blob: d501e04ce00a0d2cff7f616ff7e8723e58fd02ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package source
import (
// A GlobalSnapshotID uniquely identifies a snapshot within this process and
// increases monotonically with snapshot creation time.
// We use a distinct integral type for global IDs to help enforce correct
// usage.
type GlobalSnapshotID uint64
// Snapshot represents the current state for the given view.
type Snapshot interface {
// SequenceID is the sequence id of this snapshot within its containing
// view.
// Relative to their view sequence ids are monotonically increasing, but this
// does not hold globally: when new views are created their initial snapshot
// has sequence ID 0. For operations that span multiple views, use global
// IDs.
SequenceID() uint64
// GlobalID is a globally unique identifier for this snapshot. Global IDs are
// monotonic: subsequent snapshots will have higher global ID, though
// subsequent snapshots in a view may not have adjacent global IDs.
GlobalID() GlobalSnapshotID
// FileKind returns the type of a file.
// We can't reliably deduce the kind from the file name alone,
// as some editors can be told to interpret a buffer as
// language different from the file name heuristic, e.g. that
// an .html file actually contains Go "html/template" syntax,
// or even that a .go file contains Python.
FileKind(FileHandle) FileKind
// Options returns the options associated with this snapshot.
Options() *Options
// View returns the View associated with this snapshot.
View() View
// BackgroundContext returns a context used for all background processing
// on behalf of this snapshot.
BackgroundContext() context.Context
// A Snapshot is a caching implementation of FileSource whose
// ReadFile method returns consistent information about the existence
// and content of each file throughout its lifetime.
// FindFile returns the FileHandle for the given URI, if it is already
// in the given snapshot.
// TODO(adonovan): delete this operation; use ReadFile instead.
FindFile(uri span.URI) FileHandle
// AwaitInitialized waits until the snapshot's view is initialized.
AwaitInitialized(ctx context.Context)
// IsOpen returns whether the editor currently has a file open.
IsOpen(uri span.URI) bool
// IgnoredFile reports if a file would be ignored by a `go list` of the whole
// workspace.
IgnoredFile(uri span.URI) bool
// Templates returns the .tmpl files
Templates() map[span.URI]FileHandle
// ParseGo returns the parsed AST for the file.
// If the file is not available, returns nil and an error.
// Position information is added to FileSet().
ParseGo(ctx context.Context, fh FileHandle, mode parser.Mode) (*ParsedGoFile, error)
// Analyze runs the specified analyzers on the given packages at this snapshot.
// If the provided tracker is non-nil, it may be used to report progress of
// the analysis pass.
Analyze(ctx context.Context, pkgIDs map[PackageID]unit, analyzers []*Analyzer, tracker *progress.Tracker) ([]*Diagnostic, error)
// RunGoCommandPiped runs the given `go` command, writing its output
// to stdout and stderr. Verb, Args, and WorkingDir must be specified.
// RunGoCommandPiped runs the command serially using gocommand.RunPiped,
// enforcing that this command executes exclusively to other commands on the
// server.
RunGoCommandPiped(ctx context.Context, mode InvocationFlags, inv *gocommand.Invocation, stdout, stderr io.Writer) error
// RunGoCommandDirect runs the given `go` command. Verb, Args, and
// WorkingDir must be specified.
RunGoCommandDirect(ctx context.Context, mode InvocationFlags, inv *gocommand.Invocation) (*bytes.Buffer, error)
// RunGoCommands runs a series of `go` commands that updates the go.mod
// and go.sum file for wd, and returns their updated contents.
RunGoCommands(ctx context.Context, allowNetwork bool, wd string, run func(invoke func(...string) (*bytes.Buffer, error)) error) (bool, []byte, []byte, error)
// RunProcessEnvFunc runs fn with the process env for this snapshot's view.
// Note: the process env contains cached module and filesystem state.
RunProcessEnvFunc(ctx context.Context, fn func(context.Context, *imports.Options) error) error
// ModFiles are the go.mod files enclosed in the snapshot's view and known
// to the snapshot.
ModFiles() []span.URI
// ParseMod is used to parse go.mod files.
ParseMod(ctx context.Context, fh FileHandle) (*ParsedModule, error)
// ModWhy returns the results of `go mod why` for the module specified by
// the given go.mod file.
ModWhy(ctx context.Context, fh FileHandle) (map[string]string, error)
// ModTidy returns the results of `go mod tidy` for the module specified by
// the given go.mod file.
ModTidy(ctx context.Context, pm *ParsedModule) (*TidiedModule, error)
// ModVuln returns import vulnerability analysis for the given go.mod URI.
// Concurrent requests are combined into a single command.
ModVuln(ctx context.Context, modURI span.URI) (*vulncheck.Result, error)
// GoModForFile returns the URI of the go.mod file for the given URI.
GoModForFile(uri span.URI) span.URI
// WorkFile, if non-empty, is the file for the workspace.
WorkFile() span.URI
// ParseWork is used to parse files.
ParseWork(ctx context.Context, fh FileHandle) (*ParsedWorkFile, error)
// BuiltinFile returns information about the special builtin package.
BuiltinFile(ctx context.Context) (*ParsedGoFile, error)
// IsBuiltin reports whether uri is part of the builtin package.
IsBuiltin(uri span.URI) bool
// CriticalError returns any critical errors in the workspace.
// A nil result may mean success, or context cancellation.
CriticalError(ctx context.Context) *CriticalError
// Symbols returns all symbols in the snapshot.
// If workspaceOnly is set, this only includes symbols from files in a
// workspace package. Otherwise, it returns symbols from all loaded packages.
Symbols(ctx context.Context, workspaceOnly bool) (map[span.URI][]Symbol, error)
// -- package metadata --
// ReverseDependencies returns a new mapping whose entries are
// the ID and Metadata of each package in the workspace that
// directly or transitively depend on the package denoted by id,
// excluding id itself.
ReverseDependencies(ctx context.Context, id PackageID, transitive bool) (map[PackageID]*Metadata, error)
// WorkspaceMetadata returns a new, unordered slice containing
// metadata for all ordinary and test packages (but not
// intermediate test variants) in the workspace.
// The workspace is the set of modules typically defined by a
// file. It is not transitively closed: for example,
// the standard library is not usually part of the workspace
// even though every module in the workspace depends on it.
// Operations that must inspect all the dependencies of the
// workspace packages should instead use AllMetadata.
WorkspaceMetadata(ctx context.Context) ([]*Metadata, error)
// AllMetadata returns a new unordered array of metadata for
// all packages known to this snapshot, which includes the
// packages of all workspace modules plus their transitive
// import dependencies.
// It may also contain ad-hoc packages for standalone files.
// It includes all test variants.
AllMetadata(ctx context.Context) ([]*Metadata, error)
// Metadata returns the metadata for the specified package,
// or nil if it was not found.
Metadata(id PackageID) *Metadata
// MetadataForFile returns a new slice containing metadata for each
// package containing the Go file identified by uri, ordered by the
// number of CompiledGoFiles (i.e. "narrowest" to "widest" package),
// and secondarily by IsIntermediateTestVariant (false < true).
// The result may include tests and intermediate test variants of
// importable packages.
// It returns an error if the context was cancelled.
MetadataForFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) ([]*Metadata, error)
// OrphanedFileDiagnostics reports diagnostics for files that have no package
// associations or which only have only command-line-arguments packages.
// The caller must not mutate the result.
OrphanedFileDiagnostics(ctx context.Context) (map[span.URI]*Diagnostic, error)
// -- package type-checking --
// TypeCheck parses and type-checks the specified packages,
// and returns them in the same order as the ids.
// The resulting packages' types may belong to different importers,
// so types from different packages are incommensurable.
// In general, clients should never need to type-checked
// syntax for an intermediate test variant (ITV) package.
// Callers should apply RemoveIntermediateTestVariants (or
// equivalent) before this method, or any of the potentially
// type-checking methods below.
TypeCheck(ctx context.Context, ids ...PackageID) ([]Package, error)
// PackageDiagnostics returns diagnostics for files contained in specified
// packages.
// If these diagnostics cannot be loaded from cache, the requested packages
// may be type-checked.
PackageDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, ids ...PackageID) (map[span.URI][]*Diagnostic, error)
// References returns cross-references indexes for the specified packages.
// If these indexes cannot be loaded from cache, the requested packages may
// be type-checked.
References(ctx context.Context, ids ...PackageID) ([]XrefIndex, error)
// MethodSets returns method-set indexes for the specified packages.
// If these indexes cannot be loaded from cache, the requested packages may
// be type-checked.
MethodSets(ctx context.Context, ids ...PackageID) ([]*methodsets.Index, error)
// NarrowestMetadataForFile returns metadata for the narrowest package
// (the one with the fewest files) that encloses the specified file.
// The result may be a test variant, but never an intermediate test variant.
func NarrowestMetadataForFile(ctx context.Context, snapshot Snapshot, uri span.URI) (*Metadata, error) {
metas, err := snapshot.MetadataForFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(metas) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no package metadata for file %s", uri)
return metas[0], nil
type XrefIndex interface {
Lookup(targets map[PackagePath]map[objectpath.Path]struct{}) (locs []protocol.Location)
// SnapshotLabels returns a new slice of labels that should be used for events
// related to a snapshot.
func SnapshotLabels(snapshot Snapshot) []label.Label {
return []label.Label{tag.Snapshot.Of(snapshot.SequenceID()), tag.Directory.Of(snapshot.View().Folder())}
// NarrowestPackageForFile is a convenience function that selects the narrowest
// non-ITV package to which this file belongs, type-checks it in the requested
// mode (full or workspace), and returns it, along with the parse tree of that
// file.
// The "narrowest" package is the one with the fewest number of files that
// includes the given file. This solves the problem of test variants, as the
// test will have more files than the non-test package.
// An intermediate test variant (ITV) package has identical source to a regular
// package but resolves imports differently. gopls should never need to
// type-check them.
// Type-checking is expensive. Call snapshot.ParseGo if all you need is a parse
// tree, or snapshot.MetadataForFile if you only need metadata.
func NarrowestPackageForFile(ctx context.Context, snapshot Snapshot, uri span.URI) (Package, *ParsedGoFile, error) {
return selectPackageForFile(ctx, snapshot, uri, func(metas []*Metadata) *Metadata { return metas[0] })
// WidestPackageForFile is a convenience function that selects the widest
// non-ITV package to which this file belongs, type-checks it in the requested
// mode (full or workspace), and returns it, along with the parse tree of that
// file.
// The "widest" package is the one with the most number of files that includes
// the given file. Which is the test variant if one exists.
// An intermediate test variant (ITV) package has identical source to a regular
// package but resolves imports differently. gopls should never need to
// type-check them.
// Type-checking is expensive. Call snapshot.ParseGo if all you need is a parse
// tree, or snapshot.MetadataForFile if you only need metadata.
func WidestPackageForFile(ctx context.Context, snapshot Snapshot, uri span.URI) (Package, *ParsedGoFile, error) {
return selectPackageForFile(ctx, snapshot, uri, func(metas []*Metadata) *Metadata { return metas[len(metas)-1] })
func selectPackageForFile(ctx context.Context, snapshot Snapshot, uri span.URI, selector func([]*Metadata) *Metadata) (Package, *ParsedGoFile, error) {
metas, err := snapshot.MetadataForFile(ctx, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if len(metas) == 0 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no package metadata for file %s", uri)
md := selector(metas)
pkgs, err := snapshot.TypeCheck(ctx, md.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
pkg := pkgs[0]
pgf, err := pkg.File(uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err // "can't happen"
return pkg, pgf, err
// InvocationFlags represents the settings of a particular go command invocation.
// It is a mode, plus a set of flag bits.
type InvocationFlags int
const (
// Normal is appropriate for commands that might be run by a user and don't
// deliberately modify go.mod files, e.g. `go test`.
Normal InvocationFlags = iota
// WriteTemporaryModFile is for commands that need information from a
// modified version of the user's go.mod file, e.g. `go mod tidy` used to
// generate diagnostics.
// LoadWorkspace is for packages.Load, and other operations that should
// consider the whole workspace at once.
// AllowNetwork is a flag bit that indicates the invocation should be
// allowed to access the network.
AllowNetwork InvocationFlags = 1 << 10
func (m InvocationFlags) Mode() InvocationFlags {
return m & (AllowNetwork - 1)
func (m InvocationFlags) AllowNetwork() bool {
return m&AllowNetwork != 0
// View represents a single workspace.
// This is the level at which we maintain configuration like working directory
// and build tags.
type View interface {
// ID returns a globally unique identifier for this view.
ID() string
// Name returns the name this view was constructed with.
Name() string
// Folder returns the folder with which this view was created.
Folder() span.URI
// Snapshot returns the current snapshot for the view, and a
// release function that must be called when the Snapshot is
// no longer needed.
// If the view is shut down, the resulting error will be non-nil, and the
// release function need not be called.
Snapshot() (Snapshot, func(), error)
// IsGoPrivatePath reports whether target is a private import path, as identified
// by the GOPRIVATE environment variable.
IsGoPrivatePath(path string) bool
// ModuleUpgrades returns known module upgrades for the dependencies of
// modfile.
ModuleUpgrades(modfile span.URI) map[string]string
// RegisterModuleUpgrades registers that upgrades exist for the given modules
// required by modfile.
RegisterModuleUpgrades(modfile span.URI, upgrades map[string]string)
// ClearModuleUpgrades clears all upgrades for the modules in modfile.
ClearModuleUpgrades(modfile span.URI)
// Vulnerabilities returns known vulnerabilities for the given modfile.
// TODO(suzmue): replace command.Vuln with a different type, maybe
Vulnerabilities(modfile ...span.URI) map[span.URI]*vulncheck.Result
// SetVulnerabilities resets the list of vulnerabilities that exists for the given modules
// required by modfile.
SetVulnerabilities(modfile span.URI, vulncheckResult *vulncheck.Result)
// GoVersion returns the configured Go version for this view.
GoVersion() int
// GoVersionString returns the go version string configured for this view.
// Unlike [GoVersion], this encodes the minor version and commit hash information.
GoVersionString() string
// A FileSource maps URIs to FileHandles.
type FileSource interface {
// ReadFile returns the FileHandle for a given URI, either by
// reading the content of the file or by obtaining it from a cache.
// Invariant: ReadFile must only return an error in the case of context
// cancellation. If ctx.Err() is nil, the resulting error must also be nil.
ReadFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) (FileHandle, error)
// A MetadataSource maps package IDs to metadata.
// TODO(rfindley): replace this with a concrete metadata graph, once it is
// exposed from the snapshot.
type MetadataSource interface {
// Metadata returns Metadata for the given package ID, or nil if it does not
// exist.
Metadata(PackageID) *Metadata
// A ParsedGoFile contains the results of parsing a Go file.
type ParsedGoFile struct {
URI span.URI
Mode parser.Mode
File *ast.File
Tok *token.File
// Source code used to build the AST. It may be different from the
// actual content of the file if we have fixed the AST.
Src []byte
// FixedSrc and Fixed AST report on "fixing" that occurred during parsing of
// this file.
// If FixedSrc == true, the source contained in the Src field was modified
// from the original source to improve parsing.
// If FixedAST == true, the ast was modified after parsing, and therefore
// positions encoded in the AST may not accurately represent the content of
// the Src field.
// TODO(rfindley): there are many places where we haphazardly use the Src or
// positions without checking these fields. Audit these places and guard
// accordingly. After doing so, we may find that we don't need to
// differentiate FixedSrc and FixedAST.
FixedSrc bool
FixedAST bool
Mapper *protocol.Mapper // may map fixed Src, not file content
ParseErr scanner.ErrorList
// Fixed reports whether p was "Fixed", meaning that its source or positions
// may not correlate with the original file.
func (p ParsedGoFile) Fixed() bool {
return p.FixedSrc || p.FixedAST
// -- go/token domain convenience helpers --
// PositionPos returns the token.Pos of protocol position p within the file.
func (pgf *ParsedGoFile) PositionPos(p protocol.Position) (token.Pos, error) {
offset, err := pgf.Mapper.PositionOffset(p)
if err != nil {
return token.NoPos, err
return safetoken.Pos(pgf.Tok, offset)
// PosRange returns a protocol Range for the token.Pos interval in this file.
func (pgf *ParsedGoFile) PosRange(start, end token.Pos) (protocol.Range, error) {
return pgf.Mapper.PosRange(pgf.Tok, start, end)
// PosMappedRange returns a MappedRange for the token.Pos interval in this file.
// A MappedRange can be converted to any other form.
func (pgf *ParsedGoFile) PosMappedRange(start, end token.Pos) (protocol.MappedRange, error) {
return pgf.Mapper.PosMappedRange(pgf.Tok, start, end)
// PosLocation returns a protocol Location for the token.Pos interval in this file.
func (pgf *ParsedGoFile) PosLocation(start, end token.Pos) (protocol.Location, error) {
return pgf.Mapper.PosLocation(pgf.Tok, start, end)
// NodeRange returns a protocol Range for the ast.Node interval in this file.
func (pgf *ParsedGoFile) NodeRange(node ast.Node) (protocol.Range, error) {
return pgf.Mapper.NodeRange(pgf.Tok, node)
// NodeMappedRange returns a MappedRange for the ast.Node interval in this file.
// A MappedRange can be converted to any other form.
func (pgf *ParsedGoFile) NodeMappedRange(node ast.Node) (protocol.MappedRange, error) {
return pgf.Mapper.NodeMappedRange(pgf.Tok, node)
// NodeLocation returns a protocol Location for the ast.Node interval in this file.
func (pgf *ParsedGoFile) NodeLocation(node ast.Node) (protocol.Location, error) {
return pgf.Mapper.PosLocation(pgf.Tok, node.Pos(), node.End())
// RangePos parses a protocol Range back into the go/token domain.
func (pgf *ParsedGoFile) RangePos(r protocol.Range) (token.Pos, token.Pos, error) {
start, end, err := pgf.Mapper.RangeOffsets(r)
if err != nil {
return token.NoPos, token.NoPos, err
return pgf.Tok.Pos(start), pgf.Tok.Pos(end), nil
// A ParsedModule contains the results of parsing a go.mod file.
type ParsedModule struct {
URI span.URI
File *modfile.File
Mapper *protocol.Mapper
ParseErrors []*Diagnostic
// A ParsedWorkFile contains the results of parsing a file.
type ParsedWorkFile struct {
URI span.URI
File *modfile.WorkFile
Mapper *protocol.Mapper
ParseErrors []*Diagnostic
// A TidiedModule contains the results of running `go mod tidy` on a module.
type TidiedModule struct {
// Diagnostics representing changes made by `go mod tidy`.
Diagnostics []*Diagnostic
// The bytes of the go.mod file after it was tidied.
TidiedContent []byte
// Metadata represents package metadata retrieved from go/packages.
// The Deps* maps do not contain self-import edges.
// An ad-hoc package (without go.mod or GOPATH) has its ID, PkgPath,
// and LoadDir equal to the absolute path of its directory.
type Metadata struct {
ID PackageID
PkgPath PackagePath
Name PackageName
// these three fields are as defined by go/packages.Package
GoFiles []span.URI
CompiledGoFiles []span.URI
IgnoredFiles []span.URI
ForTest PackagePath // q in a "p [q.test]" package, else ""
TypesSizes types.Sizes
Errors []packages.Error // must be set for packages in import cycles
DepsByImpPath map[ImportPath]PackageID // may contain dups; empty ID => missing
DepsByPkgPath map[PackagePath]PackageID // values are unique and non-empty
Module *packages.Module
DepsErrors []*packagesinternal.PackageError
Diagnostics []*Diagnostic // processed diagnostics from 'go list'
LoadDir string // directory from which go/packages was run
Standalone bool // package synthesized for a standalone file (e.g. ignore-tagged)
func (m *Metadata) String() string { return string(m.ID) }
// IsIntermediateTestVariant reports whether the given package is an
// intermediate test variant (ITV), e.g. "net/http [net/url.test]".
// An ITV has identical syntax to the regular variant, but different
// import metadata (DepsBy{Imp,Pkg}Path).
// Such test variants arise when an x_test package (in this case net/url_test)
// imports a package (in this case net/http) that itself imports the
// non-x_test package (in this case net/url).
// This is done so that the forward transitive closure of net/url_test has
// only one package for the "net/url" import.
// The ITV exists to hold the test variant import:
// net/url_test [net/url.test]
// | "net/http" -> net/http [net/url.test]
// | "net/url" -> net/url [net/url.test]
// | ...
// net/http [net/url.test]
// | "net/url" -> net/url [net/url.test]
// | ...
// This restriction propagates throughout the import graph of net/http: for
// every package imported by net/http that imports net/url, there must be an
// intermediate test variant that instead imports "net/url [net/url.test]".
// As one can see from the example of net/url and net/http, intermediate test
// variants can result in many additional packages that are essentially (but
// not quite) identical. For this reason, we filter these variants wherever
// possible.
// # Why we mostly ignore intermediate test variants
// In projects with complicated tests, there may be a very large
// number of ITVs--asymptotically more than the number of ordinary
// variants. Since they have identical syntax, it is fine in most
// cases to ignore them since the results of analyzing the ordinary
// variant suffice. However, this is not entirely sound.
// Consider this package:
// // p/p.go -- in all variants of p
// package p
// type T struct { io.Closer }
// // p/p_test.go -- in test variant of p
// package p
// func (T) Close() error { ... }
// The ordinary variant "p" defines T with a Close method promoted
// from io.Closer. But its test variant "p [p.test]" defines a type T
// with a Close method from p_test.go.
// Now consider a package q that imports p, perhaps indirectly. Within
// it, T.Close will resolve to the first Close method:
// // q/q.go -- in all variants of q
// package q
// import "p"
// var _ = new(p.T).Close
// Let's assume p also contains this file defining an external test (xtest):
// // p/p_x_test.go -- external test of p
// package p_test
// import ( "q"; "testing" )
// func Test(t *testing.T) { ... }
// Note that q imports p, but p's xtest imports q. Now, in "q
// [p.test]", the intermediate test variant of q built for p's
// external test, T.Close resolves not to the io.Closer.Close
// interface method, but to the concrete method of T.Close
// declared in p_test.go.
// If we now request all references to the T.Close declaration in
// p_test.go, the result should include the reference from q's ITV.
// (It's not just methods that can be affected; fields can too, though
// it requires bizarre code to achieve.)
// As a matter of policy, gopls mostly ignores this subtlety,
// because to account for it would require that we type-check every
// intermediate test variant of p, of which there could be many.
// Good code doesn't rely on such trickery.
// Most callers of MetadataForFile call RemoveIntermediateTestVariants
// to discard them before requesting type checking, or the products of
// type-checking such as the cross-reference index or method set index.
// MetadataForFile doesn't do this filtering itself becaused in some
// cases we need to make a reverse dependency query on the metadata
// graph, and it's important to include the rdeps of ITVs in that
// query. But the filtering of ITVs should be applied after that step,
// before type checking.
// In general, we should never type check an ITV.
func (m *Metadata) IsIntermediateTestVariant() bool {
return m.ForTest != "" && m.ForTest != m.PkgPath && m.ForTest+"_test" != m.PkgPath
// RemoveIntermediateTestVariants removes intermediate test variants, modifying the array.
// We use a pointer to a slice make it impossible to forget to use the result.
func RemoveIntermediateTestVariants(pmetas *[]*Metadata) {
metas := *pmetas
res := metas[:0]
for _, m := range metas {
if !m.IsIntermediateTestVariant() {
res = append(res, m)
*pmetas = res
var ErrViewExists = errors.New("view already exists for session")
// FileModification represents a modification to a file.
type FileModification struct {
URI span.URI
Action FileAction
// OnDisk is true if a watched file is changed on disk.
// If true, Version will be -1 and Text will be nil.
OnDisk bool
// Version will be -1 and Text will be nil when they are not supplied,
// specifically on textDocument/didClose and for on-disk changes.
Version int32
Text []byte
// LanguageID is only sent from the language client on textDocument/didOpen.
LanguageID string
type FileAction int
const (
UnknownFileAction = FileAction(iota)
func (a FileAction) String() string {
switch a {
case Open:
return "Open"
case Change:
return "Change"
case Close:
return "Close"
case Save:
return "Save"
case Create:
return "Create"
case Delete:
return "Delete"
case InvalidateMetadata:
return "InvalidateMetadata"
return "Unknown"
var ErrTmpModfileUnsupported = errors.New("-modfile is unsupported for this Go version")
var ErrNoModOnDisk = errors.New("go.mod file is not on disk")
func IsNonFatalGoModError(err error) bool {
return err == ErrTmpModfileUnsupported || err == ErrNoModOnDisk
// Common parse modes; these should be reused wherever possible to increase
// cache hits.
const (
// ParseHeader specifies that the main package declaration and imports are needed.
// This is the mode used when attempting to examine the package graph structure.
ParseHeader = parser.AllErrors | parser.ParseComments | parser.ImportsOnly | SkipObjectResolution
// ParseFull specifies the full AST is needed.
// This is used for files of direct interest where the entire contents must
// be considered.
ParseFull = parser.AllErrors | parser.ParseComments | SkipObjectResolution
// A FileHandle represents the URI, content, hash, and optional
// version of a file tracked by the LSP session.
// File content may be provided by the file system (for Saved files)
// or from an overlay, for open files with unsaved edits.
// A FileHandle may record an attempt to read a non-existent file,
// in which case Content returns an error.
type FileHandle interface {
// URI is the URI for this file handle.
// TODO(rfindley): this is not actually well-defined. In some cases, there
// may be more than one URI that resolve to the same FileHandle. Which one is
// this?
URI() span.URI
// FileIdentity returns a FileIdentity for the file, even if there was an
// error reading it.
FileIdentity() FileIdentity
// SameContentsOnDisk reports whether the file has the same content on disk:
// it is false for files open on an editor with unsaved edits.
SameContentsOnDisk() bool
// Version returns the file version, as defined by the LSP client.
// For on-disk file handles, Version returns 0.
Version() int32
// Content returns the contents of a file.
// If the file is not available, returns a nil slice and an error.
Content() ([]byte, error)
// A Hash is a cryptographic digest of the contents of a file.
// (Although at 32B it is larger than a 16B string header, it is smaller
// and has better locality than the string header + 64B of hex digits.)
type Hash [sha256.Size]byte
// HashOf returns the hash of some data.
func HashOf(data []byte) Hash {
return Hash(sha256.Sum256(data))
// Hashf returns the hash of a printf-formatted string.
func Hashf(format string, args ...interface{}) Hash {
// Although this looks alloc-heavy, it is faster than using
// Fprintf on sha256.New() because the allocations don't escape.
return HashOf([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)))
// String returns the digest as a string of hex digits.
func (h Hash) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%64x", [sha256.Size]byte(h))
// Less returns true if the given hash is less than the other.
func (h Hash) Less(other Hash) bool {
return bytes.Compare(h[:], other[:]) < 0
// XORWith updates *h to *h XOR h2.
func (h *Hash) XORWith(h2 Hash) {
// Small enough that we don't need crypto/subtle.XORBytes.
for i := range h {
h[i] ^= h2[i]
// FileIdentity uniquely identifies a file at a version from a FileSystem.
type FileIdentity struct {
URI span.URI
Hash Hash // digest of file contents
func (id FileIdentity) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", id.URI, id.Hash)
// FileKind describes the kind of the file in question.
// It can be one of Go,mod, Sum, or Tmpl.
type FileKind int
const (
// UnknownKind is a file type we don't know about.
UnknownKind = FileKind(iota)
// Go is a normal go source file.
// Mod is a go.mod file.
// Sum is a go.sum file.
// Tmpl is a template file.
// Work is a file.
func (k FileKind) String() string {
switch k {
case Go:
return "go"
case Mod:
return "go.mod"
case Sum:
return "go.sum"
case Tmpl:
return "tmpl"
case Work:
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("internal error: unknown file kind %d", k)
// Analyzer represents a go/analysis analyzer with some boolean properties
// that let the user know how to use the analyzer.
type Analyzer struct {
Analyzer *analysis.Analyzer
// Enabled reports whether the analyzer is enabled. This value can be
// configured per-analysis in user settings. For staticcheck analyzers,
// the value of the Staticcheck setting overrides this field.
// Most clients should use the IsEnabled method.
Enabled bool
// Fix is the name of the suggested fix name used to invoke the suggested
// fixes for the analyzer. It is non-empty if we expect this analyzer to
// provide its fix separately from its diagnostics. That is, we should apply
// the analyzer's suggested fixes through a Command, not a TextEdit.
Fix string
// fixesDiagnostic reports if a diagnostic from the analyzer can be fixed by Fix.
// If nil then all diagnostics from the analyzer are assumed to be fixable.
fixesDiagnostic func(*Diagnostic) bool
// ActionKind is the kind of code action this analyzer produces. If
// unspecified the type defaults to quickfix.
ActionKind []protocol.CodeActionKind
// Severity is the severity set for diagnostics reported by this
// analyzer. If left unset it defaults to Warning.
Severity protocol.DiagnosticSeverity
// Tag is extra tags (unnecessary, deprecated, etc) for diagnostics
// reported by this analyzer.
Tag []protocol.DiagnosticTag
func (a *Analyzer) String() string { return a.Analyzer.String() }
// IsEnabled reports whether this analyzer is enabled by the given options.
func (a Analyzer) IsEnabled(options *Options) bool {
// Staticcheck analyzers can only be enabled when staticcheck is on.
if _, ok := options.StaticcheckAnalyzers[a.Analyzer.Name]; ok {
if !options.Staticcheck {
return false
if enabled, ok := options.Analyses[a.Analyzer.Name]; ok {
return enabled
return a.Enabled
// FixesDiagnostic returns true if Analyzer.Fix can fix the Diagnostic.
func (a Analyzer) FixesDiagnostic(d *Diagnostic) bool {
if a.fixesDiagnostic == nil {
return true
return a.fixesDiagnostic(d)
// Declare explicit types for package paths, names, and IDs to ensure that we
// never use an ID where a path belongs, and vice versa. If we confused these,
// it would result in confusing errors because package IDs often look like
// package paths.
type (
PackageID string // go list's unique identifier for a package (e.g. "vendor/ [vendor/]")
PackagePath string // name used to prefix linker symbols (e.g. "vendor/")
PackageName string // identifier in 'package' declaration (e.g. "foo")
ImportPath string // path that appears in an import declaration (e.g. "")
// Package represents a Go package that has been parsed and type-checked.
// By design, there is no way to reach from a Package to the Package
// representing one of its dependencies.
// Callers must not assume that two Packages share the same
// token.FileSet or types.Importer and thus have commensurable
// token.Pos values or types.Objects. Instead, use stable naming
// schemes, such as (URI, byte offset) for positions, or (PackagePath,
// objectpath.Path) for exported declarations.
type Package interface {
Metadata() *Metadata
// Results of parsing:
FileSet() *token.FileSet
CompiledGoFiles() []*ParsedGoFile // (borrowed)
File(uri span.URI) (*ParsedGoFile, error)
GetSyntax() []*ast.File // (borrowed)
GetParseErrors() []scanner.ErrorList
// Results of type checking:
GetTypes() *types.Package
GetTypeErrors() []types.Error
GetTypesInfo() *types.Info
DependencyTypes(PackagePath) *types.Package // nil for indirect dependency of no consequence
DiagnosticsForFile(ctx context.Context, s Snapshot, uri span.URI) ([]*Diagnostic, error)
type unit = struct{}
// A CriticalError is a workspace-wide error that generally prevents gopls from
// functioning correctly. In the presence of critical errors, other diagnostics
// in the workspace may not make sense.
type CriticalError struct {
// MainError is the primary error. Must be non-nil.
MainError error
// Diagnostics contains any supplemental (structured) diagnostics.
Diagnostics []*Diagnostic
// An Diagnostic corresponds to an LSP Diagnostic.
type Diagnostic struct {
// TODO(adonovan): should be a protocol.URI, for symmetry.
URI span.URI // of diagnosed file (not diagnostic documentation)
Range protocol.Range
Severity protocol.DiagnosticSeverity
Code string
CodeHref string
// Source is a human-readable description of the source of the error.
// Diagnostics generated by an analysis.Analyzer set it to Analyzer.Name.
Source DiagnosticSource
Message string
Tags []protocol.DiagnosticTag
Related []protocol.DiagnosticRelatedInformation
// Fields below are used internally to generate quick fixes. They aren't
// part of the LSP spec and historically didn't leave the server.
// Update(2023-05): version 3.16 of the LSP spec included support for the
// field, which holds arbitrary data preserved in the
// diagnostic for codeAction requests. This field allows bundling additional
// information for quick-fixes, and gopls can (and should) use this
// information to avoid re-evaluating diagnostics in code-action handlers.
// In order to stage this transition incrementally, the 'BundledFixes' field
// may store a 'bundled' (=json-serialized) form of the associated
// SuggestedFixes. Not all diagnostics have their fixes bundled.
BundledFixes *json.RawMessage
SuggestedFixes []SuggestedFix
func (d *Diagnostic) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s", d.Range, d.Message)
type DiagnosticSource string
const (
UnknownError DiagnosticSource = "<Unknown source>"
ListError DiagnosticSource = "go list"
ParseError DiagnosticSource = "syntax"
TypeError DiagnosticSource = "compiler"
ModTidyError DiagnosticSource = "go mod tidy"
OptimizationDetailsError DiagnosticSource = "optimizer details"
UpgradeNotification DiagnosticSource = "upgrade available"
Vulncheck DiagnosticSource = "vulncheck imports"
Govulncheck DiagnosticSource = "govulncheck"
TemplateError DiagnosticSource = "template"
WorkFileError DiagnosticSource = " file"
ConsistencyInfo DiagnosticSource = "consistency"
func AnalyzerErrorKind(name string) DiagnosticSource {
return DiagnosticSource(name)