blob: bfb45e1a005358048a4395ebb1d966f54980892c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
errors ""
// workspaceSource reports how the set of active modules has been derived.
type workspaceSource int
const (
legacyWorkspace = iota // non-module or single module mode
goplsModWorkspace // modules provided by a gopls.mod file
goWorkWorkspace // modules provided by a file
fileSystemWorkspace // modules scanned from the filesystem
func (s workspaceSource) String() string {
switch s {
case legacyWorkspace:
return "legacy"
case goplsModWorkspace:
return "gopls.mod"
case goWorkWorkspace:
return ""
case fileSystemWorkspace:
return "file system"
return "!(unknown module source)"
// workspace tracks go.mod files in the workspace, along with the
// gopls.mod file, to provide support for multi-module workspaces.
// Specifically, it provides:
// - the set of modules contained within in the workspace root considered to
// be 'active'
// - the workspace modfile, to be used for the go command `-modfile` flag
// - the set of workspace directories
// This type is immutable (or rather, idempotent), so that it may be shared
// across multiple snapshots.
type workspace struct {
root span.URI
excludePath func(string) bool
moduleSource workspaceSource
// activeModFiles holds the active go.mod files.
activeModFiles map[span.URI]struct{}
// knownModFiles holds the set of all go.mod files in the workspace.
// In all modes except for legacy, this is equivalent to modFiles.
knownModFiles map[span.URI]struct{}
// The workspace module is lazily re-built once after being invalidated.
// buildMu+built guards this reconstruction.
// file and wsDirs may be non-nil even if built == false, if they were copied
// from the previous workspace module version. In this case, they will be
// preserved if building fails.
buildMu sync.Mutex
built bool
buildErr error
mod *modfile.File
sum []byte
wsDirs map[span.URI]struct{}
// newWorkspace creates a new workspace at the given root directory,
// determining its module source based on the presence of a gopls.mod or
// file, and the go111moduleOff and useWsModule settings.
// If useWsModule is set, the workspace may use a synthetic mod file replacing
// all modules in the root.
// If there is no active workspace file (a gopls.mod or, newWorkspace
// scans the filesystem to find modules.
func newWorkspace(ctx context.Context, root span.URI, fs source.FileSource, excludePath func(string) bool, go111moduleOff bool, useWsModule bool) (*workspace, error) {
ws := &workspace{
root: root,
excludePath: excludePath,
// The user may have a gopls.mod or file that defines their
// workspace.
if err := loadExplicitWorkspaceFile(ctx, ws, fs); err == nil {
if ws.mod == nil {
panic("BUG: explicit workspace file was not parsed")
return ws, nil
// Otherwise, in all other modes, search for all of the go.mod files in the
// workspace.
knownModFiles, err := findModules(root, excludePath, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ws.knownModFiles = knownModFiles
switch {
case go111moduleOff:
ws.moduleSource = legacyWorkspace
case useWsModule:
ws.activeModFiles = knownModFiles
ws.moduleSource = fileSystemWorkspace
ws.moduleSource = legacyWorkspace
activeModFiles, err := getLegacyModules(ctx, root, fs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ws.activeModFiles = activeModFiles
return ws, nil
// loadExplicitWorkspaceFile loads workspace information from or
// gopls.mod files, setting the active modules, mod file, and module source
// accordingly.
func loadExplicitWorkspaceFile(ctx context.Context, ws *workspace, fs source.FileSource) error {
for _, src := range []workspaceSource{goWorkWorkspace, goplsModWorkspace} {
fh, err := fs.GetFile(ctx, uriForSource(ws.root, src))
if err != nil {
return err
contents, err := fh.Read()
if err != nil {
var file *modfile.File
var activeModFiles map[span.URI]struct{}
switch src {
case goWorkWorkspace:
file, activeModFiles, err = parseGoWork(ctx, ws.root, fh.URI(), contents, fs)
case goplsModWorkspace:
file, activeModFiles, err = parseGoplsMod(ws.root, fh.URI(), contents)
if err != nil {
return err
ws.mod = file
ws.activeModFiles = activeModFiles
ws.moduleSource = src
return nil
return noHardcodedWorkspace
var noHardcodedWorkspace = errors.New("no hardcoded workspace")
func (w *workspace) getKnownModFiles() map[span.URI]struct{} {
return w.knownModFiles
func (w *workspace) getActiveModFiles() map[span.URI]struct{} {
return w.activeModFiles
// modFile gets the workspace modfile associated with this workspace,
// computing it if it doesn't exist.
// A fileSource must be passed in to solve a chicken-egg problem: it is not
// correct to pass in the snapshot file source to newWorkspace when
// invalidating, because at the time these are called the snapshot is locked.
// So we must pass it in later on when actually using the modFile.
func (w *workspace) modFile(ctx context.Context, fs source.FileSource) (*modfile.File, error) {, fs)
return w.mod, w.buildErr
func (w *workspace) sumFile(ctx context.Context, fs source.FileSource) ([]byte, error) {, fs)
return w.sum, w.buildErr
func (w *workspace) build(ctx context.Context, fs source.FileSource) {
defer w.buildMu.Unlock()
if w.built {
// Building should never be cancelled. Since the workspace module is shared
// across multiple snapshots, doing so would put us in a bad state, and it
// would not be obvious to the user how to recover.
ctx = xcontext.Detach(ctx)
// If our module source is not gopls.mod, try to build the workspace module
// from modules. Fall back on the pre-existing mod file if parsing fails.
if w.moduleSource != goplsModWorkspace {
file, err := buildWorkspaceModFile(ctx, w.activeModFiles, fs)
switch {
case err == nil:
w.mod = file
case w.mod != nil:
// Parsing failed, but we have a previous file version.
event.Error(ctx, "building workspace mod file", err)
// No file to fall back on.
w.buildErr = err
if w.mod != nil {
w.wsDirs = map[span.URI]struct{}{
w.root: {},
for _, r := range w.mod.Replace {
// We may be replacing a module with a different version, not a path
// on disk.
if r.New.Version != "" {
w.wsDirs[span.URIFromPath(r.New.Path)] = struct{}{}
// Ensure that there is always at least the root dir.
if len(w.wsDirs) == 0 {
w.wsDirs = map[span.URI]struct{}{
w.root: {},
sum, err := buildWorkspaceSumFile(ctx, w.activeModFiles, fs)
if err == nil {
w.sum = sum
} else {
event.Error(ctx, "building workspace sum file", err)
w.built = true
// dirs returns the workspace directories for the loaded modules.
func (w *workspace) dirs(ctx context.Context, fs source.FileSource) []span.URI {, fs)
var dirs []span.URI
for d := range w.wsDirs {
dirs = append(dirs, d)
sort.Slice(dirs, func(i, j int) bool {
return source.CompareURI(dirs[i], dirs[j]) < 0
return dirs
// invalidate returns a (possibly) new workspace after invalidating the changed
// files. If w is still valid in the presence of changedURIs, it returns itself
// unmodified.
// The returned changed and reload flags control the level of invalidation.
// Some workspace changes may affect workspace contents without requiring a
// reload of metadata (for example, unsaved changes to a go.mod or go.sum
// file).
func (w *workspace) invalidate(ctx context.Context, changes map[span.URI]*fileChange, fs source.FileSource) (_ *workspace, changed, reload bool) {
// Prevent races to w.modFile or w.wsDirs below, if wmhas not yet been built.
defer w.buildMu.Unlock()
// Clone the workspace. This may be discarded if nothing changed.
result := &workspace{
root: w.root,
moduleSource: w.moduleSource,
knownModFiles: make(map[span.URI]struct{}),
activeModFiles: make(map[span.URI]struct{}),
mod: w.mod,
sum: w.sum,
wsDirs: w.wsDirs,
excludePath: w.excludePath,
for k, v := range w.knownModFiles {
result.knownModFiles[k] = v
for k, v := range w.activeModFiles {
result.activeModFiles[k] = v
// First handle changes to the or gopls.mod file. This must be
// considered before any changes to go.mod or go.sum files, as these files
// determine which modules we care about. If has changed
// we need to either re-read it if it exists or walk the filesystem if it
// has been deleted. should override the gopls.mod if both exist.
changed, reload = handleWorkspaceFileChanges(ctx, result, changes, fs)
// Next, handle go.mod changes that could affect our workspace. If we're
// reading our tracked modules from the gopls.mod, there's nothing to do
// here.
if result.moduleSource != goplsModWorkspace && result.moduleSource != goWorkWorkspace {
for uri, change := range changes {
// Otherwise, we only care about go.mod files in the workspace directory.
if change.isUnchanged || !isGoMod(uri) || !source.InDir(result.root.Filename(), uri.Filename()) {
changed = true
active := result.moduleSource != legacyWorkspace || source.CompareURI(modURI(w.root), uri) == 0
reload = reload || (active && change.fileHandle.Saved())
if change.exists {
result.knownModFiles[uri] = struct{}{}
if active {
result.activeModFiles[uri] = struct{}{}
} else {
delete(result.knownModFiles, uri)
delete(result.activeModFiles, uri)
// Finally, process go.sum changes for any modules that are now active.
for uri, change := range changes {
if !isGoSum(uri) {
// TODO(rFindley) factor out this URI mangling.
dir := filepath.Dir(uri.Filename())
modURI := span.URIFromPath(filepath.Join(dir, "go.mod"))
if _, active := result.activeModFiles[modURI]; !active {
// Only changes to active go.sum files actually cause the workspace to
// change.
changed = true
reload = reload || change.fileHandle.Saved()
if !changed {
return w, false, false
return result, changed, reload
// handleWorkspaceFileChanges handles changes related to a or gopls.mod
// file, updating ws accordingly. ws.root must be set.
func handleWorkspaceFileChanges(ctx context.Context, ws *workspace, changes map[span.URI]*fileChange, fs source.FileSource) (changed, reload bool) {
// If has changed we need to either re-read it if it
// exists or walk the filesystem if it has been deleted.
// should override the gopls.mod if both exist.
for _, src := range []workspaceSource{goWorkWorkspace, goplsModWorkspace} {
uri := uriForSource(ws.root, src)
// File opens/closes are just no-ops.
change, ok := changes[uri]
if !ok {
if change.isUnchanged {
if change.exists {
// Only invalidate if the file if it actually parses.
// Otherwise, stick with the current file.
var parsedFile *modfile.File
var parsedModules map[span.URI]struct{}
var err error
switch src {
case goWorkWorkspace:
parsedFile, parsedModules, err = parseGoWork(ctx, ws.root, uri, change.content, fs)
case goplsModWorkspace:
parsedFile, parsedModules, err = parseGoplsMod(ws.root, uri, change.content)
if err != nil {
// An unparseable file should not invalidate the workspace:
// nothing good could come from changing the workspace in
// this case.
event.Error(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("parsing %s", filepath.Base(uri.Filename())), err)
} else {
// only update the modfile if it parsed.
changed = true
reload = change.fileHandle.Saved()
ws.mod = parsedFile
ws.moduleSource = src
ws.knownModFiles = parsedModules
ws.activeModFiles = make(map[span.URI]struct{})
for k, v := range parsedModules {
ws.activeModFiles[k] = v
break // We've found an explicit workspace file, so can stop looking.
} else {
// is deleted. search for modules again.
changed = true
reload = true
ws.moduleSource = fileSystemWorkspace
// The parsed file is no longer valid.
ws.mod = nil
knownModFiles, err := findModules(ws.root, ws.excludePath, 0)
if err != nil {
ws.knownModFiles = nil
ws.activeModFiles = nil
event.Error(ctx, "finding file system modules", err)
} else {
ws.knownModFiles = knownModFiles
ws.activeModFiles = make(map[span.URI]struct{})
for k, v := range ws.knownModFiles {
ws.activeModFiles[k] = v
return changed, reload
// goplsModURI returns the URI for the gopls.mod file contained in root.
func uriForSource(root span.URI, src workspaceSource) span.URI {
var basename string
switch src {
case goplsModWorkspace:
basename = "gopls.mod"
case goWorkWorkspace:
basename = ""
return ""
return span.URIFromPath(filepath.Join(root.Filename(), basename))
// modURI returns the URI for the go.mod file contained in root.
func modURI(root span.URI) span.URI {
return span.URIFromPath(filepath.Join(root.Filename(), "go.mod"))
// isGoMod reports if uri is a go.mod file.
func isGoMod(uri span.URI) bool {
return filepath.Base(uri.Filename()) == "go.mod"
func isGoSum(uri span.URI) bool {
return filepath.Base(uri.Filename()) == "go.sum" || filepath.Base(uri.Filename()) == ""
// fileExists reports if the file uri exists within source.
func fileExists(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI, source source.FileSource) (bool, error) {
fh, err := source.GetFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return fileHandleExists(fh)
// fileHandleExists reports if the file underlying fh actually exits.
func fileHandleExists(fh source.FileHandle) (bool, error) {
_, err := fh.Read()
if err == nil {
return true, nil
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil
return false, err
// TODO(rFindley): replace this (and similar) with a uripath package analogous
// to filepath.
func dirURI(uri span.URI) span.URI {
return span.URIFromPath(filepath.Dir(uri.Filename()))
// getLegacyModules returns a module set containing at most the root module.
func getLegacyModules(ctx context.Context, root span.URI, fs source.FileSource) (map[span.URI]struct{}, error) {
uri := span.URIFromPath(filepath.Join(root.Filename(), "go.mod"))
modules := make(map[span.URI]struct{})
exists, err := fileExists(ctx, uri, fs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if exists {
modules[uri] = struct{}{}
return modules, nil
func parseGoWork(ctx context.Context, root, uri span.URI, contents []byte, fs source.FileSource) (*modfile.File, map[span.URI]struct{}, error) {
workFile, err := modfile.ParseWork(uri.Filename(), contents, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("parsing %w", err)
modFiles := make(map[span.URI]struct{})
for _, dir := range workFile.Use {
// The resulting modfile must use absolute paths, so that it can be
// written to a temp directory.
dir.Path = absolutePath(root, dir.Path)
modURI := span.URIFromPath(filepath.Join(dir.Path, "go.mod"))
modFiles[modURI] = struct{}{}
modFile, err := buildWorkspaceModFile(ctx, modFiles, fs)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if workFile.Go.Version != "" {
if err := modFile.AddGoStmt(workFile.Go.Version); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return modFile, modFiles, nil
func parseGoplsMod(root, uri span.URI, contents []byte) (*modfile.File, map[span.URI]struct{}, error) {
modFile, err := modfile.Parse(uri.Filename(), contents, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("parsing gopls.mod: %w", err)
modFiles := make(map[span.URI]struct{})
for _, replace := range modFile.Replace {
if replace.New.Version != "" {
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("gopls.mod: replaced module %q@%q must not have version", replace.New.Path, replace.New.Version)
// The resulting modfile must use absolute paths, so that it can be
// written to a temp directory.
replace.New.Path = absolutePath(root, replace.New.Path)
modURI := span.URIFromPath(filepath.Join(replace.New.Path, "go.mod"))
modFiles[modURI] = struct{}{}
return modFile, modFiles, nil
func absolutePath(root span.URI, path string) string {
dirFP := filepath.FromSlash(path)
if !filepath.IsAbs(dirFP) {
dirFP = filepath.Join(root.Filename(), dirFP)
return dirFP
// errExhausted is returned by findModules if the file scan limit is reached.
var errExhausted = errors.New("exhausted")
// Limit go.mod search to 1 million files. As a point of reference,
// Kubernetes has 22K files (as of 2020-11-24).
const fileLimit = 1000000
// findModules recursively walks the root directory looking for go.mod files,
// returning the set of modules it discovers. If modLimit is non-zero,
// searching stops once modLimit modules have been found.
// TODO(rfindley): consider overlays.
func findModules(root span.URI, excludePath func(string) bool, modLimit int) (map[span.URI]struct{}, error) {
// Walk the view's folder to find all modules in the view.
modFiles := make(map[span.URI]struct{})
searched := 0
errDone := errors.New("done")
err := filepath.Walk(root.Filename(), func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
// Probably a permission error. Keep looking.
return filepath.SkipDir
// For any path that is not the workspace folder, check if the path
// would be ignored by the go command. Vendor directories also do not
// contain workspace modules.
if info.IsDir() && path != root.Filename() {
suffix := strings.TrimPrefix(path, root.Filename())
switch {
case checkIgnored(suffix),
strings.Contains(filepath.ToSlash(suffix), "/vendor/"),
return filepath.SkipDir
// We're only interested in go.mod files.
uri := span.URIFromPath(path)
if isGoMod(uri) {
modFiles[uri] = struct{}{}
if modLimit > 0 && len(modFiles) >= modLimit {
return errDone
if fileLimit > 0 && searched >= fileLimit {
return errExhausted
return nil
if err == errDone {
return modFiles, nil
return modFiles, err