go/analysis: remove stale documentation citing vet

This documentation references the go/analysis vet command, which was
deleted in golang.org/cl/192177.

Change-Id: I6dd5d7bfa0e5bb2dc2af07398d8a8e4293dac6d5
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/tools/+/212864
Reviewed-by: Michael Matloob <matloob@golang.org>
Run-TryBot: Michael Matloob <matloob@golang.org>
diff --git a/go/analysis/doc.go b/go/analysis/doc.go
index 1b7b7ed..8fa4a85 100644
--- a/go/analysis/doc.go
+++ b/go/analysis/doc.go
@@ -70,39 +70,6 @@
 help that describes the analyses it performs.
 The doc comment contains a brief one-line summary,
 optionally followed by paragraphs of explanation.
-The vet command, shown below, is an example of a driver that runs
-multiple analyzers. It is based on the multichecker package
-(see the "Standalone commands" section for details).
-	$ go build golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/cmd/vet
-	$ ./vet help
-	vet is a tool for static analysis of Go programs.
-	Usage: vet [-flag] [package]
-	Registered analyzers:
-	    asmdecl      report mismatches between assembly files and Go declarations
-	    assign       check for useless assignments
-	    atomic       check for common mistakes using the sync/atomic package
-	    ...
-	    unusedresult check for unused results of calls to some functions
-	$ ./vet help unusedresult
-	unusedresult: check for unused results of calls to some functions
-	Analyzer flags:
-	  -unusedresult.funcs value
-	        comma-separated list of functions whose results must be used (default Error,String)
-	  -unusedresult.stringmethods value
-	        comma-separated list of names of methods of type func() string whose results must be used
-	Some functions like fmt.Errorf return a result and have no side effects,
-	so it is always a mistake to discard the result. This analyzer reports
-	calls to certain functions in which the result of the call is ignored.
-	The set of functions may be controlled using flags.
 The Analyzer type has more fields besides those shown above: