blob: 38d25705d32632c684244ebdf5d6050bd5cf30f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.19
// +build go1.19
package main
import (
var (
// git clone
repodir = flag.String("d", "", "directory of vscode-languageserver-node")
outputdir = flag.String("o", "gen", "output directory")
cmpolder = flag.String("c", "", "directory of older generated code")
func main() {
log.SetFlags(log.Lshortfile) // log file name and line number, not time
if *repodir == "" {
*repodir = fmt.Sprintf("%s/vscode-languageserver-node", os.Getenv("HOME"))
spec := parse(*repodir)
// index the information in the specification
spec.indexRPCInfo() // messages
spec.indexDefInfo() // named types
func (s *spec) indexRPCInfo() {
for _, r := range s.model.Requests {
r := r
s.byMethod[r.Method] = &r
for _, n := range s.model.Notifications {
n := n
if n.Method == "$/cancelRequest" {
// viewed as too confusing to generate
s.byMethod[n.Method] = &n
func (sp *spec) indexDefInfo() {
for _, s := range sp.model.Structures {
s := s
sp.byName[s.Name] = &s
for _, e := range sp.model.Enumerations {
e := e
sp.byName[e.Name] = &e
for _, ta := range sp.model.TypeAliases {
ta := ta
sp.byName[ta.Name] = &ta
// some Structure and TypeAlias names need to be changed for Go
// so byName contains the name used in the .json file, and
// the Name field contains the Go version of the name.
v := sp.model.Structures
for i, s := range v {
switch s.Name {
case "_InitializeParams": // _ is not upper case
v[i].Name = "XInitializeParams"
case "ConfigurationParams": // gopls compatibility
v[i].Name = "ParamConfiguration"
case "InitializeParams": // gopls compatibility
v[i].Name = "ParamInitialize"
case "PreviousResultId": // Go naming convention
v[i].Name = "PreviousResultID"
case "WorkspaceFoldersServerCapabilities": // gopls compatibility
v[i].Name = "WorkspaceFolders5Gn"
w := sp.model.TypeAliases
for i, t := range w {
switch t.Name {
case "PrepareRenameResult": // gopls compatibility
w[i].Name = "PrepareRename2Gn"