| This test demonstrates diagnostics for a module that is missing from the |
| go.work file. |
| |
| Quick-fixes change files on disk, so are tested by regtests. |
| |
| -- go.work -- |
| go 1.21 |
| |
| use ( |
| ./a |
| ) |
| |
| -- a/go.mod -- |
| module mod.com/a |
| |
| go 1.18 |
| |
| -- a/main.go -- |
| package main |
| |
| import "mod.com/a/lib" |
| |
| func main() { |
| _ = lib.C |
| } |
| |
| -- a/lib/lib.go -- |
| package lib |
| |
| const C = "b" |
| -- b/go.mod -- |
| module mod.com/b |
| |
| go 1.18 |
| |
| -- b/main.go -- |
| package main //@diag("main", re"add this module to your go.work") |
| |
| import "mod.com/b/lib" //@diag("\"mod.com", re"not included in a workspace module") |
| |
| func main() { |
| _ = lib.C |
| } |
| |
| -- b/lib/lib.go -- |
| package lib //@diag("lib", re"add this module to your go.work") |
| |
| const C = "b" |