blob: 6c33effc1ae8b1a87ddb0d5c1704fdde2d31b01a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package source
import (
// Symbol holds a precomputed symbol value. Note: we avoid using the
// protocol.SymbolInformation struct here in order to reduce the size of each
// symbol.
type Symbol struct {
Name string
Kind protocol.SymbolKind
Range protocol.Range
// maxSymbols defines the maximum number of symbol results that should ever be
// sent in response to a client.
const maxSymbols = 100
// WorkspaceSymbols matches symbols across all views using the given query,
// according to the match semantics parameterized by matcherType and style.
// The workspace symbol method is defined in the spec as follows:
// The workspace symbol request is sent from the client to the server to
// list project-wide symbols matching the query string.
// It is unclear what "project-wide" means here, but given the parameters of
// workspace/symbol do not include any workspace identifier, then it has to be
// assumed that "project-wide" means "across all workspaces". Hence why
// WorkspaceSymbols receives the views []View.
// However, it then becomes unclear what it would mean to call WorkspaceSymbols
// with a different configured SymbolMatcher per View. Therefore we assume that
// Session level configuration will define the SymbolMatcher to be used for the
// WorkspaceSymbols method.
func WorkspaceSymbols(ctx context.Context, matcher SymbolMatcher, style SymbolStyle, views []View, query string) ([]protocol.SymbolInformation, error) {
ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "source.WorkspaceSymbols")
defer done()
if query == "" {
return nil, nil
var s symbolizer
switch style {
case DynamicSymbols:
s = dynamicSymbolMatch
case FullyQualifiedSymbols:
s = fullyQualifiedSymbolMatch
case PackageQualifiedSymbols:
s = packageSymbolMatch
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown symbol style: %v", style))
return collectSymbols(ctx, views, matcher, s, query)
// A matcherFunc returns the index and score of a symbol match.
// See the comment for symbolCollector for more information.
type matcherFunc func(chunks []string) (int, float64)
// A symbolizer returns the best symbol match for a name with pkg, according to
// some heuristic. The symbol name is passed as the slice nameParts of logical
// name pieces. For example, for myType.field the caller can pass either
// []string{"myType.field"} or []string{"myType.", "field"}.
// See the comment for symbolCollector for more information.
// The space argument is an empty slice with spare capacity that may be used
// to allocate the result.
type symbolizer func(space []string, name string, pkg Metadata, m matcherFunc) ([]string, float64)
func fullyQualifiedSymbolMatch(space []string, name string, pkg Metadata, matcher matcherFunc) ([]string, float64) {
if _, score := dynamicSymbolMatch(space, name, pkg, matcher); score > 0 {
return append(space, pkg.PackagePath(), ".", name), score
return nil, 0
func dynamicSymbolMatch(space []string, name string, pkg Metadata, matcher matcherFunc) ([]string, float64) {
var score float64
endsInPkgName := strings.HasSuffix(pkg.PackagePath(), pkg.PackageName())
// If the package path does not end in the package name, we need to check the
// package-qualified symbol as an extra pass first.
if !endsInPkgName {
pkgQualified := append(space, pkg.PackageName(), ".", name)
idx, score := matcher(pkgQualified)
nameStart := len(pkg.PackageName()) + 1
if score > 0 {
// If our match is contained entirely within the unqualified portion,
// just return that.
if idx >= nameStart {
return append(space, name), score
// Lower the score for matches that include the package name.
return pkgQualified, score * 0.8
// Now try matching the fully qualified symbol.
fullyQualified := append(space, pkg.PackagePath(), ".", name)
idx, score := matcher(fullyQualified)
// As above, check if we matched just the unqualified symbol name.
nameStart := len(pkg.PackagePath()) + 1
if idx >= nameStart {
return append(space, name), score
// If our package path ends in the package name, we'll have skipped the
// initial pass above, so check if we matched just the package-qualified
// name.
if endsInPkgName && idx >= 0 {
pkgStart := len(pkg.PackagePath()) - len(pkg.PackageName())
if idx >= pkgStart {
return append(space, pkg.PackageName(), ".", name), score
// Our match was not contained within the unqualified or package qualified
// symbol. Return the fully qualified symbol but discount the score.
return fullyQualified, score * 0.6
func packageSymbolMatch(space []string, name string, pkg Metadata, matcher matcherFunc) ([]string, float64) {
qualified := append(space, pkg.PackageName(), ".", name)
if _, s := matcher(qualified); s > 0 {
return qualified, s
return nil, 0
func buildMatcher(matcher SymbolMatcher, query string) matcherFunc {
switch matcher {
case SymbolFuzzy:
return parseQuery(query, newFuzzyMatcher)
case SymbolFastFuzzy:
return parseQuery(query, func(query string) matcherFunc {
return fuzzy.NewSymbolMatcher(query).Match
case SymbolCaseSensitive:
return matchExact(query)
case SymbolCaseInsensitive:
q := strings.ToLower(query)
exact := matchExact(q)
wrapper := []string{""}
return func(chunks []string) (int, float64) {
s := strings.Join(chunks, "")
wrapper[0] = strings.ToLower(s)
return exact(wrapper)
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown symbol matcher: %v", matcher))
func newFuzzyMatcher(query string) matcherFunc {
fm := fuzzy.NewMatcher(query)
return func(chunks []string) (int, float64) {
score := float64(fm.ScoreChunks(chunks))
ranges := fm.MatchedRanges()
if len(ranges) > 0 {
return ranges[0], score
return -1, score
// parseQuery parses a field-separated symbol query, extracting the special
// characters listed below, and returns a matcherFunc corresponding to the AND
// of all field queries.
// Special characters:
// ^ match exact prefix
// $ match exact suffix
// ' match exact
// In all three of these special queries, matches are 'smart-cased', meaning
// they are case sensitive if the symbol query contains any upper-case
// characters, and case insensitive otherwise.
func parseQuery(q string, newMatcher func(string) matcherFunc) matcherFunc {
fields := strings.Fields(q)
if len(fields) == 0 {
return func([]string) (int, float64) { return -1, 0 }
var funcs []matcherFunc
for _, field := range fields {
var f matcherFunc
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(field, "^"):
prefix := field[1:]
f = smartCase(prefix, func(chunks []string) (int, float64) {
s := strings.Join(chunks, "")
if strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix) {
return 0, 1
return -1, 0
case strings.HasPrefix(field, "'"):
exact := field[1:]
f = smartCase(exact, matchExact(exact))
case strings.HasSuffix(field, "$"):
suffix := field[0 : len(field)-1]
f = smartCase(suffix, func(chunks []string) (int, float64) {
s := strings.Join(chunks, "")
if strings.HasSuffix(s, suffix) {
return len(s) - len(suffix), 1
return -1, 0
f = newMatcher(field)
funcs = append(funcs, f)
if len(funcs) == 1 {
return funcs[0]
return comboMatcher(funcs).match
func matchExact(exact string) matcherFunc {
return func(chunks []string) (int, float64) {
s := strings.Join(chunks, "")
if idx := strings.LastIndex(s, exact); idx >= 0 {
return idx, 1
return -1, 0
// smartCase returns a matcherFunc that is case-sensitive if q contains any
// upper-case characters, and case-insensitive otherwise.
func smartCase(q string, m matcherFunc) matcherFunc {
insensitive := strings.ToLower(q) == q
wrapper := []string{""}
return func(chunks []string) (int, float64) {
s := strings.Join(chunks, "")
if insensitive {
s = strings.ToLower(s)
wrapper[0] = s
return m(wrapper)
type comboMatcher []matcherFunc
func (c comboMatcher) match(chunks []string) (int, float64) {
score := 1.0
first := 0
for _, f := range c {
idx, s := f(chunks)
if idx < first {
first = idx
score *= s
return first, score
// collectSymbols calls snapshot.Symbols to walk the syntax trees of
// all files in the views' current snapshots, and returns a sorted,
// scored list of symbols that best match the parameters.
// How it matches symbols is parameterized by two interfaces:
// - A matcherFunc determines how well a string symbol matches a query. It
// returns a non-negative score indicating the quality of the match. A score
// of zero indicates no match.
// - A symbolizer determines how we extract the symbol for an object. This
// enables the 'symbolStyle' configuration option.
func collectSymbols(ctx context.Context, views []View, matcherType SymbolMatcher, symbolizer symbolizer, query string) ([]protocol.SymbolInformation, error) {
// Extract symbols from all files.
var work []symbolFile
var roots []string
seen := make(map[span.URI]bool)
// TODO(adonovan): opt: parallelize this loop? How often is len > 1?
for _, v := range views {
snapshot, release := v.Snapshot(ctx)
defer release()
// Use the root view URIs for determining (lexically)
// whether a URI is in any open workspace.
roots = append(roots, strings.TrimRight(string(v.Folder()), "/"))
filters := v.Options().DirectoryFilters
filterer := NewFilterer(filters)
folder := filepath.ToSlash(v.Folder().Filename())
for uri, syms := range snapshot.Symbols(ctx) {
norm := filepath.ToSlash(uri.Filename())
nm := strings.TrimPrefix(norm, folder)
if filterer.Disallow(nm) {
// Only scan each file once.
if seen[uri] {
mds, err := snapshot.MetadataForFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("missing metadata for %q", uri), err)
if len(mds) == 0 {
// TODO: should use the bug reporting API
seen[uri] = true
work = append(work, symbolFile{uri, mds[0], syms})
// Match symbols in parallel.
// Each worker has its own symbolStore,
// which we merge at the end.
nmatchers := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1) // matching is CPU bound
results := make(chan *symbolStore)
for i := 0; i < nmatchers; i++ {
go func(i int) {
matcher := buildMatcher(matcherType, query)
store := new(symbolStore)
// Assign files to workers in round-robin fashion.
for j := i; j < len(work); j += nmatchers {
matchFile(store, symbolizer, matcher, roots, work[j])
results <- store
// Gather and merge results as they arrive.
var unified symbolStore
for i := 0; i < nmatchers; i++ {
store := <-results
for _, syms := range store.res {
return unified.results(), nil
type Filterer struct {
// Whether a filter is excluded depends on the operator (first char of the raw filter).
// Slices filters and excluded then should have the same length.
filters []*regexp.Regexp
excluded []bool
// NewFilterer computes regular expression form of all raw filters
func NewFilterer(rawFilters []string) *Filterer {
var f Filterer
for _, filter := range rawFilters {
filter = path.Clean(filepath.ToSlash(filter))
op, prefix := filter[0], filter[1:]
// convertFilterToRegexp adds "/" at the end of prefix to handle cases where a filter is a prefix of another filter.
// For example, it prevents [+foobar, -foo] from excluding "foobar".
f.filters = append(f.filters, convertFilterToRegexp(filepath.ToSlash(prefix)))
f.excluded = append(f.excluded, op == '-')
return &f
// Disallow return true if the path is excluded from the filterer's filters.
func (f *Filterer) Disallow(path string) bool {
path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/")
var excluded bool
for i, filter := range f.filters {
path := path
if !strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") {
path += "/"
if !filter.MatchString(path) {
excluded = f.excluded[i]
return excluded
// convertFilterToRegexp replaces glob-like operator substrings in a string file path to their equivalent regex forms.
// Supporting glob-like operators:
// - **: match zero or more complete path segments
func convertFilterToRegexp(filter string) *regexp.Regexp {
var ret strings.Builder
segs := strings.Split(filter, "/")
for i, seg := range segs {
if seg == "**" {
switch i {
case 0:
} else {
return regexp.MustCompile(ret.String())
// symbolFile holds symbol information for a single file.
type symbolFile struct {
uri span.URI
md Metadata
syms []Symbol
// matchFile scans a symbol file and adds matching symbols to the store.
func matchFile(store *symbolStore, symbolizer symbolizer, matcher matcherFunc, roots []string, i symbolFile) {
space := make([]string, 0, 3)
for _, sym := range i.syms {
symbolParts, score := symbolizer(space, sym.Name,, matcher)
// Check if the score is too low before applying any downranking.
if store.tooLow(score) {
// Factors to apply to the match score for the purpose of downranking
// results.
// These numbers were crudely calibrated based on trial-and-error using a
// small number of sample queries. Adjust as necessary.
// All factors are multiplicative, meaning if more than one applies they are
// multiplied together.
const (
// nonWorkspaceFactor is applied to symbols outside of any active
// workspace. Developers are less likely to want to jump to code that they
// are not actively working on.
nonWorkspaceFactor = 0.5
// nonWorkspaceUnexportedFactor is applied to unexported symbols outside of
// any active workspace. Since one wouldn't usually jump to unexported
// symbols to understand a package API, they are particularly irrelevant.
nonWorkspaceUnexportedFactor = 0.5
// every field or method nesting level to access the field decreases
// the score by a factor of 1.0 - depth*depthFactor, up to a depth of
// 3.
depthFactor = 0.2
startWord := true
exported := true
depth := 0.0
for _, r := range sym.Name {
if startWord && !unicode.IsUpper(r) {
exported = false
if r == '.' {
startWord = true
} else {
startWord = false
inWorkspace := false
for _, root := range roots {
if strings.HasPrefix(string(i.uri), root) {
inWorkspace = true
// Apply downranking based on workspace position.
if !inWorkspace {
score *= nonWorkspaceFactor
if !exported {
score *= nonWorkspaceUnexportedFactor
// Apply downranking based on symbol depth.
if depth > 3 {
depth = 3
score *= 1.0 - depth*depthFactor
if store.tooLow(score) {
si := symbolInformation{
score: score,
symbol: strings.Join(symbolParts, ""),
kind: sym.Kind,
uri: i.uri,
rng: sym.Range,
type symbolStore struct {
res [maxSymbols]symbolInformation
// store inserts si into the sorted results, if si has a high enough score.
func (sc *symbolStore) store(si symbolInformation) {
if sc.tooLow(si.score) {
insertAt := sort.Search(len(sc.res), func(i int) bool {
// Sort by score, then symbol length, and finally lexically.
if sc.res[i].score != si.score {
return sc.res[i].score < si.score
if len(sc.res[i].symbol) != len(si.symbol) {
return len(sc.res[i].symbol) > len(si.symbol)
return sc.res[i].symbol > si.symbol
if insertAt < len(sc.res)-1 {
copy(sc.res[insertAt+1:], sc.res[insertAt:len(sc.res)-1])
sc.res[insertAt] = si
func (sc *symbolStore) tooLow(score float64) bool {
return score <= sc.res[len(sc.res)-1].score
func (sc *symbolStore) results() []protocol.SymbolInformation {
var res []protocol.SymbolInformation
for _, si := range sc.res {
if si.score <= 0 {
return res
res = append(res, si.asProtocolSymbolInformation())
return res
func typeToKind(typ types.Type) protocol.SymbolKind {
switch typ := typ.Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Interface:
return protocol.Interface
case *types.Struct:
return protocol.Struct
case *types.Signature:
if typ.Recv() != nil {
return protocol.Method
return protocol.Function
case *types.Named:
return typeToKind(typ.Underlying())
case *types.Basic:
i := typ.Info()
switch {
case i&types.IsNumeric != 0:
return protocol.Number
case i&types.IsBoolean != 0:
return protocol.Boolean
case i&types.IsString != 0:
return protocol.String
return protocol.Variable
// symbolInformation is a cut-down version of protocol.SymbolInformation that
// allows struct values of this type to be used as map keys.
type symbolInformation struct {
score float64
symbol string
container string
kind protocol.SymbolKind
uri span.URI
rng protocol.Range
// asProtocolSymbolInformation converts s to a protocol.SymbolInformation value.
// TODO: work out how to handle tags if/when they are needed.
func (s symbolInformation) asProtocolSymbolInformation() protocol.SymbolInformation {
return protocol.SymbolInformation{
Name: s.symbol,
Kind: s.kind,
Location: protocol.Location{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(s.uri),
Range: s.rng,
ContainerName: s.container,