blob: 86b14c2caeb14df7e421998da5c52d3abc05998c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// this file contains protocol<->span converters
// Here's a handy guide for your tour of the location zoo:
// Imports: source --> lsppos --> protocol --> span --> token
// source.MappedRange = (span.Range, protocol.ColumnMapper)
// lsppos.TokenMapper = (token.File, lsppos.Mapper)
// lsppos.Mapper = (line offset table, content)
// protocol.ColumnMapper = (URI, token.File, content)
// protocol.Location = (URI, protocol.Range)
// protocol.Range = (start, end Position)
// protocol.Position = (line, char uint32) 0-based UTF-16
// span.Point = (line?, col?, offset?) 1-based UTF-8
// span.Span = (uri URI, start, end span.Point)
// span.Range = (file token.File, start, end token.Pos)
// token.Pos
// token.FileSet
// offset int
// TODO(adonovan): simplify this picture. Eliminate the optionality of
// span.{Span,Point}'s position and offset fields: work internally in
// terms of offsets (like span.Range), and require a mapper to convert
// them to protocol (UTF-16) line/col form. Stop honoring //line
// directives.
package protocol
import (
// A ColumnMapper maps between UTF-8 oriented positions (e.g. token.Pos,
// span.Span) and the UTF-16 oriented positions used by the LSP.
type ColumnMapper struct {
URI span.URI
TokFile *token.File
Content []byte
// File content is only really needed for UTF-16 column
// computation, which could be be achieved more compactly.
// For example, one could record only the lines for which
// UTF-16 columns differ from the UTF-8 ones, or only the
// indices of the non-ASCII characters.
// TODO(adonovan): consider not retaining the entire file
// content, or at least not exposing the fact that we
// currently retain it.
// NewColumnMapper creates a new column mapper for the given uri and content.
func NewColumnMapper(uri span.URI, content []byte) *ColumnMapper {
tf := span.NewTokenFile(uri.Filename(), content)
return &ColumnMapper{
URI: uri,
TokFile: tf,
Content: content,
func URIFromSpanURI(uri span.URI) DocumentURI {
return DocumentURI(uri)
func URIFromPath(path string) DocumentURI {
return URIFromSpanURI(span.URIFromPath(path))
func (u DocumentURI) SpanURI() span.URI {
return span.URIFromURI(string(u))
func (m *ColumnMapper) Location(s span.Span) (Location, error) {
rng, err := m.Range(s)
if err != nil {
return Location{}, err
return Location{URI: URIFromSpanURI(s.URI()), Range: rng}, nil
func (m *ColumnMapper) Range(s span.Span) (Range, error) {
// Assert that we aren't using the wrong mapper.
// We check only the base name, and case insensitively,
// because we can't assume clean paths, no symbolic links,
// case-sensitive directories. The authoritative answer
// requires querying the file system, and we don't want
// to do that.
if !strings.EqualFold(filepath.Base(string(m.URI)), filepath.Base(string(s.URI()))) {
return Range{}, bug.Errorf("column mapper is for file %q instead of %q", m.URI, s.URI())
s, err := s.WithOffset(m.TokFile)
if err != nil {
return Range{}, err
start, err := m.Position(s.Start())
if err != nil {
return Range{}, err
end, err := m.Position(s.End())
if err != nil {
return Range{}, err
return Range{Start: start, End: end}, nil
// OffsetRange returns a Range for the byte-offset interval Content[start:end],
func (m *ColumnMapper) OffsetRange(start, end int) (Range, error) {
startPosition, err := m.OffsetPosition(start)
if err != nil {
return Range{}, fmt.Errorf("start: %v", err)
endPosition, err := m.OffsetPosition(end)
if err != nil {
return Range{}, fmt.Errorf("end: %v", err)
return Range{Start: startPosition, End: endPosition}, nil
// PosRange returns a protocol Range for the token.Pos interval Content[start:end].
func (m *ColumnMapper) PosRange(start, end token.Pos) (Range, error) {
startOffset, err := safetoken.Offset(m.TokFile, start)
if err != nil {
return Range{}, fmt.Errorf("start: %v", err)
endOffset, err := safetoken.Offset(m.TokFile, end)
if err != nil {
return Range{}, fmt.Errorf("end: %v", err)
return m.OffsetRange(startOffset, endOffset)
// Position returns the protocol position for the specified point,
// which must have a byte offset.
func (m *ColumnMapper) Position(p span.Point) (Position, error) {
if !p.HasOffset() {
return Position{}, fmt.Errorf("point is missing offset")
return m.OffsetPosition(p.Offset())
// OffsetPosition returns the protocol position of the specified
// offset within m.Content.
func (m *ColumnMapper) OffsetPosition(offset int) (Position, error) {
// We use span.ToPosition for its "line+1 at EOF" workaround.
// TODO(adonovan): ToPosition honors //line directives. It probably shouldn't.
line, _, err := span.ToPosition(m.TokFile, offset)
if err != nil {
return Position{}, fmt.Errorf("OffsetPosition: %v", err)
// If that workaround executed, skip the usual column computation.
char := 0
if offset != m.TokFile.Size() {
char = m.utf16Column(offset)
return Position{
Line: uint32(line - 1),
Character: uint32(char),
}, nil
// utf16Column returns the zero-based column index of the
// specified file offset, measured in UTF-16 codes.
// Precondition: 0 <= offset <= len(m.Content).
func (m *ColumnMapper) utf16Column(offset int) int {
s := m.Content[:offset]
if i := bytes.LastIndex(s, []byte("\n")); i >= 0 {
s = s[i+1:]
// s is the prefix of the line before offset.
return utf16len(s)
// utf16len returns the number of codes in the UTF-16 transcoding of s.
func utf16len(s []byte) int {
var n int
for len(s) > 0 {
// Fast path for ASCII.
if s[0] < 0x80 {
s = s[1:]
r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(s)
if r >= 0x10000 {
n++ // surrogate pair
s = s[size:]
return n
func (m *ColumnMapper) Span(l Location) (span.Span, error) {
return m.RangeSpan(l.Range)
// RangeSpan converts a UTF-16 range to a Span with both the
// position (line/col) and offset fields populated.
func (m *ColumnMapper) RangeSpan(r Range) (span.Span, error) {
start, err := m.Point(r.Start)
if err != nil {
return span.Span{}, err
end, err := m.Point(r.End)
if err != nil {
return span.Span{}, err
return span.New(m.URI, start, end).WithAll(m.TokFile)
func (m *ColumnMapper) RangeToSpanRange(r Range) (span.Range, error) {
spn, err := m.RangeSpan(r)
if err != nil {
return span.Range{}, err
return spn.Range(m.TokFile)
// Pos returns the token.Pos of protocol position p within the mapped file.
func (m *ColumnMapper) Pos(p Position) (token.Pos, error) {
start, err := m.Point(p)
if err != nil {
return token.NoPos, err
return safetoken.Pos(m.TokFile, start.Offset())
// Offset returns the utf-8 byte offset of p within the mapped file.
func (m *ColumnMapper) Offset(p Position) (int, error) {
start, err := m.Point(p)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return start.Offset(), nil
// Point returns a span.Point for the protocol position p within the mapped file.
// The resulting point has a valid Position and Offset.
func (m *ColumnMapper) Point(p Position) (span.Point, error) {
line := int(p.Line) + 1
// Find byte offset of start of containing line.
offset, err := span.ToOffset(m.TokFile, line, 1)
if err != nil {
return span.Point{}, err
lineStart := span.NewPoint(line, 1, offset)
return span.FromUTF16Column(lineStart, int(p.Character)+1, m.Content)
func IsPoint(r Range) bool {
return r.Start.Line == r.End.Line && r.Start.Character == r.End.Character
// CompareRange returns -1 if a is before b, 0 if a == b, and 1 if a is after
// b.
// A range a is defined to be 'before' b if a.Start is before b.Start, or
// a.Start == b.Start and a.End is before b.End.
func CompareRange(a, b Range) int {
if r := ComparePosition(a.Start, b.Start); r != 0 {
return r
return ComparePosition(a.End, b.End)
// ComparePosition returns -1 if a is before b, 0 if a == b, and 1 if a is
// after b.
func ComparePosition(a, b Position) int {
if a.Line < b.Line {
return -1
if a.Line > b.Line {
return 1
if a.Character < b.Character {
return -1
if a.Character > b.Character {
return 1
return 0
func Intersect(a, b Range) bool {
if a.Start.Line > b.End.Line || a.End.Line < b.Start.Line {
return false
return !((a.Start.Line == b.End.Line) && a.Start.Character > b.End.Character ||
(a.End.Line == b.Start.Line) && a.End.Character < b.Start.Character)
// Format implements fmt.Formatter.
// Note: Formatter is implemented instead of Stringer (presumably) for
// performance reasons, though it is not clear that it matters in practice.
func (r Range) Format(f fmt.State, _ rune) {
fmt.Fprintf(f, "%v-%v", r.Start, r.End)
// Format implements fmt.Formatter.
// See Range.Format for discussion of why the Formatter interface is
// implemented rather than Stringer.
func (p Position) Format(f fmt.State, _ rune) {
fmt.Fprintf(f, "%v:%v", p.Line, p.Character)