4:
// one subgroup: return its range
start, end = indexes[2], indexes[3]
return protocol.Range{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid search regexp %q: expect either 0 or 1 subgroups, got %d", re, len(indexes)/2-1)
return mapper.OffsetRange(start, end)
// RegexpRange returns the first range in the buffer bufName matching re. See
// RegexpSearch for more information on matching.
func (e *Editor) RegexpRange(bufName, re string) (protocol.Range, error) {
buf, ok := e.buffers[bufName]
if !ok {
return protocol.Range{}, ErrUnknownBuffer
return regexpRange(buf.mapper, re)
// RegexpSearch returns the position of the first match for re in the buffer
// bufName. For convenience, RegexpSearch supports the following two modes:
// 1. If re has no subgroups, return the position of the match for re itself.
// 2. If re has one subgroup, return the position of the first subgroup.
// It returns an error re is invalid, has more than one subgroup, or doesn't
// match the buffer.
func (e *Editor) RegexpSearch(bufName, re string) (protocol.Position, error) {
rng, err := e.RegexpRange(bufName, re)
return rng.Start, err
// RegexpReplace edits the buffer corresponding to path by replacing the first
// instance of re, or its first subgroup, with the replace text. See
// RegexpSearch for more explanation of these two modes.
// It returns an error if re is invalid, has more than one subgroup, or doesn't
// match the buffer.
func (e *Editor) RegexpReplace(ctx context.Context, path, re, replace string) error {
buf, ok := e.buffers[path]
if !ok {
return ErrUnknownBuffer
rng, err := regexpRange(buf.mapper, re)
if err != nil {
return err
edits := []protocol.TextEdit{{
Range: rng,
NewText: replace,
patched, err := applyEdits(buf.mapper, edits, e.config.WindowsLineEndings)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("editing %q: %v", path, err)
return e.setBufferContentLocked(ctx, path, true, patched, edits)
// EditBuffer applies the given test edits to the buffer identified by path.
func (e *Editor) EditBuffer(ctx context.Context, path string, edits []protocol.TextEdit) error {
return e.editBufferLocked(ctx, path, edits)
func (e *Editor) SetBufferContent(ctx context.Context, path, content string) error {
return e.setBufferContentLocked(ctx, path, true, []byte(content), nil)
// HasBuffer reports whether the file name is open in the editor.
func (e *Editor) HasBuffer(name string) bool {
_, ok := e.buffers[name]
return ok
// BufferText returns the content of the buffer with the given name, or "" if
// the file at that path is not open. The second return value reports whether
// the file is open.
func (e *Editor) BufferText(name string) (string, bool) {
buf, ok := e.buffers[name]
if !ok {
return "", false
return buf.text(), true
// BufferVersion returns the current version of the buffer corresponding to
// name (or 0 if it is not being edited).
func (e *Editor) BufferVersion(name string) int {
return e.buffers[name].version
func (e *Editor) editBufferLocked(ctx context.Context, path string, edits []protocol.TextEdit) error {
buf, ok := e.buffers[path]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown buffer %q", path)
content, err := applyEdits(buf.mapper, edits, e.config.WindowsLineEndings)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("editing %q: %v; edits:\n%v", path, err, edits)
return e.setBufferContentLocked(ctx, path, true, content, edits)
func (e *Editor) setBufferContentLocked(ctx context.Context, path string, dirty bool, content []byte, fromEdits []protocol.TextEdit) error {
buf, ok := e.buffers[path]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown buffer %q", path)
buf.mapper = protocol.NewMapper(buf.mapper.URI, content)
buf.dirty = dirty
e.buffers[path] = buf
// A simple heuristic: if there is only one edit, send it incrementally.
// Otherwise, send the entire content.
var evts []protocol.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
if len(fromEdits) == 1 {
evts = append(evts, EditToChangeEvent(fromEdits[0]))
} else {
evts = append(evts, protocol.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent{
Text: buf.text(),
params := &protocol.DidChangeTextDocumentParams{
TextDocument: protocol.VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier{
Version: int32(buf.version),
TextDocumentIdentifier: e.TextDocumentIdentifier(buf.path),
ContentChanges: evts,
if e.Server != nil {
if err := e.Server.DidChange(ctx, params); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("DidChange: %w", err)
return nil
// GoToDefinition jumps to the definition of the symbol at the given position
// in an open buffer. It returns the path and position of the resulting jump.
func (e *Editor) GoToDefinition(ctx context.Context, path string, pos protocol.Position) (string, protocol.Position, error) {
if err := e.checkBufferPosition(path, pos); err != nil {
return "", protocol.Position{}, err
params := &protocol.DefinitionParams{}
params.TextDocument.URI = e.sandbox.Workdir.URI(path)
params.Position = pos
resp, err := e.Server.Definition(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return "", protocol.Position{}, fmt.Errorf("definition: %w", err)
return e.extractFirstPathAndPos(ctx, resp)
// GoToTypeDefinition jumps to the type definition of the symbol at the given position
// in an open buffer.
func (e *Editor) GoToTypeDefinition(ctx context.Context, path string, pos protocol.Position) (string, protocol.Position, error) {
if err := e.checkBufferPosition(path, pos); err != nil {
return "", protocol.Position{}, err
params := &protocol.TypeDefinitionParams{}
params.TextDocument.URI = e.sandbox.Workdir.URI(path)
params.Position = pos
resp, err := e.Server.TypeDefinition(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return "", protocol.Position{}, fmt.Errorf("type definition: %w", err)
return e.extractFirstPathAndPos(ctx, resp)
// extractFirstPathAndPos returns the path and the position of the first location.
// It opens the file if needed.
func (e *Editor) extractFirstPathAndPos(ctx context.Context, locs []protocol.Location) (string, protocol.Position, error) {
if len(locs) == 0 {
return "", protocol.Position{}, nil
newPath := e.sandbox.Workdir.URIToPath(locs[0].URI)
if !e.HasBuffer(newPath) {
if err := e.OpenFile(ctx, newPath); err != nil {
return "", protocol.Position{}, fmt.Errorf("OpenFile: %w", err)
return newPath, locs[0].Range.Start, nil
// Symbol performs a workspace symbol search using query
func (e *Editor) Symbol(ctx context.Context, query string) ([]SymbolInformation, error) {
params := &protocol.WorkspaceSymbolParams{}
params.Query = query
resp, err := e.Server.Symbol(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("symbol: %w", err)
var res []SymbolInformation
for _, si := range resp {
ploc := si.Location
path := e.sandbox.Workdir.URIToPath(ploc.URI)
loc := Location{
Path: path,
Range: ploc.Range,
res = append(res, SymbolInformation{
Name: si.Name,
Kind: si.Kind,
Location: loc,
return res, nil
// OrganizeImports requests and performs the source.organizeImports codeAction.
func (e *Editor) OrganizeImports(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
_, err := e.applyCodeActions(ctx, path, nil, nil, protocol.SourceOrganizeImports)
return err
// RefactorRewrite requests and performs the source.refactorRewrite codeAction.
func (e *Editor) RefactorRewrite(ctx context.Context, path string, rng *protocol.Range) error {
applied, err := e.applyCodeActions(ctx, path, rng, nil, protocol.RefactorRewrite)
if err != nil {
return err
if applied == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no refactorings were applied")
return nil
// ApplyQuickFixes requests and performs the quickfix codeAction.
func (e *Editor) ApplyQuickFixes(ctx context.Context, path string, rng *protocol.Range, diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic) error {
applied, err := e.applyCodeActions(ctx, path, rng, diagnostics, protocol.SourceFixAll, protocol.QuickFix)
if applied == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no quick fixes were applied")
return err
// ApplyCodeAction applies the given code action.
func (e *Editor) ApplyCodeAction(ctx context.Context, action protocol.CodeAction) error {
for _, change := range action.Edit.DocumentChanges {
if change.TextDocumentEdit != nil {
path := e.sandbox.Workdir.URIToPath(change.TextDocumentEdit.TextDocument.URI)
if int32(e.buffers[path].version) != change.TextDocumentEdit.TextDocument.Version {
// Skip edits for old versions.
if err := e.EditBuffer(ctx, path, change.TextDocumentEdit.Edits); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("editing buffer %q: %w", path, err)
// Execute any commands. The specification says that commands are
// executed after edits are applied.
if action.Command != nil {
if _, err := e.ExecuteCommand(ctx, &protocol.ExecuteCommandParams{
Command: action.Command.Command,
Arguments: action.Command.Arguments,
}); err != nil {
return err
// Some commands may edit files on disk.
return e.sandbox.Workdir.CheckForFileChanges(ctx)
// GetQuickFixes returns the available quick fix code actions.
func (e *Editor) GetQuickFixes(ctx context.Context, path string, rng *protocol.Range, diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
return e.getCodeActions(ctx, path, rng, diagnostics, protocol.QuickFix, protocol.SourceFixAll)
func (e *Editor) applyCodeActions(ctx context.Context, path string, rng *protocol.Range, diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic, only ...protocol.CodeActionKind) (int, error) {
actions, err := e.getCodeActions(ctx, path, rng, diagnostics, only...)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
applied := 0
for _, action := range actions {
if action.Title == "" {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("empty title for code action")
var match bool
for _, o := range only {
if action.Kind == o {
match = true
if !match {
if err := e.ApplyCodeAction(ctx, action); err != nil {
return 0, err
return applied, nil
func (e *Editor) getCodeActions(ctx context.Context, path string, rng *protocol.Range, diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic, only ...protocol.CodeActionKind) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil, nil
params := &protocol.CodeActionParams{}
params.TextDocument.URI = e.sandbox.Workdir.URI(path)
params.Context.Only = only
if diagnostics != nil {
params.Context.Diagnostics = diagnostics
if rng != nil {
params.Range = *rng
return e.Server.CodeAction(ctx, params)
func (e *Editor) ExecuteCommand(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.ExecuteCommandParams) (interface{}, error) {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil, nil
var match bool
// Ensure that this command was actually listed as a supported command.
for _, command := range e.serverCapabilities.ExecuteCommandProvider.Commands {
if command == params.Command {
match = true
if !match {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported command %q", params.Command)
result, err := e.Server.ExecuteCommand(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Some commands use the go command, which writes directly to disk.
// For convenience, check for those changes.
if err := e.sandbox.Workdir.CheckForFileChanges(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
// FormatBuffer gofmts a Go file.
func (e *Editor) FormatBuffer(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil
version := e.buffers[path].version
params := &protocol.DocumentFormattingParams{}
params.TextDocument.URI = e.sandbox.Workdir.URI(path)
edits, err := e.Server.Formatting(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("textDocument/formatting: %w", err)
if versionAfter := e.buffers[path].version; versionAfter != version {
return fmt.Errorf("before receipt of formatting edits, buffer version changed from %d to %d", version, versionAfter)
if len(edits) == 0 {
return nil
return e.editBufferLocked(ctx, path, edits)
func (e *Editor) checkBufferPosition(path string, pos protocol.Position) error {
buf, ok := e.buffers[path]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("buffer %q is not open", path)
_, err := buf.mapper.PositionOffset(pos)
return err
// RunGenerate runs `go generate` non-recursively in the workdir-relative dir
// path. It does not report any resulting file changes as a watched file
// change, so must be followed by a call to Workdir.CheckForFileChanges once
// the generate command has completed.
// TODO(rFindley): this shouldn't be necessary anymore. Delete it.
func (e *Editor) RunGenerate(ctx context.Context, dir string) error {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil
absDir := e.sandbox.Workdir.AbsPath(dir)
cmd, err := command.NewGenerateCommand("", command.GenerateArgs{
Dir: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(span.URIFromPath(absDir)),
Recursive: false,
if err != nil {
return err
params := &protocol.ExecuteCommandParams{
Command: cmd.Command,
Arguments: cmd.Arguments,
if _, err := e.ExecuteCommand(ctx, params); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("running generate: %v", err)
// Unfortunately we can't simply poll the workdir for file changes here,
// because server-side command may not have completed. In regtests, we can
// Await this state change, but here we must delegate that responsibility to
// the caller.
return nil
// CodeLens executes a codelens request on the server.
func (e *Editor) CodeLens(ctx context.Context, path string) ([]protocol.CodeLens, error) {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil, nil
_, ok := e.buffers[path]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("buffer %q is not open", path)
params := &protocol.CodeLensParams{
TextDocument: e.TextDocumentIdentifier(path),
lens, err := e.Server.CodeLens(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return lens, nil
// Completion executes a completion request on the server.
func (e *Editor) Completion(ctx context.Context, path string, pos protocol.Position) (*protocol.CompletionList, error) {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil, nil
_, ok := e.buffers[path]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("buffer %q is not open", path)
params := &protocol.CompletionParams{
TextDocumentPositionParams: protocol.TextDocumentPositionParams{
TextDocument: e.TextDocumentIdentifier(path),
Position: pos,
completions, err := e.Server.Completion(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return completions, nil
// AcceptCompletion accepts a completion for the given item at the given
// position.
func (e *Editor) AcceptCompletion(ctx context.Context, path string, pos protocol.Position, item protocol.CompletionItem) error {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil
_, ok := e.buffers[path]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("buffer %q is not open", path)
return e.editBufferLocked(ctx, path, append([]protocol.TextEdit{
}, item.AdditionalTextEdits...))
// Symbols executes a workspace/symbols request on the server.
func (e *Editor) Symbols(ctx context.Context, sym string) ([]protocol.SymbolInformation, error) {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil, nil
params := &protocol.WorkspaceSymbolParams{Query: sym}
ans, err := e.Server.Symbol(ctx, params)
return ans, err
// CodeLens executes a codelens request on the server.
func (e *Editor) InlayHint(ctx context.Context, path string) ([]protocol.InlayHint, error) {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil, nil
_, ok := e.buffers[path]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("buffer %q is not open", path)
params := &protocol.InlayHintParams{
TextDocument: e.TextDocumentIdentifier(path),
hints, err := e.Server.InlayHint(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return hints, nil
// References returns references to the object at (path, pos), as returned by
// the connected LSP server. If no server is connected, it returns (nil, nil).
func (e *Editor) References(ctx context.Context, path string, pos protocol.Position) ([]protocol.Location, error) {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil, nil
_, ok := e.buffers[path]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("buffer %q is not open", path)
params := &protocol.ReferenceParams{
TextDocumentPositionParams: protocol.TextDocumentPositionParams{
TextDocument: e.TextDocumentIdentifier(path),
Position: pos,
Context: protocol.ReferenceContext{
IncludeDeclaration: true,
locations, err := e.Server.References(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return locations, nil
// Rename performs a rename of the object at (path, pos) to newName, using the
// connected LSP server. If no server is connected, it returns nil.
func (e *Editor) Rename(ctx context.Context, path string, pos protocol.Position, newName string) error {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil
// Verify that PrepareRename succeeds.
prepareParams := &protocol.PrepareRenameParams{}
prepareParams.TextDocument = e.TextDocumentIdentifier(path)
prepareParams.Position = pos
if _, err := e.Server.PrepareRename(ctx, prepareParams); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("preparing rename: %v", err)
params := &protocol.RenameParams{
TextDocument: e.TextDocumentIdentifier(path),
Position: pos,
NewName: newName,
wsEdits, err := e.Server.Rename(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, change := range wsEdits.DocumentChanges {
if err := e.applyDocumentChange(ctx, change); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Implementations returns implementations for the object at (path, pos), as
// returned by the connected LSP server. If no server is connected, it returns
// (nil, nil).
func (e *Editor) Implementations(ctx context.Context, path string, pos protocol.Position) ([]protocol.Location, error) {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil, nil
_, ok := e.buffers[path]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("buffer %q is not open", path)
params := &protocol.ImplementationParams{
TextDocumentPositionParams: protocol.TextDocumentPositionParams{
TextDocument: e.TextDocumentIdentifier(path),
Position: pos,
return e.Server.Implementation(ctx, params)
func (e *Editor) RenameFile(ctx context.Context, oldPath, newPath string) error {
closed, opened, err := e.renameBuffers(ctx, oldPath, newPath)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, c := range closed {
if err := e.sendDidClose(ctx, c); err != nil {
return err
for _, o := range opened {
if err := e.sendDidOpen(ctx, o); err != nil {
return err
// Finally, perform the renaming on disk.
if err := e.sandbox.Workdir.RenameFile(ctx, oldPath, newPath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("renaming sandbox file: %w", err)
return nil
// renameBuffers renames in-memory buffers affected by the renaming of
// oldPath->newPath, returning the resulting text documents that must be closed
// and opened over the LSP.
func (e *Editor) renameBuffers(ctx context.Context, oldPath, newPath string) (closed []protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier, opened []protocol.TextDocumentItem, _ error) {
// In case either oldPath or newPath is absolute, convert to absolute paths
// before checking for containment.
oldAbs := e.sandbox.Workdir.AbsPath(oldPath)
newAbs := e.sandbox.Workdir.AbsPath(newPath)
// Collect buffers that are affected by the given file or directory renaming.
buffersToRename := make(map[string]string) // old path -> new path
for path := range e.buffers {
abs := e.sandbox.Workdir.AbsPath(path)
if oldAbs == abs || source.InDir(oldAbs, abs) {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(oldAbs, abs)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("filepath.Rel(%q, %q): %v", oldAbs, abs, err)
nabs := filepath.Join(newAbs, rel)
newPath := e.sandbox.Workdir.RelPath(nabs)
buffersToRename[path] = newPath
// Update buffers, and build protocol changes.
for old, new := range buffersToRename {
buf := e.buffers[old]
delete(e.buffers, old)
buf.version = 1
buf.path = new
e.buffers[new] = buf
closed = append(closed, e.TextDocumentIdentifier(old))
opened = append(opened, e.textDocumentItem(buf))
return closed, opened, nil
func (e *Editor) applyDocumentChange(ctx context.Context, change protocol.DocumentChanges) error {
if change.RenameFile != nil {
oldPath := e.sandbox.Workdir.URIToPath(change.RenameFile.OldURI)
newPath := e.sandbox.Workdir.URIToPath(change.RenameFile.NewURI)
return e.RenameFile(ctx, oldPath, newPath)
if change.TextDocumentEdit != nil {
return e.applyTextDocumentEdit(ctx, *change.TextDocumentEdit)
panic("Internal error: one of RenameFile or TextDocumentEdit must be set")
func (e *Editor) applyTextDocumentEdit(ctx context.Context, change protocol.TextDocumentEdit) error {
path := e.sandbox.Workdir.URIToPath(change.TextDocument.URI)
if ver := int32(e.BufferVersion(path)); ver != change.TextDocument.Version {
return fmt.Errorf("buffer versions for %q do not match: have %d, editing %d", path, ver, change.TextDocument.Version)
if !e.HasBuffer(path) {
err := e.OpenFile(ctx, path)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// TODO: it's unclear if this is correct. Here we create the buffer (with
// version 1), then apply edits. Perhaps we should apply the edits before
// sending the didOpen notification.
e.CreateBuffer(ctx, path, "")
err = nil
if err != nil {
return err
return e.EditBuffer(ctx, path, change.Edits)
// Config returns the current editor configuration.
func (e *Editor) Config() EditorConfig {
return e.config
// ChangeConfiguration sets the new editor configuration, and if applicable
// sends a didChangeConfiguration notification.
// An error is returned if the change notification failed to send.
func (e *Editor) ChangeConfiguration(ctx context.Context, newConfig EditorConfig) error {
e.config = newConfig // don't hold during server calls
if e.Server != nil {
var params protocol.DidChangeConfigurationParams // empty: gopls ignores the Settings field
if err := e.Server.DidChangeConfiguration(ctx, &params); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ChangeWorkspaceFolders sets the new workspace folders, and sends a
// didChangeWorkspaceFolders notification to the server.
// The given folders must all be unique.
func (e *Editor) ChangeWorkspaceFolders(ctx context.Context, folders []string) error {
// capture existing folders so that we can compute the change.
oldFolders := e.makeWorkspaceFoldersLocked()
e.config.WorkspaceFolders = folders
newFolders := e.makeWorkspaceFoldersLocked()
if e.Server == nil {
return nil
var params protocol.DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams
// Keep track of old workspace folders that must be removed.
toRemove := make(map[protocol.URI]protocol.WorkspaceFolder)
for _, folder := range oldFolders {
toRemove[folder.URI] = folder
// Sanity check: if we see a folder twice the algorithm below doesn't work,
// so track seen folders to ensure that we panic in that case.
seen := make(map[protocol.URI]protocol.WorkspaceFolder)
for _, folder := range newFolders {
if _, ok := seen[folder.URI]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("folder %s seen twice", folder.URI))
// If this folder already exists, we don't want to remove it.
// Otherwise, we need to add it.
if _, ok := toRemove[folder.URI]; ok {
delete(toRemove, folder.URI)
} else {
params.Event.Added = append(params.Event.Added, folder)
for _, v := range toRemove {
params.Event.Removed = append(params.Event.Removed, v)
return e.Server.DidChangeWorkspaceFolders(ctx, &params)
// CodeAction executes a codeAction request on the server.
func (e *Editor) CodeAction(ctx context.Context, path string, rng *protocol.Range, diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil, nil
_, ok := e.buffers[path]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("buffer %q is not open", path)
params := &protocol.CodeActionParams{
TextDocument: e.TextDocumentIdentifier(path),
Context: protocol.CodeActionContext{
Diagnostics: diagnostics,
if rng != nil {
params.Range = *rng
lens, err := e.Server.CodeAction(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return lens, nil
// Hover triggers a hover at the given position in an open buffer.
func (e *Editor) Hover(ctx context.Context, path string, pos protocol.Position) (*protocol.MarkupContent, protocol.Position, error) {
if err := e.checkBufferPosition(path, pos); err != nil {
return nil, protocol.Position{}, err
params := &protocol.HoverParams{}
params.TextDocument.URI = e.sandbox.Workdir.URI(path)
params.Position = pos
resp, err := e.Server.Hover(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, protocol.Position{}, fmt.Errorf("hover: %w", err)
if resp == nil {
return nil, protocol.Position{}, nil
return &resp.Contents, resp.Range.Start, nil
func (e *Editor) DocumentLink(ctx context.Context, path string) ([]protocol.DocumentLink, error) {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil, nil
params := &protocol.DocumentLinkParams{}
params.TextDocument.URI = e.sandbox.Workdir.URI(path)
return e.Server.DocumentLink(ctx, params)
func (e *Editor) DocumentHighlight(ctx context.Context, path string, pos protocol.Position) ([]protocol.DocumentHighlight, error) {
if e.Server == nil {
return nil, nil
if err := e.checkBufferPosition(path, pos); err != nil {
return nil, err
params := &protocol.DocumentHighlightParams{}
params.TextDocument.URI = e.sandbox.Workdir.URI(path)
params.Position = pos
return e.Server.DocumentHighlight(ctx, params)